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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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the state is massively subsidying jobs, just as in the US. so no, they aren't making it work, it's corporate welfare again.

I linked a 4 page article about this on the other page, and "for so long" covers a time greater than the present and recent past.



Please remember we have a channel. irc.ajhenderson.com or irc.browsingtheinternet.com, #poligaf.

It's pretty quiet in there 24/7 so feel free to bring it back to life.


aka andydumi
In all seriousness:
These are both pretty disturbing.

Not at all.

As a naturalized citizen I am both proud to be an American as well as native of my country. And I am not so sure the US constitution is necessarily superior to international law, some law of course. For example, I believe some of the the UN charters on human rights are superior to the US constitution's protections.

I think naturalized citizens often have wider exposure to the world at large, and are far more aware of the US and its strengths as well as weaknesses, and are able to recognize both. The fact they actively sought to become citizens means they judged the US on its merits and still decided in it's favor, but it does not mean blind faith in all it does and stands for, only a positive net balance.
So the Redskins want to defend a racist name, who do they go to for advice? Republicans of course:

For most of the four decades that the fight had raged, the Redskins felt little need to respond to their critics. That’s changed dramatically. But that doesn’t mean that the team is taking the allegations about its name to heart. To the contrary, the Redskins’ position has hardened, both in Snyder’s public remarks, and in private discussions about how to respond to inquiries about the controversy.

Emails obtained by ThinkProgress reveal that the team consulted with a group of high-profile Republican advisers, some of whose involvement with the team has not been previously reported, about how to handle this reporter’s questions about the organization’s approach to the campaign to change the team’s name.
Included in the email chain were Frank Luntz, the Republican messaging consultant famous for coining phrases like “climate change” and “death tax”; Ari Fleischer, who served as White House press secretary under George W. Bush from 2001 and 2003 and now runs a consulting firm called Ari Fleischer Sports Communications; George Allen, the former Virginia governor and U.S. senator who now runs the consulting firm George Allen Strategies; and Bruce Allen, George Allen’s brother and the organization’s general manager. Both Allens are the son of former Redskins head coach George Allen. The web sites for neither Fleischer nor Luntz’s firms include client lists. The Redskins’ vice president of communications, Tony Wyllie, confirmed that while Luntz had conducted a focus group on behalf of the team, he has not been paid for other work with the Redskins, and that Fleischer and George Allen’s firm do not have contracts with the team. Fleischer, Luntz, and George Allen had not responded to requests for confirmation at press time.

But the fact that the men participated in the email chain at all is revealing. Last summer, when ThinkProgress first reported Luntz’s involvement in the team’s efforts to focus group the name, the Redskins and Luntz declined to confirm that Luntz or his firm, Luntz Global, were involved in the project.

The email chain shows that after this reporter requested comment on a number of issues related to the Redskins name and claims made by its opponents, Wyllie, forwarded the email to Luntz, Fleischer, and the Allens. George Allen’s response is the first included in the chain, and it suggests that the team reiterate its story about changing its name to honor Lone Star Dietz, even though the team can’t prove its claims.

And L-O-L for going to George "Let's give a welcome to Macaca" Allan to defend a slur.
Today in stupid:
The crew on "Morning Joe" once again turned to Jon Meacham on Thursday to provide an historical context for the show's steady drumbeat of conventional wisdom, and the Pulitzer Prize-winning author sounded pretty skeptical of President Obama's pledge to take more executive actions.

"We make fun of the executive orders and that is in fact something that — you know, you never really heard Lincoln and FDR say, 'I'm going to rebuild America on an executive order," Meacham said. "You know, it's not something that resonates off the tongue."

Meacham's take was somewhat baffling. Franklin Delano Roosevelt issued more executive orders than any president —3,522 to be exact and 1,719 more than the next closest president — including several that helped usher in New Deal programs. And Abraham Lincoln, of course, issued a pretty famous executive order known as the Emancipation Proclamation.

Yeah I think African Americans are gonna have a hard time agreeing with that statement. Washington is now rewriting history to say what Obama is doing is unprecedented.
No this was NOT used ironically at all, and the poster was being 100% serious as an argument against raising the MW.


