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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Sidhe / PikPok
The world of the wingnut must be a frightening place indeed.

In such a a realm, even a network dedicated to destroying Obama can actually be in fact, working in cahoots with him.

Dat 11th dimensional chess.

I agree. It must be horrible thinking you live in a world even worse than the hyperbolic chicken little framing FOX News projects.

The paranoia must be all consuming.
I agree. It must be horrible thinking you live in a world even worse than the hyperbolic chicken little framing FOX News projects.

The paranoia must be all consuming.

Watch a few Alex Jones clips. Then realize that there are a lot of people that actually believe him.

And they are heavily armed.


Sidhe / PikPok
Watch a few Alex Jones clips. Then realize that there are a lot of people that actually believe him.

And they are heavily armed.

I've heard of him, but the only time I think I've ever seen him was on a Piers Morgan segment I think?

A quick browse of the Infowars website front page gives me a good impression of his schtick.


No Scrubs


There is no other response to this.


When asked about this bonkers theory, Lucas simply said, “I’ve never been to Ukraine.”
Notice this denial. It's technically not a lie because...THE DOUBLE ("I've") HAS NEVER BEEN TO UKRAINE! Not that Lucas hasn't been.


Does it have audience questions? I love when they do those and the people don't make any sense and haven't paid attention.

Like if this woman was in attendance:
Wednesday, 11 June 2014 13:10
posted by Kathleen Berger
Anything can be Intellectualized, but will it bring about justice or injustice, strengthen or undermine, respect or sabotage a democracy? I don't need to intellectualize to know the truth!


This is semantics, and nothing more
Does it have audience questions? I love when they do those and the people don't make any sense and haven't paid attention.

Like if this woman was in attendance:

They do have a question-and-answer portion, and they usually keep a pretty tight rein on the questions. Audience-members with comments (as opposed to questions) will be cut off, and audience-members with bad questions (including questions already answered) will be ignored.


Intelligence Squared is a pretty good format. It's much better than your typical debate, and the moderators are generally good about going after people for not answering the other side and the like.


Just took an automated phone survey from Rasmussen. Well, most of one anyways I hung up a ways into it. It started with the standard questions on presidential approval and top issues (economy vs. security, etc), but quickly transitioned into a push poll on the IRS. Several leading questions such as, just how severely those email deleting criminals should be punished for targeting the tea party? It was hilariously transparent.


The handwriting is nicer in the Democratic primary column.

The Cochran election seems to be getting even nastier. The split in the Republican Party is real, but I wonder if it will be sorted out before 2016.
It's real. It will be kept behind closed doors, though (the worst aspects of it). GOPers are good soldiers, they won't allow themselves to fall too far out of line for the good of the party and blah blah. They always do this. I am sure the behind the scenes drama post-2008 and 2012 was utter chaos.

It could hurt them heading into 2016 but they'll rally behind whoever wins the primary regardless, after eight years of Obama combined with the possibility of Hillary winning. The split is real but most of it will be kept internal, I can't ever see it actually getting the point where the GOP and Tea Party part ways. Both sides know they'll be in permanent minority status if that happens.
Maher to Hillary Clinton: ‘Go Away’ Before We Get ‘Sick of You’

no lies detected. Just go away. If the point of this is to make her look great and presidential in contrast to the fumbling, unpopular Year 6 Obama then this is a god damn failure. If it's just to keep her name on people's mind...why?

I understood why Obama was everywhere in 2005/6. Dems were on the rise, he got to collect a whole bunch of people in his pockets who would later owe him favors, he was a complete contrast to Bush, etc. Hillary doesn't have any of that going for her. 2014 is a bad year for democrats, there are no favors to collect outside of desperate senators telling her she should run, and more importantly the president is from the same party as her (and she was in his administration). The contrast can't be drawn right now, so go away.


I think Hillary is taking advice from stupid people again, i.e. Mark Penn.

I do think she'll fade away for a bit during the brutal midterms, then campaign for real in 2015. I hope so.


I think Hillary is taking advice from stupid people again, i.e. Mark Penn.
Should link to this for anybody who wasn't around in 2008 to watch it happen: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2008/09/the-front-runner-s-fall/306944/?single_page=true

“The biggest problem we have is the troika that has been set up to tear Hillary down,” he wrote.

It is a vast right and left wing conspiracy. Listening to Brit Hume say that Obama is surging while Hillary failed to do X is almost comical and certainly transparent. The right knows Obama is unelectable except perhaps against Attila the Hun, and a third party would come in then anyway.

