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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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People forget that Bush visited a mosque shortly after 911 and made it clear in his Iraq war speeches that the US was not at war with Islam, most Muslims are peaceful, etc. His party on the other hand...

The House Intelligence Committee completed their Benghazi report. The results:



Highlight those spoilers please, i wanna be surprised when the select committee has their hearings during election season for non-political purposes.


Unconfirmed Member
House Republican: Democrats Have Launched 'War On Whites'
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) on Monday accused Democrats of making the Republican party's push for stronger border security about race, the Huffington Post reported.

"This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else," Brooks told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham. "It's part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things. Well that’s not true."

Brooks made the accusation in response to National Journal columnist Ron Fournier's comment on "Fox News Sunday" that the Republican Party is becoming "the party of white people."

The congressman defended his stance on immigration, arguing that "every single demographic group" would be negatively impacted by an increase of undocumented immigrants in the U.S.

"Democrats, they have to demagogue on this and try and turn it into a racial issue, which is an emotional issue, rather than a thoughtful issue," Brooks said. "If it becomes a thoughtful issue, then we win and we win big. And they lose and they lose big."

Ingraham then told Brooks that characterizing Democrats' rhetoric as a "war on whites" was "a little out there."

"That’s what they are doing though," he responded.
Obama's the real racist here. Also, if we turn it into a "thoughtful" issue by ignoring the fact that these are human beings worthy of compassion, then Republicans white people would be winning this issue handedly.
House Republican: Democrats Have Launched 'War On Whites'

Obama's the real racist here. Also, if we turn it into a "thoughtful" issue by ignoring the fact that these are human beings worthy of compassion, then Republicans white people would be winning this issue handedly.
A party that is majority white is waging a war on white people

It wasn't Bush who drove Muslims away from the GOP.
I am seeing the Iraq war as the turning point in Muslims' views. I have the data in front of me. I shouldnt have said reliably republican, but Muslims soured on Clinton and democrats because of Joe Lieberman and went solidly for Bush in 2000. There is a drastic turn after 2003. And Bush is the face of Iraq War for many, not just American Muslims.
People forget that Bush visited a mosque shortly after 911 and made it clear in his Iraq war speeches that the US was not at war with Islam, most Muslims are peaceful, etc. His party on the other hand...
No one cared when Sharon visited Aqsa and no one cared when Bush visited a mosque. Humpty Dumpty had already fallen. Then the searing images poured out of Abu Ghraib.
Nate Silver provides a dose of reality for Aaron Strife.

Republicans Remain Slightly Favored To Take Control Of The Senate


Some people are excited (positively or negatively) about Nate Silver’s column today giving a probability of a GOP takeover at 60%. To cut to the chase: I do not think that number means what you think it does.

Here are three big things to think about.

1) Five coin tosses. At this point, Senate control comes down to as few as five* races: AK, CO, IA, KY, and LA. Think of these races as coin tosses. Then Democrats have to win 3 out of these 5 tosses to retain control. (I’m simplifying matters, but not by much.) These coins are not perfectly fair, and the overall situation is a little unfavorable to Democrats. That is basically the amount of uncertainty expressed in Silver’s probability.

Fundamentally, any probability in the 40-60% range is a numerical way of saying “I don’t know.” (Just to poke at the scar a bit, “I don’t know” is what Silver should have said when he intimated that Brazil would probably beat Germany in the World Cup. We all know how that turned out.)

2) The certainty fallacy. Silver has done something common among paid writers, which is to do what it takes to attract eyeballs. He has rounded a probability that is barely over 50% make the statement that one side is ahead.

This problem is endemic to journalism. Nuance with probabilities is just lost on most people. But writers are just trying to appeal to their readers. The real headline is “WE DON’T KNOW” but somehow that is not what gets the lead. Really, he’s caved in to all of you!

Basically, whenever you see a probability like that, you should mentally say “plus or minus 20%” just to get the right idea. Of course, if the probability gets above 80% that doesn’t make sense any more. At that point, it’s OK to say that one side is ahead.

3) One of those coins might say “D” on both sides. As I’ve pointed out before, the biggest problem is that we don’t know how Alaska will turn out. The only recent Alaska poll shows Sen. Mark Begich (D) bounding out to a 12% lead over likely nominee Dan Sullivan (R), probably because of a gaffe on Sullivan’s part.

If Begich really is ahead, that translates to Democrats only having to win 2 out of 4. That gives a pretty accurate intuition for where the Senate race actually is as of today.

