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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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I'm not sure if you're expanding on my post or if you stopped reading after the quoted section, because I fully agree with you. I just think it takes a little reflection to come to this conclusion rather than a more instinctual, "fuck the guy who does nothing while I bust my ass"

I quoted you because I agreed with your position.

IIRC, nationalized telecoms companies have had pretty bad records elsewhere in the world, so personally I'm more of a fan of more private competition. The way I see it nationalization will cut down on abusive policies like data caps, but it will result in worse management and lower investment. More private competition doesn't have any of those faults once you get past the high initial cost of laying fiber-optic wire, and then you could just regulate the abusive policies away.

I'm basically envisioning a USPS like scenario in which the biggest player is the government but private companies can still play.


I don't see a problem here. I think it'd be great for the country if all the people opposed to Obamacare moved their efforts over from political solutions to pure prayer.

Cyan, our wedding colors are red and blue. I expect an open bar, too. *crosses arms*


so a person who is well and capable of working a job, who is perfectly healthy, mentally and physically, should be able to sit around the house all day, and do nothing, and not live in poverty?

yeah gonna disagree with that there

Idk we let the rich do that. What's the difference between them and the people on the bottom?


Rand Plagiarist strikes again.

Rand Paul Uses Plagiarized Content Against Obama

Rand Paul, a well-known Tea Party member and Republican senator from Kentucky, filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against President Barack Obama and heads of government agencies connected with the National Security Agency’s publicized bulk collection program, seeking to have it declared unconstitutional. While not the sole lawsuit being filed on the issue, it is one of the more pulbic ones. This made what came next — his second plagiarization scandal in as many years — that much more unfortunate for the senator.

Paul’s lawyer, Ken Cuccinelli, worked with Bruce Fein, an ex-Reagan administration lawyer, in writing up the suit. Now, both Fein and his spokeswoman — a role filled by his ex-wife — are insisting that not only has Fein not been fully paid for his work but that the suit — filed under Cuccinelli’s name — has stolen credit for his work without giving proper recognition for his work and writing.

“I am aghast and shocked by Ken Cuccinelli’s behavior and his absolute knowledge that this entire complaint was the work product, intellectual property and legal genius of Bruce Fein. Ken Cuccinelli stole the suit,” said Mattie Fein, Fein’s spokeswoman, to the Washington Post. She also pointed out that Paul has “already had one plagiarism issue,” and “now has a lawyer who just takes another lawyer’s work product.”

Dana Milbank, an opinion writer for thePost, listed multiple examples of Fein’s filed suit compared to the original version written by Cuccinelli. For example, Cuccinelli’s version says: ”Since the MATP was publicly disclosed, public opinion polls showed widespread opposition to the dragnet collection, storage, retention, and search of telephone metadata collected on every domestic or international phone call made or received by citizens or permanent resident aliens in the United States.”

Oh Rand... Just staph.


I think people have a really hard time knowing their labor is aiding someone in society who chooses to not contribute. I understand this on a reflexive level.

They must be really bummed out then, since this is literally the foundation stone of the capitalist system. If you've ever rented an apartment, held a credit card, bought a car with a loan, or done business with a privately or publicly held corporation, your money is going to somebody who doesn't do anything.

If you want to get really cynical, the conflict between socialism and capitalism isn't really about ideology. It's a battle between two groups of rentiers. I prefer the one I get to vote for, that's all.
I quoted you because I agreed with you

Rock on. Internet translation and all that jazz.

They must be really bummed out then, since this is literally the foundation stone of the capitalist system. If you've ever rented an apartment, held a credit card, bought a car with a loan, or done business with a privately or publicly held corporation, your money is going to somebody who doesn't do anything.

If you want to get really cynical, the conflict between socialism and capitalism isn't really about ideology. It's a battle between two groups of rentiers. I prefer the one I get to vote for, that's all.

The banker is clean cut and the poor person is dirty though. I do wonder how much optics plays a roll in our perception.

