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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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I know this is off topic but i cant make threads
I just heard rustling near the side of my room and i have an uncontrollable fear of insects and mice
I think im going to have a mental breakdown

Ha, that sucks man. I don't really know what to say other than remember they can't hurt you.

You're the product of over 3.2 billion years of genetic success, remember that!
Ha, that sucks man. I don't really know what to say other than remember they can't hurt you.

You're the product of over 3.2 billion years of genetic success, remember that!
When i was little i lived in a house that swarmed with roaches when night fell. I cant help the way i am
Im going to try to go upstairs


I know this is off topic but i cant make threads
I just heard rustling near the side of my room and i have an uncontrollable fear of insects and mice
I think im going to have a mental breakdown
Whatever medicine or misc. substance you just took... don't take it again.


I know this is off topic but i cant make threads
Junior members can't.

You're new though, so you just have to reach the amount of time/posts to become a regular poster.

I, on the other hand, need the benevolent Hand of Youngblood to restore my ability to create threads for all the important links about rebel flags.
When i was little i lived in a house that swarmed with roaches when night fell. I cant help the way i am

Yick, fair enough. Get yourself one of these bad boys:


On a side note, Benji bro what's up with all these overly aggressive Euros in OT Main?


Junior members can't.

You're new though, so you just have to reach the amount of time/posts to become a regular poster.

I, on the other hand, need the benevolent Hand of Youngblood to restore my ability to create threads for all the important links about rebel flags.
I rarely make threads. When I was younger I had a reputation for things like 'post random lyrics' threads. I think I got all of that thread-making energy out of my system years ago.

I do kind of want to make another lyrics thread now


And that Belgian(?) look alike for black face thing. (Which I'm fine with, just can't remember the name.)

Or minarets bans. I remember one of those left a real bloodbath.


I believe that was sweden
Definitely north of belgium whatever country it was
It's Dutch! And you call yourself William F. Buckley Jr.

Okay, actually the Low Countries:
The Zwarte Piet character is part of the annual feast of St. Nicholas, celebrated on the evening of 5 December (Sinterklaasavond, that is, St. Nicholas' Eve) in the Netherlands, Curaçao and Aruba and on 6 December in Belgium and Luxembourg
Guess it took him an extra day to get to Belgium/Luxembourg.
Ugh, I can't take it anymore. You're seriously not applying any critical thought if you're just going to repeat "lol usa is greatest third world country lol." I'm going to bed so I can wake up tomorrow and watch marriage equality happen and then they'll have one less shoe for that high horse.

Should've just sat out the wars and let them cannibalize each other. EU? Moar like pee-ew amirite?
Would that have been a bad thing? Individual sovereignties and culture would suffer, but then we would have avoided world wars 1 and 2. But i suppose the monarchy would cause problems of its own.*
* in reference to benji and napoleon


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
What, nobody liked my "Statists" joke?

Fine. :mad:

Anyway, this is pretty great:

To my mind, the most astonishing aspect of Chief Justice John Roberts’ opinion in King v. Burwell is that it actually puts Obamacare’s opponents in a worse position than they were in before the lawsuit. Pre-King, the IRS had simply promulgated a rule that subsidies must be available to people in every state, regardless of the presence of an exchange. The Obama administration argued that, if the court found the text ambiguous, it should defer to the IRS and allow its rule to go forward. (This is the so-called Chevron deference.) Under that logic, a future administration could revoke the subsidies in states with no exchange just as easily as the Obama administration made the subsidies universally available.

But on Thursday, Roberts held that the Chevron deference doesn’t apply. The subsidy question, he explains, is one of deep “economic and political significance” that cuts to the core of the law. Thus, “[t]his is not a case for the IRS. It is instead our task to determine the correct reading of” the disputed section. Roberts then writes that “Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them,” so the court must hold that the “correct reading” of the law required subsidies to be made available in all 50 states.

