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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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I'm saying due to politicians catering to the interests of private companies, healthcare is not a human right, and therefore people die/suffer unnecessarily.

And ...that's a bad thing, which cannot be changed anytime soon because it's almost impossible to out compete them at the voting booth when bribery is legal. And that leads to hopelessness/despair as ordinary people's votes + no money are worth less than a wealthy person's vote + lots of money. This isn't controversial dude lol.

None of this is controversial (at least on NeoGAF). The part where you go from there to the people having a right to kill the politicians in question is where a lot of the arguments seem to be coming from.

I say this as somebody who does basically support the right of distressed people to break the law if doing so serves human rights. For example, if somebody were hypothetically turning off water to a bunch of desperate people*, I would support those people acting to take that water back, even if it meant violating property rights to do so. But I wouldn't support them hunting down and killing the people responsible for making the decision to turn off the water! Even if that guy is arguably a terrible human being, it doesn't mean killing him is appropriate.

* I don't actually know anything about the water situation in Detroit, but it's a good test case.

Angry Fork

None of this is controversial (at least on NeoGAF). The part where you go from there to the people having a right to kill the politicians in question is where a lot of the arguments seem to be coming from.

I say this as somebody who does basically support the right of distressed people to break the law if doing so serves human rights. For example, if somebody were hypothetically turning off water to a bunch of desperate people*, I would support those people acting to take that water back, even if it meant violating property rights to do so. But I wouldn't support them hunting down and killing the people responsible for making the decision to turn off the water! Even if that guy is arguably a terrible human being, it doesn't mean killing him is appropriate.

* I don't actually know anything about the water situation in Detroit, but it's a good test case.

I understand that, but I get the impression people are ignoring the violence necessary for the current system to function, and what was necessary to make significant gains in the past. By belittling the efforts of oppressed people who have used political violence for liberation they end up being hypocrites as they have benefited from their actions but then say such people are immoral.

And I feel it's necessary to push back against that in the face of so much liberal dogma about respecting the right wing as if our differences are some minimal dispute. Like we lost a bet or something and they aren't making life worse for millions and millions of people. At least people who don't have secure employment, savings, house 'portfolio' bullshit etc.


Yo, angry fork is scaring me right now. Should we be reporting him to someone?
Are you kidding me? Is this a troll comment or legitimate fear?

If anything you are fueling his debate; that is, merely suggesting that there have been times where violence was necessary in American history to progress can somehow translate into you being a domestic terrorist or what have you in our post 9/11 society. I know he said a lot of other things, but generally, unless one is directly advocating for bloodshed against Americans/American politicians for whatever reason(s) you shouldn't be afraid to simply be among someone who has a somewhat controversial point of view.

Look at the race riots, even. Imagine if that happened today, with all of our excessive sensationalist news and technology and the world basically being a huge video camera that's always watching. Would the actions of those during that period be considered terrorism today? Would it being considered as such by the Government warrant similar punishment given to other terrorists of late? Some of it would, most likely. Yet, that was an important moment in American history that helped usher in a new era of equality in the United States. Food for thought.

Outside of that, a lot of the other stuff he's saying is... unique.
Are you kidding me? Is this a troll comment or legitimate fear?

If anything you are fueling his debate; that is, merely suggesting that there have been times where violence was necessary in American history to progress can somehow translate into you being a domestic terrorist or what have you in our post 9/11 society. I know he said a lot of other things, but generally, unless one is directly advocating for bloodshed against Americans/American politicians for whatever reason(s) you shouldn't be afraid to simply be among someone who has a somewhat controversial point of view.

Look at the race riots, even. Imagine if that happened today, with all of our excessive sensationalist news and technology and the world basically being a huge video camera that's always watching. Would the actions of those during that period be considered terrorism today? Would it being considered as such by the Government warrant similar punishment given to other terrorists of late? Some of it would, most likely. Yet, that was an important moment in American history that helped usher in a new era of equality in the United States. Food for lll
That's not what he said and the defense of it is laugh able. He was advocating political purges


A concerned Sarah Palin cares.

Or at least at one point she did.

In 2008.


Now wait just a minute, wait a minute. If I could just say one other thing about Reverend Wright...
I knew you were an incredibly dangerous ideologue, AF, but some of the shit you just posted is pure lunacy.

Do you seriously not understand what the fuck a democracy is?
The justices (Kennedy and alito mostly) seemed to question what the purpose of unions were. To better working conditions or advocating policy which the person might oppose (meaning they would be infringing on the 1st amendment rights of those by forcing them to support views they disagree with) basically enacting right to work nationwide.