It's astonishing how much reporting can go on without anybody bothering to contact anybody to find out anything.

Like Benghazi and the IRS scandals eh? Honestly though, I couldn't care less about a politician plagiarizing something. I don't think it has anything to do with their merits. I dislike Rand enough for plenty of other reasons.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Shia LaBeouf was the lead actor from Transformers who, for his short film directorial debut, decided it would be okay to blatantly plagiarize the work of acclaimed graphic novelist, Daniel Clowes. After his short went around the film festival circuit to rave reviews, he put it online, where people instantly realized and spoke up about what he had actually done. Not only was the dialog stolen, word for word, he even took the artist's composition of the shots as his own. He never mentioned Daniel Clowes in any way. It wasn't until after Shia was caught that he bothered to give the man credit for his work, offering lame justifications about the meaning of 'inspiration' via Twitter.

Anyway, the public backlash was understandably pretty big, and for the last couple months, it's prompted LeBeouf to self destruct both online and off. He swore off social media forever, which lasted about a day. He paid to have airplanes skywrite the message "I'm Sorry Daniel Clowes" above LA. He wore a paper bag to the premiere of his latest film with the phrase "I am not famous anymore" scrawled on it. And now for his latest stunt, he has opened an installation at a gallery in LA in which he's wearing that paper bag for a pseudo-performance art piece titled #IAMSORRY (NeoGAF thread).

Ah okay. I knew about the first part but not the rest. Sounds like a douchey thing to do, which is why Christie should do just that as well.

In other news, do these idiots even know what the hell they're even arguing anymore?*

Fox News host and conservative firebrand Eric Bolling proposed a health care alternative that bears striking resemblance to the public option, a government-issued insurance program that was originally considered as part of the health care reform law that was the target of his network.

On the February 11 edition of Fox's The Five, Bolling reacted to news that the Affordable Care Act's employer mandate was being delayed for some businesses by suggesting Republicans replace the ACA's mandate to purchase insurance with an optional government-issued alternative. Bolling said this plan would have the benefit of driving "all the prices down" in the health care market, and expressed puzzlement about "why the Republicans don't do this"

When you've gone so far right, you eventually wind up left.

*yeah, I know they never really understood anything to begin with


Sidhe / PikPok
In other news, do these idiots even know what the hell they're even arguing anymore?

He is clearly completely consistent with the simple, underlying Fox and Republican position of "we are against whatever Obama has done, is doing, or is trying to do".
Grimes is leading by 5.
McConnell HQ:

Mr. Brownback has been heavily criticized for enacting huge tax cuts at a time when schools are not funded at the constitutionally mandated level. Advocates of increased school funding have sued, and the case is now before the state Supreme Court. But the governor and the Legislature have vowed to ignore any ruling that requires them to increase spending to a specific amount, asserting that elected lawmakers, not judges, should make those decisions.

Holy shit I'll be long dead before Democrats figure out how to play this dirty.


Remember when the House repealed Obamacare and for some reason every conservative was like "OBAMACARE REPEALED!"

Like repealing it for the 40th time somehow made it more legal.

They've repealed it 40 times, but King Obama just violates the constitution and makes it law again.
Its like there trying to unlock an Xbox achievement...

or maybe its like in Final Fantasy X where you have to dodge the lighting bolts 200 times to unlock an ultimate weapon or summon or something.

That's it. If they try to repeal enough times, they summon the spirits of Reagan and Nixon back from the dead and lead everyone to a Republican paradise (ie the 1950s, where minorities and women knew their place).


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It's like getting a one up in Mario when you get 100 coins. Except instead of getting another chance at life, well you know...


No Scrubs
So what Roker is really saying is that the only thing that ended up coming faster than expected was his White House poopy pants.

Everyone giving deBlasio shit over not closing schools is a little odd considering Bloomberg never closed them for snow either (other than that one time early on) and no one really seemed to give a shit.


