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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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No Scrubs
Random guy? RANDOM GUY? That's former AMBASSADOR and GOP Presidential Candidate Alan Keyes.

No zoning, can just setup a Caliphate anywhere.


When did you get funny?

He's always been funny, he's just being more obvious about it.


Where did you read it? Why would they go to Houston of all places?

Just google it. The guy is either a supporter because he had the logo on his back or he really is one of those people. Also, we have like all of the Oil & Gas industry here...lots of plants and stuff.


I notice this in this very thread and also on twitter, where Media Matters types who were up in arms over Bush NSA are now doing their best to smear Greenwald/attack Snowden/etc.

No one is happy about the NSA on the left. We just understand the fact that those specific programs were created under Bush and that Congress is divided on the issue, so even if Obama wanted to completely reform them to be in line with liberal values, it would be impossible in the current climate.

We're talking about the least productive Congress in more than a century who's stated aim is to oppose everything he asks for, at this point it's about smart politics, not smart policy.

There are ONLY TWO things that need to be done atm. 1) Win every election possible 2) Find a way to reverse Gerrymandering to put the House back in play.

The GOP has their strategy, they'll shut shit down until they win a presidential election because they can survive 5% approval ratings in Congress and still hold the House. Talking about the NSA, or Immigration Policy is nothing more than a useless intellectual exercise at the moment.


No Scrubs
Just google it. The guy is either a supporter because he had the logo on his back or he really is one of those people. Also, we have like all of the Oil & Gas industry here...lots of plants and stuff.

Oh, it's just a guy in a t-shit. Sure there's lots of plants down there, but if a terrorist is going to blow something up they're gonna go for either something big and symbolic or someplace big and symbolic. Texas has neither.


I completely forgot that Alan Keyes was the guy they called up from the minors to run against Obama for the Senate. :lol

He wrote in one of his two major books (don't remember which one) that all he had to do was shut up and let Alan Keyes say enough outrageous radical shit to destroy his own candidacy.
40 Year Career NSA/CIA Agents don't give two shits who the President is, they go along doing what they're doing anyway.

Then why did many NSA people quit their job when Cheney and Co. brought forth their program to target Americans? You're talking out of your ass.
He wrote in one of his two major books (don't remember which one) that all he had to do was shut up and let Alan Keyes say enough outrageous radical shit to destroy his own candidacy.

I don't think Keyes and similar people are trying to win, they're auditioning for roles within the far right cottage industry. And 2004 was before the "black republican" position was as profitable as it is now. There's a large demand for black conservatives who are willing to say what white conservatives want to hear: racism is a democrat creation, talking about racism makes things worse, most black people are ill informed or stupid, black families are bad, etc. I remember when Fox News trotted out a few blacks to combat Obama's "race baiting" comment that most black men have dealt with being discriminated against (clutched purses, locking car doors, crossing the street, etc). My mom always asks how/why republicans could think that type of ignorance language can appeal to black people, but it's not about appealing to blacks. It's about making white conservatives feel good.


You youngins should go on CSPAN (or maybe YouTube, I know CSPAN has them) and look at the 1996 GOP Primary debates.

2012's debates happened in an era where all this shit is controlled and the debates are setup to minimize any faults and "look Presidential" and deliver short soundbite answers and so on.

But in 1996, you didn't have that, it was still like the 1984, 1988, etc. debates where they were held in tiny studios and as roundtables, with everyone acting awkward in terrible suits, etc.

And in 1996 you had these guys involved:
Pat Buchanan
Bob Dornan*
Morry Taylor
Phil Gramm
Steve Forbes
Alan Keyes
Arlen Specter

Plus Bob Dole was skipping a bunch of debates so they attack him in absenta a lot.

