It seems like that proposal would at least pass the DREAM Act which is good. But legalization without a path to citizenship is ridiculous, and only creates second class citizens.
If I was Obama I'd throw my support behind the proposal, and kill it with kindness. There's no way republicans pass that bill in the House. "Legalization" will be declared amnesty, just watch.
Speaking of MSNBC, watching it will make you dumber (Fox is even worse)
Can't say I am surprised
Fan fiction: Hillary wins in 16 and in 2020. Scalia steps down and Hillary names Barack Obama to the court. Imagine the fun.
Fan fiction: Hillary wins in 16 and in 2020. Scalia steps down and Hillary names Barack Obama to the court. Imagine the fun.
I can't see the president wanting to do that. He's gonna want to get out of DC
I can't see the president wanting to do that. He's gonna want to get out of DC
Even though he's staying so his daughter can finish school.
Fan fiction: Hillary wins in 16 and in 2020. Scalia steps down and Hillary names Barack Obama to the court. Imagine the fun.
Some fascinating Obamacare stories from Alabama
Holy fucking shit.Erik Paulson
Whenever I talk up GOP shenanigans, this is what I'm talking about. I think you're going to see some incredibly unforced errors on the part of conservative candidates.The base is about to go insane over immigration, and Cruz is leading the charge
I'll give this guy an ounce of credit for being opposed to giving mulch-million dollar subsidies for farmers.
Notice the constant violent metaphors and imagery he uses.
They profiled 3 or 4 people on the "people who don't like it" article. And all but one BENEFITED from the program, they just have moral/ideological convictions against it.
I know it's anecdotal but that's encouraging. I'm interested in a program that helps people, not one that people of a right wing ideological can immediately feel comfortable with.
One thing that always irratates me is "takers" pretending that they aren't and belittling everyone else in the process. Based off the subsidy that guy is receiving he's probably in the 40-45k range for income. With the number of kids there is no way that guy pays any federal income tax and I bet he gets tax credits that cover his Medicare and SS tax. He's the definition of someone sucking off the governments tit (pre obamacare). I am not opposed to people like this receiving these benefits but when they act like this.....Some fascinating Obamacare stories from Alabama
The best thing in there is the Daily Show.Speaking of MSNBC, watching it will make you dumber (Fox is even worse)
Can't say I am surprised
#Dead.POLITICS Mitt Romney Is the 2016 Republican Front-Runner
This is not an "Onion" story.
Looks like we must send out a new batch of subpoenas, this time over fresh and powerful evidence that the governor personally misused Hurricane Sandy funds to win an endorsement from a Democrat.
This sounds like Hoboken in reverse. While Mayor Dawn Zimmer accuses the administration of withholding Sandy aid for political reasons in her city, the evidence in Belleville indicates that the governor provided extra aid for a mayor who was willing to dance.
And here, the governor was directly involved.
First, a reality check: The Sandy aid that New Jersey received was intended to help the victims of the storm, not as a political slush fund. The governor peeled off some of it for a TV campaign featuring himself and his family during the re-election campaign, a shameless stunt that is now under federal investigation. If Zimmer's charges are true, he withheld aid from Hoboken in a bid to pressure her to approve a real estate project.
The latest twist comes from Belleville, where The Star-Ledger's Matt Friedman reported that Christie personally pushed his senior staff to provide a Sandy grant to help build a senior-citizen housing complex. And -- surprise -- the mayor endorsed the governor for re-election two weeks later.
So did Joseph DiVincenzo, the Democratic Essex County executive who was also pushing for this project. It was the type of support Christie coveted, to bolster his bipartisan credentials in anticipation of a future presidential run.
As a result, the relatively unscathed township of Belleville got more disaster recovery dollars to rebuild rental housing than some harder-hit towns. Even though the Belleville mayor himself conceded that his residents weren't displaced by Sandy.
And the governor's fingerprints are all over it. Christie personally steered $6 million of federal Sandy recovery dollars to the project, a senior center and housing complex that was planned well before Sandy hit. At the ceremonial groundbreaking in Belleville on May 29, Christie recounted how he called Richard Constable, head of the state's rebuilding programs, "every day" to tell him to get relief money to this project:
"We get on them and things get done," the governor said.
So never mind the merits. This was about politics. And that is simply wrong. Sandy victims everywhere should be furious.
