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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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I didn't know the race had a big spoiler. That person will get much of the "I hate McConnell but fuck dem liberulz" vote.
It's not a big spoiler, Libertarian support always polls 2-6 times higher than it eventually pulls.

What is PoliGAF's opinion on corporate tax rates and companies moving overseas to avoid paying taxes? Greedy corporations or are our taxes too high?
Corporate taxes are just hidden taxes on consumers.

The United States should consider making its corporate tax policy look more like that of enlightened Yurop's rather than double taxing and taxing outside the country, etc.
Man...can you imagine how insufferable the media/right wing would be if Romney was president and we had six straight 200k jobs monthly reports, as we've had before this month with Obama?

Wait . . . did you just say something that complimented Obama? (Even if it was in a backhanded way.)
Corporate taxes are just hidden taxes on consumers.

The United States should consider making its corporate tax policy look more like that of enlightened Yurop's rather than double taxing and taxing outside the country, etc.
But Europe has a big VAT that we don't have. How about we get that before slashing the corporate tax rate. Good luck with that.

I do think we should slash the corporate tax rate . . . but first we need to eliminate a LOT of bad tax-loopholes. And good luck with that. Conservatives love to mislead people on this issue . . . yes, we have a high statutory rate . . . but in reality, hardly anyone pays it. Everyone cuts their taxes massively with various loopholes such that effective corporate tax rate is actually pretty low. And even Obama wants to reduce the corporate tax rate . . . but we need to eliminate a lot of loopholes first. And that is where things fall apart. You ever see conservatives lining up to eliminate loopholes? (OK, besides their campaigns to eliminate all the green energy tax-incentives which need to remain.) Nope.

Again, we SHOULD reduce our corporate tax rate. But we HAVE to reduce a ton of the loopholes first (or at the same time). And THAT is where the stumbling block is. And that is why nothing happens.


But Europe has a big VAT that we don't have. How about we get that before slashing the corporate tax rate. Good luck with that.
Nah, I'm against taxes that hit the poor hardest.

We SHOULD just eliminate the corporate tax. And the capital-gains tax. And the payroll tax. Those all "trickle down" taxes more than they trickle down monies. But we SHOULD eliminate them anyway. And 95% of government spending. And the state as a whole.
Nah, I'm against taxes that hit the poor hardest.

We SHOULD just eliminate the corporate tax. And the capital-gains tax. And the payroll tax. Those all "trickle down" taxes more than they trickle down monies. But we SHOULD eliminate them anyway. And 95% of government spending. And the state as a whole.

Yeah, good luck with that plan.
Nah, I'm against taxes that hit the poor hardest.

We SHOULD just eliminate the corporate tax. And the capital-gains tax. And the payroll tax. Those all "trickle down" taxes more than they trickle down monies. But we SHOULD eliminate them anyway. And 95% of government spending. And the state as a whole.

and my curfew . mom, you're not the boss of me!


Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney blasted President Obama on Sunday for his response to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), saying there’s “no question” he would’ve been a better president.

"Before you can take decisive action, you need to first talk decisively," Romney said in an interview with Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday."

Romney was criticizing Obama for a recent press conference when the president said that there was "no strategy" to confront ISIS.

"I think the president is really out of touch with reality with what's going on in the world," Obama said.
What is PoliGAF's opinion on corporate tax rates and companies moving overseas to avoid paying taxes? Greedy corporations or are our taxes too high?

I'm okay with the status quo. More concerned with the regressive tax burden on workers via state/local government and what the federal government can do to offset that. Corps are doing pretty well.
Ehh I guess I overestimated the power of the Latino vote in Colorado.
frankly even if Hispanic turnout in Colorado were more depressed than usual Udall could still win, he's a damn good senator and politician

the best thing Democrats could do for their Senate prospects is clone either of the Udalls 98 times and have them run in every state


Unconfirmed Member
I never understood why Gardner would run his campaign mostly on trying to attach Udall to Obama. I mean, he does know Obama won colorado by a pretty significant margin in 2012, right?
I'm okay with the status quo. More concerned with the regressive tax burden on workers via state/local government and what the federal government can do to offset that. Corps are doing pretty well.