Dornan made headlines in March 1985 for a confrontation with Representative Thomas Downey (D-NY) on the House floor. Downey asked Dornan about comments he had made calling Downey "a draft-dodging wimp." According to Downey, Dornan, grabbing him by collar and tie, said, "It's good you're being protected by the sergeant-at-arms. If I saw you outside, it would be a different story" and threatened him "with some form of bodily harm." Dornan claimed he was merely straightening Downey's tie and refused to apologize for the incident or the derogatory comment. A Dornan aide said, "It will be a cold day in hell before he gets an apology from Bob Dornan."


In 1995, he received a minor reprimand from the House for stating in a floor speech that President Bill Clinton had "given aid and comfort to the enemy" during the Vietnam War. In 1996, Dornan ran for President of the United States, using his campaign primarily as a vehicle to continue to criticize Clinton. In a GOP debate in Iowa on January 13, Dornan called Clinton a "criminal" and a "pathological liar." When asked why voters should choose Dornan over his Republican rivals to challenge Clinton in the general election, he argued that he had more children and grandchildren than the others, with only Richard Lugar coming anywhere near him on that score

Also Morry Taylor is nuts and he seems confused about what the point of all this is, just make him the nominee already, while showing no regard for the few rules that were in place.


You youngins should go on CSPAN (or maybe YouTube, I know CSPAN has them) and look at the 1996 GOP Primary debates.

2012's debates happened in an era where all this shit is controlled and the debates are setup to minimize any faults and "look Presidential" and deliver short soundbite answers and so on.

But in 1996, you didn't have that, it was still like the 1984, 1988, etc. debates where they were held in tiny studios and as roundtables, with everyone acting awkward in terrible suits, etc.

And in 1996 you had these guys involved:
Pat Buchanan
Bob Dornan*
Morry Taylor
Phil Gramm
Steve Forbes
Alan Keyes
Arlen Specter

Plus Bob Dole was skipping a bunch of debates so they attack him in absenta a lot.


I've been following politics since ~1988, and the GOP primaries in '96 were one of my favorite primary seasons. So much fun.

Remember your ABCs: Alexander Beats Clinton, Dole.. Even Forbes & Gramm!

If the 2016 primaries are as entertaining, I'll be quite happy.


I don't think Keyes and similar people are trying to win, they're auditioning for roles within the far right cottage industry. And 2004 was before the "black republican" position was as profitable as it is now.
Keyes has been pretty open that his Presidential campaigns were to force everyone else to talk about abortion and religion more.

J.C. Watts was the hot black conservative then, Keyes was always kinda a "do we really have to keep this guy around...yeah, he's black okay...I guess" character in the GOP.

I've been following politics since ~1988, and the GOP primaries in '96 were one of my favorite primary seasons. So much fun.

Remember your ABCs: Alexander Beats Clinton, Dole.. Even Forbes & Gramm!

If the 2016 primaries are as entertaining, I'll be quite happy.
1984, 1988 and 1996 are really kinda gold standards of the first era where the primaries mattered and so they setup all these debates, but there were tons of candidates running and they were really lax about who was allowed in. And it wasn't really all that professional and Presidential looking like now with the big stages and podiums and so on. And you got all these petty little fights going on between the candidates. And it's out in the open, you don't read about it on Politico from unnamed sources.

BUT, if there's a gold standard debate from this era, it's actually probably 1992 for the Democrats where Tom Brokaw hosts. You have Tsongas, Harkin, Kerrey and Clinton arguing over minor details in their massive platforms, Doug Wilder being well, kinda weird but yet sane, and then to top it all off you have coming out of left field, Jerry Brown running on a nonsensical platform, touting his 1-900 number and fitting it into every answer while all the other candidates throw a fit and Brokaw gets increasingly pissed off at Brown.


1984 has some nice parts too where Jesse Jackson is just dominating everyone rhetorically and with energy and you can tell like half the candidates are petrified and going "don't say something that could be taken as racist, don't say something that sounds racist, don't say..."

And Jackson's going way way to the left of everyone on every issue so they're all stuck trying to deal with that.


Then why did many NSA people quit their job when Cheney and Co. brought forth their program to target Americans? You're talking out of your ass.