The scariest part about this case is that the "Harris" person was never a union member and never paid a single penny in union dues.
She shouldn't have had standing before the court and yet she is being propped up by Fox News as some activist fighting the big bad union machine.

Alito wrote the scathing 2012 Knox vs Seiu decision and during oral arguments argued that the union was unnecessary because the state could have just given the homecare workers raises and health insurance. Of course, they did work without a union for 20+ years and made $2/hr with no rights prior to organizing, but reality matters little to the out of touch reactionaries on the court.

It's likely what happened in Wisconsin to public employees is about to be implemented nationally via judicial fiat.


Hey guys. If this world were truly just, most of the senators would get the guillotine.


Hah, well to be fair, I and a few others here say "bring out the guillotine" every time some asshole big business type says something shitty. Though I'd like to think we're saying it with a bit of fun and not too seriously nor hoping for it. I mean, the Reign of Terror isn't really something to be emulated and certainly doesn't belong in a "truly just world".
Hah, well to be fair, I and a few others here say "bring out the guillotine" every time some asshole big business type says something shitty. Though I'd like to think we're saying it with a bit of fun and not too seriously nor hoping for it. I mean, the Reign of Terror isn't really something to be emulated and certainly doesn't belong in a "truly just world".

I think Angry Fork was being sincere.

He scares me.
I don't think Angry Fork's requests are unreasonable. If anything I think they are actually insightful. Purges could not only let out bad opinions that harm the workers of the country but they can also be used to rehabilitate people to become better members of society. Possibly we can rehabilitate them while they give back to the community like putting them in rehabilitation farm centers where they are forced to grow and distribute food?

Angry Fork

I knew you were an incredibly dangerous ideologue, AF, but some of the shit you just posted is pure lunacy.

Do you seriously not understand what the fuck a democracy is?

Yes, it's something most people do not have. For at least 8 hours a day democracy is non-existent. Voting for parties once in a while, which end up meaning little depending where you live, isn't enough imo. We currently do not have a democratic system federally, locally it's still possible though with lots of hard work to cancel out money.

Everyone is an ideologue in some way btw. Even people who are ideologically obsessed with being centrists/pragmatists. But no I'm not dangerous as socialism is fringe in the US, we have no chance of taking over any time soon.

I think Angry Fork was being sincere.

He scares me.

He can't do shit. That's why he's whining about it in here.



Sources: Miss. tea party leader Mayfield commits suicide

Sources have confirmed that attorney Mark Mayfield has committed suicide.

Mayfield, vice chairman of the Mississippi Tea Party, and is one of the three men charged with conspiring with Clayton Kelly to photograph U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran's bedridden wife in her nursing home and create a political video against Cochran.

Mark Mayfield of Ridgeland, an attorney and state and local tea party leader, was arrested last month along with Richard Sager, a Laurel elementary school P.E. teacher and high school soccer coach. Police said they also charged John Beachman Mary of Hattiesburg, but he was not taken into custody because of "extensive medical conditions." All face felony conspiracy charges. Sager also was charged with felony tampering with evidence, and Mary faces two conspiracy counts.

The arrest of Mayfield, well-known in political, business and legal circles, caused shock in Mississippi, in a criminal case and election that already had Mississippi in the national spotlight.
This was an ugly, awful story of dirty politics that turned tragic. Really sad stuff.



The Chris McDaniel campaign has identified multiple Mississippi counties in which enough improper ballots have been cast that a legal challenge to the outcome of the election is warranted.

This after Thad Cochran reportedly relied on 25,000-35,000 Democrat votes to pull him to victory in the June 24 runoff.

UPDATE: The Cochran campaign is reportedly asking county clerks not to certify the voting rolls until the last day possible so that the McDaniel people will not be able to look at the rolls and challenge them.


I just spoke with Lori Medina who is working with Real Conservative National Committee PAC in Mississippi this week. The McDaniel Campaign is targeting 10 counties where they think they can overturn the election results.

Lorie described one precinct where a “little sixteen year-old blonde female” McDaniel supporter was holding a sign and older men would drive by and threaten her. Several other volunteers were also harassed by Cochran supporters.

There was no information online on where to go vote. One county would only give the name of the buildings where they were voting but not the address to the McDaniel supporters. Many churches lined up in support of Cochran and told McDaniel supporters they could not hold signs on the property because they didn’t want to look biased. One church said McDaniel voters would have to leave because they were holding a funeral.

Lorie added, “I have never witnesses such overt out in the open fraud along with extreme ignorance. For the first time in my life I was speechless.”

