User 463088
I'm not sure what that means. Must be getting old.
Good game, no rematch.
I'm not sure what that means. Must be getting old.
So Dems should fear Haley?Good game, no rematch.
Yo poligaf I'm serious. If this works, whatever strategy Obama can come up with, and/or if Biden can force a vote, then Breyer and Ginsburg should resign pending on another nominee. STACK THE COURT. No one can know for sure who will be the President next year but they could control this!
So Dems should fear Haley?
Bernie got more votes than Hillary in NH, but she received just as many delegates thanks to lobbyist-superdelegates
Agreed.A Rubio/Haley ticket would be problematic. Rubio/Kasich would be too, but I think Rubio/Haley is worse.
It will probably happen. 😂
A couple of more days until the superdelegate whining finally ends...hopefully.
A couple of more days until the superdelegate whining finally ends...hopefully.
Yo poligaf I'm serious. If this works, whatever strategy Obama can come up with, and/or if Biden can force a vote, then Breyer and Ginsburg should resign pending on another nominee. STACK THE COURT. No one can know for sure who will be the President next year but they could control this!
It will probably happen. 😂
I'd agree if it was Rubio vs Trump, but as long as it remains Trump vs crowded field, Trump is going to get enough momentum to just take the whole thing.
I don't live in Idaho anymore, and I know Idaho is no bastion of Democratic politics, but what they're doing on their website is interesting to me. To boost turnout, they're using Eventbrite so that you know where to go and when to go on the day of the caucus. Seems like a smart thing to do. Now, you don't have to register on Eventbrite because it is an open caucus but I think it's something that could be useful to boost turnout.
That's pretty great. It was crazy in 2008, so any organization that they can put together is welcome. I was one of the last people to get in because the lines were so long that they wrapped around the Center on the Grove. I don't think turnout will be as high this year, but I could be wrong.
Domenico MontanaroVerified account
With a win in NH and huge leads in SC and NV, if Trump's name was Bush, we'd be saying this race is over. #Election2016
Why does the bush campaign think Barbara's widely loved? Everybody knows Laura's the true republican First Lady queen.Do you think the Barbara Bush hates Jeb because he married a Mexican woman?
Is Jeb your nemesis?
Treading lightly and I will admit I have not read the whole thread.....i know GAF leans left pretty heavily but is there room for a respectful right wing poster in here? If sso......Hello!!
I just want DWS to come out at the convention and be all like,
"The wait is over kittens. In addition to the title of the next Leftist Superstar, the winner will receive a lifetime supply of Noam Chomsky's publications, and a cash prize of $100 million Wall Street Dollars. Now, as always I've consulted with the electorate and the superdelegates, but the final decision is mine to make.
The winner of DWS's Rigged Race, and America's Next Leftist Superstar is . . ."
Stay tuned!!
Ted Cruz's ant-Rubio ad is really really good, IMO.
Sink him, Teddy!
Republicans are cracking on the SCOTUS nominee. If they give Obama's nominee a committee hearing they'll legitimize Obama's right to nominate someone, and then if it's someone who was already confirmed unanimously they'll be boxed in. Republicans have to deny the committee hearing or Obama's nominee will get confirmed.
Why does the bush campaign think Barbara's widely loved? Everybody knows Laura's the true republican First Lady queen.
Has Trump improved his ground game at all?
It probably won't be as high, especially if it looks like Hillary is running away with it after March 15th. I think one thing that boosted turnout in '08 was the tightened race.
He learned very quickly after one week what the term "ground game" meant. And boy do they have a good one.Has Trump improved his ground game at all?
I had this terribly hilarious "what if" earlier today if the delegate count boils down to 0.2 percent pledged delegates in Hillary's favor lmao
I kind of want it to happen just to see if it could crash GAF
Has Trump improved his ground game at all?
Surprise: Trump falls behind Cruz in natl NBC/WSJ poll
Cruz 28
Trump 26
Rubio 17
Kasich 11
Carson 10
Jeb 4
Fucking weird poll where Carson steals a bunch of Trump support because...?
Has Trump improved his ground game at all?
Ben Terris ‏@bterris
Lol. All the Jeb! yard signs have been sandwiched by Trump signs outside of the GOP debate
I think that's probably the first national poll that Trump has lost since ... June? July?
Didn't another poll have post-debate splits where Carson gained support for some bizarre reason? Carsonmentum is real.
I think that's probably the first national poll that Trump has lost since ... June? July?
I think that's probably the first national poll that Trump has lost since ... June? July?
Old map:
That's the thing.. even if this isn't an outlier, South Carolina is going to give him some good press. And then Nevada is going to further give him good press going into March these national numbers even matter anymore? Trump is posed to sweep on Saturday.
Not really. But it will fuel Trump. He lives on poll these national numbers even matter anymore? Trump is posed to sweep on Saturday.
Surprise: Trump falls behind Cruz in natl NBC/WSJ poll
Cruz 28
Trump 26
Rubio 17
Kasich 11
Carson 10
Jeb 4
This is what NC's new congressional maps will look like:
Old map:
This looks much less gerrymandered.This is what NC's new congressional maps will look like:
Old map:
This is what NC's new congressional maps will look like:
Old map: