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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Oh well I do declare, I hope he runs. I'm getting the vapors just thinking about it. Someone bring me an ice tea before I faint.

I read this in Jon Stewart's mocking tone of Lindsay Graham. I'm assuming this is how I was supposed to read it.


If your mission was to bring-forth images of Blanche DuBois in my mind.. good job!


Meanwhile, the FreeRepublic threads on this "news" are entertaining as all hell. The posters over there seem to coalescing around Ted Cruz - and if the nominee isn't Cruz, they're staying home on Election Day '16.

DuBois? Hand in your gay card. Right now.

Lord Fagan

Junior Member
"...if nobody steps up in the presidential mix, if nobody’s out there talking​—​me and McCain have been talking​—​I may just jump in to get to make these arguments,” Graham said.

Christ on a cracker. Put the Palin playbook the fuck down, man...


Oops I cut off McCain's quote:
“I’ve strongly encouraged him to give it a look. I think Lindsey has vast and deep experience on these issues that very few others have. I happen to like a lot of these guys—I like Jeb Bush, Chris Christie. Ted Cruz has gone out of his way to tell people how much he agrees with me on national security.”

Potentially our first gay candidate? You go, gurl.
James Buchanan would like a word.


Unconfirmed Member


No Scrubs
I can't wait for his "we're all going to die" campaign. It'll mash up well with "free market is our god" Paul, "compromising is a sin" Cruz, "I'm not dumb and I have the nerd glasses to prove it" Perry, "it's not my fault" Christie, and "third time's the charm" Bush.

Amazing how they can amass such a wide variety of crazy into one primary race.

Man, and here everyone thought they couldn't possibly have a crazier primary season than the last one. This is gonna be legendary, I can't wait.


Man, and here everyone thought they couldn't possibly have a crazier primary season than the last one. This is gonna be legendary, I can't wait.
Hollywood couldn't script this cast better. I'm totally guilty of the "c'mon '14, out with you already, dammit! On to '16!!!" sentiment because of the comedy factor alone.


I can't wait for his "we're all going to die" campaign. It'll mash up well with "free market is our god" Paul, "compromising is a sin" Cruz, "I'm not dumb and I have the nerd glasses to prove it" Perry, "it's not my fault" Christie, and "third time's the charm" Bush.

Amazing how they can amass such a wide variety of crazy into one primary race.
And this is how Scott Walker waltzes to the nomination if he wins this year.

You also forgot that Peter T"errorism Supporter" King has already announced, and that Bachmann, Bolton, Cain, Carson, Huckabee and Santorum have all floated interest.


Unconfirmed Member
So I've been out of the loop for awhile.

What makes Kay Hagan so important that she's become a meme?

Never quite understood that

It's a very important senate race in a state that's in a really strange political flux right now.
So I've been out of the loop for awhile.

What makes Kay Hagan so important that she's become a meme?

Never quite understood that
"Bad news for Kay Hagan" has basically become the new "Bad news for Obama" thanks to PD going hard on predicting doom for the NC senator, even when she's led in nearly every single poll taken over the past few months.

Ironically NC is looking safer for the Ds than IA or CO right now.


No Scrubs
And this is how Scott Walker waltzes to the nomination if he wins this year.

You also forgot that Peter T"errorism Supporter" King has already announced, and that Bachmann, Bolton, Cain, Carson, Huckabee and Santorum have all floated interest.

Peter King? Seriously?

Oh I hope the Cain Train starts up again!


Peter King? Seriously?

He's wavered a little since then and not formally filed. (Not that anyone else has.) But still said he'll run if Cruz and Paul do because they're isolationists who would allow terrorists to destroy America.

Cain said a couple times, including in 2012 before he shot to the front of the polls, that he saw that campaign as building a movement for 2016 lol


No Scrubs


It's the right kind of dumb though for certain constituencies. Kill all the terrorists! Bomb everything! Michael Jackson is a child molester! The tea party is horrible! Stop gun nuts! Everybody else is a wimp!

Speaking of 2016 candidates, Marist just put a new national one out, first one since July from anybody I think.

15% - Paul Ryan
14% - Jeb Bush
14% - Christie
10% - Rand Paul
8% - Perry
6% - Rubio
3% - Jindal
3% - Walker
2% - Cruz
2% - Santorum
23% - Undecided

19% - Rand Paul
17% - Jeb Bush
9% - Paul Ryan
8% - Cruz
7% - Christie
6% - Jindal
5% - Perry
5% - Rubio
4% - Santorum
2% - Walker
17% - Undecided

64% - Hillary
16% - Biden
8% - Warren
4% - Sanders
1% - O'Malley
0% - Jim Webb
6% - Undecided

65% - Hillary
12% - Biden
7% - Warren
5% - Jim Webb
4% - O'Malley
3% - Sanders
5% - Undecided

That really isn't saying a whole lot.
I'm not sure he wouldn't do better than Romney in Wisconsin.


Lindsay Graham running? Must be a desperate attempt by McCain to Putin his way into the White House.

Actually their whole dynamic makes sense if you just think of Graham as the Southern Medvedev.
Iraq continues to fall to shit, after the airstrikes. Prepare for mission creep fellas.

let Baghdad fall?

I don't want US troops but we really need to have an actual army push back ISIS. We need the Arab League to step up. Its ridiculous that we're not doing more to push Turkey or Iraqs neighbors to do more with their troops.
let Baghdad fall?

I don't want US troops but we really need to have an actual army push back ISIS. We need the Arab League to step up. Its ridiculous that we're not doing more to push Turkey or Iraqs neighbors to do more with their troops.
It will be interesting to see if Saudi troops set foot into Iraq. Last time Hejazis got inside Baghdad and Basra was 1400 years ago.


Remember that time we stationed troops during the Gulf War specifically so the Saudi's couldn't be seen as actively participating?
Here's a piece on Begich's campaign in Alaska. It mostly focuses on his reaching out to rural communities (which he's doing an amazing job of by the sound of it), but there's also a tidbit about Iowa backing up the stat in the NY Times the other day about early voting turning out a significant number of Democrats who didn't vote at all in 2010.


Speaking of Alaska, apparently Don Young and his challenger got in a scuffle backstage of the debate today or Friday.
Yea I know, but it's still a bit mystifying to me. It's just one of those things I just don't get, every time I see him on the news he's saying something dumb.

He's actually perfect for his district. He's moderate-ish on social issues, not insane on economic issues, but is strong on "security" (ie. hating the Muslims) issues, and in Staten Island, that's catnip for the people who seriously tried to secede from NYC in the mid and late 80's.


and in Staten Island, that's catnip for the people who seriously tried to secede from NYC in the mid and late 80's.
The only problem with your theory (I agreed with the rest above) is that King's district is out in Nassau/Suffolk County and has been, so that's some serious voter fraud.


This is semantics, and nothing more
PSA: I think we need to lay off the misspellings of my pseudonym for a while. I'm now being followed around GAF by this ad:


Chris R

Speaking of Alaska, apparently Don Young and his challenger got in a scuffle backstage of the debate today or Friday.

Why we keep voting the old ass back in is a mystery to me. In a perfect world Young and Parnell lose, Begich wins and I get my legal pot.

So expect NONE of that to happen and for me to move my ass to a state that doesn't fucking suck sooner rather than later.


He's like the King of Alaska. Especially after Stevens died. I figure Murkowski would still be Senator if he hadn't swapped out for his daughter.

These small one House states get like this for whatever reason. Delaware and Hawai'i for example.

Districts inside big cities too have this tendency.
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