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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Begich leading in Alaska 43-37 over Sullivan, 42-37 over Treadwell per PPP.

PPP also went into Wake County, NC and found Hagan up 50-38 over Tillis there, which is about where she'd need to be to win statewide.

Feeling eh about Arkansas, ok about North Carolina, great about Alaska. Louisiana remains a wild card. But I think Democrats can hold all four.

House Republicans aren't looking too hot either:

Just over half the public, 51 percent, say they disapprove of the job that their own member of Congress is doing in the new poll, rising above the 50 percent threshold for the first time in the quarter-century of Post-ABC polling on this question. Just 41 percent approve. That's a new low, though it's not significantly different from ratings last October (43 percent), immediately after the end of a 16-day partial government shutdown that sent Republican approval ratings through the floor.


The poll also finds, as usual, the Democrats' brand fares better than the Republicans' brand three months before the midterms, with 49 percent holding favorable views of the Democratic Party and 35 percent having a favorable view of the GOP. But Democrats' reputation edge is not expected to translate to big gains at the ballot box in November, with other polls showing 1) a much tighter race in whether voters plan to cast ballots for Democrats or Republicans, and 2) lower enthusiasm for voting among important Democratic-leaning groups. Election forecasters expect Republicans will maintain their majority in the House and say they also have a better than even chance of winning the six seats needed to take the Senate.
New bail out gif


*grabs popcorn. Sits down. Reads OT*


Obama's approval rating hits new low (40%)

Two words sum up the mood of the nation: Fed up.

Six in 10 Americans are dissatisfied with the state of the U.S. economy, more than 70 percent believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, and nearly 80 percent are down on the country’s political system, according to the latest NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll.

The frustration carries over to the nation’s political leaders, with President Barack Obama’s overall approval rating hitting a new low at 40 percent, and a mere 14 percent of the public giving Congress a thumbs up.

“We’re in the summer of our discontent,” said Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff. “Americans are cranky, unhappy… It is with everything going on the world.”

Yet because this discontent differs – among Democrats, Republicans, and independents – Hart cautions that Americans still aren't likely to be storming the polls on Election Day in November.

“We’re unhappy, but we aren’t coalescing around an issue,” he said.

Indeed, 57 percent of respondents told pollsters that something upsets them enough to carry a protest sign for a day.


I dunno, Hart's commentary almost smells like damage control.

Begich leading in Alaska 43-37 over Sullivan, 42-37 over Treadwell per PPP.

PPP also went into Wake County, NC and found Hagan up 50-38 over Tillis there, which is about where she'd need to be to win statewide.

Feeling eh about Arkansas, ok about North Carolina, great about Alaska. Louisiana remains a wild card. But I think Democrats can hold all four.

House Republicans aren't looking too hot either:
Obama is becoming so insanely unpopular in a lot of these places though. I think dissatisfaction will hurt Senate Dem candidates who otherwise would be maintaining their leads.
Immigration might have a short-term effect after he signs an EO, but I don't think things will get much lower for him, and the mere issue at hand is what's really doing the damage -- and it's out of his control. He has to address it regardless.
Look at it this way, if he caves in to GOP demands he'll just piss off Dems/lots of moderates and the GOP will still hate on him. So it really doesn't fucking matter.

The elephant in the room (no pun intended) isn't Obama signing an EO to deal with the border crisis, it's the crisis itself combined with a Senate map that is, by default, not even taking into account any outside factors, extremely unforgiving to Democrats.


NBC slips up, reveals the truth by accident: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/vi...ummit_the_fact_that_hes_from_kenya_helps.html
Commenting on President Obama's discussion with African leaders at the first U.S.-Africa Business Forum, NBC's Chris Jansing noted "the fact that he's from Kenya" will help.

"The fact that he's from Kenya and the fact that when he was elected there were expectations on the African continent that he would do great things for them, this is a concerted effort by this administration to get American companies to invest," Jansing said.