How many of those people were 40 year veterans? And how many were low level guys like Snowden.

People who stay in that culture for decades ultimately get corrupted, they see Presidents come and go and realize that they need to listen to their own experts and appease Presidents to allow them to keep doing what they're doing. They get obsessed with their self-importance and genuinely believe their programs are essential.


In '92, SNL had a great debate sketch about how the Dems were a taking part in a race "to avoid being the guy who loses to Bush." Great, goofy stuff.


I don't think Keyes and similar people are trying to win, they're auditioning for roles within the far right cottage industry. And 2004 was before the "black republican" position was as profitable as it is now. There's a large demand for black conservatives who are willing to say what white conservatives want to hear: racism if a democrat creation, talking about racism makes things worse, most black people are ill informed or stupid, black families are bad, etc. I remember when Fox News trotted out a few blacks to combat Obama's "race baiting" comment that most black men have dealt with being discriminated against (clutched purses, locking car doors, crossing the street, etc). My mom always asks how/why republicans could think that type of ignorance language can appeal to black people, but it's not about appealing to blacks. It's about making white conservatives feel good.

Yea that's absolutely true. Black Conservatives have every right to be Black Conservatives, but they're propped up by White Conservatives just so they can have an excuse to ignore 90% of Black America and not seem racist. Or so they can use them as a human shield to throw off attacks of racism.

This isn't new, it's been done by every racist group ever, unless their racism is so extreme they would never want to be seen with a Black Person.

Fox News trotting these people out to bash Black America and praise White Conservatives is the 21st century equivalent of Slave owners who owned hundreds of slaves and pointed to one or two happy and content ones as proof they were good masters.


In '92, SNL had a great debate sketch about how the Dems were a taking part in a race "to avoid being the guy who loses to Bush." Great, goofy stuff.
I don't think the modern era would ever see people bailing out a year before the first primary because a President has a 90% approval rating from a recently concluded war. He had fallen to 60% by October 1991 and nobody else still jumped in except Brown. (And Kerrey was even considering getting out.) By November he was down to 52% and back then that was when you could still hop into the race.

Of course that's the same race where Clinton somehow becomes "The Comeback Kid" because he finishes second in the first primary because everyone skipped Iowa.

Oh the 1990s were so quaint.
How many of those people were 40 year veterans? And how many were low level guys like Snowden.

People who stay in that culture for decades ultimately get corrupted, they see Presidents come and go and realize that they need to listen to their own experts and appease Presidents to allow them to keep doing what they're doing. They get obsessed with their self-importance and genuinely believe their programs are essential.

Oh my god...instead of looking up the people who complained and leaked info to the press(lifers in the NSA)...you double down on your stupidity? Go watch the PBS documentary about the NSA and get a brain in the mean time.


Oh my god...instead of looking up the people who complained and leaked info to the press(lifers in the NSA)...you double down on your stupidity? Go watch the PBS documentary about the NSA and get a brain in the mean time.

You do know that the NSA is a huge organization right? It didn't shut down or revert course because Cheney wanted to target Americans. And the people that quit and complained represented, what % of the staff? 1%? 0.1%? And somehow I'm wrong here?

Relax with the personal attacks dude,
Ah, yeah.


I think another one showed a bigger GOP drop, but this was first one I found, so deal with it I'm lazy. And I didn't intend for just NSA since I think there was a poll on Afghanistan like this, but again, lazy.

Independents are closeted Democrats confirmed.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Ah, yeah.


I think another one showed a bigger GOP drop, but this was first one I found, so deal with it I'm lazy. And I didn't intend for just NSA since I think there was a poll on Afghanistan like this, but again, lazy.

There's no solution to this other than to just educate people. Nothing will happen without public disapproval.




From Politico:
President Barack Obama will delay plans to issue an executive order to address immigration reform until after the November election, White House officials confirmed Saturday.

