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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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This isn't BritPoliGAF, but Vox (I should probably read Vox less lol) has an article up about a dude in British "Dem" party that's also sending the Labour Party into a panic.

I see a parallel of sorts here. The Labour Party is having an election for leadership, there's a real left-wing guy challenging the 'centrism' in the party, etc. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out.

I'd say he's more like Trump.

Not a knock at him but he's a part of a global trend with people being feed up with "they system" and looking towards outsiders
This isn't BritPoliGAF, but Vox (I should probably read Vox less lol) has an article up about a dude in British "Dem" party that's also sending the Labour Party into a panic.

I see a parallel of sorts here. The Labour Party is having an election for leadership, there's a real left-wing guy challenging the 'centrism' in the party, etc. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out.

Corbyn is a waaaaaaaay bigger threat to Labour than Sanders is to the Dems, though.
best not pay attention to it and hope for the best. It aint going anywhere atleast until October at the minimum when she has to testify before the Benghazi panel. What a witch hunt that will be.

Well if there are charges to be filed, they could come before then. The FBI doesn't need to wait on Trey Gowdy.


A majority of Americans think Hillary Clinton knowingly lied about her emails, according to a national Fox News poll released Friday.
The poll found that 58 percent of Americans think the former secretary of state knowingly lied about the classified information in her emails, compared with 33 percent who think there is another explanation.

The percentage of people who think the Democratic front-runner put America at risk by using personal email is similar: 54 percent believe she did while 37 percent think the U.S. was not put at risk.
Earlier this week Clinton agreed to turn over her email server to government officials. Her top aide Huma Abedin is also being investigated for using a personal email account on the server.
The poll also found that Americans are wary of the Iran deal. Three-quarters of those surveyed don’t think Iran can be trusted, and just 18 percent have confidence in the country. When asked how they would vote if they were members of Congress, 58 percent said they’d reject the deal, while 31 percent would be for it.
President Barack Obama had a 42 percent favorable rating — better than his all-time low of 38 percent in 2014 but still significantly down from when he rode high at 65 percent in 2009. Some 51 percent did not approve.

Obamacare got a slight bump in ratings: 41 percent of people approved the health care law compared with 38 in the last Fox poll in March. Fifty four percent of people disapproved compared with 58 percent in March.
Some bad news that crosses party lines: 57 percent think lawmakers in Washington are not smart, while just 36 percent of people think they have brains.
The poll of 1,008 registered voters was conducted August 11-13 by telephone and live interviews. The sampling has a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/...y-lied-about-emails-121382.html#ixzz3ipiebNIg



What's on the server and why did she turn it over?
Despite Clinton's repeated assurances that no one needs to see her private server, her campaign now believes the FBI should see it to prove that there is no longer any sensitive government material on non-government servers. The server has been wiped clean, according to her campaign. Clinton's lawyers have also turned over a thumb drive that they say contains all the same emails she has already handed to the State Department.

So is she in trouble for the "TOP SECRET" stuff?
No. The information was deemed top secret only after it was forwarded to Clinton, and wasn't considered as such at the time it went through her server. However, the Intelligence Community believes there are other emails -- perhaps "hundreds" -- that contained classified information at the time they were sent, which, if proven true, could become more of a problem for the Democratic front runner. She has consistently claimed her private email was never used to handle classified information.

There are generally four levels of classified information: Top secret, secret, confidential and restricted.

Where are all her emails?
Remember that the State Department is in the process of releasing 55,000 pages of emails that she turned over. So far, the State Department has published 3,600 of 30,000 of her emails, many of them heavily redacted. The Department is required by a federal court to have all of them out by Jan. 26, 2016.

Hillary Clinton Emails: 1,300 Messages From Private Account Released
Will the server show new emails?
No, according to the Clinton campaign. Not only were all emails deleted from the server but earlier this week Clinton signed a statement under the penalty of perjury to a federal judge that she has turned over all emails from the server "that were or potentially were federal records."

Can the FBI use forensics to see what was on the server before it was wiped?
Maybe, but the Clinton campaign has indicated that it believes that's not really what the FBI is after. All indications are that the FBI and Intelligence Community want these pieces of hardware just to make sure no more classified information exists on platforms outside its own walls, not to check what may have been on it before.

Why did the Intelligence Community’s inspector general refer this matter to the FBI in the first place?
The Intelligence Community's inspector general said from the beginning that it made a "counterintelligence referral" -- not a "criminal referral" -- to the FBI. The main concern was that classified information could be compromised because it was sent over unsecured networks and remained in the hands of Clinton or her legal team, not that any crimes may have been committed, a spokeswoman for the Intelligence Community's IG previously told ABC News.
Huh, my Republican grandfather is 100% convinced that felony charges are only days or weeks away, and calls the FBI director a national hero for taking a stand against Obummer's corrupt Justice and State departments.
I still don't understand how the process worked with respect to material that was known to be classified at the time. I presume she had a normal State Department account that was used for all restricted subject matters?
It's amazing how far she went out of her way to fuck herself. What's the appeal or point of using a personal email account, outside of flouting rules and being an idiot? There was probably some short term benefit but surely someone in her camp warned her this would look bad.


