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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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I might be giving him too much credit (never heard of the guy before), but it's an interesting line of thought; race is, ultimately, a social construct, and as such is subject to change, as old prejudices are forgotten and new ones conceived. Speaking relatively, to those groups he named, the differences would have been just as stark as the ones we have today.

He doesn't think race is a social construct. The thesis that made him famous was pretty much "black people are stupider than whites"

And that thesis he presents is patently wrong. Those religious groups don't have this distinct 1000 year cultural history those groups have.

And its hilarious telling how he loves subdividing whites into distinct groups but still only talks about "latinos" "blacks" and "asians"


This is semantics, and nothing more
How is it a conspiracy. The whole object of a franchise is to reduce legal liability of the franchiser.

And you haven't explained what you mean by economically feasible is. I think a model which requires millions to live in poverty isn't very feasible. But that's just me. You seem to think if you can increase the bottom line its feasible. I think there's a lot of externalities that your and other conservatives analysis misses (intentionally of course, because god forbid business has a social responsibility and obligation)

Let's set a baseline for feasibility: no honest definition of the term could discount circumstances as they actually exist. If reality exhibits X, then it must be true that X is feasible. You may not like X, or you may consider it immoral, but it's disingenuous to attempt to convey your dislike, or its immorality, through the rhetoric of feasibility. More particularly, by "feasible," I mean what is usually meant by that word when honestly used. Likewise "economically," though in this context, I mean with respect to the economy, not "with thrift."

If limited liability were all that franchisors were after, they'd form subsidiaries, and wouldn't be franchisors. Franchises enable relatively rapid brand expansion by having different companies shoulder the burden of establishing and operating the same business in different places.

You allege that franchising is just a trick that fools the government and Internet commenters like PhoenixDark into believing that it's something it isn't. But it's not a trick, notwithstanding your refusal to acknowledge the distinction between a business with multiple locations and a business with multiple franchisees. There's a real difference between Company A establishing Stores 1, 2, and 3; and Company A licensing it's trademarks and providing training to Companies B, C, and D (which are not affiliated by ownership with Company A), which then each establish their own stores.
He will certainly be competitive in New Mexico.
Primary or general? Because NM is gone for Republicans in the general, and it's occurs too late in the primary calendar to mean anything.

Interesting that his Communications Direction is the founder of America Rising. Jeb's not even being subtle that his path to the nomination is by scorched earth oppo dumping. I can't wait.


Primary or general? Because NM is gone for Republicans in the general, and it's occurs too late in the primary calendar to mean anything.

Interesting that his Communications Direction is the founder of America Rising. Jeb's not even being subtle that his path to the nomination is by scorched earth oppo dumping. I can't wait.

I was being sarcastic. I've long felt his Spanish "connections" are overrated and he will be no more competitive than McCain with Hispanics. His pathway to the Presidency is the same as the previous nominees before him. He will certainly spend money in NM and NV but it wont mean he will win them. The same with Hillary in GA and AZ. Heck both campaigns will have all the money they need to compete.
Let's set a baseline for feasibility: no honest definition of the term could discount circumstances as they actually exist. If reality exhibits X, then it must be true that X is feasible. You may not like X, or you may consider it immoral, but it's disingenuous to attempt to convey your dislike, or its immorality, through the rhetoric of feasibility. More particularly, by "feasible," I mean what is usually meant by that word when honestly used. Likewise "economically," though in this context, I mean with respect to the economy, not "with thrift."

Well, what is "economically feasible" in the short term may not be true in the long term, so your definition is incomplete, TBH.

Regarding minimum wage, I hope people realize currently very few people actually earn the federal wage. It's 3-3.5 million people earning that or less. Half of that number are over 25.

Those making less than minimum wage are generally in 1 of two categories. Restaurant servers who, with tips, make more. The other are students working summer jobs like camp counselors who get paid less, too.

Additionally, a lot of those paid the minimum do so as added income to spouse that earns decently (whether for income or just not to be home bored). The rest

Very few people earn a living of the federal minimum wage. If anything, this shows how fucking out of date it's become. It needs to be raised a lot to serve as an actual floor. It's hardly a floor at the moment.

$15/hour is much closer to a real floor.


Unconfirmed Member
People are still paying Charles Murray to write about "races"

I swear to god...


and his editor is horrible for never replacing his over use of quotidian


He is one of Jeb Bush's favorite authors.


Its really distressing to me that he didn't get more pushback against him for that one. I don't think our president should be influenced by a guy that argues black people are genetically inferior, and recently wrote a book titled "By The People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission" that argues the upper class should use their money to override democracy when it fails them.

