FRB: Press Release
They mention the impact of the Obama/Congress tax hikes and spending cuts often.
When they talk about fiscal policy, are they talking about the tax hikes or spending cuts?
I was talking to my dad about Ronald Reagan, and he sent this reply:
Oh this should be fun.
I see what you are saying about the NUMBER of tax increases under the Reagan administration. What you don't seem to realize is that the rate of taxes at the end of his term was still 50% lower than the end of Carter's presidency. So if I cut your rent from $1000.00 to $250.00, then raise it 11-times, ending at $500.00, I did raise the rent, but it is still half of what you paid before.
That's true, but remind him that Republicans believe that once a tax cut has been enacted, that changes the fabric of the entire job creation continuum for ever. So any tax hikes after that, no matter how small in relation to the original tax cut, would theoretically wipe out any positive economic impact of the original tax cut. Ask him if it was okay for Clinton to raise taxes to 39.6% even though it was lower than Reagan's 50% for most of his presidency.
Reagan also cut inflation (you haven't experienced that yet),
Doesn't the Fed do that? And we had inflation cut under Obama too, so...
So did Obama.
reduce the number of people below the poverty level, & got the economy booming.
Remind him that unlike Obama, Reagan never had to worry about spending getting cut and actually increased it substantially.
If you think Obama is better for this country, you have that right. However, you may want to go outside your work-home bubble & see how many people his administration has hurt. I talk with customers every day that can no longer pay their mortgage because of his taxes.
Which taxes is he referring to? And also remind him of that whole financial crash thing in 2008.
Obama lost the gun ban so he has been going after ammunition ( go to the store & try to buy .22cal for you rifle).
Remind him Obama won't be succeeding in that either.
Reagan lowered taxes from Carter (who also thought as Obama does), which is how the economy took off after is was near death under Carter.
Tell him that Carter presided over 10 million jobs in 4 years, compared to Reagan's 16 million in 8 years. Carter had two years of jobs growth that were higher than ANY of Reagan's. And furthermore, the recession that happened under his watch wasn't caused by his policies and was out of his control.
Also, Carter cut the military so badly that we had to cannibalize aircraft to get parts for others to keep them flying. That is where the term Hollow Air Force came from. Reagan had to rebuild the military to get our strength back.
In 1979, President Carter committed the United States to fighting and winning limited and protracted nuclear wars when he signed Presidential Directive 59, known as PD 59. So it was, in fact, President Carter who began the massive arms build-up we associate with President Reagan and the 1980s. But Reagan ran for President charging that President Carter was soft on communism and had presided over the decline of American military power.
Concentration camp? [Referring to claims about Obama going to put conservative Christians in concentration camps a la Hitler) Have you read about what is going on at the border?
So...Obama's trying to put the illegals into concentrations camps and that's proof that he's gonna start doing that with conservative Christians?
I bet you read about conservatives hating Mexicans, but you don't read how conservatives have gone to the border with clothes, food, & toys for the illegal alien children.
Tell him that the kids will no doubt appreciate all those things if they're still alive after being sent back to their countries with the gangs who will in no way kill them.
So Obama being a socialist is laughable? So his socialist upbringing from his father, his mother, his grandparents, his mentor Frank Marshall Davis,
Obama never met his father, his mother and grandparents were never socialist, and unless I'm mistaken, Frank Marshall Davis wasn't his "mentor". He was a friend of his grandfather.
Obama's socialist actions (social healthcare,
Ask him if he's against medicare, and tri-care.
Remind him that this is a meaningless fucking statement. Any tax and spend policy by definition is "redistribution of wealth".
His hero Reagan tripled the national debt and had more government workers when he left than when he began. Obama will probably double the debt by the time he leaves office (and the deficit is going down rapidly) and has had massive cuts in federal employees (even though it's not really what he might want, but still).
bypassing congress in violation of the Constitution, acting like he is king & not an employee of We The People
That's not true, but assuming it was, acting alone to carry out a policy is socialist?
(when the left passed Obamacare, 62% of Americans were against it). I could go on, but you both sound like you have made up you minds.
A good percentage of that is because some people who were against it didn't think it went far ENOUGH.
Whoo. Was not how I thought I'd start off my Sunday.