Now that's scare mongering?
Labeling what's in our foods.
I don't think there is anything wrong with GMOs but it not fear mongering to label them as such.
Plenty of people still eat up a ton of GMOs.
I don't really get this. Like, surely everyone (except the few internet trolls who don't realize they're trolling) understands by now that something being true isn't a sufficient reason to keep talking about how it's true. You see this behavior all the time and it's always dumb, right? It's obviously motivated by more than a desire to share an interesting bit of trivia. An obviously problematic example you see pretty often is bringing up rates of black-on-black crime when people are talking about police violence. Just an interesting fact that people might not be aware of!
So, why should we label GMOs? Absolutely no one thinks that the reason is so that people can have this momentary "oh that's interesting" reaction about which foods contain them, about how much of the food they eat contains them, etc. The idea is obviously to communicate something about the quality of food to consumers - specifically, the idea is to take advantage of the public's science illiteracy with a scary-sounding phrase. The push for labeling isn't rendered pure just because many of the scientifically illiterate who are supposed to be misled by all this talk about scary GMOs have already been misled such that they want to know if they're eating them. It is hard to see how it is a positive step towards educating these people to agree that GM food should have a label setting it apart.
Edit: Interestingly, the safety of GM food is where the American public is
most out of step with scientists on this Pew poll - . And we've got a whole political party dedicated to the idea that climate change isn't real and humans aren't responsible for it anyway! Consumers are absolutely not capable of making an informed choice here.
In retrospect I guess I'm really not surprised that Sanders would come out for this, though it sort of reinforces my impression of him as not caring too much about whether his proposals are actually good ideas. Honestly I bet Clinton would be pro-labeling too given the polling.