This is a breathtaking holding—and an absolutely devastating defeat for the conservatives who brought this challenge to Obamacare. What might have been an ambiguous portion of the text—and an opportunity for a future president to wreck the law—has now been made unambiguous by the court.


Maybe this'll scare enough conservatives to not attempt any more idiotic lawsuits.
So let me get this straight. After tomorrow morning, this week might just include:

1. Confederate flag coming down and under attack

2. Obamacare subsidies win case

3. Same sex marriage legalized nation wide

Worst. Week. Ever.

If you're a super conservative.

Would that have been a bad thing? Individual sovereignties and culture would suffer, but then we would have avoided world wars 1 and 2. But i suppose the monarchy would cause problems of its own.

Russia and Germany under any possible leadership would've just turned it all into a smoking crater. Might've been able to annex Canada and Britain out of the deal.

Leave the lobsterbacks to rot, I say.
Ugh, I can't take it anymore. You're seriously not applying any critical thought if you're just going to repeat "lol usa is greatest third world country lol." I'm going to bed so I can wake up tomorrow and watch marriage equality happen and then they'll have one less shoe for that high horse.

Should've just sat out the wars and let them cannibalize each other. EU? Moar like pee-ew amirite?
Wrong thread brah


I read this recently:

And it was worth it for the drunk Nixon stories, apparently the guy was a major lightweight.

Notable events Buchanan relates from the 1968 campaign:
-Drunk Nixon walking out into the middle of Fifth Avenue to hail Buchanan a cab and nearly getting hit.
-Drunk Nixon sending Buchanan and other staffer into an airport to get snacks, then as they're coming back Nixon is wandering towards them down the corridor because he decided he wanted some chili. When they get to Miami at 2AM they have to go find an all-night chili place.
-Hunter S. Thompson travels with them for a bit, first he nearly kills them all by smoking next to where the plane was being refueled. Then when he gets his "exclusive hour" with Nixon they spend the entire time talking about football.
-Hunter showed up to the first date Buchanan had with his wife, which was at a hotel with some other politicos/reporters in a group setting. Hunter brought a half gallon of Wild Turkey, which he and Buchanan then consumed entirely while arguing about the Soviet Union to the point of screaming at each other into the morning. The two remained friends until Thompsons death.

It also details Nixon's 1968 strategy of "don't fuck up, let everyone else fuck up, then do something just good enough to look awesome by comparison" and his complete lack of political and ideological principles.


No Scrubs

I miss him so much dude, you just brought all that back.

I read this recently:

And it was worth it for the drunk Nixon stories, apparently the guy was a major lightweight.

Notable events Buchanan relates from the 1968 campaign:
-Drunk Nixon walking out into the middle of Fifth Avenue to hail Buchanan a cab and nearly getting hit.
-Drunk Nixon sending Buchanan and other staffer into an airport to get snacks, then as they're coming back Nixon is wandering towards them down the corridor because he decided he wanted some chili. When they get to Miami at 2AM they have to go find an all-night chili place.
-Hunter S. Thompson travels with them for a bit, first he nearly kills them all by smoking next to where the plane was being refueled. Then when he gets his "exclusive hour" with Nixon they spend the entire time talking about football.
-Hunter showed up to the first date Buchanan had with his wife, which was at a hotel with some other politicos/reporters in a group setting. Hunter brought a half gallon of Wild Turkey, which he and Buchanan then consumed entirely while arguing about the Soviet Union to the point of screaming at each other into the morning. The two remained friends until Thompsons death.

It also details Nixon's 1968 strategy of "don't fuck up, let everyone else fuck up, then do something just good enough to look awesome by comparison" and his complete lack of political and ideological principles.

Drunk Nixon sounds amazing.


Speaking of Presidents, I posted this in that hysterical Reagan thread but it can't be posted enough:

Ronaldus Maximus was amazing in so many ways.
I didnt mean to turn this into a nixon thread but thanks for the book reccomendation
Wow that sweater tux im speechless
Edit: the nixon biography by conrad black is a fantastic, never dull read, but it is as sympathetic a portrayal as you could ask for
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