Gotta love how the Cock's wasted nearly a billion on Walker. No, PD, he is not the best choice. He is awful. Who in their right mind slashes funding from higher education to fund a sports stadium? Dumbasses, that's who.
It's amazing how far she went out of her way to fuck herself. What's the appeal or point of using a personal email account, outside of flouting rules and being an idiot? There was probably some short term benefit but surely someone in her camp warned her this would look bad.

stupid self inflicted horseshit. that's my biggest problem with the clintons, they just get too close to the edge inviting a neverending stream of bullshit.


It's amazing how far she went out of her way to fuck herself. What's the appeal or point of using a personal email account, outside of flouting rules and being an idiot? There was probably some short term benefit but surely someone in her camp warned her this would look bad.

calm down. No one is paying attention to this stuff right now. She has plenty of time to right the ship. 15 months to election day. She can't change what she did. All she can do is ride the waves and hope for the best.
It's amazing how far she went out of her way to fuck herself. What's the appeal or point of using a personal email account, outside of flouting rules and being an idiot? There was probably some short term benefit but surely someone in her camp warned her this would look bad.

It wasn't against the law at the time.
stupid self inflicted horseshit. that's my biggest problem with the clintons, they just get too close to the edge inviting a neverending stream of bullshit.

That's really the essence of it. It's hard to watch the Clintons and not come to the conclusion that they simply don't believe rules apply to them. And it's rarely major shit, it's these small stupid things that add up.

It's ironic seeing Obama supporters defend her now. This is the exact shit Obama was talking about in 2007/2008. People are tired of the past, and they're tired of the endless drama involved with the Clintons. Hence why the clear GOP goal right now is to create as much "Clinton fatigue" as possible with endless, breathless stories that may or may not be true.
Huh, my Republican grandfather is 100% convinced that felony charges are only days or weeks away, and calls the FBI director a national hero for taking a stand against Obummer's corrupt Justice and State departments.
Mark my words: When no charges - felony or otherwise - come from this email business once it blows off, watch your uncle blame Obama for it.

And while Gowdy was not saying if Clinton committed a crime, as "that was my old job" as a prosecutor, "I know her unique email arrangement is interfering with our ability of finding out what happened to the four Americans killed in Benghazi."

It's as if we haven't known for nearly three years exactly what happened to our guys in Benghazi.

When is anyone going to start talking about the impropriety of Republicans having a taxpayer-funded presidential campaign arm in the form of this special "investigative" committee? You want to talk corruption, how about Gowdy and his enablers?
It's amazing how far she went out of her way to fuck herself. What's the appeal or point of using a personal email account, outside of flouting rules and being an idiot? There was probably some short term benefit but surely someone in her camp warned her this would look bad.

This is better than us seeing the emails where she admits to killing vince foster (her former lover) and planning benghazi


That doesn't make things any better.

3rd parties are not viable with a first past the post voting system. Until such a time that we adopt a completely different voting system, you're not doing yourself any favors by voting 3rd party.
Yes, he is. He's voting for the person or party he most tolerates. And unlike those who are voting for either of the one big party, there's a higher chance his vote will matter in the scheme of things. Since third parties are trying to obtain a number of votes past a certain known threshold of votes, not more than a figure that won't be known until after the election.

"Flood the supreme court with phone calls!" is a proposal by those who don't understand how the system works. If you want to initiate change, for better or for worse, there are rules to play by.
This is why I have Clarence Thomas on speed dial.

I just wish he wouldn't hang up whenever I mention "unreasonable search and seizure."
I'm a huge Bernie fan. Huge. Going to vote for him in the primary, but I totally get where you guys are coming from. The bullheadedness of some of his fans is frustrating. Not voting just because Bernie loses to Hillary is just the dumbest thing ever. I had a big argument on Facebook the other day about it. The guy just wouldn't fucking do it. Said Hillary and any of the clowns on the republican side would be exactly the same. I couldn't persuade him with Supreme Court nominations.

I kind of feel like "money in politics" is kind of the white people problems of politics now. Don't get me wrong, it's still a problem, and it's one of my most important ones, but when you're so tunnel visioned that it's the only thing that matters and the candidates are "exactly the same" without that one issue I just don't know what to say except that you're probably so privileged you can't see what's really going on. There are so many other problems that other types of people are having. People are struggling to make ends meet, black people are being killed in the streets, women's healthcare and rights are being eroded by people trying to defund planned parenthood and put other restrictions, there's still sexism in the workplace, trans people struggle for rights and recognition, there are crazy bills being drafted against gay people and even though same sex marriage is now recognized across the country we still have a ways to go, we have a failing drug war, and there are a lot of issues with other countries and our relationship to them that could affect millions in our military and their families, etc. The list really just goes on and on. I realize getting money out of politics helps nearly every one of these in some way, but if you can't get that absolute goal this one election why in the world are we giving up on touching these issues altogether?

