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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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I'm even having a hard time envisioning the ACA being taken out by a nightmare GOP run Executive / Sentate / House.

I don't see that happening either, but as others say the bigger issue at this point is Supreme Court appointments, and probably one of the biggest ways who's in the Executive branch right now can have a lasting legacy.
How does this ruling "expand" Obamacare? It solidifies the status quo. I know Huckabee is just throwing red meat but this is pretty lazy. Not to mention the implication that he would simply ignore the Court.


Neo Member
How does this ruling "expand" Obamacare? It solidifies the status quo. I know Huckabee is just throwing red meat but this is pretty lazy. Not to mention the implication that he would simply ignore the Court.

I guess the argument could be made that by maintaining the status quo, you allow for more open enrollment seasons, more people enrolling with subsidies/via the exchanges, etc.
Cnn trying to make Bernie look stupid. "I assume you were one of the 22 to vote against J Roberts?" Bernie is befuddled, "When was that?" "Under Bush," CNN replies. As if Bernie is an old fart who has lost his memory. Bernie mumbles something.

Yo CNN, Bernie wasnt a senator until 2007. Roberts was appointed in 2005. Sanders had no vote.
I can't agree with this argument, because it boils down to "if you've done one bad thing in your life, you're bad", and ignores the very personal stories people fighting in the war had. I don't think there was anything honorable about immigrants being handed guns and shipped off to fight someone else's war, but that doesn't impugn the conduct of all those in the Federal army.

That's not what I'm saying.

What I'm saying is that while there might have been generally honorable people who served in the Confederate Army, you can't classify their service in the Confederate Army as honorable because it was for a fundamentally dishonorable and reprehensible cause.

There were no doubt good people who were forced to fight for Nazi Germany, but service in the Nazi army cannot be classified as honorable in any fashion.

So when people and politicians say things like "Our ancestors fought nobly for the Confederacy," that's stupid, offensive bullshit. Nobody fought nobly for the Confederacy.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Interesting spread. I wonder how many "Roberts was Coerced" theories we'll get this time.

If Roberts votes to strike down same-sex marriage bans, I'd bet we'll see people saying he got Kennedy to vote with him on King for cover in exchange for Roberts voting with Kennedy in Obergefell.


Are major SC cases against ACA done after this? Will the SC even take up another potentially ACA killing case? It should be pretty clear that the current court will not gut/destroy the law.





With apologies to The Duckworth-Lewis Method

It was jiggery-pokery
Trickery, jokery
How did they open this up?
Robbery, muggery, Lib'rul skulduggery
What in the buggering fuck?
I'm now quite shivery, I might as well have been staying in bed until noon
Jiggery pokery, who are these nobodies, making me look a buffoon
Like a blithering old buffoon.


I can't agree with this argument, because it boils down to "if you've done one bad thing in your life, you're bad", and ignores the very personal stories people fighting in the war had. I don't think there was anything honorable about immigrants being handed guns and shipped off to fight someone else's war, but that doesn't impugn the conduct of all those in the Federal army.
I think the idea that there is honor in fighting bravely for a terrible cause is an extremely toxic one that we should just reject.
"Honor" is what got non Nazi why prussian soldiers to fight for Hitler, "honor" is why a metric ton of American and Japanese soldiers (not to mention civilian population) had to die in an obviously losing fight in the Pacific.
Fuck that shit.
Dying for a bad cause without realizing it is tragic, but that shit ain't honorable, not in my book.
And Rick Scott doubles down:

Breaking News said:
Fla. Gov. Rick Scott drops Medicaid expansion, hospital funds lawsuit against Obama administration

I find it weird considering his state was the one that has the most ACA users on the federal exchanges. How's this guy get elected?
There were no doubt good people who were forced to fight for Nazi Germany, but service in the Nazi army cannot be classified as honorable in any fashion.

Ideal example being the wehrmacht during WW2. Sure, you can say that they weren't the same kinda scum that the SS was, but they sure as fuck were, in the greater scheme, contributing to A Bad Thing, and if the best you can say about them is that "at least they weren't the fucking SS", that aint exactly reason to swell with pride.

Also legit surprised that i nailed the spelling in the first try.


And Rick Scott doubles down:

I find it weird considering his state was the one that has the most ACA users on the federal exchanges. How's this guy get elected?

Florida has nice beaches, hot women, and a pretty bullet proof economy. People there just don't give enough of a fuck to get rid of bad politicians.


Unconfirmed Member
guys, the fact that subsidies were upheld is clearly a bad sign for the administration. my tea leaves say lets wait till tomorrow in case they change their ruling.


