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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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This is semantics, and nothing more
No but apple's autocorrect does it and I'm too lazy to bother. IMO, change your name.

I'll never sell it wrong, Metamifluous.

Never, Animorphoreus.

It kind of is, Metamucil.

Morpheous isn't too hard

I honestly thought it was Metamorpheus this whole time.

Come on! It's a mix between "metaphor" and "Morpheus"! It's a cool name, guys. Y'all oughtta show some respect.

And add it to your Apple autocorrect.

For background, the name originated with a parody of The Matrix that a friend and I wrote in high school.


Come on! It's a mix between "metaphor" and "Morpheus"! It's a cool name, guys. Y'all oughtta show some respect.

And add it to your Apple autocorrect.

For background, the name originated with a parody of The Matrix that a friend and I wrote in high school.

If you say so Magnesium Chloride.
Come on! It's a mix between "metaphor" and "Morpheus"! It's a cool name, guys. Y'all oughtta show some respect.

And add it to your Apple autocorrect.

For background, the name originated with a parody of The Matrix that a friend and I wrote in high school.

That's actually what I figured it was. Neat!

Oh, shit! I wrote a Matrix spoof with some friends when I was a kid!


This is semantics, and nothing more
I was actually thinking about the filibuster earlier. Let's say Republicans won the Senate and McConnell takes over. Is there anything stopping them from getting rid of the filibuster entirely? I mean I doubt he would, since it seen there forever, but it's theoretically possible, right?

It's possible, but it's not clear what the Republicans would stand to gain in doing so. The president can still veto legislation, and the Republicans can't get rid of the Constitution's two-thirds vote requirement for overcoming the president's veto. In contrast, when the Democrats eliminated the ability to filibuster the president's nominees, they gained the ability to confirm the nominees immediately. If the filibuster goes away entirely, I expect it will be at a time when one party controls both houses of Congress and the presidency--only then would there be an immediate benefit to doing so.

Elrond Hubbard

Neo Member
"But en banc isn't fair because Obama and Reid packed the court!"

It's such ridiculous logic. There are 8 Democratic appointees vs 5 Republican appointees because a Democrat has won the last two presidential elections and there were vacancies on the court during his term.

I've also seen the argument that Obama should have willingly abdicated his power to appoint judges to fill the vacancies because "the court had a light workload."

So dumb. The en banc ruling will be glorious.

President Obama nevertheless appealed the Halbig ruling to a panel where, thanks to the elimination of the filibuster on most judicial nominees, Democratic appointees now outnumber Republican appointees by 8-5; (5)

So the proper outcome would have been for the Republicans to successfully prevent the seats from being filled for the duration of Obama's presidency? Is Cannon really arguing that this would be a reasonable course of action or a reasonable outcome?


McDonnell guilty on 11 counts.

His wife guilty on 9 counts.

I think there was a total of 14 counts so I'm not sure which they were found guilty of.
It's possible, but it's not clear what the Republicans would stand to gain in doing so. The president can still veto legislation, and the Republicans can't get rid of the Constitution's two-thirds vote requirement for overcoming the president's veto. In contrast, when the Democrats eliminated the ability to filibuster the president's nominees, they gained the ability to confirm the nominees immediately. If the filibuster goes away entirely, I expect it will be at a time when one party controls both houses of Congress and the presidency--only then would there be an immediate benefit to doing so.

Okay, just about what I figured. I didn't think they would, I just wanted to make sure my knowledge of procedure was right.
7th Circuit rules Indiana, Wisconsin laws barring same-sex marriage are unconstitutional

The Associated Press ‏@AP 1m
BREAKING: U.S. appeals court rules gay marriage bans in Wisconsin, Indiana unconstitutional.

Not a good day for conservatives in court.

En Banc.


now same-sex marriage.
"But en banc isn't fair because Obama and Reid packed the court!"

It's such ridiculous logic. There are 8 Democratic appointees vs 5 Republican appointees because a Democrat has won the last two presidential elections and there were vacancies on the court during his term.

I've also seen the argument that Obama should have willingly abdicated his power to appoint judges to fill the vacancies because "the court had a light workload."

So dumb. The en banc ruling will be glorious.

I knew this would happen, and I think it's part of the reason the right celebrated the initial ruling so much: they could just hand wring over the actual court's full decision as partisan lol. These people...


