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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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A less funny version of a decades old Margaret Thatcher joke. What a putz.
I'm sticking with Scott Walker. I can't think of another republican who is beloved by the establishment and on good terms with the tea party. I think Christie will implode, Jeb Bush will flip flop to oblivion, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul will get sabataged, and Walker will be the inoffensive last option.

My money's on Walker, too.

Walker is such an empty suit. He's not very bright. He's just a good little soldier for the corporatists. It works as mid-west governor but he lacks the charisma to win nationwide. He just takes Koch money and pushes the standard GOP line (Bash unions, cut environmental regulations, cut taxes, anti-abortion, etc.). That is just not gonna fly.

It worked with Bush but Bush had the family name, degrees from Ivy league schools, a colorable record, and some have a beer with him folkys charisma. Walker didn't even finish college and has the personality of a dead fish.
What if Haley and Walker both lose? Neither is exactly polling well right now.
True, Walker looks shaky right now. He has a shit ton of money though, and Wisconsin has shown itself to be very vulnerable to bullshit divide and conquer campaigns (see: recall).

I don't buy the Warren hype. She's brilliant but just isn't the charismatic political game changer that would be required to knock off Hillary (ie Obama). I expect Hillary to run a flawed campaign again but I don't see it mattering


Warren has expressed her distaste for sitting atop an executive branch, she was even a reluctant Senator but that's far closer to working on policy than being President.


In June-August 2006, McCain was polling at around 20-30%, with Rudy at 25-30% and Newt at 6-14%.

McCain didn't drop below 20% for good until June 2007 though he rebounded for a bit. It was when Fred Thompson entered the race that McCain fell into the 10-15% range that was tying him with the rising Huckabee. Then he surged back to the top after Rudy and Thompson collapsed in December.

EDIT: For funsies, two June 2006 polls for the Democrats:
Hillary Clinton 36%, Al Gore 16%, John Edwards 12%, John Kerry 11%, Joe Biden 4%, Wesley Clark 4%, Russ Feingold 3%, Mark Warner 2%
Hillary Clinton 31%, Al Gore 18%, John Kerry 14%, John Edwards 11%, Joe Biden 4%, Wesley Clark 3%, Mark Warner 3%, Evan Bayh 2%, Russ Feingold 2%, Bill Richardson 2%, Christopher Dodd 1%, Tom Vilsack 0%

Obama's first poll appearance is October 2006:
Hillary Clinton 28%, Barack Obama 17%, John Edwards 13%, Al Gore 13%, John Kerry 12%, Evan Bayh 2%, Joe Biden 2%, Russ Feingold 2%, Bill Richardson 2%, Tom Vilsack 1%

Rasmussen was the first one to actually put them within striking distance of each other in Jan 2007:
Hillary Clinton 22%, Barack Obama 21%, John Edwards 15%, Al Gore 7%, Joe Biden 4%, John Kerry 4%


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Did anyone see Real Time last night? I think that was the first time I've ever seen Maher straight up insult a guest before. It was great.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
You mean Rand Paul won't be allowed to make it through the GOP primaries. His views on corporate welfare and foreign policy ensure he won't come close to winning, thanks to the establishment. And he has also pissed off some tea party folks due his comments on immigration and push to allow convicts to vote.