Obama not sounding too confident. Coming off as kind of bitter and worried about King v. Burwell. Last time he said he was confident they'd do the right thing in the NFIB case. Now he's saying this time around that they never should have taken it up. He sounds angry.

He also gave a huge speech against the SCOTUS before the individual mandate ruling. Don't read into these things.

Let it play out.

FWIW, Obama is right in everything he said.


Two-thirds of people hope that ObamaCare subsidies will be upheld in court later this month, including nearly 50 percent of Republicans, according to a new poll.

A total of 61 percent of people said low-income Americans should be eligible for the subsidies regardless of what state they live in – a question at the center of the looming King v. Burwell case, according to the poll commissioned by the progressive group Americans United for Change.

A majority of people also said they hope Congress will take action if the court rules against the Obama administration. Just 28 percent of people said they’d be less likely to vote for their representative in Congress if he or she decided to fix the Affordable Care Act to preserve the subsidies.

The poll included 530 voters and was conducted last week by the liberal-leaning group, Public Policy Polling.


Jindal is making his announcement not in New Orleans, but out in the suburbs: Kenner.

I had wondered about the wisdom of announcing in New Orleans itself. He's absolutely loathed here, and the risk of protesters and disruptors (skywriters, too!) was one of the first things that had crossed my mind when folks were discussing him potentially appearing here in the city.

Hell.. if it had been outside, I would've been tempted to call-in sick on that day so that I could show-up with a farting keychain and a bullhorn..
Jindal is making his announcement not in New Orleans, but out in the suburbs: Kenner.

I had wondered about the wisdom of announcing in New Orleans itself. He's absolutely loathed here, and the risk of protesters and disruptors (skywriters, too!) was one of the first things that had crossed my mind when folks were discussing him potentially appearing here in the city.

Hell.. if it had been outside, I would've been tempted to call-in sick on that day so that I could show-up with a farting keychain and a bullhorn..
I lived in new Orleans for 4 years. I was loathed to ever go to meterrie or kenner. What horrible borning places.


I lived in new Orleans for 4 years. I was loathed to ever go to meterrie or kenner. What horrible borning places.
Most of my extended family left the city for the suburbs in the 50s-70s (white flight..), while a few steadfastly refused to leave and stayed in the city. Even though I grew up in Kenner, I hold zero affection for it. Once you get into Jefferson Parish, it looks just like Houston. Getting around is a pain, and I've grown really impatient with traffic.

And funny enough, I'm back in my folks' old neighborhood (Irish Channel). Feels so damn right being here!

New Orleans has that rep for being corrupt as hell, but damn if Jefferson Parish doesn't have its own flair for grift.
The funny thing is that republicans aren't even pretending to come up with a fix or compromise, to give Roberts cover to shitcan the subsidies. I thought they'd trot out some quasi serious fix or solution, and pass it in the House. That way they could say "hey, we have a solution, we just need senate democrats to compromise and Obama to sign it." They can't even do that. I've read some reports that they plan on doing some type of extension past the 2016 election, to take the issue off the table. But nothing has materialized and now it's June...

Kind of makes me wonder whether SC Justice clerks leak info to Capitol Hill/the White House; iirc cases like this are settled long before the decision is publicly revealed. Maybe republican inaction is because they know the subsidies will be upheld?


I actually have no idea what the culture is like on the Hill in terms of soft knowledge of a SCOTUS decision before its announced. I'm guessing they keep it extremely tight lipped, but I have no idea.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Well, what is "economically feasible" in the short term may not be true in the long term, so your definition is incomplete, TBH.

No, it isn't, but so far I've seen no analyses whatsoever in support of the proposed mandate, whether long- or short-term.

"People will suffer if the SCOTUS rules in our favor, but lol fuck them. We got ours."

This meme doesn't even fit here :/
No, it isn't, but so far I've seen no analyses whatsoever in support of the proposed mandate, whether long- or short-term.

This meme doesn't even fit here :/

I think you're misconstruing Mamba's post; feasible in the short term ("this is happening, therefore it's feasible") is not the same thing as feasible in the long term ("we can keep doing this without major negative consequences"). Your first definition excluded the latter.


This is semantics, and nothing more
More like,

"People will suffer if the SCOTUS rules in our favor, Thanks Obama!"

EDIT: A more fitting mem meta?

Yeah, actually, that's a much better meme.

I think you're misconstruing Mamba's post; feasible in the short term ("this is happening, therefore it's feasible") is not the same thing as feasible in the long term ("we can keep doing this without major negative consequences"). Your first definition excluded the latter.