Apparently Hillary finally paid off her debt to Penn last year, it was in the millions, which is kinda crazy considering Penn's background in political advising being not much better than Dick Morris'.
I did a live poll once for a polling firm ten years ago. I don't exactly remember what questions they asked me.

I get polled all the time. I'm sure I'm on a list as a soft touch who will complete the survey. I don't mind. I painted Santorum as the Second Coming for one Republican poll, which is why I'm sometimes skeptical of unexpected results. The majority of the time I'm truthful. Some of them are so balanced I can't tell who their sponsors are; others are just as Ghaleon described.


Should link to this for anybody who wasn't around in 2008 to watch it happen: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2008/09/the-front-runner-s-fall/306944/?single_page=true

Apparently Hillary finally paid off her debt to Penn last year, it was in the millions, which is kinda crazy considering Penn's background in political advising being not much better than Dick Morris'.
I just remembered, Penn works for Microsoft now, employing the same strategy... uh, muscle for the company.

:lol Mark Penn works for MS. Speaks for itself, really.


Anyone read about Ed Klein's new book? I'm sure it's mostly bullshit, but entertaining to read nonetheless:

A new book claims that former Secretary of State and potential presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton called President Barack Obama "incompetent and feckless."

The book, "Blood Feud" by Edward Klein, claims Clinton's comments took place at a May 2013 dinner with college friends in Westchester, the New York Post reported.

"When her friends asked Hillary to tell them what she thought — really thought — about the president she had served for four draining years, she lit into Obama with a passion that surprised them all," Klein wrote, according to the Post.

The book quoted Clinton as adding: "The thing with Obama is that he can't be bothered, and there is no hand on the tiller half the time. That's the story of the Obama presidency. No hand on the f–king tiller."

Clinton also addressed specific Obama scandals, according to the book.

"The IRS targeting the Tea Party, the Justice Department's seizure of AP phone records and [Fox reporter] James Rosen's e-mails — all these scandals. Obama's allowed his hatred for his enemies to screw him the way Nixon did," the Post quoted the book as saying.

Clinton served as Obama's Secretary of State until February 2013.
I can honestly hear her saying "no hand on the fucking tiller" in that vintage angry Hillary tone of voice. :lol


Despite President Obama's promise to stay focused on hunting down those responsible for the 2012 Benghazi attack -- and despite a recent arrest touted as a major takedown -- sources say little has been done to nab the other suspects.

According to multiple sources on the ground, including some with direct knowledge of the operations to identify and hunt the Benghazi suspects, intelligence that could have been acted upon at times has been ignored or put on hold. Further, they say, the recent capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala -- now on a ship bound for the U.S., expected to arrive this weekend -- was an easy one.

"He was low-hanging fruit," one source told Fox News. "We could have picked him up months and months ago and there was no change, or urgency to do this now."


The four groups on the "target list" include Ansar al-Sharia, with the top target being the "Emir of Ansar al Sharia," Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Qumu. He was a prisoner at Guantánamo Bay for more than five years and at the time was classified by analysts at the prison as "a probable member of Al Qaeda." Despite this significant threat to American security and allies, bin Qumu was released as part of an amnesty for militants in 2008. Sources told Fox News that intelligence has shown his involvement in the attacks, and actionable intelligence has for some reason been ignored.

In this same group, but at the bottom of the list, is Khattala.

Multiple sources with direct knowledge of the Benghazi attack also question why more of the investigation hasn't been centered on the Libyan landlord of the American facilities in Benghazi, Mohammad al-Bishari. Some in the region that night insist that al-Bishari "knows a lot more than he is letting on" and "is a key connection to everyone else that night" -- and should be at the very least intensely questioned about what he may know about the attack. Al-Bishari is also said to have bought a new hotel in Benghazi.

When contacted by Fox News, al-Bishari asserted his innocence and said that the United States still owes him money for the damage done to both the consulate and the annex the night of the Benghazi attack.


As Fox News previously reported last fall, American Special Forces on multiple occasions weren't allowed to go after harder and more important targets, even though they had multiple chances and opportunities to do so over the course of 16 months. The team, which was officially assigned around Tripoli to train Libyan Special Forces, was also tasked with finding the Libyan suspects responsible for the Benghazi attack. While a U.S. official told Fox News that the operators in question were not specifically tasked with finding the Libyan suspects responsible for the Benghazi attack, a source in the region countered the claims, saying "it's partly a cover."


"Ansar al-Sharia is saturating the whole region of eastern Libya with money, training and personnel. They are now the biggest organization in town," one intelligence source said.

"[Khattala] is the actionable guy and the target, but the [Al Qaeda] network is much larger. He is tied to terrorists throughout the region by our guys on the ground. Overall he is small potatoes to the larger Al Qaeda and terrorist network in the region," said another intelligence officer.
No low this administration won't stoop to in order to cover this whole thing up.