It's get what I want or burn everything down so to speak. Personally, I wouldn't worry about it Hillary Clinton probably does not need that demographic that Bernie Sanders gets in full. I think even Obama lost the white millennials vote in 2012 ; all Hillary needs is win a large minority lead among minority millennials. Also, I think a large chunk of people that support Bernie will most likely end up voting for Clinton. Another chunk probably weren't going vote for her anyway or not at all since many of those voters are the super passionate, stubborn types. To many of those, getting tons of money from donors or corps equals right-wing or something close, but what it all comes down to imo is that they simply do not trust her and are convinced she a wolf in sleeps clothing .

Citizens United is something that is very important, but I think for a lot of people it is not very important when it comes to justice reform, the economy, income inequality, immigration, and foreign policy. Personally, I support Hillary over Bernie for far more reasons than a few things like the Supreme Court or elect-ability .


I kind of feel like "money in politics" is kind of the white people problems of politics now. Don't get me wrong, it's still a problem, and it's one of my most important ones, but when you're so tunnel visioned that it's the only thing that matters and the candidates are "exactly the same" without that one issue I just don't know what to say except that you're probably so privileged you can't see what's really going on.
Here's the weird thing. Hillary also supports restricting freedom of the press as much as Bernie does. She's outright stated it multiple times. So I'm not sure why people who have a burning in their loins to destroy free press and association would prefer one to the other.

There is one issue where I find it is pretty valid to have tunnel vision though and you actually mention it:
we have a failing drug war
Something Hillary Clinton wholeheartedly supports as well because "there's too much money in it."


PD holds politicians to standards that public stewards should face, people get upset because rather than weighting the scales in a partisan manner to treat people he supports with the soft bigotry of low expectations he's like an impartial umpire just calling balls and strikes.
Was he pro Clinton before?
PD's original schtick (at least as long as I've been here) was that he supported Hillary in the primary and became super jaded when Obama beat her, hence the constant concern trolling that reached its peak in 2012 when he predicted Romney would win and bought into the "polls are skewed!" hype.

He's turning on Hillary now because she's assumed quasi-incumbent status for some reason.

And if Hillary loses he will blame Obama for it


PD holds politicians to standards that public stewards should face, people get upset because rather than weighting the scales in a partisan manner to treat people he supports with the soft bigotry of low expectations he's like an impartial umpire just calling balls and strikes.

I don't know who is upset or cares about PD's standards. I don't. I am just asking because I seem to remember him being pro Clinton in the past or I am getting him confused with someone else.


BREAKING: Ron Paul endorses Rand Paul for President
Rand is the ONLY one in the race who is standing up for your Liberty, across the board....he is our best hope to restore liberty, limited government and the Bill of Rights and finally end the big spending status quo in Washington, D.C....

Remember, truth is treason in the empire of lies. And nowhere is that more true than when it comes to Washington, D.C. and their media mouthpieces.

Even where Rand and I do have minor differences of opinion, I would take Rand's position over any of his opponents' in both parties every time....

There is not one candidate who has run for president in my lifetime who can say they fully share my commitment to liberty, Austrian economics, small government, and following the Constitution, [more] than my son, Rand Paul.

That's why I have wholeheartedly endorsed him.

I know the media likes to play this little game where they pit us, or certain views, against each other.

Don't fall for it. They're trying to manufacture storylines at liberty's expense. You've spent years seeing how the media treated me. They aren't my friends and they aren't yours.


PD's original schtick (at least as long as I've been here) was that he supported Hillary in the primary and became super jaded when Obama beat her, hence the constant concern trolling that reached its peak in 2012 when he predicted Romney would win and bought into the "polls are skewed!" hype.

He's turning on Hillary now because she's assumed quasi-incumbent status for some reason.

And if Hillary loses he will blame Obama for it

That's interesting. I was as pro Clinton then as I am now.


The next James K. Polk? I report, you decide:
If Vice President Joe Biden makes the leap into the Democratic presidential race, he could promise that he would serve just one term in the White House, journalist and author Carl Bernstein said Friday.

“And one thing that I keep hearing about Biden is that if he were to declare and say, because age is such a problem for him if he does, I want to be a one-term president. I want to serve for four years, unite Washington. I’ve dealt with the Republicans in Congress all my public life,” Bernstein told CNN’s “New Day.”

“I think there’s a conversation going on to that effect among his aides and friends,” he said. “It could light fire to the current political environment.”

Bernstein suggested that the vice president stands to benefit the most from the current political environment as Hillary Clinton struggles to stem the tide of the ongoing scandal over her use of a private email server while at the State Department and poll numbers about her honesty and trustworthiness decline.

“He’s looking at it right now. His people believe he may do it. Some say yes, some say no. But the distrust factor with Hillary Clinton, the whole Trump excitement and bubble that will probably burst gives a great opportunity to Biden to capture the imagination of the press, of this race, of Democrats who don’t want to see Hillary Clinton, who are worried about the distrust factor with her,” Bernstein added.
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