Let's step back for a moment. Fake APKmetsfan and JesseEwiak proposed that franchisors could just mandate their franchisees to pay a living wage. So we're not talking about minimum wage increases that affect everyone, but wage increases that affect only franchisees of franchisors who implement such a mandate. The minimum wage is a separate issue.
Well, what is "economically feasible" in the short term may not be true in the long term, so your definition is incomplete, TBH.

Regarding minimum wage, I hope people realize currently very few people actually earn the federal wage. It's 3-3.5 million people earning that or less. Half of that number are over 25.

Those making less than minimum wage are generally in 1 of two categories. Restaurant servers who, with tips, make more. The other are students working summer jobs like camp counselors who get paid less, too.

Additionally, a lot of those paid the minimum do so as added income to spouse that earns decently (whether for income or just not to be home bored). The rest

Very few people earn a living of the federal minimum wage. If anything, this shows how fucking out of date it's become. It needs to be raised a lot to serve as an actual floor. It's hardly a floor at the moment.

$15/hour is much closer to a real floor.

Well the minimum wage is 7.25 and some states have a little more than that. If some people are working in a state that has 7.25 minimum wage and they get like 8 dollars wouldn't they get an increase in wages too, including everyone else that makes a little above 7.25? I think it would affect a lot more people, not just the ones making minimum wages .
Yeah, actually, that's a much better meme.

Let's step back for a moment. Fake APKmetsfan and JesseEwiak proposed that franchisors could just mandate their franchisees to pay a living wage. So we're not talking about minimum wage increases that affect everyone, but wage increases that affect only franchisees of franchisors who implement such a mandate. The minimum wage is a separate issue.
I could care less about franchisees and franchises. My main point is we mandate a living wage and businesses that can't afford it shouldn't be operating and we shoupdnt lose sleep over a business which needs poor people to subsist (I don't mind public money going to support small businesses because that's mpre of a grant or tax write off for them but theirs no need for McDonalds to be getting it)

My comment about franchises is because McDonalds could restructure their business to pay theses wages and their argument about "their not our stores they're small business" is a self created problem designed to stiffle the ability of governments to do right by workers. (My bigger problem with franchising is its undercutting of organized labor using dubous means rather their wage hikes). It's creating a legalistic mess so simple solutions can't be put forward.


This is semantics, and nothing more
I could care less about franchisees and franchises. My main point is we mandate a living wage and businesses that can't afford it shouldn't be operating and we shoupdnt lose sleep over a business which needs poor people to subsist (I don't mind public money going to support small businesses because that's mpre of a grant or tax write off for them but theirs no need for McDonalds to be getting it)

My comment about franchises is because McDonalds could restructure their business to pay theses wages and their argument about "their not our stores they're small business" is a self created problem designed to stiffle the ability of governments to do right by workers. (My bigger problem with franchising is its undercutting of organized labor using dubous means rather their wage hikes). It's creating a legalistic mess so simple solutions can't be put forward.

...and you're confused why I call you a conspiracy theorist?
...and you're confused why I call you a conspiracy theorist?
Yes I'm confused because nothing is some giant conspiracy. I just think business is inherently self interested and has abandoned fordism and the idea you have to pay workers what they're worth.

Many (most?) detached from the real world and into wall street none sense like valuations and market cap over actual real world considerations. Globalization has also made them economically nimbal enough where they have less concern over their workers than ever before. And with their ever growing quasi governmental status in many areas this is deeply worrying.

This isn't a conspiracy. They openly state these ideas at places like Davos in the WSJ op ed page. Just with more euphemisms.

Have you not read a history book over the post Powell memo era of big business?


Donald trump is in. Set to announce one day after Bush on June 16th........................sorta. Republican are ready for him though.

The article says it all.

“If he were in the debates, it would be must-see TV,” said GOP strategist Ford O’Connell. “It would also be tragic for the party, because we have a real chance to win the White House in 2016, and Republican primary voters want to hear more from others.”

He has to understand that this isn’t ‘The Apprentice,’ this is a serious thing,” said O’Connell. “What’s going to happen when he goes after these guys? Is anything below the belt for him? Democrats are just going to be sitting there waiting to use some of this to their advantage.”

Debates will be glorious. Trump vs Bush or Trump vs Cruz. Take your pick lol.



I still refuse to believe it. I've seen this before, Trump stages an announcement event then declares he has too many commitments, a new Celebrity Apprentice season, beauty pageant, or real estate project. Of course he'd love to save his country of 320 million people from miserable decline, but as everyone can see, his schedule's full.


