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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Yeah, yeah, we can't blame anyone in power it's just society and the system that makes them do it all and lie and cheat and steal, oh, and make sure to re-elect those people in power or else it'll be worse because those other guys actually are to blame!

They'll just elect someone who does what they want. Which is promise security even if it means NSA spy programs which apparently only a minority had an issue with.


Yeah, yeah, we can't blame anyone in power it's just society and the system that makes them do it all and lie and cheat and steal, they can't do anything about it the poor dears, oh, but make sure to re-elect those people in power or else it'll be worse because those other guys actually are to blame!

Are we talking ideological positions in a make believe universe? Of real pragmatic Politics? Because the NSA keeping a log of phone calls and web searches is probably one of the smaller things we should get cured if we want to live in a make believe universe.


Johnson received help from outside spending, which Feingold did not (this was a self-imposed rule by Feingold). C'mon man.
You think a difference of one million dollars (in a race where the two candidates spent $15 million) in outside spending sunk Feingold?

Are we talking ideological positions in a make believe universe? Of real pragmatic Politics? Because the NSA keeping a log of phone calls and web searches is probably one of the smaller things we should get cured if we want to live in a make believe universe.
So "we" can't even get small things done so we should stop complaining until whatever is "more important" is done. Why is Obama even talking about ISIS when there's global poverty still?


You think a difference of one million dollars (in a race where the two candidates spent $15 million) in outside spending sunk Feingold?

So "we" can't even get small things done so we should stop complaining until whatever is "more important" is done. Why is Obama even talking about ISIS when there's global poverty still?

That's not what I said. I said since we're living in make believe land where the NSA has any prayer in hell of being reigned in by any combination of President + Congress...let's shoot for some bigger ideas.


That's not what I said. I said since we're living in make believe land where the NSA has any prayer in hell of being reigned in by any combination of President + Congress...let's shoot for some bigger ideas.
Ahh, the make believe land where a Democratic super majority and President would do anything to roll back and punish the Bush Admin's crimes.

But don't even talk about that, because like, Republicans would have said mean things about them! Those damn Republicans always have their clogs at the ready! This is why we have to maintain Democratic centralism!


Ahh, the make believe land where a Democratic super majority and President would do anything to roll back and punish the Bush Admin's crimes.

But don't even talk about that, because like, Republicans would have said mean things about them! Those damn Republicans always have their clogs at the ready! This is why we have to maintain Democratic centralism!

The Democratic Super Majority and President did a crap ton of things those first two years. Yea the NSA stuff should have probably made it, but no one knew the NSA stuff was even going on, and the people who did, thought it was doing a good job deterring terrorists.

As for Republicans, if they could govern worth a damn, or come up with a basic idea that's superior to a Democratic one, they would be elevated above just hateful racist goons in my book.
Sounds like Obama made the right call. If they stayed out only 2 people would have been killed, but they went in and 4 people got killed. If Obama had been president during 9/11, only one tower would have been knocked down.
If Obama were president during 9/11 there isn't a single doubt in my mind the country would NOT have united and the right would be too busy bashing their skulls against each other to try and tear him down, not giving a single fuck about the 3000 deaths


If Obama were president during 9/11 there isn't a single doubt in my mind the country would NOT have united and the right would be too busy bashing their skulls against each other to try and tear him down, not giving a single fuck about the 3000 deaths
You say this like it's a bad thing. The "country uniting" got us the PATRIOT Act, multiple extended wars, torture, etc.


'13 Hours at BENGHAZI -- The Inside Story' will be shown tonight at 10 pm on Fox News.

The tv guide description says it's an interview of the American security operatives who were there during the attack. I'm hyped.


There's a good chance we wouldn't have gone to Iraq, but on the flip side, most of the democrats would've loved and defended the Patriot Act.
I'm not sure that's the flip side exactly. Especially anymore.

Joe Biden is still going around touting how he was father of the PATRIOT Act.


No Scrubs
'13 Hours at BENGHAZI -- The Inside Story' will be shown tonight at 10 pm on Fox News.

The tv guide description says it's an interview of the American security operatives who were there during the attack. I'm hyped.

If its anything like the last time they aired an interview with someone who was there we'll find out that they were 200 miles away drinking margaritas on a beach.

Was listening to CNN en Espanol today. Many of them are completely aware of why he might do this but their hesitant that another delay signals he's never going to do it. He needs to reakky convince them he's serious and an order comes out after the jungle runoff thing in LA

theme it around christmas. "many families are coming together this holiday season and millions of immigrants should have the security they won't be ripped away before christmas"


So I watched some of the Fox News report on Ben Ghazi.

Bret Baier interviewed three private military dudes who were there during the attack on the embassy. They said a CIA guy delayed them three times from leaving. Then the report went into detail in how they escaped the area. The three dudes believed the ambassador could have survived if they had left immediately. And maybe if they had some air support as well.


So I watched some of the Fox News report on Ben Ghazi.