I wouldn't be shocked if the truth about this finally comes out at the impeachment trial.
Obama's approval rating hits new low (40%)



I dunno, Hart's commentary almost smells like damage control.

Obama is becoming so insanely unpopular in a lot of these places though. I think dissatisfaction will hurt Senate Dem candidates who otherwise would be maintaining their leads.
Immigration might have a short-term effect after he signs an EO, but I don't think things will get much lower for him, and the mere issue at hand is what's really doing the damage -- and it's out of his control. He has to address it regardless.
Look at it this way, if he caves in to GOP demands he'll just piss off Dems/lots of moderates and the GOP will still hate on him. So it really doesn't fucking matter.

The elephant in the room (no pun intended) isn't Obama signing an EO to deal with the border crisis, it's the crisis itself combined with a Senate map that is, by default, not even taking into account any outside factors, extremely unforgiving to Democrats.
Meh, we'll see. Obama is extremely unpopular, but so are the Republicans. In fact while Obama's approvals are low, the Democratic Party as a whole seems to be maintaining decent support, if that ABC/WaPo poll is to be believed.

As long as he's not dragging down other Democrats with him, it's whatever. People are getting tired of Obama and itching for someone new. But the GOP is its own brand of stupidity.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
NBC slips up, reveals the truth by accident: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/vi...ummit_the_fact_that_hes_from_kenya_helps.html

I wouldn't be shocked if the truth about this finally comes out at the impeachment trial.

From the comments:

The known but not admitted facts that he's a Kenyan-born Muslim helps even more.

In my day we would call that a Freudian slip. Seems as though the "birthers" were Not so far out there after all. I said this back in 2008, when Obama leaves office, there WILL be insurmountable proof that he was indeed born in Kenya that "was somehow" lost or misplaced. I couldn't say how long this truth will come out (after Obama leaves), but it will come out. I also predict the Obama's will divorce as this (my opinion) was a marriage of convenience and Obama is "shall we say" of a different persuasion.

I disagree. There will be insurmountable evidence that all the presented birth certificates (short and long form) were Photoshop forgeries and that Barry is the son of Frank Marshall Davis. The Obama Sr. father thing was a scheme to cover up an inconvenient pregnancy by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a drinking buddy of Stanley Ann Dunham's father.

He summits with Africans, with Europeans, with Latin Americans, South Americans, with Asians......Mr. President have you forgotten you are the president of THE USA????

There's alot you could summit about with Congress or because they won't do as you command you don't want to try to "stop hating"? Do us a favor and stay in Africa with "your people"

A gaffe is when a lefty accidentally says something that is true.........

Freudian slip? She went on to mention we still don't know what happened to those girls kidnapped by Boko Haram, yet another promise 0 made before failing any real attempt to fulfil. If she were on Fox, she'd be accused of being a wacky Tea Partier...


I decided to look at the poligaf thread during the 2010 November elections. While there were some bitterness, it wasn't as bad as I expected.

I hope I won't be too bitter during this election.


I decided to find the poligaf thread during the 2010 November elections. There was some bitterness but not as bad as I expected.

I hope I'm not too bitter during this election.

The writing was on the wall for months prior to the election, so PoliGAF had plenty of time to come to terms with the fact the GOP would win back the House.
I decided to look at the poligaf thread during the 2010 November elections. While there were some bitterness, it wasn't as bad as I expected.

I hope I won't be too bitter during this election.
I remember being pretty bitter about Feingold losing. That's still fucking bullshit.

At least we got Tammy Baldwin two years later.



Although this guy is clearly anti-ACA, he seems to think -- or wants to think -- rehearing the Halbig case en banc is unlikely.

Those who claim that the D.C. Circuit will rehear the case en banc do no service to the court’s judges, who know the threat that overtly politicized en banc rehearings pose to the court’s collegiality. The controversy surrounding HHS’s federal exchanges should be resolved promptly by the Supreme Court. There’s no need to tarry any longer at the D.C. Circuit.

