So I have a theory. Obama's low approval polls of doom are not reflecting the national mood properly. I think he is closer to 50% favorable. I say this because just by my own anecdotal evidence on the internet, he enjoys tremendous support from the core demograph of young people and democrats in general. Then, from seeing all these reports from the media that hes the worst president evarr, and then seeing Obama engaging in Bear Is Loose campaign is very contradictory. You would think from all the reports that people are going to yell at him when Bear is loose. But...people want to run up to him shake his hand and are filled with glee. Then yesyerday in Colorado he was treated like a friggin rockstar in that bar. People were literally giddy. And now we just got a news report saying over a thousand people camped overnight outside Austin Paramount Theater to just see him (not even meet and greet). Can you imagine a thousand people camping overnight to see Bush after Katrina disaster. I think the pollsters are still using Party IDs from 2012 election. Or 2008. I dunno, but something is definitely not jiving.
If I were to go by gaf stAndards he is the worst person to ever exist.