I see you didn't make it to 4 either though!?
no, I've forgotten my summer camp years.... hahaha
I see you didn't make it to 4 either though!?
I see you didn't make it to 4 either though!?
That's not all, that's not all, then comes baby drinking alcohol!3rd the turd, but I never got past 4th ...
Gerrymandering case heading to the SCOTUS? smhWhile we were distracted with all that news yesterday, it appears we missed that a judge ruled Florida's gerrymandering illegal. Florida currently has 17 republicans and 10 democrats representing them in the house.
That could equal 3 or 4 seats out of the 17 seats that need to change to overcome the gerrymander.
Hope he runs again in 2018. Give McCaskill a third term.Lol at politicos cover today there are some gems
He still thinks there are ways of 'shutting it down'. And attacks dems for having Clinton speak but attack him. Lol
Gerrymandering case heading to the SCOTUS? smh
is that real?
While we were distracted with all that news yesterday, it appears we missed that a judge ruled Florida's gerrymandering illegal. Florida currently has 17 republicans and 10 democrats representing them in the house.
That could equal 3 or 4 seats out of the 17 seats that need to change to overcome the gerrymander.
Weren't Muslim Americans a solid GOP voting block before 9/11?
This needs to be the first thing changed to fix this country. The maps should be totally redone equally.
Weren't Muslim Americans a solid GOP voting block before 9/11?
5-4 ruling in favor of Republican gerrymanders being constitutional, but Democrat gerrymanders being repellent to the ideals of the founding fathers.
If Hillary wins and some old conservative Justice gives up the ghost, the GOP is going to become salty as all fuck.
While we were distracted with all that news yesterday, it appears we missed that a judge ruled Florida's gerrymandering illegal. Florida currently has 17 republicans and 10 democrats representing them in the house.
That could equal 3 or 4 seats out of the 17 seats that need to change to overcome the gerrymander.
But both sides do it.
Maybe this was a Game of Thrones move by King James.Looks like the GOP will have to move their convention, now that LeBron is going back to Cleveland. There's no guarantee the Cavs will go to the finals but if they do there will be scheduling conflicts for the arena in June.
Holding a political convention in June is such an idiotic idea, I can't believe they even tried this. Why would you waste your convention bump so early, and tie it so close to the VP announcement (which I'd imagine would happen in May or June)?
They want to avoid another prolonged primary season that does more harm than good.Looks like the GOP will have to move their convention, now that LeBron is going back to Cleveland. There's no guarantee the Cavs will go to the finals but if they do there will be scheduling conflicts for the arena in June.
Holding a political convention in June is such an idiotic idea, I can't believe they even tried this. Why would you waste your convention bump so early, and tie it so close to the VP announcement (which I'd imagine would happen in May or June)?
In other news:
And here's the text of the proposed amendment:
Here's what the ACLU thinks of the amendment:
SECTION 1. To advance democratic self-government and political equality, and to protect the integrity of government and the electoral process, Congress and the States may regulate and set reasonable limits on the raising and spending of money by candidates and others to influence elections.
SECTION 2. Congress and the States shall have power to implement and enforce this article by appropriate legislation, and may distinguish between natural persons and corporations or other artificial entities created by law, including by prohibiting such entities from spending money to influence elections.
SECTION 3. Nothing in this article shall be construed to grant Congress or the States the power to abridge the freedom of the press.
Oh, and Senator Cruz had offered this amendment, which was rejected.
it's happeniiiiingWhile we were distracted with all that news yesterday, it appears we missed that a judge ruled Florida's gerrymandering illegal. Florida currently has 17 republicans and 10 democrats representing them in the house.
That could equal 3 or 4 seats out of the 17 seats that need to change to overcome the gerrymander.’souza-and-msnbc-host-in-explosive-battle-over-slavery-‘radical’-obama/
Dinesh D'Souza makes some rather curious arguments in that video.
While we were distracted with all that news yesterday, it appears we missed that a judge ruled Florida's gerrymandering illegal. Florida currently has 17 republicans and 10 democrats representing them in the house.
That could equal 3 or 4 seats out of the 17 seats that need to change to overcome the gerrymander.
Could this go to SCOTUS?
It sounds like the decision was based on the Florida Constitution, not the U.S. Constitution. If that's right, then the Florida Supreme Court will be the highest the case goes.