Make no mistake: at the moment, the battle for Senate control is super-close. If national opinion swings as little as 2 points in either direction, uncertainty about Senate control will evaporate. As I’ve written before, even when that happens, don’t be surprised if both sides end up with 49 to 51 seats each.

When did Nate Silver became the outcast? I missed the memo.

When he started a crappy site. And lots of people, even back in '08 were pointing out Silver wasn't doing anything special, it just looked like magic compared to the rest of the pundits. Now that there's more than Silver out there doing the hard work of averaging polls and taking out the dumb polls, he looks like less like a wizard, especially when he starts diving into policy on his page.
Am I the only one who's surprised there hasn't been a so glen GOP politician caught on tape calling Obama the N-word?

I'm 100 recent sure its been said in private.
When did Nate Silver became the outcast? I missed the memo.

When he started making articles about burritos and he managed to get like 95% of his world cup predictions wrong.

Actually, the mere fact that he has a head large enough that he thought he could predict the world cup is where most people peaced out.


House Republican: Democrats Have Launched 'War On Whites'

Obama's the real racist here. Also, if we turn it into a "thoughtful" issue by ignoring the fact that these are human beings worthy of compassion, then Republicans white people would be winning this issue handedly.

Huh. Could it be that Republicans have finally woken up and realized there's no way they can get minority groups to vote R en masse, no matter what strategy they try (since inevitably one of them will say something incredibly racist) and are now attempting to scare as many white people as possible to buoy their sinking ship?

After all, if you're looking at the results on the chart Aaron Strife linked and your grasp on reality is intensely lubricated by almost two decades of Fox News, you see that 66.2% white vote on the democratic side and probably think "Huh, if we added that to our 91.5% we'd totally have 157.7% of the vote!"
Am I the only one who's surprised there hasn't been a so glen GOP politician caught on tape calling Obama the N-word?

I'm 100 recent sure its been said in private.

Among the Tea Party types coming in after '10, probably. And state legislators? Absolutely.

But, among the pre-'10 crowd, probably not. I don't think the Bush-era Republican's were good people, but even people like Ryan/Bush/Gingrich, probably don't think of themselves of as racist people. They have dumb views on how to fix poverty, but they do think their solutions would help black people, no matter how patronizing they may seem.


Among the Tea Party types coming in after '10, probably. And state legislators? Absolutely.

But, among the pre-'10 crowd, probably not. I don't think the Bush-era Republican's were good people, but even people like Ryan/Bush/Gingrich, probably don't think of themselves of as racist people. They have dumb views on how to fix poverty, but they do think their solutions would help black people, no matter how patronizing they may seem.

Yep. Most aren't so overtly racist as to use that kind of language, they simply have a world view that clings to the concept of white superiority and it shapes everything they say or do. They don't even know they're being racist because that's just how they see the world.

The Tea Party-brand Republicans, on the other hand, are definitely in the "We should git our guns and string that uppity negro from a tree" camp, and unabashedly proud of it. That's why watching the GOP Primaries is going to be a real treat from here on out, because the line keeps going further and further into despicable territory but the candidates know they can't just say that kind of crap while knowing they have to imply it to get the base fired up. Watching them walk that tightrope is just a joy.
Huh. Could it be that Republicans have finally woken up and realized there's no way they can get minority groups to vote R en masse, no matter what strategy they try (since inevitably one of them will say something incredibly racist) and are now attempting to scare as many white people as possible to buoy their sinking ship?

After all, if you're looking at the results on the chart Aaron Strife linked and your grasp on reality is intensely lubricated by almost two decades of Fox News, you see that 66.2% white vote on the democratic side and probably think "Huh, if we added that to our 91.5% we'd totally have 157.7% of the vote!"

Naw. The 'getting more of the white vote' ship has sailed. It failed with Romney and the statistics will just get worse.

This was just an Alabama dumb-ass being a dumbass.

Nationally . . . the GOP just doesn't have a strategy. It is every man for himself at this point and they destroying their chances to win the presidency.
Huh. Could it be that Republicans have finally woken up and realized there's no way they can get minority groups to vote R en masse, no matter what strategy they try (since inevitably one of them will say something incredibly racist) and are now attempting to scare as many white people as possible to buoy their sinking ship?

After all, if you're looking at the results on the chart Aaron Strife linked and your grasp on reality is intensely lubricated by almost two decades of Fox News, you see that 66.2% white vote on the democratic side and probably think "Huh, if we added that to our 91.5% we'd totally have 157.7% of the vote!"