I have been at the Hinds County Court house this morning.
Here’s a page from Hinds County voter roll book.

The column on the left is where the voter voted in Democrat primary on June 3rd 2014.
The column on the right is where that same voter voted in the Republican run off on June 24th 2014.

This is patently illegal!

The problem is the Hinds County Republican Party in my opinion is dragging its feet in allowing access to “all” the voter information in a timely fashion to complete the audit.
It appears they are trying to run the clock out and certify the election results on Monday of next week preventing Chris McDaniel from completing an audit of the vote.
Please call the GOP at 6019485191 fax 6013540972 email info@msgop.org ask that they have an impartial member of the Hinds County Republican Committee oversee the audit, certification instead of the present county chairman.


This was an ugly, awful story of dirty politics that turned tragic. Really sad stuff.

I came here to post just this, since it's all over my newsfeed(MS is my home state).

Very sad indeed.

You should see some of the disgusting comments people are leaving on the local news sites that are reporting it.


The handwriting is nicer in the Democratic primary column.

The Cochran election seems to be getting even nastier. The split in the Republican Party is real, but I wonder if it will be sorted out before 2016.


The handwriting is nicer in the Democratic primary column.

The Cochran election seems to be getting even nastier. The split in the Republican Party is real, but I wonder if it will be sorted out before 2016.

Not that it's any kind of measure at all, but I've browsed the MS Supporters of Chris McDaniel facebook group and I would say the majority of them are claiming that they will either note vote, or vote for Childers to spite Cochran.

It would be very wild if MS went blue.


My off the hip remarks about the Mississippi thing:

1) Publically funded primaries should never be closed. If you want to verify someone is of a party when they vote, you should be forced to fund it yourself. In my state, the primaries are technically closed but you can re-register as the party, vote in the primary, then re-register back to your original party afterwards.

2) The idea that you're locked into a candidate just for voting in a primary has some pretty scary implications to it, and I won't doubt it's used as a passive way of trying to keep people from switching parties.

3) Via the letter of the law, you can technically show up at the polling place and submit a blank ballot, or walk right back out. It's impossible to prove that you did or did not do this. The word used in the law is "support" as well, so via the wording of the law as long as you don't vote for anyone, you're not supporting anyone.

Just by the contradictory laws and common sense, this seems to be trying to get rid of votes and paint them as double voting when it's actually 2 separate elections.

4) Also by the letter of the law, you have to not have voted AND plan to not support the dem candidate in the general. It doesn't say "or".

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Why do the poll workers allow them to vote if they already voted and the evidence is right in front of them?!?!?

It kinda looks like the same person wrote both 'Voted' columns. Used cursive on the left and print on the right. I think we should wait to see if this is confirmed before anything really.


No Scrubs
It kinda looks like the same person wrote both 'Voted' columns. Used cursive on the left and print on the right. I think we should wait to see if this is confirmed before anything really.

So you're saying someone faked a voter log in order to sway the results of an election? No! They'd never do that!

That's exactly what they did.


It kinda looks like the same person wrote both 'Voted' columns. Used cursive on the left and print on the right. I think we should wait to see if this is confirmed before anything really.
The picture doesn't actually prove anything either way, because despite what the person claims there's nothing I see that labels the first as the Democratic Primary and second as the Republican Runoff. Those could simply be GOP voters who voted in both of their primaries.


President Obama ended a town hall in Minneapolis today with a few shots at Republicans, and he once again used the phrase “phony scandals” to brush aside attacks from Republicans that, the president said, are singularly focused on opposing him at every turn. The president referenced all the news out of Washington these days and said, “These are just Washington fights. They’re fabricated issues, they’re phony scandals that are generated.”

No shit. Glad he is calling them out.
The picture doesn't actually prove anything either way, because despite what the person claims there's nothing I see that labels the first as the Democratic Primary and second as the Republican Runoff. Those could simply be GOP voters who voted in both of their primaries.

Then why did you post it as if it mattered?
No shit. Glad he is calling them out.

Yeah, Obama seems to have gotten an injection of spine recently and has become quite snarky.

Personally, I'm loving the mocking of climate change deniers.

“It’s pretty rare that you encounter people who say that the problem of carbon pollution is not a problem,” Obama said. “In most communities and workplaces, they may not know how big a problem it is, they may not know exactly how it works, they may doubt they can do something about it. Generally they don’t just say, ‘No I don’t believe anything scientists say.’ Except, where?” he said, waiting for the more than accommodating crowd to call back, “Congress!”