Bret Baier interviewed three private military dudes who were there during the attack on the embassy. They said a CIA guy delayed them three times from leaving. Then the report went into detail in how they escaped the area. The three dudes believed the ambassador could have survived if they had left immediately. And maybe if they had some air support as well.

If the three dudes left, had helicopters strafing, plane dropping bombs, 4 tanks and a full arsenal, they feel confident he may have survived.

I'm excited about Benghazi trial 137, where nothing changes


I'm not sure that's the flip side exactly. Especially anymore.

Joe Biden is still going around touting how he was father of the PATRIOT Act.
I meant people who vote for Democrats.
Historically, Democrats in office love that clock and dagger spy bullshit just as much (if not more) than Republicans.


Ah, yeah.


I think another one showed a bigger GOP drop, but this was first one I found, so deal with it I'm lazy. And I didn't intend for just NSA since I think there was a poll on Afghanistan like this, but again, lazy.


If the three dudes left, had helicopters strafing, plane dropping bombs, 4 tanks and a full arsenal, they feel confident he may have survived.

Sounds too easy. What was Obama doing? What was he hiding? What did Ambassador Stevens know? Obama/Hillary must answer for their crimes.


Ah, yeah.


I think another one showed a bigger GOP drop, but this was first one I found, so deal with it I'm lazy. And I didn't intend for just NSA since I think there was a poll on Afghanistan like this, but again, lazy.

This just saddens me. Go away

“She was crying as I explained the situation to her,” Voss says. “So then I started to cry as I explained it her. One of the really frustrating things about what’s happening here is that this system is breaking good people. These are people just trying to get by, just trying to take care of their families.” Voss’s eyes well up as he talks about Bolden. This isn’t just an attorney defending his client. It’s a guy who is concerned about what’s happening to another human being. Bolden is a single black woman with four kids. She has several tattoos. It’s easy to see how cops might target her, or court officials might dismiss her. But Voss points out that she had already earned an associate’s degree in medical assistance. And while dealing with all of the arrests and the harassment, she earned another in paralegal studies.

The Foristell warrant stemmed from a speeding ticket in 2011. As mentioned before, Bolden didn’t show up in court because she didn’t have the money to pay it and feared they’d put her jail. It’s a common and unfortunate misconception among St. Louis County residents, especially those who don’t have an attorney to tell them otherwise. A town can’t put you in jail for lacking the money to pay a fine. But you can be jailed not appearing in court to tell the judge you can’t pay — and fined again for not showing up. After twice failing to appear for the Foristell ticket, Bolden showed up, was able to get the warrant removed and set up a payment plan with the court. But she says that a few months later, she was a couple days late with her payment. She says she called to notify the clerk, who told her not to worry. Instead, the town hit her with another warrant — the same warrant for which she was jailed in March.

Bolden’s bond was set at $1,700. No one she knew had that kind of money. Bolden broke down; she cried, she screamed, and she swore. She was given a psychological evaluation, and then put on suicide watch. She finds that memory particularly humiliating. Bolden would remain in jail for two weeks, until Foristell’s next municipal court session. She wouldn’t let her children come visit her. “I didn’t want them to see me like that,” she says. “I didn’t want them to think it was normal, that it was okay for one of us to be in jail. I missed them so much. But I wasn’t going to let them see me like that.”

While in jail, she missed a job interview. She fell behind in her paralegal studies. When she finally got her day in court, she was told to change out of her jail jumpsuit into the same clothes she had worn for three days straight, and that had been sitting in a bag for the previous two weeks. She was brought into the courtroom to face the judge, handcuffed, in dirty clothes that had been marinated in her own filth. “I was funky, I was sad, and I was mad,” she says. “I smelled bad. I was handcuffed. I missed my kids. I didn’t feel like a person anymore.”

“There are too many towns,” says Vatterott. There are too many towns, and not enough taxpayers to sustain them. How to fix that problem is another matter. There has long been a movement in St. Louis to merge the county with the city. That movement has picked up steam recent years as advocacy groups like Better Together have pushed proposals to merge a number of public services. But real change would require a good portion of these towns to merge with other towns, or to dissolve themselves entirely. That would require the town councils or boards of aldermen to vote themselves out of a job.

“You have these fiefdoms across the county where a small percentage of people hold power over a small bit of territory,” Kirkland says. “They aren’t going to let go of that easily.” Some towns have begun to share police services, or to contract police services out to St. Louis County. That at least means there are fewer cops per resident to hand out fines. But the cops and courts are still geared more toward generating revenue than promoting public safety.

Sometimes, local government is the worst government. I bet most of these towns would cease to exist if all ticket revenue had to go to the state.


If Obama were president during 9/11 there isn't a single doubt in my mind the country would NOT have united and the right would be too busy bashing their skulls against each other to try and tear him down, not giving a single fuck about the 3000 deaths

You wouldn't believe the number of "NYC deserves another 9-11"/"I won't shed one damned tear if it happens again"-type comments that are dropped over at FreeRepublic on a daily basis.