Yeah, it's not clear with that Rick Scott line:

Fla. Gov. Rick Scott (drops Medicaid expansion), (hospital funds lawsuit against Obama administration)

Fla. Gov. Rick Scott drops (Medicaid expansion, hospital funds lawsuit) against Obama administration

Which is it?

I think the latter, but it's definitely ambiguous.


The Blaze: Was Supreme Court Justice John Roberts Blackmailed?

It’s time to start asking the question. It’s time to be cynical. It’s time to assume the worst of this government.

Has Supreme Court Justice John Roberts been blackmailed or intimidated?

I would put nothing by the Obama administration that lives and rules by the Chicago thug playbook.

Doubt me? On the same day that Justice Roberts and the Supremes upheld Obamacare – again – the key IRS watchdog reported to Congress that the IRS purposely destroyed evidence of a crime.

So, RIP gay marriage?

I can only handle one Diablos, thank you very much.
"I don't agree with the ruling, therefore the person must be blackmailed/evil/doing things against their will" is the dumbest argument I've ever heard, and it is repeated more and more by the GOP. It is beyond childish.

Meanwhile, Cannon is using the "Roberts/the court was swayed by a completely emotional argument with no basis in law" argument.

Today the Supreme Court allowed itself to be intimidated. Afraid that ObamaCare as written would throw the sickest patients out of their health plans a second time, the Court rewrote ObamaCare to save it—again. In doing so, the Court has sent a dangerous message to future administrations: If you are going to violate the law, make sure you go big.

The Court today validated President Obama’s massive power grab, allowing him to tax, borrow, and spend $700 billion that no Congress ever authorized. This establishes a precedent that could let any president modify, amend, or suspend any enacted law at his or her whim.

ObamaCare will continue to disrupt coverage for sick Americans until Congress repeals it and replaces it with reforms that make health care better, more affordable, and more secure. Despite today’s ruling, ObamaCare remains unpopular with the American public and the battle to set in place a health care system that works for all Americans is far from over.
Worst of all for the repute of today’s decision, the
Court’s reasoning is largely self-defeating. The Court
predicts that making tax credits unavailable in States that
do not set up their own Exchanges would cause disastrous
economic consequences there. If that is so, however,
wouldn’t one expect States to react by setting up their own
And wouldn’t that outcome satisfy two of the
Act’s goals rather than just one: enabling the Act’s reforms
to work and promoting state involvement in the Act’s
implementation? The Court protests that the very existence
of a federal fallback shows that Congress expected
that some States might fail to set up their own Exchanges.
Ante, at 19. So it does. It does not show, however, that
Congress expected the number of recalcitrant States to be
particularly large. The more accurate the Court’s dire
economic predictions, the smaller that number is likely to
be. That reality destroys the Court’s pretense that applying
the law as written would imperil “the viability of the
entire Affordable Care Act.”
Ante, at 20. All in all, the
Court’s arguments about the law’s purpose and design are
no more convincing than its arguments about context.

Scalia has the political awareness of a child, confirmed.


Finally not busy but just wanted to chime in with that cackle.

Everyone was so worried but I said months ago it was likely 6-3. I said it would be too ridiculous a precedent to set to rule against the law. There was just no way they would allow such reading of laws which would cause a clusterfuck and furthermore do the immense damage to the health industry at the same time.

Scalia's dissent straight out of a salt mine! Oh boy!

NBA Draft tonight. Today is a good day.

I am glad Roberts ignored Chevron and basically said "lol this argument is dumb, we know what the law intended."

So, who were the 4 conservatives that took up the case?

Or maybe I was right all along when I kept insisting the 4 liberal judges decided to take up the case in order to deliver a blow to Scalia's Constitutional Theory?

Hey Metamorphic? Come at the King and you best not miss!

This is shocking to you?

I can't wait until they legalize gay marriage tomorrow. The salt will be glorious.

I think it's more shocking that he would so clearly document his ignorance in a significant, historical document.

Majority Opinion: "Yeah this is fine, of course it's fine."

Dissenting Opinion, Scalia: "I am a fucking idiot."

Hundreds of years from now, people will be able to look back at this document and say "Wow, that guy really was a fucking idiot."


No Scrubs
I think it's more shocking that he would so clearly document his ignorance in a significant, historical document.

Majority Opinion: "Yeah this is fine, of course it's fine."

Dissenting Opinion, Scalia: "I am a fucking idiot."

Hundreds of years from now, people will be able to look back at this document and say "Wow, that guy really was a fucking idiot."

