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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Interesting that Minnesota is 85% white but we're one of the most liberal states in the country.

being white doesn't necessarily correlate to being conservative- unless you're in the bible belt, then all bets are off.

Uh...you can say the same about a lot of the New England States

yep. think of it as more of a north/south thing. It's incredible just how much of modern politics and racial attitudes still go back to the civil war.
Republicans: "Racism is over. We don't see color. Anyone can be anything regardless of race!"

Democrats: "Racism is not over. Bad things are happening because of prejudices against color. Anyone should be able to be anything regardless of race!"

Is this a fair assessment of the current messaging? Of course this is playing up to moderate stances in both parties and ignoring outright racist statements (unless you're Trump) or xenophobic statements like Cruz uses. If you get deeper into it, the attacks become

Reps: "Dems use race for votes!"
Dems: "Reps use racism for votes!"

A common thing the Reps use is that they say they have a lot more diversity in their candidates. Even in midterms they were pointing out how many minorities that won elections those years over the white dems that lost. But, these candidates seem to hold stances that negatively impact or ignore the struggles minorities face?
Yep, wouldn't be surprised to see that one flip, but it's too soon. NC leans R but could be in true swing state territory in a few years as well.

I live in North Carolina, and I have been keeping track of voter registration numbers for some time now. Democratic registration has a dropped a bit since 2012, but Republicans have barely grown during that same time period. However, there has been a HUGE surge of independent voters in the past couple of years. This group is actually pretty close to overtaking Republicans in a couple of years. I'm concerned that this group is mostly conservative-leaning, and that this might tip NC back towards the red side...


Republicans haven't carried PA in a presidential election since 1988.
They aren't getting it this year either. Basically when we show up in Pittsburgh, Philly and their suburbs it's OVER. There's a reason why the state GOP wanted to gerrymander the electoral vote here so badly in 2012. Wolf won't let that happen though.
Does anyone have decent demographic breakdowns of the Nevada caucus? I see some saying Sanders won Hispanics, others saying Hillary won.
We only have entrance polls, but:

crazy to me Sanders camp feels comfortable saying they won the Latino vote when 213 Latinos were sampled out of 16k who voted
so they won 53% of those polled but there is a 7% margin of error for each side!
Here is Clark county #'s everyone talking about. 1) from a Clinton supporter superdelegate 2) also not definitive but helpful
From @andresramirezlv analysis of Clark county precincts w/ most Latinos Clinton won 61.5% to 38.5%.
Precinct selection introduces a whole new dimension of error into an entrance-exit poll for Hispanic voters, or any demographic group that’s concentrated in small areas. The 25 precincts could overrepresent an unrepresented group — imagine if a New York exit poll, by chance, included two Orthodox Jewish precincts in Brooklyn and showed a Republican ahead among Jewish voters — or completely miss a small, geographically concentrated group.

You can imagine how this could wind up creating the opposite risk of the precinct analysis: What if the entrance-exit poll simply doesn’t include a heavily Hispanic precinct where Mrs. Clinton excelled? The danger is real with a sample as small as this, especially in a highly diverse state.

This type of problem is responsible for one of the biggest exit poll controversies in memory: the finding that 44 percent of Hispanic voters supported George W. Bush in 2004. Simply by chance, 3 of the 11 plurality Hispanic precincts were in Miami-Dade County, where Hispanic voters are particularly conservative. The 44 percent finding was four points higher than the result from a compilation of the 50 state exit polls — a difference well outside the formal “margin of error” for a sample of that size.

Joel Benenson (Obama & Clinton's pollster) said this:
.@RyanLizza that's not clear at all. HRC vote total among White+AA = 37.6 which means @HillaryClinton likely 60+ among Latinos

An NBC/Telemundo Latino Poll released this week (which is just about the only national poll that specifically targets Hispanic voters rather than relying on tiny demographic subsamples with huge MOEs) had Clinton +17 among Hispanics nationally, which is close to the 20 point margin the Nevada results suggest. We'll get a clearer picture of how the vote is splitting on Super Tuesday though.
Actually in 2008 Obama won 23% of the white vote in Georgia. Probably even more in 2012. So it's not that bad. In contrast, 2% of the black vote went to McCain, lol.