Meh, I'm not. I think we need to both lower the corporate tax, and get rid of many of the write offs. It would even the playing field between big business and small business.

...not that you're wrong about the state level regressive taxes.


Is reducing the corporate rate and closing some loopholes being fantastical?

I'm pretty cynical but I think that can be done.
But the whole point is the "loopholes"; if you had a flat tax on revenues over $X or even a corporate VAT/GST of X%, there's no money in it and millions of jobs lost.


Conversations about corporate income tax just make me depressed now because they're a perfect example of how capitalism has distorted our understanding of wealth. All that actually matters is that the share of wealth created that is retained by labor goes up. I tend to want to do this with social programs and legal protections. Benji wants to do it by burning down the state. Fine, that's the debate of the new millenium. But focusing on the details of our tax code is just going to cause us to think about money instead of wealth (i.e., stuff we actually use), which is what actually matters.

I have no faith that we could actually lower the corporate income tax and get rid of the loopholes. Those loopholes exist because corporations lobbied for them. If we got rid of them, they'd just lobby for them again, and then we'd have a lower baseline and all the same loopholes. I basically like Ezra Klein's suggestion to replace the corporate income tax with a whole bunch of other taxes, but the whole real reason we're talking about the corporate income tax is because people want to cut their own taxes. So overall I'd rather just leave it the way it is. If we're worried about corporations fleeing overseas, we can just bring back punitive tariffs. Everybody loves punitive tariffs!


No Scrubs
Conversations about corporate income tax just make me depressed now because they're a perfect example of how capitalism has distorted our understanding of wealth. All that actually matters is that the share of wealth created that is retained by labor goes up. I tend to want to do this with social programs and legal protections. Benji wants to do it by burning down the state. Fine, that's the debate of the new millenium. But focusing on the details of our tax code is just going to cause us to think about money instead of wealth (i.e., stuff we actually use), which is what actually matters.

I have no faith that we could actually lower the corporate income tax and get rid of the loopholes. Those loopholes exist because corporations lobbied for them. If we got rid of them, they'd just lobby for them again, and then we'd have a lower baseline and all the same loopholes. I basically like Ezra Klein's suggestion to replace the corporate income tax with a whole bunch of other taxes, but the whole real reason we're talking about the corporate income tax is because people want to cut their own taxes. So overall I'd rather just leave it the way it is. If we're worried about corporations fleeing overseas, we can just bring back punitive tariffs. Everybody loves punitive tariffs!

They're my favorite kind of tarrifs! Well, right after tea tarrifs.
Conversations about corporate income tax just make me depressed now because they're a perfect example of how capitalism has distorted our understanding of wealth. All that actually matters is that the share of wealth created that is retained by labor goes up. I tend to want to do this with social programs and legal protections. Benji wants to do it by burning down the state. Fine, that's the debate of the new millenium. But focusing on the details of our tax code is just going to cause us to think about money instead of wealth (i.e., stuff we actually use), which is what actually matters.

I have no faith that we could actually lower the corporate income tax and get rid of the loopholes. Those loopholes exist because corporations lobbied for them. If we got rid of them, they'd just lobby for them again, and then we'd have a lower baseline and all the same loopholes. I basically like Ezra Klein's suggestion to replace the corporate income tax with a whole bunch of other taxes, but the whole real reason we're talking about the corporate income tax is because people want to cut their own taxes. So overall I'd rather just leave it the way it is. If we're worried about corporations fleeing overseas, we can just bring back punitive tariffs. Everybody loves punitive tariffs!
I think this is what I was saying
Bad news is up 10 points in the latest Hagan poll.
Real talk I just hope Hagan and Braley are able to build a small lead within the next couple of months.

