Maybe they were better in their presidential polling (which may have been weighted to produce similar results to what other pollsters had been showing) but their final Senate polls in 2012 were off by an average of 5 points
in favor of the Republican.
Arizona - Dem down 7, lost by 3 (-4)
California - Dem up 17, won by 25 (-8)
Connecticut - Dem up 2, won by 13 (-11)
Florida - Dem up 6, won by 13 (-7)
Indiana - Dem up 2, won by 6 (-4)
Maryland - Dem up 24, won by 30 (-6)
Massachusetts - Dem up 7, won by 8 (-1)
Michigan - Dem up 12, won by 21 (-9)
Minnesota - Dem up 28, won by 35 (-7)
Missouri - Dem up 10, won by 16 (-6)
Nevada - Dem down 9, lost by 1 (-8)
New Jersey - Dem up 15, won by 19 (-4)
New York - Dem up 32, won by 46 (-14)
Ohio - Dem up 2, won by 6 (-4)
Pennsylvania - Dem up 8, won by 9 (-1)
Texas - Dem down 21, lost by 16 (-5)
Virginia - Dem tied, won by 6 (-6)
Washington - Dem up 18, won by 21 (-3)
Wisconsin - Dem up 1, won by 6 (-5)
The only two races where they erred in favor of the Democrats were New Mexico (off by 1) and Tennessee (off by 13).
They suck. In this latest batch Begich went from leading by 12 points to losing by 6. There is nothing going on in Alaska to turn this race around 18 points in less than a month. They also don't include independents in their polling which is why they're not releasing their Kansas poll as they stupidly didn't include Greg Orman as an option.