Found a website breaking down racial voting numbers from presidential elections in 2008 & 2012


The worst is Mississippi :/

I actually meant to write that Georgia wasn't that bad for a Deep South state, pretty sure it's the least Republican one.

Personally I think Georgia is in the process towards being the next Virginia while North Carolina in 2008 was a fluke.


Georgia will be in play for the Democrats in the next decade. The Atlanta metro is where all the growth is happening, and many people from the North is relocating there. Georgia is, surprisingly close to having a majority-minority, so that helps.

The Louisiana electorate is practically the same as Georgia's, worse split. Hopefully we can have them purple soon enough.

its a bad guess. democrats competed EVERYWHERE in 2008, it was explicitly a different strategy for the Obama campaign compared to Hillary/Kerry/Gore's emphasis on pouring resources into swing states. It put republicans on the defensive and forced them to spend resources on states they considered "safe". Dems have been doing it ever since.

This is how north carolina got flipped in 2008, when democrats never would have bothered spending resources there otherwise.

Southern whites in certain states really ARE that racist, overt or not- and the massive black populations there as well as nasty holdover attitudes from the civil war, reconstruction, and the jim crow era have a lot to do with it. Keep in mind they were all "southern democrats" until the civil rights act of 1965 and the republican implementation of the "southern strategy" which explicitly went out of its way to target racists.

Yeah, these are the type of things one can't comprehend or doesn't want to because it's so unbelievable at times in this day and age. A lot of things are obviously.


I actually meant to write that Georgia wasn't that bad for a Deep South state, pretty sure it's the least Republican one.

Personally I think Georgia is in the process towards being the next Virginia while North Carolina in 2008 was a fluke.

Yep, I think it has a very high chance of flipping in the next decade or so. Looking forward to it. Republicans can only hold on for so much longer (I hope).
I actually meant to write that Georgia wasn't that bad for a Deep South state, pretty sure it's the least Republican one.

Personally I think Georgia is in the process towards being the next Virginia while North Carolina in 2008 was a fluke.

if prost's link here


is correct, GA is the fourth worst state in the country. the only states with more of a percentage of the white vote going to republicans were Mississippi, alabama, and Louisiana. and not by much.

NC is significantly more liberal.


If hispanics voted anywhere near their percentage of the population it would already be blue.

Texas is ALREADY Majority minority at 44% white, 12% Black, and 38% hispanic.

Which is why Republicans fight so hard against any sort of path to citizenship or amnesty. They want to keep those potential democrat voters in the shadows for as long as they can so they can hold power. Sad.


Is it just me or are the reactions to the Marcobot "win" pretty tame?
Even politico doesn't seem to be gretchening him, as much


Is it just me or are the reactions to the Marcobot "win" pretty tame?
Even politico doesn't seem to be gretchening him, as much

There is really no point spinning a zero delegate "win" after Jeb dropped out. He'll have poll data they can hype soon enough.


Is it just me or are the reactions to the Marcobot "win" pretty tame?
Even politico doesn't seem to be gretchening him, as much

My guess is that Politico are laying low because: sunday, Bush just dropped out and they are awaiting new angles on the situation.

In an interview on CNN today Rubio spinned the situation by claiming the "real" primaries starts now. Explaining this by saying that until there are just 3 candidates (him, Trump and Cruz) this is still just the opening act.


Hillary: "It can't be just about what we're going to give to you," she said. "It has to be about we're going to build together."

You're no Jack Kennedy


If hispanics voted anywhere near their percentage of the population it would already be blue.

Texas is ALREADY Majority minority at 44% white, 12% Black, and 38% hispanic.