Everyone giving deBlasio shit over not closing schools is a little odd considering Bloomberg never closed them for snow either (other than that one time early on) and no one really seemed to give a shit.
I hate it when employers and schools don't care when the weather is bad. But it is funny how Bloomberg was immune.


No Scrubs
I hate it when employers and schools don't care when the weather is bad. But it is funny how Bloomberg was immune.

I honestly think its down to framing, Bloomberg always said he kept schools open because not every parent could afford to stay home from work and look after their kids all day. That and the fact deBlasio is the new guy and the press probably isn't done busting his balls yet.

Mike M

Nick N
I honestly think its down to framing, Bloomberg always said he kept schools open because not every parent could afford to stay home from work and look after their kids all day. That and the fact deBlasio is the new guy and the press probably isn't done busting his balls yet.
Didn't he also refuse to waive $200 parking tickets because it "wasn't that much" or something? I vaguely recall something about that and snow, like you could only park on one side of the street on alternating days, but people couldn't move their cars in the snow or something.


Why did we even have two internet companies that had a vast majority of internet marketshare in the first place?

It's wiring. It's the same reason that electricity, phone and water are all government-regulated utilities -- installation is just too expensive.
Everyone giving deBlasio shit over not closing schools is a little odd considering Bloomberg never closed them for snow either (other than that one time early on) and no one really seemed to give a shit.

bloomberg used his fortune to dole out $$$$ and quell criticism.
Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) have introduced a Senate version of the “State Marriage Defense Act,” a bill that would prohibit the federal government from recognizing same-sex couples’ marriages if they live in a state that doesn’t recognize them. This “You’re Not Married Anymore” bill would mean that families would lose all their federal protections simply by crossing the border into another state.

The legislation is a workaround since the Supreme Court overturned the Defense of Marriage Act last year, reasoning that the federal government could not refuse to recognize legally valid marriages performed in the states. Since then, the Obama administration has been using a “place of celebration” standard, meaning that as long as a same-sex couple’s marriage was valid where it was performed, it continues to be valid for most federal purposes (like tax benefits, etc.), even if they travel or move to a state that bans same-sex marriage.

According to Cruz, state authority should supersede the legal protections of these families:
CRUZ: I support traditional marriage. Under President Obama, the federal government has tried to re-define marriage, and to undermine the constitutional authority of each state to define marriage consistent with the values of its citizens. The Obama Administration should not be trying to force gay marriage on all 50 states. We should respect the states, and the definition of marriage should be left to democratically elected legislatures, not dictated from Washington. This bill will safeguard the ability of states to preserve traditional marriage for its residents.

Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) introduced a similar bill in the House last month, admitting that he hadn’t even read the Supreme Court’s decision before he filed it. The National Organization for Marriage has praised the bills because the values of citizens who voted to ban same-sex marriage are “continually under threat.”

Ironically, this tactic to undermine marriage equality directly contradicts the principles of another attempt, the so-called “Marriage and Religious Freedom Act,” which would allow religious individuals to disregard state definitions of marriage if they wished to discriminate against same-sex couples.

*sigh* This gets tiresome.
Did you catch Maddow's opener last night on Gov. Patrick McCrory, Duke Energy, and the coal ash spill?

The US attorneys are looking into the fact that the state of North Carolina is not doing a damn thing to really go after Duke Energy . . . the company that formerly employed McCrory and donated $1 million to his campaign. He could be the next GOPer Governor gone wild to find himself in trouble.



Did you catch Maddow's opener last night on Gov. Patrick McCrory, Duke Energy, and the coal ash spill?

The US attorneys are looking into the fact that the state of North Carolina is not doing a damn thing to really go after Duke Energy . . . the company that formerly employed McCrory and donated $1 million to his campaign. He could be the next GOPer Governor gone wild to find himself in trouble.


A stupid Republican governor does something stupid in his past and now it is coming back to haunt him?

Well, I'll be damned.

Not that I am calling all Republican governors stupid... A broken clock is correct at least twice a day.
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