We need a reset button on the US, or some sort of machine that allows us to bring back Washington et al so they can give the GOP a tongue lashing.
just have to laugh at 2016 polls. remember this gem from oct 2007?

Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, 53 percent support Clinton, compared with 20 percent for Obama and 13 percent for former senator John Edwards (N.C.).


More Obamadoesntcare doom:

Joseph Swedish, CEO of WellPoint, told investors that the company had received 500,000 applications through HealthCare.gov and its state-operated counterparts. He said the number was "ahead of our most recent projections." He added that applications had spiked in December and the company expects another surge before the March 31 deadline to enroll in coverage for 2014.

“We do feel good about what we’ve seen thus far on the exchanges,” Swedish said on the call. “While it is early, we are encouraged by the level of applications we’ve received."

The majority of those applicants were not previously enrolled with WellPoint, Swedish said, though it wasn't clear whether they were previously uninsured or insured by another company.

As for the demographic make-up of those enrollees, which will be one of the critical barometers for Obamacare's success, Swedish said that the numbers were "tracking closely with expectations." The Obama administration's original goal had been for close to 40 percent of enrollees to be under 35, but the initial breakdown reported this month showed about 24 percent fell in that age group.

That might not be a major problem for insurers, though, as Swedish said that WellPoint had priced its products expecting its Obamacare enrollees to be older than its existing customers.

Overall, WellPoint executives expressed optimism about what the law would mean for their business.

"We entered 2014 with a strong foundation, and we look forward to the opportunity to serve a growing part of the marketplace this year and into the future," Swedish said.

Higher sign ups than projected with the right demographic mix. WellPoint to shut down soon?

Also Henry Waxman is stepping down. Looking at his Wiki page he only won in 2012 by 8% to an independent so idk if his district could be a GOP pickup.

It was only relatively close because the guy ran as an independent instead of a Republican and a lot of the district was new territory for Waxman after redistricting. This is a likely D hold at worst. Only chance is if the indie guy gets in again and a weak D is the second person in the top two.



RNC To Boycott MSNBC After Biracial Tweet

RNC chairman Reince Priebus said in a memo Thursday that he's demanding an apology from MSNBC president Phil Griffin after a tweet from the liberal cable news channel's account generated a furor among conservatives.

The since-deleted tweet referred to a Super Bowl ad from Cheerios that portrays a biracial family.

“Maybe the rightwing will hate it, but everyone else will go awww: the adorable new #Cheerios ad w/ biracial family,” the tweet read.

MSNBC later apologized.

The funny thing is, the tweet is pretty accurate. Just look at the way the GOP treats our biracial president.
So for some reason I was listening to Rush in my car and one of the adds FLORED me. It is basically a live version of one of those "use this one weird trick" adds. But the language is what caught me. It said "politicians have been plotting to cut your social security. But meanwhile food stamp recipients are receiving 30 percent more under the Obama administration. Use this one weird trick at (insert website) to learn more "

Now, correct me if I'm wrong but it's republicans trying to cut social security, and food stamps have had a major cut, not a 30 percent increase. How can people get away with this?

*edit* I couldn't tell he was trolling. He sounded like he was dead serious.
jamesinclair contacted me after this permaban, and wanted to clear his name.

Phoenix, Im literally in tears. Like I cant see the screen. I've been permed due to an ongoing discussion in poligaf.

Please tell poligaf I dont hate women. I dont advocate against women. For fucks sake I work for an organization that gives grants to women, minorities and lower income people. I fucking hate inequality and discrimination and left a career in finance to pursue it.

Please tell them I was trying to explain some of the reason behind the pay differential between men and women in corporate america. I was not justifying it. I was not advocating it. I was not cheering it. I was explaining some of the back-room reasoning. Its why I got a finance degree and then bailed. I hate that shit. I hate wall street. I hate corporate america. Ive been in poli gaf for damn near a decade and everyone should know that by now.

But its important to understand it. Its important to understand that when it comes to decisions in dollars and cents, some choices are purely irrational discrimination, but others have some actual numbers behind it. Im not saying its right. Im not saying its a good system, or one where the math is even right, but its reality.

Thats fucking it.

And for fucks sake the tube tying thing was a joke.


