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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Ohio poll seems too lopsided - then again I don't buy Toomey with a 13 point lead in Pennsylvania. I think it'll be a while before the Senate races shape up.

Jeb Bush put down that he's Hispanic on a registration form lol


So HuffPo ran an article with quotes from a bunch of people they interviewed who were involved in deciding whether Alabama setup a state exchange or not.


“No. No. No. That was never, never brought up,” McClendon said in an interview with The Huffington Post last month. “I was unaware of that stipulation in the Affordable Care Act, and I would almost have to guess that anybody involved in this process was not aware of it. I was a little surprised when it came up eventually. Nope. I was the chairman of the commission and I was totally unaware of that.”

“Never. It was never discussed,” said Carey, who worked with other states including Delaware and West Virginia on their exchanges options at the time, when he was employed by LMI, a Tysons, Virginia-based government contractor. “It was never a consideration that they weren’t going to get subsidies if they deferred to the feds. I mean, I was there at every commission meeting and I was presenting, ‘Here are your options, here’s what I think it might cost you,’ and we did those type of calculations."

“It is mind-boggling to me how everyone has now kind of glommed on to this. ‘Oh, yeah. This was totally discussed, and we knew subsidies wouldn’t be available if we went to the federal exchange.’ It’s just hogwash,” Carey said.

No, no, no. I mean, no, no, no. I mean, the notion of finding a needle in the haystack hadn’t occurred to anybody at the time... No, no, no. It never came up, and that is something I would absolutely have remembered.

That was never a discussion. Nobody even knew that... I don’t remember any discussion about that. The only thing that I can remember is, you either establish a state exchange or the feds are going to do it for you. I mean, that was essentially the discussion.

But yeah, uh, Gruber right?
I wonder what percentage see Israel as an enemy.

Hopefully the democrats are paying attention.

Run on a "zero money to Israel" platform and I might even vote for you

Meh. Foreign aid is so small that this would be a pretty dumb thing to do IMO.

Israel's problem is that the US public is becoming less religious and views the ME as one big problem area, including Israel. And social media makes it harder for them to bomb the shit out of Palestinians without generating sympathy. I don't want to absolve Palestinian leaders of blame obviously, many benefit from being attacked just as Israeli hardliners benefit from being attacked. Still the maximum force Israel responds with is always going to generate sympathy and anger.
Ohio poll seems too lopsided - then again I don't buy Toomey with a 13 point lead in Pennsylvania. I think it'll be a while before the Senate races shape up.

It's an early poll, no doubt, but usually it's the incumbent who has the wide lead in the polls at this point, not the challenger.

It's going to be a competitive race. Portman doesn't always seem to be classified as one of the most vulnerable Republican incumbents, but he really should be.

Uh, yeah, he and Congress did.


debt = taxes?

Did he raise taxes directly to pay for the bill? And why would a debt write off increase the debt?The government could print the money and deposit it right in the banks and claim no further action needed. Where is the debt increase there? Its just the elimination of IOUs and an increase in one of the Ms (I dont know which one M1 M2 or whatever)

the "national debt number" is a meaningless one.


debt = taxes?
Yes, of course.

And why would a debt write off increase the debt?
It's not a debt "write-off" it's a debt assumption. They can't "vanish" the outstanding debt without destroying the entire market overnight.

The government could print the money and deposit it right in the banks and claim no further action needed. Where is the debt increase there?
In all the increased debt the government just created?

East Lake

I think what they're saying is if the government is "irresponible" with the debt what's going to stop them from handwaving away some 1.whatever trillion over time. at what point between 5.8 and 10.7 trillion did GW stop and say, hey guys we don't have the money anymore.
The government could print the money and deposit it right in the banks and claim no further action needed.

Hold the phone! Let's get Janet Yellen, Jacob Lew, and Obama togther and let them know that our debt problems are solved!

...the "national debt number" is a meaningless one.

In a political sense, yes, but it's a very real number that quantifies US taxpayer obligations to Treasury holders.


I think what they're saying is if the government is "irresponible" with the debt what's going to stop them from handwaving away some 1.whatever trillion over time.
Well, right, it'll just be lumped in with the rest of the debt. But that doesn't make it disappear.

I assumed he meant write-off as in default on the student loan debt.

at what point between 5.8 and 10.7 trillion did GW stop and say, hey guys we don't have the money anymore.
Never, he wasn't the most aware guy.


Complete aside, a dude in the Glenn Beck thread claimed Rush Limbaugh broke kayfabe after one of Obama's elections, does anyone know what he's talking about? I can't find shit about it.

its pronounced Heb

There is little doubt that Jeb Bush possesses strong credentials for appealing to Hispanic voters.

He speaks fluent Spanish. His wife, Columba Bush, was born in Mexico. For two years in his 20s, he lived in Venezuela, immersing himself in the country’s culture.
Can they stop repeating this nonsense. Speaking spanish and having a hispanic wife doesn't make you automatically appealing to hispanic voter. They're not idiots. And how many 20 years olds did study abroad?
I once gave a $10 tip to a Hispanic waitress on a $12 restaurant bill. (I was paying in cash and was short on dollar bills.)

There is little doubt that I possess strong credentials for appealing to Hispanic voters.
WaPo on the Portman/Strickland poll

The fact that Portman has been in the Senate five years and 44% of Ohio voters don't know enough about him to even offer an opinion one way or the other is pretty fucking damning.

I really hope we get a few more polls showing similar results to ensure that the DNC makes this race a priority.
Politico 2016 Senate Rankings

From most likely to switch parties to least likely:

1. Illinois
2. Wisconsin
3. Nevada
4. Pennsylvania
5. New Hampshire
6. Florida
7. Colorado
8. Ohio
9. North Carolina
10. Indiana
11. Missouri
12. Alaska
13. Arizona
14. Georgia
15. Kentucky

Nevada and Colorado shouldn't be as high as they are. But at least they're the only two seats with Democratic incumbents. The Democrats have a much wider playing field.


It really all depends on what the DNC strategy will be at the national level. 2016 needs to be about securing Obama's signature achievements (ACA, climate change, Iran) and an indictment on GOP obstructionism. Every D challenger needs to promise fight for the ACA and call out his opponent for trying to kill it. This needs to be the message at the national level, no holds barred. Opinion polls be damned, you're talking about potentially 20M+ Americans across party lines who will be driven to the polls by that message.
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