Seems like we have 15 days or something before we know what the court will do...


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The cynicism from these dirtbags never ceases to amaze me:

Scott Walker, the Republican governor of Wisconsin, wants you to know his Democratic opponent Mary Burke is a one-percenter and an outsourcer whose family company doesn’t pay its fair share of taxes. That’s the brave new world in the Badger State, where the GOP incumbent is taking a page out of the Obama campaign’s strategy against Mitt Romney to attack his 2014 gubernatorial rival.

The state Republican Party has invited voters to get to know “outsourcing millionaire Mary Burke” who is “a definitive ‘one-percenter’ ” on a new website purporting to introduce Wisconsinites to Walker’s relatively unknown challenger.




Tea Party candidate loses GOP race for Mike Rogers seat to former State Senate majority leader.

Kerry Bentivolio, another tea party dude who basically lucked into Congress when Thaddeus McCotter had his breakdown, got crushed like 70-30 by some businessman.

Amash won too, so that's good.
I decided to look at the poligaf thread during the 2010 November elections. While there were some bitterness, it wasn't as bad as I expected.

I hope I won't be too bitter during this election.

I don't care about the elections except for Grimes. If she loses, I'll become extremely bitter and depressed.


There were four people at my polling place today.
Turnout supposed to be way way down all over the state.

But there were apparently a record number of uncontested races. I know in my area it was really only the race for Rogers seat that even had any challengers in both parties. I think the Dems might have had a local race further down ballot with two candidates. Other than that every single race was unopposed.

Governor and Senate being unopposed races probably did the biggest damage to turnout though.
Turnout supposed to be way way down all over the state.

But there were apparently a record number of uncontested races. I know in my area it was really only the race for Rogers seat that even had any challengers in both parties. I think the Dems might have had a local race further down ballot with two candidates. Other than that every single race was unopposed.

Governor and Senate being unopposed races probably did the biggest damage to turnout though.

Yup, not much of a reason to vote outside of for the proposal.

Kinda sad not seeing John Dingell on my ballot for the first time ever, but I did vote for his wife.


I'm still pretty shocked the Senate race had one candidate on both sides.

When Levin announced his retirement you had everyone expecting like a fifty candidate primary.

Also a little shocked that the two specific candidates themselves managed to ward off every potential challenger.

There had been talk earlier that there were few actually interested in contesting Snyder despite his polling so that one wasn't as surprising to me.


lol this image


How could Wolf possibly move KS to the right? That's like running an ad saying as a satanist you will make hell even hotter.

lmfao these fucking clowns
it would remain funny if you could forget the fact they're murdering this country

Aaron, there's no way KS would have remained a tossup. Maybe at first.

Now the only Wolf we can care about is Tom Wolf who is going to give Corbett a much-needed smackdown soon enough. Seriously stoked to vote for this guy.

I saw this on twitter. Didn't read closely. Lol

Also. Just watching homeland season 1. My god did they pick the hammy way to make a point against
the drone program
. I actually haven't finished just saw that scene where the
where issa is killed

Also that program is so poorly named.

“Draft Mitt” -- a group hoping to coax former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney into making another run in 2016 -- received a major setback from former Romney campaign insider Spencer Zwick.

Zwick, a close confidante of Romney who was the finance chairman for 2012 Republican presidential nominee’s campaign, told the Deseret News that Romney will not be running for president.

"This organization has absolutely no bearing on Mitt Romney running for president,” Zwick told the Utah newspaper. “He says he's not running for president and nothing this organization can do will change that."

"Mitt is not supporting this,” Zwick told the paper. “None of us are asking people to do this."

Oh come on, Mitt, get the gang back together. Rick's gonna be there. Herman Cain will probably show up. It is not like Newt has anything better to do.


Target comes out in support of gay marriage. Millions of middle age and old Christian ladies cry out in pain as their favorite shopping place is now attacking religious freedom.
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