I like the guy complaining about payment for the damage to the consulate.


If Communism/Anarchism/Etc-ism is really the way, then the world will morph into it the same way it did with Democratic Republicanism. In a slow moving step by step basis. We arguably have been going in that direction already over the past hundred years.
When I see stuff like this http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-06-25/farm-robotics-university-of-sydney-vegetable-farming/5550076 happening. Arguably some kind of socialist/communist/anarchist society seems inevitable at this point (although I don't see it happening soon) or any political economy that's non-capitalist in nature. The terrifying prospect is that the transition will possibly involve a lot of violent class conflict before society develops to that stage. As it seems naive that the ruling class are just going implement a universal "living" wage reform out of the goodness of their hearts to account for the increasingly automation of jobs and increasing unemployment as a result of it.



Hillary also heaped praise on her hubby, Bill, lauding his presidency and leadership skills — and bitterly complained about the lousy treatment she said the Clintons have received from the current president.

“Obama has treated Bill and me incredibly shabbily. And we’re angry,” she said.
Clinton confided to her unnamed pals that she and Bill promised the Obamas they would work to get him re-elected in 2012 if he promised to return the favor and help Hillary win the presidency four years later.

“He agreed to the arrangement but then he reneged on the deal. His word isn’t worth s–t,” Hillary said, according to Klein’s book. “The bad blood between us is just too much to overcome.”

And Bill Clinton shared his wife’s loathing for Obama, as The Post reported Sunday.
“I hate that man Obama more than any man I’ve ever met, more than any man who ever lived,” Bill told pals, according to the book.

This cannot be true.


Unconfirmed Member
Maher to Hillary Clinton: ‘Go Away’ Before We Get ‘Sick of You’

no lies detected. Just go away. If the point of this is to make her look great and presidential in contrast to the fumbling, unpopular Year 6 Obama then this is a god damn failure. If it's just to keep her name on people's mind...why?

I understood why Obama was everywhere in 2005/6. Dems were on the rise, he got to collect a whole bunch of people in his pockets who would later owe him favors, he was a complete contrast to Bush, etc. Hillary doesn't have any of that going for her. 2014 is a bad year for democrats, there are no favors to collect outside of desperate senators telling her she should run, and more importantly the president is from the same party as her (and she was in his administration). The contrast can't be drawn right now, so go away.

110% agree. She honestly runs the risk of people getting sick of her even if she goes away and does nothing just thanks to a media that is in love with her. People were already speculating about this back in February with the Diane Blair papers coming out. I figured it had to be just a play to make money, but if it's a political move then yeah this whole last surge of media is really dumb. The only good thing to come from it has been a lesson learned that she's never going to get away with acting poor, which is better learned now than in the primaries I guess.

I tell you guys, I really think we're seeing a Rand Paul vs Elizabeth Warren race 2016. I don't care if everyone else thinks that's a crazy prediction.


Unconfirmed Member
Rand Paul can't make it through the GOP primaries.

Yes he can, and will. The southern christian social conservative has never succeeded in the presidential primaries, and the other fiscal conservatives all are extremely flawed.


No Scrubs
Anyone read about Ed Klein's new book? I'm sure it's mostly bullshit, but entertaining to read nonetheless:


I can honestly hear her saying "no hand on the fucking tiller" in that vintage angry Hillary tone of voice. :lol

The guy's a known hack, there's a reason the NYPost is writing about the book and not the NYTimes. He's lucky he hasn't been sued over the last few books he's written.

Wow, has to be bullshit. What are the credentials on this guy?

Imagine the shittiest journalist you've ever seen. The kind that only uses unnamed sources, debunked rumor and who writes like a 10-year-old. Then imagine someone with even less reliability and ethics.

The last time he wrote a book on Hilary it was so bad that liberals and conservatives alike called him a dipshit moron and told him to go away and never come back.

Yes he can, and will. The southern christian social conservative has never succeeded in the presidential primaries, and the other fiscal conservatives all are extremely flawed.

He'd never survive the first scandal. He's totally inept, the kid's in it for the gravy train and not much else.


Yes he can, and will. The southern christian social conservative has never succeeded in the presidential primaries, and the other fiscal conservatives all are extremely flawed.
Foreign policy. There's a significant wing of the GOP that considers him a closet "liberal"/Democrat whose purpose is to split the party.

His other libertarian/conservative straddles aren't going to help him either.