I thought his posts were clearly discussing the corporate view on this issue, not his own views.
Glad to hear his explanation, though I think he could have made that more clear in his original posts.

I'll miss you around here, Sinclair, especially when Mexico gets knocked out of the world cup before the USA.
Perm ban? Fuckkk. Hope he can come back. Anyway, I too was listening to Rushbo yesterday and he scored me a great deal at 1800 flowers. No joke. Fellas, use his name as code and you get 24 roses and chocolate for 49 bucks for your significant other.


aka andydumi
Yeah, jamesinclair was trying to be the "advocate" but he just didn't understand how to do it.

I thought it was pretty clear it started off as a devil's advocate argument which we all put forth in here, but I am not sure at what point the mods thought it turned into a real thing.


jamesinclair :-(

WayneMorse said:

Also Henry Waxman is stepping down. Looking at his Wiki page he only won in 2012 by 8% to an independent so idk if his district could be a GOP pickup.
Waxman has been around for eons. I can understand why he'd want to step down. It's Cali, Democrats have a formidable presence in his part of the state; provided they don't do something really dumb they should be able to hold the seat.


Honestly, there's no sense in even talking about 2016 general election balloting for Christie, since he's not making it past the primaries. The South and Midwest will kill him.
jamesinclair contacted me after this permaban, and wanted to clear his name.

I thought his posts were clearly discussing the corporate view on this issue, not his own views.


He knew what he was doing. He was walking on the railings and stayed their long enough that he eventually slipped off the edge.
Honestly, there's no sense in even talking about 2016 general election balloting for Christie, since he's not making it past the primaries. The South and Midwest will kill him.

I'm sure the talk shows hope he runs anyway.

Frankly, anything to wear down the GOP ability to run a forceful presidential campiagn by prolonging the primaries (even with the new primary rules the RNC laid out) is fine by me.
Honestly, there's no sense in even talking about 2016 general election balloting for Christie, since he's not making it past the primaries. The South and Midwest will kill him.

I think its clear at this point that if Hillary announces she's running, she will be moving in on January 21st, 2017.

Mathematics and numbers don't lie.


I'm sure the talk shows hope he runs anyway.

Frankly, anything to wear down the GOP ability to run a forceful presidential campiagn by prolonging the primaries (even with the new primary rules the RNC laid out) is fine by me.

He'll run, he'll lose this election and use that as an argument when the GOP loses in 2016 for a 2020 rebirth.

Also Henry Waxman is stepping down. Looking at his Wiki page he only won in 2012 by 8% to an independent so idk if his district could be a GOP pickup.

Obama won the district by 22% and its D+12 on Cooks report

RNC To Boycott MSNBC After Biracial Tweet

The funny thing is, the tweet is pretty accurate. Just look at the way the GOP treats our biracial president.

It was a stupid tweet. It was wrong. There are racists and many of the policies might be racist or racially discrimintory in intent or effect but to say the 'rightwing' is racist? That's just not supported.

jamesinclair contacted me after this permaban, and wanted to clear his name.

I thought his posts were clearly discussing the corporate view on this issue, not his own views.
He's always had a bordering troll persona and its hard to tell the difference.


I thought it was pretty clear it started off as a devil's advocate argument which we all put forth in here, but I am not sure at what point the mods thought it turned into a real thing.

When we put forward devil's advocate arguments it's polite to SAY they're devil's advocate arguments. We can't all be PhoenixDark.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So for some reason I was listening to Rush in my car and one of the adds FLORED me. It is basically a live version of one of those "use this one weird trick" adds. But the language is what caught me. It said "politicians have been plotting to cut your social security. But meanwhile food stamp recipients are receiving 30 percent more under the Obama administration. Use this one weird trick at (insert website) to learn more "

Now, correct me if I'm wrong but it's republicans trying to cut social security, and food stamps have had a major cut, not a 30 percent increase. How can people get away with this?

*edit* I couldn't tell he was trolling. He sounded like he was dead serious.

Conservatives do this shit all the time. Romney/Ryan did an almost identical play during the election (though that was directed at medicare). Just the other day Bachmann tried to deny that she wanted to cut SS. Republicans have no respect for their idiot base.
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