It also raises new questions about Hoboken. Zimmer insists that Christie's officials -- including Constable -- linked Sandy aid to her approval of a downtown development that was represented by David Samson, a Christie confidant who is chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
So was the governor behind that threat? His aides have denied it. But when asked if there was any contact between the governor's office and the people who hand out Sandy relief in Hoboken, they refuse to answer. A public records request is pending.
Let's face it: Does anyone at this stage really believe the governor's claim that these grants are awarded based on merit and need?
The pitch in Belleville was particularly weak. The point was to help seniors in Belleville "remain in their hometown, where they belong," the mayor said. DiVincenzo said the priority would be to accept Belleville seniors -- not displaced Sandy victims.
The governor could put this one to rest by answering questions and releasing documents. But he is stonewalling instead. So let's add Belleville to our list of growing scandals, along with the George Washington Bridge and Hoboken.
Peter King?I'd like to say someone like Louie Gohmert but I'm sure his district is so bat-shit crazy that there is little point.
Bachmann is gone. Joe Walsh is gone. Allen West is gone.
Dunno . . . need someone who is bat-shit crazy yet is in in a relatively sane district.
So apparently O'Reilly called the GOP pinheads for not supporting a $10 minimum wage and when called imperialistic, he told the GOPer off as it was a working class position.
He also called a hike leading to a loss of jobs "baloney."
You know it's bad when Bill O calls your argument baloney.
Bill has been known to be reasonable at times, not often but it does happen. He's the only person on that network who isn't completely batshit these days, which is incredibly sad.
He's probably going to be getting a call from the network heads tomorrow morning, if he hasn't gotten one already.
He's never been super far right wing. IIRC, he doesn't like putting small time weed users in jail and he's also against the death penalty (or at least in most cases).
It's just that even when he has somewhat of a contrary position tot he GOP, he still usually gives them the notion of it being a fair position to hold or at least just says something like "people are dumb so you need to change your position even if I think it's the right position."
In this case he's saying the GOP position is dumb. Even said they're on the wrong side of history. That's pretty significant for him.
Kinda crazy when you think about it. The only reason Ted Cruz is even in this country is because his dad was Cuban not Haitian or Mexican. But fuck THOSE people.The base is about to go insane over immigration, and Cruz is leading the charge
I'll give this guy an ounce of credit for being opposed to giving mulch-million dollar subsidies for farmers.
Notice the constant violent metaphors and imagery he uses.
As much as some of his positions are actually reasonable, i refuse to give Bill O'Reilly credit for anything because every time i start to think "well maybe he's not so bad" he comes out the next day with some George Tiller bullshit or calls the wives of dead war vets pinheads or something equally outrageously offensive.He's never been super far right wing. IIRC, he doesn't like putting small time weed users in jail and he's also against the death penalty (or at least in most cases).
It's just that even when he has somewhat of a contrary position tot he GOP, he still usually gives them the notion of it being a fair position to hold or at least just says something like "people are dumb so you need to change your position even if I think it's the right position."
In this case he's saying the GOP position is dumb. Even said they're on the wrong side of history. That's pretty significant for him.
Public radio = best radio.
And yet people said that Mitt only won the primary out of a lack of competition that would show up for 2016.
I just think of O'Reilly as a contrarian in general.
It was a stupid tweet. It was wrong. There are racists and many of the policies might be racist or racially discrimintory in intent or effect but to say the 'rightwing' is racist? That's just not supported.
It was a ridiculous tweet, and just another case of MSNBC stupidity. Racism isn't exclusive to one party.
Everything about Christie reeks of corruption. I think these are just the beginning of the iceberg.
Everything about Christie reeks of corruption. I think these are just the beginning of the iceberg.
Doesnt he have two harvard degrees or something? Also no one can dare touch Billo. Not even Roger Ailes.Bill has been known to be reasonable at times, not often but it does happen. He's the only person on that network who isn't completely batshit these days, which is incredibly sad.
He's probably going to be getting a call from the network heads tomorrow morning, if he hasn't gotten one already.
NYTimes said:President Obama signaled in an interview broadcast Friday that he might accept an immigration deal that does not include a special pathway to citizenship for those in the country illegally, possibly meeting Republicans in the middle on an issue that has divided them for years.
msnbc is getting dangerously close to turning legitimate christie corruption scandals into a cause celebre of the left, a sort of bridgeghazi that only committed leftists can understand. or am i misreading their coverage?
NPR isn't public radio. We don't have that in the US.