I'm a huge Bernie fan. Huge. Going to vote for him in the primary, but I totally get where you guys are coming from. The bullheadedness of some of his fans is frustrating. Not voting just because Bernie loses to Hillary is just the dumbest thing ever. I had a big argument on Facebook the other day about it. The guy just wouldn't fucking do it. Said Hillary and any of the clowns on the republican side would be exactly the same. I couldn't persuade him with Supreme Court nominations.
I kind of feel like "money in politics" is kind of the white people problems of politics now. Don't get me wrong, it's still a problem, and it's one of my most important ones, but when you're so tunnel visioned that it's the only thing that matters and the candidates are "exactly the same" without that one issue I just don't know what to say except that you're probably so privileged you can't see what's really going on. There are so many other problems that other types of people are having. People are struggling to make ends meet, black people are being killed in the streets, women's healthcare and rights are being eroded by people trying to defund planned parenthood and put other restrictions, there's still sexism in the workplace, trans people struggle for rights and recognition, there are crazy bills being drafted against gay people and even though same sex marriage is now recognized across the country we still have a ways to go, we have a failing drug war, and there are a lot of issues with other countries and our relationship to them that could affect millions in our military and their families, etc. The list really just goes on and on. I realize getting money out of politics helps nearly every one of these in some way, but if you can't get that absolute goal this one election why in the world are we giving up on touching these issues altogether?