You would think that seeing as how every majority-minority state is a democrat stronghold (Texas none withstanding) would send some alarm bells to the GOP...

But hey...


I live in North Carolina, and I have been keeping track of voter registration numbers for some time now. Democratic registration has a dropped a bit since 2012, but Republicans have barely grown during that same time period. However, there has been a HUGE surge of independent voters in the past couple of years. This group is actually pretty close to overtaking Republicans in a couple of years. I'm concerned that this group is mostly conservative-leaning, and that this might tip NC back towards the red side...

That's the case pretty much everywhere iirc.
If hispanics voted anywhere near their percentage of the population it would already be blue.

Texas is ALREADY Majority minority at 44% white, 12% Black, and 38% hispanic.
That's depressing.

Democrats were also two seats short of a Texas House majority after 2008. Then 2010 happened and they gerrymandered the ever-loving shit out of it so the chances of that happening again were put squarely to bed.


Remember that a lot of Hispanics in border states are undocumented, and are (usually) accounted for in the census, but do not vote.



Good Hillary poster, but it looks like she's unveiling the next iPad
Interesting that Minnesota is 85% white but we're one of the most liberal states in the country.

It makes perfect sense. When there are few minorities around agitating for their rights, you have the political energy to expend on improving the lives of white people. Instead of spending that energy on keeping the minorities down. Plus, you don't need to make white people vote against their best interests.


Professional Schmuck
It makes perfect sense. When there are few minorities around agitating for their rights, you have the political energy to expend on improving the lives of white people. Instead of spending that energy on keeping the minorities down. Plus, you don't need to make white people vote against their best interests.

So explain Kansas. Nebraska. Montana. Idaho.

(the answer is that it's more about being a blue collar union state)


I just love Hillary so much. I cannot think of anyone in politics who has had to put up with as much irrational, hate filled shit as her, and she's still going. Damn if she doesn't deserve the presidency. Come on Queen, one more march into History.

EDIT: I am pissed off my face.


FGC Waterboy
uh...what? What kind of definition of "swing state" are we using here?

New Mexico:
North Carolina:

Even if republicans split white voters 60-40, Blacks and Hispanics can easily put all of these out of reach. The only swing states without a significant minority presence are Ohio, Wisconsin, and Iowa- and 2/3 of these aren't really in play for republicans in the first place. Iowa and Wisconsin will be solidly democratic. Pennsylvania is typically thrown into the "swing state" bucket but its a misnomer- Republicans haven't carried PA in a presidential election since 1988.

It will depend on turnout for those states, but a lot of it comes down to non-college white turnout vs latino turnout in those states. I guess the assumption I am making is that Obama was an outlier in terms of turnout and popularity compared to most Democratic candidates. I'm using Gore / Kerry as a baseline - which is an assumption.

Also, there is the undocumented citizens vs eligible voters aspect of those numbers - the census counts all folks, including undocumented. That skews the percentages. Non-college white turnout has a lot of room to grow, and that's my fear on where Trump makes his attack. That said, I think you might shift the Latino group from 71 to like 85 if Trump goes all in on the racism throughout the general election - and if the shift is that big, then barring a massive turnout increase, Trump would be in pretty big trouble. You'd need +10/+10 on non-college whites to counter that big of a swing; which I don't think is doable.
Guys stopppppppp (also I am very much not a WASP, Irish/Italian is the burger/fries combo of trash white Catholics)

Take the win brah, you're hot :p

Adam's thirst has got to all of us.

Also, Irish and Italian are two of the most attractive types of people :p

Adam's the Queen of the Big Gulp. Get your darnk on!

Also, those Hillary images just make me all happy. I adore that woman. I really, really do. Engaged to get her 45!


Take the win brah, you're hot :p

Adam's the Queen of the Big Gulp. Get your darnk on!

Also, those Hillary images just make me all happy. I adore that woman. I really, really do. Engaged to get her 45!

So much love and hot gays in here. Why can't all politics be like this?
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