Obama smiled — not his big toothy self-satisfied grin, but his stick-it-in-the-ribs smirk.

“In Congress,” he said. “Folks will tell you climate change is hoax or a fad or a plot. A liberal plot.”
Then, Obama said, there are the people who duck the question. “They say, hey, I’m not a scientist, which really translates into, I accept that man-made climate change is real, but if I say so out loud, I will be run out of town by a bunch of fringe elements that thinks climate science is a liberal plot so I’m going to just pretend like, I don’t know, I can’t read,” Obama said.

“I mean, I’m not a scientist either, but I’ve got this guy, John Holdren, he’s a scientist,” Obama added to laughter. “I’ve got a bunch of scientists at NASA and I’ve got a bunch of scientists at EPA.”

“I’m not a doctor either, but if a bunch of doctors tell me that tobacco can cause lung cancer, then I’ll say, okay. Right? I mean, it’s not that hard,” Obama said,
managing not to mention that he kept smoking himself at least through his first term.

Snakrbama is best Obama.

maybe in print. Whereas it comes off pretty forced live, as he takes weird pauses before saying whatever snark on the teleprompter is. You can tell Obama measures his words too much to ever really let it rip naturally. As Doran Martell would say: words are like arrows. Once loosed, you cannot call them back

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
The picture doesn't actually prove anything either way, because despite what the person claims there's nothing I see that labels the first as the Democratic Primary and second as the Republican Runoff. Those could simply be GOP voters who voted in both of their primaries.

Well, yeah, that too. I was just saying, none of this stuff really means anything unless confirmed.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
maybe in print. Whereas it comes off pretty forced live, as he takes weird pauses before saying whatever snark on the teleprompter is. You can tell Obama measures his words too much to ever really let it rip naturally. As Doran Martell would say: words are like arrows. Once loosed, you cannot call them back



A Republican candidate is contesting the results of a primary race he lost this week with a rather shocking and extremely out-there allegation: his opponent, incumbent congressman Frank Lucas, is dead, and the man he ran against is a lookalike.

This is what Tim Murray (who challenged Lucas last time as a Democrat and this time switched to the Republican side) actually says on his actual campaign website: “It is widely known Rep. Frank D. Lucas is no longer alive and has been displayed by a look alike. Rep. Lucas’ look alike was depicted as sentenced on a white stage in southern Ukraine on or about Jan. 11, 2011.”

Yes, he’s claiming that a Republican member of Congress went to Ukraine and was “depicted as being executed” on live TV, and obviously, after you die, you are “not eligible to serve as a Congressional Member after that time.”

When asked about this bonkers theory, Lucas simply said, “I’ve never been to Ukraine.”

News Person,

The election for U.S. House for Oklahoma’s 3rd District will be contested by the Candidate, Timothy Ray Murray. I will be stating that his votes are switched with Rep. Lucas votes, because it is widely known Rep. Frank D. Lucas is no longer alive and has been displayed by a look alike. Rep. Lucas’ look alike was depicted as sentenced on a white stage in southern Ukraine on or about
Jan. 11, 2011.

This is a situation similar to the Senators’ from Kentucky situation in the 2012 election. I am contesting that this matter has happen since his election was blocked, because of the U.S. Defense Department’s use of Mr. Murray’s DNA. To my knowledge, the U.S. Defense Department has not released to the public that information, as it is their confidential information about many people. Congress is likely wanting me to state that all my DNA used will not result in benefits to people I have never had relations with of a family nature. I have been bound to protect that information unless it causes harm to The People.

The contest of election and or petition will be correctly filed with county election boards and with federal offices. I, Hon. Mr. Timothy Ray Murray, fully meet all Constitutional, Federal and Oklahoma requirements for election and for holding Office if the voters’ results show that is the case.

Thank You for your service in giving Oklahomans great current news and information.

(Digital signature was recorded)
Hon. Timothy Ray Murray
Tim Murray for Congress
I, Timothy Ray Murray, own properties in Perkins, OK and near Buffalo, Oklahoma. The previously stated land properties in or near those cities contain dwelling buildings made of brick and or stone. I am also a partial owner of oil, gases, and minerals rights of other Oklahoma land. Despite what President Obama said on television about slapping anyone that votes for Oil barons, I am sure that will not happen for voting for Timothy Ray Murray. (The President was joking. He knows that is illegal, and that no one should ever do that.)

I have lived most of my life in Oklahoma and I currently reside in Moore, Oklahoma.
I plan to relocate to Oklahoma’s 3rd District after honored to serve The People as their Representative.
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