And there is still anger and fighting going on over his dad's 2012 campaign.
110% agree. She honestly runs the risk of people getting sick of her even if she goes away and does nothing just thanks to a media that is in love with her. People were already speculating about this back in February with the Diane Blair papers coming out. I figured it had to be just a play to make money, but if it's a political move then yeah this whole last surge of media is really dumb. The only good thing to come from it has been a lesson learned that she's never going to get away with acting poor, which is better learned now than in the primaries I guess.

I agree . . . but on the other hand . . . she can do stupid shit and STILL win. The GOP has nothing at this point and anyone that can get through the gauntlet will likely be some loon. Especially after the false confidence they'll get in the mid-term 2014 election.

BTW, I suspect she'll release ANOTHER book before the election.
Rand Paul can't make it through the GOP primaries.
Never say never. He might. Remember, it will be 2016, not today. Things can change fast and a lot of the old school GOP stuff will look pretty out-dated by then.' Ted Cruz seems to be big right now but I predict he'll look like a goat (not GOAT) by then.

But who knows?




This cannot be true.

Lol those quotes are so ridiculous that you know its either blatantly false or so taken out of context/exaggerated that its completely lost its meaning.
“I hate that man Obama more than any man I’ve ever met, more than any man who ever lived,”
I mean seriously? Just lol..........
Foreign policy. There's a significant wing of the GOP that considers him a closet "liberal"/Democrat whose purpose is to split the party.

His other libertarian/conservative straddles aren't going to help him either.

And there is still anger and fighting going on over his dad's 2012 campaign.
Again. It will be 2016. He may look like a fucking sage by then. Who knows?

One thing I've learned in my many years of watching politics is that it is extremely difficult to predict things beyond a 2 year horizon. (OK, that is on the edge of that horizon but we we haven't done the 2014 elections yet.)


Rand Paul can't make it through the GOP primaries.
The problem is, when apparently no one can make it through the primaries... someone still still has to. Which fine idiot will persevere?

Anyone thinking we are underestimating GOP women btw? Nikki Haley, Susanna Martinez...?
The problem is, when apparently no one can make it through the primaries... someone still still has to. Which fine idiot will persevere?
Not Rand Paul.

He's Rand Paul, he can't fiddle with or cloak his ideology mid-debate like a Romney or a McCain. He'll slip into his anti-federalism at a critical moment and say something like states should be allowed to decide if they want gay marriage or not and he'll be done like dirt.


Foreign policy. There's a significant wing of the GOP that considers him a closet "liberal"/Democrat whose purpose is to split the party.

His other libertarian/conservative straddles aren't going to help him either.

And there is still anger and fighting going on over his dad's 2012 campaign.

The best case scenario would be a split Republican base followed by Hillary crashing in the Dem side- that's the only way we can get a real liberal in the White House.


The problem is, when apparently no one can make it through the primaries... someone still still has to. Which fine idiot will persevere?

Anyone thinking we are underestimating GOP women btw? Nikki Haley, Susanna Martinez...?
Martinez has been my "pick" for VP for a while now. Walker/Martinez was my prediction for some time.

Not Rand Paul.

He's Rand Paul, he can't fiddle with or cloak his ideology mid-debate like a Romney or a McCain. He'll slip into his anti-federalism at a critical moment and say something like states should be allowed to decide if they want gay marriage or not and he'll be done like dirt.
Right, it'll be instances like this, or like with his dad where everyone else on stage is trying to out stroke their warboner and he says "yo, maybe we should just stick to home for a bit" and he's the nutso outlier. He is much better than his dad at trying to frame libertarian ideas in "constitutional conservative" language though.

Immigration might be the tough one, Rand's been cloaking with "enforcement first" but at this rate by the 2016 GOP primaries we're probably going to have candidates advocating for nuking the border so nobody can cross it.
Rand Paul can't make it through the GOP primaries.
You mean Rand Paul won't be allowed to make it through the GOP primaries. His views on corporate welfare and foreign policy ensure he won't come close to winning, thanks to the establishment. And he has also pissed off some tea party folks due his comments on immigration and push to allow convicts to vote.

I'm sticking with Scott Walker. I can't think of another republican who is beloved by the establishment and on good terms with the tea party. I think Christie will implode, Jeb Bush will flip flop to oblivion, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul will get sabataged, and Walker will be the inoffensive last option.


I tell you guys, I really think we're seeing a Rand Paul vs Elizabeth Warren race 2016. I don't care if everyone else thinks that's a crazy prediction.

My money's on Walker, too.

If the unexpected happens, then Nikki Haley. Which may prove to be not so unexpected after all -- Hillary's a woman, so what better way to nullify the "omg the Democratic ticket allows for the first female Presidency" factor by ensuring no matter who wins, significant history will be made?
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