Yeah, this is a cause celebre among the "we're not crazy, we're just bad at appealing to voters" wing of the GOP, where the main person pushing it is Sean Trende.




Naw. The 'getting more of the white vote' ship has sailed. It failed with Romney and the statistics will just get worse.

This was just an Alabama dumb-ass being a dumbass.

Nationally . . . the GOP just doesn't have a strategy. It is every man for himself at this point and they destroying their chances to win the presidency.

Oh, I don't think it's part of a new official strategy or anything, but I wouldn't consider the 'Just get more Whites' strategy dead yet. I think the modern GOP will double down on anything, no matter how vile it is to the rest of the world. While it may offend the hell out of everyone else, it lights a fire under the collective asses of their base, who they have to keep fired up and eager to vote because that's the only group they consistently carry. So they'll kowtow to the Tea Party the same way they kowtowed to the Christian Coalition in the 80s and 90s, because that's the group they depend on. See my comment above about how fun it is to watch them try to be politically correct while also straight up rockin' a dog whistle solo.

That and I just wanted to work in the phrase "intensely lubricated" into a post today.



That's taken out of context. If you watch the video it's clear that the "real tragedy" he's referring to has nothing to do with being attacked by right wingers. It was just an aside, he went off on a tangent, the real tragedy according to him was

1) israel bombing schools and innocent people
2) giving hamas political life when they were on the ropes.

Because if there's one thing that Scarborough does, is take every single situation and turn it into "but who's the political winner and loser here"
Now you have a Rep saying these Central American kids might have Ebola.


It seems like every year they get dumber.:(

One Republican thinks the migrant children arriving at the southwestern border of the United States could be introducing American citizens to a deadly virus.

Phil Gingrey said it last month.
Rep. Phil Gingrey of Georgia recently expressed his fear that the ongoing immigration crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border could trigger a health epidemic. He wrote a letter to Thomas Frieden, director of the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), calling on him to act immediately to assess the public risk posed by immigrants.

“Reports of illegal migrants carrying deadly diseases such as swine flu, dengue fever, Ebola virus and tuberculosis are particularly concerning. Many of the children who are coming across the border also lack basic vaccinations such as those to prevent chicken pox or measles. This makes those Americans that are not vaccinated – and especially young children and the elderly – particularly susceptible,”

And the kicker . . . he is a doctor.
Damn it, Yahoo!, give me the ability to block certain "news" sources.

Malia Obama Straight Up Kicked A Girl At Lollapalooza
Malia Obama kicked a (presumably) American citizen at Lollapalooza, and not only did the Secret Service fail to act, the kicked victim was happy about it.
The Daily Caller

It is not that I don't want to see right-wing news at all, I just don't want to see straight garbage & propaganda.
PPP Arkansas poll out. Cotton has a 2pt lead. Oh well. Just have to hope Pryor can recover. A 2 point lead is well within the margin of error.

And just like that, DSCC going in with a 3.6 million dollar buy on this ad. Pretty devastating for Cotton.
This is why I hate greenwald and his ilk. They admit, because the got their 'scoop stolen', they're not gonna bother to do their job.

According to the source, Cook told the official that in the future the agency would have only 30 minutes to respond to questions before publication.
"@ggreenwald: @onekade Give them 15 minutes before publication to comment from now on, or stop asking them for comment altogether."

Glenn'ss and FLM's incredulity at the government wanted to have the story be on their terms instead of a news agency which has advocated its destruction and is blantent in their contempt.

Is it fair to attack the "messenger" when he thinks only his opinion matters and has now stated he has no qualms about ditching any semblance of fairness in reporting. This isn't how you do journalism that challenges authority, this is how you throw any credibility away and become a partisan who only uses information that benifits the politics what you want. Why should I trust him more than the government if he's not going to be fair?

Anyways the story is interesting but I think scahill draw far too many conclusions, of course.

Interesting how its not till 20th paragraph till its revealed only 5000 Americana are on it and 15000 on tides. foreigners The rest are foreigners. Doesn't mention why and instead insinuates that 'just being friends with the wrong person' puts you on the list. If that were the case the list would be much larger.

Link to story about intercepts scoop: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/05/terror-watch-list_n_5651757.html?1407264751

Link to intercepts story on watchlist: https://firstlook.org/theintercept/article/2014/08/05/watch-commander/

They're also bordering on parody with the headline and picture.

Edit: a previous story talked about why you get on https://firstlook.org/theintercept/article/2014/07/23/blacklisted/
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