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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Was Pakistan bombed after Daniel Pearl was killed? Why is this any different? I'm just so sick of the media beating war-drums 24/7
Parnell will still win by a BUNCH. Expect Begich to be out as well. (51 R - 49 D senate split I bet)

Fuck this state sometimes. I bet Prop 2 to legalize recreational cannabis fails as well.
Meh. Lean R on the governor's race, Tilt D for the Senate race.

Follow the polls, brother. The single best predictor.

Elrond Hubbard

Neo Member
Good point . . . well, not nobody. Weirdos like me vote on it. But it is not just energy policy . . . it is the point of Rick Scott restricting freedom to generate your own power. The Green Tea party movement has been an interesting coalition of Green people and Tea Party people because they both view Solar PV as a good thing . . . green for the Greenies and anti-monopoly & freedom for the Tea party folks. And it is anti-corruption/anti-monopoly . . . not just doing what the powerful monopoly utility wants.

So freedom, choice, anti-corruption, and anti-monopoly are all good things beyond the green energy aspect.

I'm not familiar with this issue in Florida. Rick Scott is restricting distributed generation?

Imagine if this guy was President. We'd be at war everywhere.
And it's so fucking depressing that Obama has easily the most progressive foreign policy in the mainstream in Washington right now. Obama has been pretty trigger happy with drones and interventions but everyone else in Washington has been much more hawkish.

The only way we could get another four more years of Obama foreign policy is through an Elizabeth Warren presidency. Hillary will be the most hawkish Dem president since LBJ.

If anything ISIS has pretty much ended the GOP's flirtations with isolationism since Fox News has been hyping up ISIS as the greatest threat to the world since the Nazis. I can't wait for 2016 to see how hawkish we can get in the GOP primaries.


Anyone reading that right wing facebook pics thread?

Apparently both sides do it and you just have to believe it because no proof can be provided.


Care to clarify this? Not being sarcastic, everything I've ever read about him sounds like he fits the description of a Neocon pretty clearly, and I'm curious why you believe he doesn't.
He was a Republican Congressman in the 1960s and Secretary of Defense under Ford. Was pretty chummy with Milton Friedman and his pick for VP in 1980. He was hardly as left as Ford, let alone freakin Nixon.

Same thing with his buddy Cheney.

EDIT: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=119473946#post119473946




Just had to post this one.


Ted Cruz' dad pointing out that "the average black" would vote Republican if you just educated them.

"I said, as a matter of fact, ‘Did you know that Civil Rights legislation was passed by Republicans? It was passed by a Republican Senate under the threat of a filibuster by the Democrats,'" Cruz said. "'Oh, I didn’t know that.’ And then I said, ‘Did you know that every member of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats from the South?’ ‘Oh I didn’t know that.’ You know, they need to be educated."

I'm continually amazed when Republicans pull this out and are completely serious about it. "Did you know Abraham Lincoln was a Republican?" (Not to mention the bit about the Civil Rights act is a total fabrication)
I'm continually amazed when Republicans pull this out and are completely serious about it. "Did you know Abraham Lincoln was a Republican?" (Not to mention the bit about the Civil Rights act is a total fabrication)
Yeah he's completely wrong about the CRA. It passed with support from Republicans yes, but through a Senate that was 2/3rds Democratic.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Just had to post this one.


Ted Cruz' dad pointing out that "the average black" would vote Republican if you just educated them.

I'm continually amazed when Republicans pull this out and are completely serious about it. "Did you know Abraham Lincoln was a Republican?" (Not to mention the bit about the Civil Rights act is a total fabrication)

He fucked up the talking point. It's supposed to be that a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats voted to pass the CRA.
And it's so fucking depressing that Obama has easily the most progressive foreign policy in the mainstream in Washington right now. Obama has been pretty trigger happy with drones and interventions but everyone else in Washington has been much more hawkish.

The only way we could get another four more years of Obama foreign policy is through an Elizabeth Warren presidency. Hillary will be the most hawkish Dem president since LBJ.

If anything ISIS has pretty much ended the GOP's flirtations with isolationism since Fox News has been hyping up ISIS as the greatest threat to the world since the Nazis. I can't wait for 2016 to see how hawkish we can get in the GOP primaries.

I always crack up how they can go from "Obama creates these huge deficits!" and then instantly to "Lets attack everywhere!" without ever seeing a bit of irony. But I guess money for war never counts.


President Obama was given detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of the Islamic State as part of his daily briefing for at least a year before the group seized large swaths of territory over the summer, a former Pentagon official told Fox News.

The official -- who asked not to be identified because the President's Daily Brief is considered the most authoritative, classified intelligence community product analyzing sensitive international events for the president -- said the data was strong and "granular" in detail.

The source said a policymaker "could not come away with any other impression: This is getting bad."

Obama, unlike his predecessors who traditionally had the document briefed to them, is known to personally read the daily brief. The former Pentagon official, who has knowledge of the process, said Obama generally was not known to come back to the intelligence community with further requests for information based on the daily report.