I'm sticking with Scott Walker. I can't think of another republican who is beloved by the establishment and on good terms with the tea party. I think Christie will implode, Jeb Bush will flip flop to oblivion, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul will get sabataged, and Walker will be the inoffensive last option.
The numbers are just so against Walker though. He's fucked up in Wisconsin so badly and gotten away with it because no-one has scrutinized him yet. But if he runs for president there's no way to make Wisconsin's economy under him look good
I expect Hillary to run a flawed campaign again but I don't see it mattering
Which is why I don't understand why she is making gaffes about wealth and stuff. I can see someone like Romney easily making comments like those because, well, he is actually out of touch. She likes to embellish her accounts just like her Bosnia corkscrew landing. Hillary and her husband though they may have seen hard times down the line, know better than anyone that you don't make that kind of comment in media especially during an economic recovery. Her entire book tour was overshadowed by that wealthghazi comment. Where's her political savvy. All that experience, political machine, bells and whistles. She either learned nothing from 2008 or she doesn't give a fuck (which is not true because Bill was forced to go on and defend her).
Which is why I don't understand why she is making gaffes about wealth and stuff. I can see someone like Romney easily making comments like those because, well, he is actually out of touch. She likes to embellish her accounts just like her Bosnia corkscrew landing. Hillary and her husband though they may have seen hard times down the line, know better than anyone that you don't make that kind of comment in media especially during an economic recovery. Her entire book tour was overshadowed by that wealthghazi comment. Where's her political savvy. All that experience, political machine, bells and whistles. She either learned nothing from 2008 or she doesn't give a fuck (which is not true because Bill was forced to go on and defend her).
Yeah the 'we were broke' statement was amazingly stupid and insensitive. Everyone knows an ex president has a pension and can make millions by writing a book and doing a few speeches. Don't you dare say something that dumb again.


Anyone thinking we are underestimating GOP women btw? Nikki Haley, Susanna Martinez...?

Martinez has been my "pick" for VP for a while now.

Martinez is too moderate and isn't throwing a bone to party establishment or the base. She's a GOP governor in a Democratic state that doesn't let her do much that resembles GOP policies. Her track record is practically non-existent. She has no fingerprint on this state.

Romney could at least tout a Republican health plan and the like. Martinez sold the state jet.

If she appeals to independents or moderates, it would be accidental, because the Democrats prevented her from doing anything but that.


Her track record is practically non-existent. She has no fingerprint on this state.

Romney could at least tout a Republican health plan and the like. Martinez sold the state jet.

If she appeals to independents or moderates, it would be accidental, because the Democrats prevented her from doing anything but that.
Sounds perfect.



“I have serious concerns that conducting a rushed interrogation onboard a ship and then turning Abu Khatallah over to our civilian courts risks losing critical intelligence that could lead us to other terrorists or prevent future attacks,” Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-New Hampshire, said in a statement Saturday. "I've asked the Defense and Justice Departments for an update on his status-including whether he has been told he has the right to remain silent."

Shortly after the White House announced Abu Khatallah’s capture on July 17, Republicans like Florida Sen. Marco Rubio began to criticize President Barack Obama’s administration because they believed the alleged terrorist should go through a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay instead of being tried in a federal court.

“If they bring him to the United States, they're going to Mirandize this guy and it would be a mistake for the ages to read this guy his Miranda rights,” said South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham.


Earlier this month, Rep. Peter King of New York expressed other concerns to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer – chiefly, that U.S. authorities aren’t doing enough to maximize the amount of information they get from Abu Khatallah.

"Before he's turned over to civilian authorities, the FBI and all of our intelligence agencies, CIA and others, should interrogate him as long as they have to,” said King, a member of the Homeland Security Committee and Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence. “I'm not that concerned about a criminal conviction. We're going to get that ultimately. It's important we get as much intelligence out of him as possible. Both what happened, who planned it, how it happened."


Which is why I don't understand why she is making gaffes about wealth and stuff. I can see someone like Romney easily making comments like those because, well, he is actually out of touch. She likes to embellish her accounts just like her Bosnia corkscrew landing. Hillary and her husband though they may have seen hard times down the line, know better than anyone that you don't make that kind of comment in media especially during an economic recovery. Her entire book tour was overshadowed by that wealthghazi comment. Where's her political savvy. All that experience, political machine, bells and whistles. She either learned nothing from 2008 or she doesn't give a fuck (which is not true because Bill was forced to go on and defend her).