His pure salt from the gay marriage case is just leaking through.
Jamie DupreeVerified account
On Senate floor, Sen Ted Cruz denounces majority in SCOTUS health ruling: "They are lawless"


Can't wait for Obergefell, now. And Fair Housing Act upheld, too. Worried about redistricting, of course, but overall the conservatives can't be happy.
I am getting legit worried about the GOP. By this time Monday, they could all be dead of sodium poisoning, and what would we do then?



No Scrubs
I am getting legit worried about the GOP. By this time Monday, they could all be dead of sodium poisoning, and what would we do then?


I'm just glad the case was decided our way and today, if it took them any longer the tension would have killed us. I mean look at this thread, we weren't this happy when Obama got re-elected!


Exclusive: Pat Boone challenges Obama to recognize source of ongoing violence
Somebody has to say this … so I’ll say it.

Mr. President! For God’s sake, and America’s sake, quit so often calling crimes that involve a black person “racist”! As the president who came to office, a black man promising to bring people together, a man ideally suited for that job since you were born both black and white, you had a God-given chance to actually proclaim and demonstrate that racial divides and prejudice had greatly diminished and that our society was truly becoming colorblind.

Instead, both at home and, even more sadly, abroad, you have continued to bring up and confess America’s past record of racial prejudice and indicate we “still have issues to resolve” pertaining to race – as if your very presence as twice-elected president of the United States doesn’t proclaim loud and clear that we as a people have largely, though not completely, put to rest any image of America as an ongoing “racist” nation. We are not!


Now we come to the horrific scene in Charleston, South Carolina, in which a satanically inspired young white kid mercilessly kills a number of fine black Christians in a Wednesday night prayer service, in church!

And yes, I said, “inspired by Satan”! Though this had a racist element, to be sure, it was more than that and of far greater significance to America than that. This boy wasn’t just a sadist, or even criminally insane – he was carefully prepared and led by the Devil himself to kill as many Christians as he could. The fact that they were black was an excuse more than a reason.

Let me prove it to you. And let me persuade you to substitute another, more valid word for “racist.”

The word evil.

You’ve professed to be a Christian, right? You’re surely familiar, then, with the Lord’s Prayer. Remember these words from Jesus’ lips, “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil“?

Why would He include those words in such a short, fundamental, all-inclusive prayer for the ages? Because He knew better than anybody that evil exists. Evil is just as real, as present, as all pervasive in this world as God Himself. In fact, the Gospels record that everywhere Jesus went, from the beginning of His earthly ministry to His crucifixion, He was constantly confronted by demons, and He always cast them out of the people they occupied and controlled, setting them free!

In Luke 8, there is mention of “some women he had healed and from whom he had cast out evil spirits, and Mary Magdalene from whom He had cast out seven demons.” And in Matthew 12:24, Satan is revealed as “the prince of demons.”

When Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, and the Dove of the Holy Spirit identified Him as the promised Messiah, still dripping wet, He was led by the Spirit to be tempted by the Devil, face to face!

The war was on.

What war, you ask? You think Iran, or Syria, or Russia, or China, even ISIS, which is beheading Christians, even little children in front of their parents, are our greatest enemy? “Racism“?

Hear God’s Word you claim to believe:

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God..that you may be able to withstand in the evil day; and having done all, to stand.” [Ephesians 6, emphasis added]

Mr. President, look in the eyes of these sad, forlorn, lost evildoers – the Roof kid, the Colorado theater killer, the young New Englander who mowed down little children at school, the Columbine duo, the maniac who shot up the Jewish day-care center and then killed a Hispanic postman “just because he was there,” the increasing mall and workplace insane murderers, even the thousands of children hypnotized by vile and violent video “games” – look deeply into their inner beings (not their skin color or professed motives), and you’ll encounter demons from hell, minions of Satan himself, coming diabolically against anything that God loves.

God loves America, Mr. President. But during your watch, His name is being erased from public life, forbidden in schools, ignored and repudiated in much public policy and laughed at in popular entertainment. You declared, “Whatever America once was, she is no longer a Christian nation.”

Simple, stupid “racism” is not our problem, Mr. President. It is declaring that we are no longer a nation “under God.” And as our society increasingly moves away from God’s protective, loving hand, we can expect more and more horrific demonic evil.



Can't wait for Obergefell, now. And Fair Housing Act upheld, too. Worried about redistricting, of course, but overall the conservatives can't be happy.

Even if AZ loses redistricting, the Republican party of CA will essentially be wiped clear outside of a few districts in the Central Valley.

I'm just glad the case was decided our way and today, if it took them any longer the tension would have killed us. I mean look at this thread, we weren't this happy when Obama got re-elected!

Phft. There's always something for liberals to be unhappy with or worried about! It is the legacy of the left in America.
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