I really have a feeling the Democrats are going to head into the election with some wind at their sails. The worst of the bad news summer is over, shit like Ukraine and ISIS is being handled, mostly good economic news, and the GOP still really has no message other than "Obama bad". They'll pick up a handful of seats but the Senate will stay blue.
So if Orman wins it'll be the first time a non-Republican has won election to the Senate since 1932, when FDR's landslide victory helped elect a Dem to the Senate.

History in the making! Could this and the Governor's race signal the transition of Kansas from the most conservative state to a moderate one?

This is a big fucking deal as Uncle Joe would say.


Apparently Taylor has to stay on the ballot in Kansas even though he's dropped out. Hopefully it won't be an issue.
Having Taylor still be on the ballot could help Orman maintain an independent image - there maybe was some danger in having no Democrat on the ballot because then Orman would just be the de facto one in the eyes of many voters. Seeing him in the middle might convince independents/moderate Republicans that he's the real deal.

Of course it might hurt him. We'll see.


Joan Rivers died just as gay marriage was declared unconstitutional in Indiana and Wisconsin. Is this God's way of getting back at the gays? :(
Michelle Obama campaigning for Michelle Nunn

The First Lady is coming to Atlanta next week for an education rally, a voter registration rally and a fundraiser for Democratic Senate candidate Michelle Nunn.
Michelle Obama is expected to attend a 1:30 p.m. tour of Booker T. Washington High School as part of her "Reach Higher" initiative. She'll join Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.

Mrs. Obama's "Reach Higher" initiative focuses on the importance of pursuing and completing some form of higher education. The goal is part of the President's plan to ensure that by the year 2020, America once again has the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.

Iiiinteresting. Guess they're not afraid of having one Obama there.


This is semantics, and nothing more
When you spend pages and pages rehashing Jonathan Adler and Michael Cannon's inane arguments, you can't be surprised if your name becomes a joke on this forum.

I understand that you're trying to goad me into making an untoward response, but I'll pretend you've made a good-faith mistake and offer this polite correction: folks weren't treating my name as a joke as a stand-in for responding to my prior statements. They were intentionally misspelling my name because Black Mamba inadvertently did so and I (jokingly) complained. Right now, you're defending conduct that not only has nobody engaged in, but that, if someone were to engage in, everyone else would rightly condemn as being inappropriate. The appropriate response to an argument with which you disagree is precisely what Black Mamba and others did many pages back--offer a counterargument. It's not name-calling or treating the person's name as a joke.


So what do people think about this new Republican tactic of declaring that birth control should be freely available over the counter? I guess they are trying to appear sensitive to women's issue while quietly implying that insurance shouldn't pay for it?


This is semantics, and nothing more
Where is Metatarsal?

In green:


This is what I'm sticking with. Hoping I'm wrong about Kentucky and Georgia. The only two I'm not particularly confident about are Arkansas (which has narrowed considerably but I think Pryor will win) and Louisiana (which will probably go to a runoff and anything could happen - but if Democrats have a solid majority, Landrieu will be supported by oil & gas in the state).

Oh and




This is what I'm sticking with. Hoping I'm wrong about Kentucky and Georgia. The only two I'm not particularly confident about are Arkansas (which has narrowed considerably but I think Pryor will win) and Louisiana (which will probably go to a runoff and anything could happen - but if Democrats have a solid majority, Landrieu will be supported by oil & gas in the state).

Oh and


Use Crayon next time plz
Kansas might not be so easy if Chad Taylor remains on the ballot, which is the case according to Kansas's Secretary of State.

As a fun aside, this is the same secretary of state that suggested possibly removing Obama from the ballot for not being a natural born citizen.
What's shitty is Taylor's campaign coordinated with Kobach's office on getting him off the ballot and now they're being like "lolnope" What a fucking asshole.

Taylor's going to take it to court though. He could prove a conflict of interest since Kobach is working on Roberts' campaign.

If he can't get his name off though I don't think it'll be that big of a deal. Voters will know he's not running.



This is what I'm sticking with. Hoping I'm wrong about Kentucky and Georgia. The only two I'm not particularly confident about are Arkansas (which has narrowed considerably but I think Pryor will win) and Louisiana (which will probably go to a runoff and anything could happen - but if Democrats have a solid majority, Landrieu will be supported by oil & gas in the state).

Oh and


The oracle has spoken, it will be as it was written, etc. etc.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I was on the bus yesterday from work and there was this homeless dude who rides the same line at the same time who was talking to this woman about how he thought Obama was weak because Isis is now a threat bigger than Al Qaeda. He then said Bush would never have let any terrorists "push him around".

Thought that was amusing.
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