She as a person just has a very weak filter. Some people think before they speak, and some people think by speaking. It's not either/or but there is a continuum and Hillary is much further down towards thinking by speaking. I don't know why she doesn't have more of a reputation for gaffes, she actually he has a long history of thoughtless remarks, oftentimes accompanied by a passionate outburst that she seemed to think won the argument for her somehow. A few examples, half long forgotten:

"I remember landing under sniper fire"
"We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California"
"What difference does it make?"
"I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas"
"I'm not some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette"
"The great story here... is this vast right wing conspiracy"
"Dead broke"

Rewatch all these clips, Hillary is the total opposite of someone like Obama who pauses and painfully labors to find the right words. It's like there's no guard up.


I think I could make a hell of a commercial using that "What difference does it make?" soundbite from Hillary. But I've never been a fan of hers.
Walker is such an empty suit. He's not very bright. He's just a good little soldier for the corporatists. It works as mid-west governor but he lacks the charisma to win nationwide. He just takes Koch money and pushes the standard GOP line (Bash unions, cut environmental regulations, cut taxes, anti-abortion, etc.). That is just not gonna fly.

It worked with Bush but Bush had the family name, degrees from Ivy league schools, a colorable record, and some have a beer with him folkys charisma. Walker didn't even finish college and has the personality of a dead fish.

idk, nearly every day Rush is on his radio just glowing about Walker. I mean, effusive. It's crazy, because it doesn't make sense for Rush to stick his neck out for anyone but there he is, just basically repeating Walker talking points ad nasuem. I think he has a very good shot at winning the nomination and his under the radar approach will pay dividends in the future. He doesn't appear to be mixed up in any political gamesmanship right now, which many in the GOP base seem to find off putting. By that I mean he's not a two faced Washington creature. I think it comes down to Walker - Cruz.


idk, nearly every day Rush is on his radio just glowing about Walker. I mean, effusive. It's crazy, because it doesn't make sense for Rush to stick his neck out for anyone but there he is, just basically repeating Walker talking points ad nasuem. I think he has a very good shot at winning the nomination and his under the radar approach will pay dividends in the future. He doesn't appear to be mixed up in any political gamesmanship right now, which many in the GOP base seem to find off putting. By that I mean he's not a two faced Washington creature. I think it comes down to Walker - Cruz.

You actually need political skill to make a run at the President. I get the feeling if Walker runs, he'll end up like Rick Perry or something.

Artificially enforced "both sides of the argument" is good when it will help my viewpoint I guess.

There is a point in the general cautiousness about unnamed sources and taking things at face value. But people complaing about the numbers is stupid unless they're being intentionally silenced but most of the anti intervention folk just come across as a kind of sore loser who is unable to not see sinister conspiracy everywhere.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
idk, nearly every day Rush is on his radio just glowing about Walker. I mean, effusive. It's crazy, because it doesn't make sense for Rush to stick his neck out for anyone but there he is, just basically repeating Walker talking points ad nasuem. I think he has a very good shot at winning the nomination and his under the radar approach will pay dividends in the future. He doesn't appear to be mixed up in any political gamesmanship right now, which many in the GOP base seem to find off putting. By that I mean he's not a two faced Washington creature. I think it comes down to Walker - Cruz.

Rush and pretty much all of AM talk radio have hitched their wagons to the tea party and "anti-establishment" Republicans.
Kinda crazy, but does the Anti-vaccination movement have anything to do with hating Obama or any of the sort?

Cause the shit literally came out of nowhere.

Mike M

Nick N
Kinda crazy, but does the Anti-vaccination movement have anything to do with hating Obama or any of the sort?

Cause the shit literally came out of nowhere.
That shit was going on years before Obama. It's just more prominent now because the easily foreseen consequences that the "movement" was warned about are happening now.
Martinez is too moderate and isn't throwing a bone to party establishment or the base. She's a GOP governor in a Democratic state that doesn't let her do much that resembles GOP policies. Her track record is practically non-existent. She has no fingerprint on this state.

Romney could at least tout a Republican health plan and the like. Martinez sold the state jet.

If she appeals to independents or moderates, it would be accidental, because the Democrats prevented her from doing anything but that.
Well seeing as how the GOP has made its political fortune running candidates without any sort of track record under a "moderate" label (who act like complete dicks once they get into office), I think this only bolsters her chances.
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