The president's team has publicly suggested that the group only recently gained in strength, accounting for why Obama earlier this year dismissed such extremists as akin to a "JV" team.

But after suggestions that the administration may have been blindsided by the rise of ISIS, and that poor intelligence was to blame, the former Pentagon official said some of the intelligence was so good in the region, that when the president drew a red line on chemical weapons use in Syria in 2012, the information was "exquisite."

The source said "[we] were ready to fire, on a moment's notice, on a couple hundred targets," but no order was given. In some cases, targets were tracked for a "long period of time" but then slipped away.
This is Obama's Benghazi.
Just had to post this one.


Ted Cruz' dad pointing out that "the average black" would vote Republican if you just educated them.

I'm continually amazed when Republicans pull this out and are completely serious about it. "Did you know Abraham Lincoln was a Republican?" (Not to mention the bit about the Civil Rights act is a total fabrication)

Ted Cruz's Dad: 'The Average Black Does Not' Understand The Minimum Wage Is Bad

Oh, I so hope Ted runs. His father is a gaffe-machine.
Ted Cruz's Dad: 'The Average Black Does Not' Understand The Minimum Wage Is Bad

Oh, I so hope Ted runs. His father is a gaffe-machine.

Fox News : Why is Ted Cruz's father being attacked when the mainstream media didn't look into Obama's close relationships with Weather Underground member Bill Ayers and his own father's radical beliefs?
Why should Obama even bother with ISIS? How are they even a threat? Say they control an entire nation, they have very vague leadership, and are in no position to negotiate for things like international trade, and it's not like they have the means to manufacture advanced weaponry, so why are people so afraid of them being in power? The only connection I can see is that we spent 25 years nation building in Iraq and failed miserably so people expect the US to "save face" by wiping out ISIS--which has worked so well with Al-Qaeda I may add.


Why should Obama even bother with ISIS? How are they even a threat? Say they control an entire nation, they have very vague leadership, and are in no position to negotiate for things like international trade, and it's not like they have the means to manufacture advanced weaponry, so why are people so afraid of them being in power? The only connection I can see is that we spent 25 years nation building in Iraq and failed miserably so people expect the US to "save face" by wiping out ISIS--which has worked so well with Al-Qaeda I may add.

It's not fear. It's pride.
Yeah, but they threatened us. On the internet.

If they even touched the Internet you'd imagine the NSA would have their location within an hour. Apparently they reserve their capabilities for trolling Iran with Stuxnet and evesdropping on their ex-gf's.

It's not fear. It's pride.

Well that pride has resulted in 40-50 years of interventionist sentiments that have resulted in an entire region of the world hating us as a nation. It's time to fucking let it go.
Why should Obama even bother with ISIS? How are they even a threat? Say they control an entire nation, they have very vague leadership, and are in no position to negotiate for things like international trade, and it's not like they have the means to manufacture advanced weaponry, so why are people so afraid of them being in power? The only connection I can see is that we spent 25 years nation building in Iraq and failed miserably so people expect the US to "save face" by wiping out ISIS--which has worked so well with Al-Qaeda I may add.

I guess we've all forgot about 9/11 already.

Imagine if this guy was President. We'd be at war everywhere.

Or this guy...

Cruz Invites Obama to Border, Calls for Bombing ISIS ‘Back to the Stone Age’

“America has always been reluctant to use military force, but we have never shied away from defending the United States of America,” Cruz said. “ISIS says they want to go back and reject modernity, well I think we should help them. We ought to bomb them back to the stone age.”

Ted Cruz's dad is a creationist nut-bag.

Has Ted Cruz ever stated his own beliefs regarding evolution? I've searched, but all the results are always in reference to his father's wacky ideas.

Joe Molotov

Someone was telling me the other day "Yeah, I know there's women and children over there, but the only way we're ever gonna stop these guys is if we just bomb the whole area until it's a parking lot."

I should have asked them if they were proposing a final solution to the Arab question, but I didn't think to say that until about a minute later. :(
Has Ted Cruz ever stated his own beliefs regarding evolution? I've searched, but all the results are always in reference to his father's wacky ideas.

He is too smart of a politician to do that. But he's allowed his father to be a proxy for him, so whether he has those beliefs or not, he's allowed them to be said on his behalf.

I can't see him ever denouncing his father's blatherings because that is a selling point for a lot of his base. But for other people, even if you don't assign the father's beliefs to Ted . . . well, the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.
Someone was telling me the other day "Yeah, I know there's women and children over there, but the only way we're ever gonna stop these guys is if we just bomb the whole area until it's a parking lot."

I should have asked them if they were proposing a final solution to the Arab question, but I didn't think to say that until about a minute later. :(


We saw no credible evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq then; we see no credible evidence of a Russian invasion now.

Although President Vladimir Putin has until now showed considerable reserve on the conflict in the Ukraine, it
The nation continues their stupidity towards Russia annexing and invading Ukraine. You'd almost forget they literally invaded and annexed Crimea in February.

But their politics and desire of "no intervention" comes before their commitment to actually stating what is actually happening.
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