He also gave a huge speech against the SCOTUS before the individual mandate ruling. Don't read into these things.

Let it play out.

FWIW, Obama is right in everything he said.
Watch the video. He sounds completely lacking in confidence. It reminds me of Obama circa 2009-2010 when he didn't always know how to answer tough questions or react appropriately to circumstances that may not turn out that great. He's very worried. You can tell it keeps him up. When he was reminded of potential consequences of NFIB v. Sebelius, he took it in stride. Not so this time around.
I still refuse to believe it. I've seen this before, Trump stages an announcement event then declares he has too many commitments, a new Celebrity Apprentice season, beauty pageant, or real estate project. Of course he'd love to save his country of 320 million people from miserable decline, but as everyone can see, his schedule's full.

Nah, he's going the distance on this one... Trump style.

He'll get into the debates, say a few outrageously stupid/inflammatory/pandering things, jump up in the polls, soak in the headlines for a while, then drop out. His reason will be that he believes that he can best serve his* country from private position as a business leader, and please also watch the next season of Celebrity Apprentice.

*The way he says "his country" will leave no doubt in the minds of all those listening that he really does mean his country, and we're all just living in it.
Well the minimum wage is 7.25 and some states have a little more than that. If some people are working in a state that has 7.25 minimum wage and they get like 8 dollars wouldn't they get an increase in wages too, including everyone else that makes a little above 7.25? I think it would affect a lot more people, not just the ones making minimum wages .
You Are Exactly Correct!

(to note, I was not trying to imply a minimum wage raise would affect only a few people only that the minimum wage is so low that even these so called greedy corporations still almost always pay more than the minimum wage)
Watch the video. He sounds completely lacking in confidence. It reminds me of Obama circa 2009-2010 when he didn't always know how to answer tough questions or react appropriately to circumstances that may not turn out that great. He's very worried. You can tell it keeps him up. When he was reminded of potential consequences of NFIB v. Sebelius, he took it in stride. Not so this time around.

Eh come on. He gave a rather professorial answer...because he's a constitutional lawyer and probably still amazed this case went to the SC.

I'd imagine he knows what the ruling will be already. Clerks probably leak this shit to the hill/WH in advance.

If the ruling is as we assume it'll be, we move on. If not, the WH will probably just issue forth a 2 page amendment and dare republicans not to do anything with it.


Eh come on. He gave a rather professorial answer...because he's a constitutional lawyer and probably still amazed this case went to the SC.

I'd imagine he knows what the ruling will be already. Clerks probably leak this shit to the hill/WH in advance.

If the ruling is as we assume it'll be, we move on. If not, the WH will probably just issue forth a 2 page amendment and dare republicans not to do anything with it.

Yeah, even if we are to assume that the administration is aware of the ruling (are they? again, I have no idea how this works) and his side prevailed, I wouldn't really expect him to give a much different answer.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Yeah, even if we are to assume that the administration is aware of the ruling (are they? again, I have no idea how this works) and his side prevailed, I wouldn't really expect him to give a much different answer.

I doubt anyone but the justices and their clerks know how the vote went. Remember that, for a minute or so after the decision in NFIB was released, the president thought the law had been struck down, because that's what CNN was reporting.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


I doubt anyone but the justices and their clerks know how the vote went. Remember that, for a minute or so after the decision in NFIB was released, the president thought the law had been struck down, because that's what CNN was reporting.

Right -- that's what I assumed on the dissemination of information. See guys? He's not reading your emails, or he'd obviously be reading Kennedy's right now!


Unconfirmed Member
Announcing it on the 16th? So this is how Nintendo plans to make up for the lack of Zelda at E3.

Maybe his real big announcement is Mario Real Estate featuring real Donald Trump real estate properties.

It'd be the biggest thing since Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix


Eh come on. He gave a rather professorial answer...because he's a constitutional lawyer and probably still amazed this case went to the SC.

I'd imagine he knows what the ruling will be already. Clerks probably leak this shit to the hill/WH in advance.

If the ruling is as we assume it'll be, we move on. If not, the WH will probably just issue forth a 2 page amendment and dare republicans not to do anything with it.
I doubt he knows what it is.

Also, if it isn't what we assume, the health insurance industry will become a nightmare overnight.
Eh come on. He gave a rather professorial answer...because he's a constitutional lawyer and probably still amazed this case went to the SC.

I'd imagine he knows what the ruling will be already. Clerks probably leak this shit to the hill/WH in advance.

If the ruling is as we assume it'll be, we move on. If not, the WH will probably just issue forth a 2 page amendment and dare republicans not to do anything with it.
Yeah I don't think this happens.
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