As Mandark said
On Thursday, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) held his fifth hearing on the War on Poverty, and for the first time he allowed a person actually living in poverty to testify. Tianna Gaines-Turner shared her personal experiences struggling to make ends meet and provide food for her three children who suffer from medical conditions along with her husband. She works as a seasonal employee with children for $10.88 an hour, while her husband works at a grocery store for $8.50.
But when Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN) got the chance to ask questions of Gaines-Turner and the two other witnesses, he directed much of his attention toward calling into question whether she is dependent on government programs, whether she has tried to find more work, and if she is partisan. He gave a theoretical example in which the government would increase spending on government programs like food stamps and welfare by 500 percent and asked, They [people on the programs] would be out of poverty and that would be a good thing? to which Gaines-Turner responded, Yes, the programs work, yes it would be good to move them out of poverty.
He followed up saying, But the cycle of dependency would certainly still be there which you also dont like The cycle of dependency, you wouldnt be independent.
Im independent now on the program, Gaines-Turner told him. Youre independent on this? Rokita asked.
Yes, I consider myself to be very independent. I work just as hard as anybody in this room, Gaines-Turner replied. Im very independent.
Youre independent, but youre here testifying that you have to have these programs, you need these programs, Rokita responded.
Later in his questioning, Rokita interrupted Gaines-Turner to ask her about her job. When she said that she works for six months of the year at a recreational center for children, Rokita asked, And is that by choice so you can spend more time with your kids the other six months or have you tried to get other employment or not? But Gainer-Turner has tried to find work. And had no success. Ive tried to find a lot of employment but due to health issues and things like that I havent been able to find adequate jobs, she responded. As she previously told ThinkProgress, No one wakes up in the morning and says I think I want to be in poverty today.
He also questioned her on whether she is partisan because she serves as a ward leader in Philadelphia, helping people to vote, and is a Democrat.
Rokitas questioning seemed to imply that Gaines-Turner could make more money and escape her dependence if she worked harder. But for many of those living in poverty, thats just not the case. The majority of adult, able-bodied, non-elderly poor people work. But in this economy, finding extra work, or any work at all, can be nearly impossible. In May, the most recent month for which there is data, there were more than two times as many job seekers as job openings. And unemployment rates are even higher for those with less education, who also tend to have lower incomes.
Gaines-Turner is also right that the programs that her family and millions of others turn to work. Safety net programs such as food stamps, welfare, housing assistance, Social Security, and others keep millions out of poverty each year. And its hard to claim that the impoverished are dependent on government programs when those who receive benefits are far more frugal than those who dont, spending more of their budgets on the necessities and less on things like eating out or entertainment.
So Paul Ryan held another hearing in his War on Poverty facade. For the first time, they actually had people in poverty being questioned. The line of questing went right in the direction one would expect.
A Congressman Questioned A Woman Living In Poverty And Revealed A Lot About Himself
That viewpoint is much more commonly held than you would expect I think. The vast majority of people I know who aren't poor or have never been poor hold that opinion. I suppose eventually when over half of the population is living in poverty it will backfire on them.This exact viewpoint (The "Everybody who wants to get out of poverty can get out of poverty" view) is what is helping to push this party toward eventual irrelevancy.
So Paul Ryan held another hearing in his War on Poverty facade. For the first time, they actually had people in poverty being questioned. The line of questing went right in the direction one would expect.
A Congressman Questioned A Woman Living In Poverty And Revealed A Lot About Himself
When are they going to get that most people are dependent on getting a paycheck no matter who it comes from? Why is there a seemingly important distinction between being dependent on the government and being dependent on a employer?
a moocher who's stealing from people who worked hard to earn that money, and they should keep every cent that's coming to them.
Carole Donoghue, a retired journalist, said she found the bumper stickers at Fairfax County Republican Committee headquarters in Fairfax, Va. The bumper stickers read Monica Lewinskys X-Boyfriends Wife for President." In small print, they included the words "Authorized By Republican Party Of Virginia."
Donoghue talked to TPM hours after a spokesperson for Republican Party of Virginia denied the state party had anything to do with the anti-Hillary bumper stickers. The spokesperson told the Washington Post that the stickers were "an amateur effort" and the state party's strategy "does not involve that."
Are Republicans making the argument that Obama's now given us a booming economy?
I love how Rubio and Jindal were both propped up as "the Republican Obama" only to completely implode during their STOU responses.