First because it lets me win my bet with PD even if Dems lose the Senate, second because it makes it easier for Dems to hold the Senate


Real talk I just hope Hagan and Braley are able to build a small lead within the next couple of months.

First because it lets me win my bet with PD even if Dems lose the Senate, second because it makes it easier for Dems to hold the Senate

I'm worried Tillis is going to pull a Jesse Helms like ad at the last minute.
I'm worried Tillis is going to pull a Jesse Helms like ad at the last minute.
Black turnout would skyrocket, this ain't the 90s anymore. Libby Dole learned that when she ran her terrible ad implying Hagan is an atheist and went from a small Hagan lead to a big Hagan victory.
Real talk I just hope Hagan and Braley are able to build a small lead within the next couple of months.

First because it lets me win my bet with PD even if Dems lose the Senate, second because it makes it easier for Dems to hold the Senate

so what's been the overall verdict on Hagan/Tillis debate?
so what's been the overall verdict on Hagan/Tillis debate?
I didn't watch it but from the blurbs I read on DailyKos Elections, Hagan wasn't very good and neither was Tillis (they were both just repeating the same talking points), but Tillis got to a point where he started mansplaining and calling her "Kay" while blaming her for ISIS. Overall Hagan seemed to have "won" while not doing a great job herself and the local media has been talking about Tillis' tone which can't help him with women voters.


Just as anyone here would never vote for a republican. I don't know why people are so surprised.

A few pages back everybody was talking about how they hate clinton but will vote for her. The inability to apply that logic to republicans is hilarious, it got to be about Obama or something, their racist or something, instead of the fact that they're just partisan and vote that way (a lot of partisanship is drive by some of these things but its not the reason they're not voting out mcconnell)

But they are. Their icon of fiscal conservatism tripled the national debt. Their pro-life, anti gay marriage votes get them nothing on the federal level.

But you sign an Emancipation Proclamation and they vote for fiscally liberal leaning Democrats for a century. Then you pass Civil Rights Legislation and they flip to Republican for a half century.

90% of conservatives are either xenophobic, homophobic, islamaphobic, racist, or sexist or a combination of those things.

I would never vote for a Republican, not because I don't think that there are some sensible Republicans, but because they would be controlled by Fox and Rush. You think Rand Paul would ever successfully loosen up drug convictions or expand felon voting rights with THAT base? Those are Reagan's policies and Paul's ideas benefit minority communities, he's not touching them.

What I'm getting from this post is that everyone who votes Republican is over 150 years old.

Democrat/Republican are political parties that stitch together majority constituencies in order to win. They're constantly in flux. What's consistent since the birth of the nation is the attitude of white conservatives towards the "other".


This is semantics, and nothing more
But you sign an Emancipation Proclamation and they vote for fiscally liberal leaning Democrats for a century. Then you pass Civil Rights Legislation and they flip to Republican for a half century.

What I'm getting from this post is that everyone who votes Republican is over 150 years old.
Dems in South Dakota pushing hard against Mike Rounds over a scandal involving the EB-5 program. Could be entering tossup territory



This is semantics, and nothing more
Missed this post over the weekend:

Is this a rhetorical question? What is there to not understand?

Who or what is a "Deadmeat"? It was already explained, though, so no worries. Though I will refer you back to my follow-up question:

Diablos, I'm astonished that you think the D.C. Circuit deciding to rehear Halbig somehow disproves or is contrary to my arguments. Maybe I wasn't clear enough and you need me to reiterate my arguments?


Most accurate thing you've ever posted.

Your mom is the most accurate thing I've ever posted.

Can "posted" be used like that? Because I'm using it like that in any event.
PPP said:
Gary Peters leads Terri Lynn Land by 14 points with women

PPP said:
Terri Lynn Land's favorability numbers continue to get worse- 32/42 when we polled in late June, now down to 32/49

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