And I'm betting it'll get even worse after another defeat in '16.
You wouldn't believe the number of "NYC deserves another 9-11"/"I won't shed one damned tear if it happens again"-type comments that are dropped over at FreeRepublic on a daily basis.

And I'm betting it'll get even worse after another defeat in '16.

There are some people who probably wish Bin Laden was still alive so Obama could not get to take any credit.


No Scrubs
Damn, that minimum wage thread is painful.

You wouldn't believe the number of "NYC deserves another 9-11"/"I won't shed one damned tear if it happens again"-type comments that are dropped over at FreeRepublic on a daily basis.

And I'm betting it'll get even worse after another defeat in '16.

Fuck those guys for wishing that shit on my city. I still remember what it was like after it happened, I don't wish that on anyone.


Fuck those guys for wishing that shit on my city. I still remember what it was like after it happened, I don't wish that on anyone.

Pretty much. A lot of them hold scummy political views, but that doesn't mean I'd ever wish for terrorists to go burn-down their town's Wal-Mart & trailer parks..


No Scrubs
It should be painful for an enemy of the working class like you.

Expecting the impoverished to purchase Congress, how naive...


Oh you

I will say I learned quite a bit about the fight in my own state in the process of posting in that thread, and doing the research needed to make those posts. At a minimum the min-wage is going to be bumped to $9/hr. So long as the GOP doesn't take the state senate it looks like Cuomo's adopted a plan to bump it up to $10.10/hr and is open to giving NYC the ability to raise it even further, to $13/hr. Thank god for people pushing him to the left.


So why the hell has Obama's approval dropped so low? I am genuinely confused here. I've been out of the cable news loop for a couple months so I don't know what the ongoing narratives are right now.

The economy still isn't great, but hasn't gotten worse and continues to slowly improve. Obamacare is working really well and isn't even really talked about by anyone anymore.

Is it really the foreign stuff in Ukraine and Iraq? I thought Americans were by and large ready to tear Obama a new asshole in the polls last year for considering military action in Syria, and now they're pissed at him for not putting the military into Ukraine and Iraq? Wat? What exactly is it that people want him to do outside of what he's already doing? Launch a ground invasion of Ukraine, Iraq, and Syria? I thought one of the biggest reasons Obama was elected was to end wars and prevent us from getting into new ones.
There are some people who probably wish Bin Laden was still alive so Obama could not get to take any credit.
Reminds me of a conservative friend's facebook status update I saw the night Bin Laden was killed

"I hope you all realize this means we'll get another four years of Obama"

Yeah why should we reward a president for his accomplishments while in office SOSHULIZM


The IRS says it has lost emails from five more workers who are part of congressional investigations into the treatment of conservative groups that applied for tax exempt status.

The tax agency said in June that it could not locate an untold number of emails to and from Lois Lerner, who headed the IRS division that processes applications for tax-exempt status. The revelation set off a new round of investigations and congressional hearings.

On Friday, the IRS said it has also lost emails from five other employees related to the probe, including two agents who worked in a Cincinnati office processing applications for tax-exempt status.

In his statement after Jim Foley was murdered Obama said disparagingly of the perpetrators that “They may claim out of expediency that they are at war with the United States or the West, but the fact is they terrorize their neighbors. …” He was speaking in the context of the gruesomely hostile murder of an innocent American citizen, dramatically enacted and publicized as an act of war against the United States. So what sense did it make to imply that the perpetrators’ claim to be at war with us is at all questionable?

It makes no sense, except perhaps as a lawyer’s quibble. Taken as such, it seems calculated to obfuscate the charge of treason that ought to be duly brought and tried if and when a serious investigation shows it to be a fact that that Obama and his cohorts aided and abetted the terrorist forces that constitute ISIS; that they did so in ways that risked and eventually claimed American lives, including innocent civilians, and military, diplomatic and security personnel, e.g., at Benghazi; and that they did so covertly precisely because they knew the declared aim of the terrorist forces in question and understood, therefore, that those forces are committed to making implacable war on the people of the United States and their self-government.


I bring the latest damning news that Democrat GAF doesn't want to hear in their bubble because they haven't gotten the talking points yet.

It's the same reason they make fun of human polling machine PhoenixDark.


I bring the latest damning news that Democrat GAF doesn't want to hear in their bubble because they haven't gotten the talking points yet.

It's the same reason they make fun of human polling machine PhoenixDark.

It's not damning news that some random guy uses twists in logical stupidity to argue that Obama is in League with ISIS to destroy Liberty and Freedom.
Ah, yeah.


I think another one showed a bigger GOP drop, but this was first one I found, so deal with it I'm lazy. And I didn't intend for just NSA since I think there was a poll on Afghanistan like this, but again, lazy.

I notice this in this very thread and also on twitter, where Media Matters types who were up in arms over Bush NSA are now doing their best to smear Greenwald/attack Snowden/etc.
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