Although Obama had pledged to act before the end of summer, the White House has been under pressure to slow down from Senate Democrats worried that an announcement would hurt them this fall.
From Politico:

All talk and no action again. Not that I blame him, the WH is radioactive right now. But to play devils advocate there's no guarantee that delaying this will help struggling Dems either. The base remains unenthused and this will make things worse for some of them. It's a lose lose situation.

Really highlights how bad things are when your base can't think of a reason to support you six years in. I don't think it'll be as bad as 2006 but a similar dynamic is at play: the base is tired and the general public has lost all confidence in the president. He hasn't recovered since last summer (NSA) and I think people have written him off an incompetent.

There's really no denying that the second term has been an utter disaster. Two years left but I don't see them being any different.


Obama's entire Presidency has been trolled to oblivion by the GOP. At this point he probably cannot wait to leave office so long as his successor is a Democrat.

It is fucking sad. Tea party lunacy wave of 2010 essentially killed all the hopes and dreams of 10+ year Democratic policy agenda, and they made sure Obama was the face of that.
All talk and no action again. Not that I blame him, the WH is radioactive right now. But to play devils advocate there's no guarantee that delaying this will help struggling Dems either. The base remains unenthused and this will make things worse for some of them. It's a lose lose situation.

Really highlights how bad things are when your base can't think of a reason to support you six years in. I don't think it'll be as bad as 2006 but a similar dynamic is at play: the base is tired and the general public has lost all confidence in the president. He hasn't recovered since last summer (NSA) and I think people have written him off an incompetent.

There's really no denying that the second term has been an utter disaster. Two years left but I don't see them being any different.
I was just thinking to myself how you were going to concern troll this news.

So basically because Obama's decided to delay the executive order, Democrats have no reason to turn out in the midterm election which you argued the other day is what would hurt Pryor/Hagan/Landrieu/Peters (rofl), yet if he had signed off on the executive order that would somehow hurt those same Democrats whose base now has a reason to turn out?

In other words

The fact that Phoenix thinks this all began with the NSA or that had some major part to do with it just shows how out of touch he is with the average American voter.



Are you kidding? That ticket would be the most glorious thing ever, it would be like watching an immovable object hit an unstoppable force in slow motion. This thread would turn into such a wellspring of comedic joy that I have a hard time imagining it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Are you kidding? That ticket would be the most glorious thing ever, it would be like watching an immovable object hit an unstoppable force in slow motion. This thread would turn into such a wellspring of comedic joy that I have a hard time imagining it.

It's okay. You don't need to put on a brave face. We're all friends here.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Haha, someone in the min. wage thread legit asked "If raising the minimum wage is such a great idea, then why not raise it to $100/hr. HMMM????"
You do know that the NSA is a huge organization right? It didn't shut down or revert course because Cheney wanted to target Americans. And the people that quit and complained represented, what % of the staff? 1%? 0.1%? And somehow I'm wrong here?

All I pointed out is the error of your broad statement. People in the NSA did speak up. You implied they're all mindless drones working there which is not the case as seen in your quote below.

Vahagn said:
40 Year Career NSA/CIA Agents don't give two shits who the President is, they go along doing what they're doing anyway.

Maybe you should stop rewriting history. It makes you look dumb.


All talk and no action again. Not that I blame him, the WH is radioactive right now. But to play devils advocate there's no guarantee that delaying this will help struggling Dems either. The base remains unenthused and this will make things worse for some of them. It's a lose lose situation.

Really highlights how bad things are when your base can't think of a reason to support you six years in. I don't think it'll be as bad as 2006 but a similar dynamic is at play: the base is tired and the general public has lost all confidence in the president. He hasn't recovered since last summer (NSA) and I think people have written him off an incompetent.

There's really no denying that the second term has been an utter disaster. Two years left but I don't see them being any different.

If the Dems somehow hold on to the senate, can someone please remember to bring up this post.

Any exec order prior to the midterims would have done more to bring out the vote on the GOP side. All the passion seems to be on that side of the debate - you only have to look as far back as early summer to see the vitriol coming from the children at the border crisis.
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