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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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So Willie D of the Geto Boys did an interview about how Cruz used one of their songs in anti-Hillary ad without permission:

Whoa man, tell me how you really feel XD

Cruz should really get some plastic surgery or something because his face seems to make people immediately believe all of the bad things people say (and that are true) about him.


Trump on protester: 'I’d like to punch him in the face'

Donald Trump wished grievous bodily harm on a protester at his rally here on Monday night, saying he’d like to punch the man in the face and see him carried out on a stretcher.

“The guards are being very gentle with him,” Trump said. “I’d like to punch him in the face, I’ll tell you that.”

Trump said the protester had been “throwing punches.” By the time a POLITICO reporter spotted the protester being led from the floor of South Point Arena by security personnel, the man was not throwing punches.

According to multiple South Point security personnel, the man did not throw any punches. Trump "was just over-exaggerating," said one security guard, who asked that his name not be used.

“We’re not allowed to punch back any more,” Trump lamented. The billionaire said he missed the “good old days,” when the man would be treated differently.

“You know what they used to do to a guy like that in a place like this?” Trump said. “They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”

The businessman then moved on to his position on waterboarding. “I think it’s great but I don’t think we go far enough,” Trump said.


Hey, what's Rand Paul up to...?

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who dropped out of the Republican presidential nominating contest earlier this month, says he won’t be endorsing anyone in the race.

“No,” he replied when asked about his plans to back one of the remaining Republican contenders.

The lowest common denominator angry republican masses love this shit but its just tiresome. Blah blah china blah make america great again blah blah typical bitch ass insult from a man up on the podium protected by security that never took a punch in his life.

Now if he started every sentence like, For too long, the millionares and billionaires... Hed be a ok with me


He's just sticking with material he knows works. He'll do so until November I'd bet. He's not going to become some policy wonk.


The lowest common denominator angry republican masses love this shit but its just tiresome. Blah blah china blah make america great again blah blah typical bitch ass insult from a man up on the podium protected by security that never took a punch in his life.

Now if he started every sentence like, For too long, the millionares and billionaires... Hed be a ok with me
Trump has to have been in a fight. They sent him to military school for being a rowdy brat.
Bernie yelling about having lots of deodorant options and about seizing the means of production in 1976:


And Vox ends up taking a big L with the Trump predictions:



I think Bernie will be a net negative come November, but I do think that Hillary was rusty and that Bernie helped her get back in form.
I think none of this will matter decades from now when the george mcgovern computer simulation controls the world and in our brief moments of respite we weep that we ignored rand paul and bernie sanders
Bernie made Hillary sweat which is great. Complacency is one of the Democrat's biggest enemy. Well that, and the tendency to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.



How will he be a net negative? Because I think some of his smears will stick, and those are always more effective when they're coming from both left and right (see: Bain Capital in 2012). It looks like Trump will be the nominee and he happens to be the only Republican who could actually hit her on donors.

Furthermore, Bernie's populist cult of personality (the Bernie Bros) has been openly flirting with Trump for months now. We've seen this countless times already. He has effectively paved the way for Trump, legitimizing a fascist among what was allegedly a progressive base. He's also succeeded in making impossible promises acceptable.

When Trump is asked "How are you going to even do any of that shit?" perhaps he could reply "Political revolution!"


So what's the final word: think Bernie made Hillary a stronger candidate in the end it was his run just an annoying distraction

Certainly stronger, if for no other reason than his candidacy provided information about where the electorate is heading.

Sanders might not be boosting turnout the way he needs to for his plan to work, but he's undoubtedly the one candidate out of both parties who is exciting young people. The one constant throughout the primary, whether you look at state or national polling, is that Sanders beats Clinton by very high margins among young people. There are economic reasons for this:


Unfortunately for Sanders, older people are more likely to vote than younger people. Still, given the trends in the polls, if this primary were held 4 years from now I think Sanders would have won both Iowa and Nevada if everything else were held constant.

As for the Republicans, Trump is death among young people, and the rest of candidates barely register.

Democrats need to figure out a way to convince young people that they can effectively respond to their economic insecurities. .
I'm torn if Bernie is good or bad for her. He definitely is getting her debate skills warmed up and I love that he is seemingly pushing her more to the left on some things, but at the same time he seems to be poisoning alot of his followers into hating Hillary due to the Wall Street stuff. That could hurt in the general. I wish he could push her more to the left on marijuana legalization, but she at least appears open to reclassifying it for research purposes.
How will he be a net negative? Because I think some of his smears will stick, and those are always more effective when they're coming from both left and right (see: Bain Capital in 2012). It looks like Trump will be the nominee and he happens to be the only Republican who could actually hit her on donors.

Furthermore, Bernie's populist cult of personality (the Bernie Bros) has been openly flirting with Trump for months now. We've seen this countless times already. He has effectively paved the way for Trump, legitimizing a fascist among what was allegedly a progressive base. He's also succeeded in making impossible promises acceptable.

When Trump is asked "How are you going to even do any of that shit?" perhaps he could reply "Political revolution!"

No one has any compelling evidence that the Trump/Sanders Bernie bros represent anything close to a sizable group of people.
No one has any compelling evidence that the Trump/Sanders Bernie bros represent anything close to a sizable group of people.

They seen it on Twitter, the place that was previously voted "Most Likely To Contain Civilized Discussion" before the Bernie/Obama/Ron Paul boys crashed the party. If it's on Twitter it's clearly a 1:1 representation of the general population!
I'm torn if Bernie is good or bad for her. He definitely is getting her debate skills warmed up and I love that he is seemingly pushing her more to the left on some things, but at the same time he seems to be poisoning alot of his followers into hating Hillary due to the Wall Street stuff. That could hurt in the general. I wish he could push her more to the left on marijuana legalization, but she at least appears open to reclassifying it for research purposes.

I highly doubt hillary will move to the left on legalization or even really push it regardless of what she said.


Sanders doesn't have a realistic shot of winning in South Carolina. The campaign already put a lot of resources into developing a ground game there. I doubt additional ad buys would do him any good.


They seen it on Twitter, the place that was previously voted "Most Likely To Contain Civilized Discussion" before the Bernie/Obama/Ron Paul boys crashed the party. If it's on Twitter it's clearly a 1:1 representation of the general population!

We've seen it on GAF and these haven't been isolated incidents.

Certainly stronger, if for no other reason than his candidacy provided information about where the electorate is heading.

Sanders might not be boosting turnout the way he needs to for his plan to work, but he's undoubtedly the one candidate out of both parties who is exciting young people. The one constant throughout the primary, whether you look at state or national polling, is that Sanders beats Clinton by very high margins among young people. There are economic reasons for this:


Unfortunately for Sanders, older people are more likely to vote than younger people. Still, given the trends in the polls, if this primary were held 4 years from now I think Sanders would have won both Iowa and Nevada if everything else were held constant.

As for the Republicans, Trump is death among young people, and the rest of candidates barely register.

Democrats need to figure out a way to convince young people that they can effectively respond to their economic insecurities. .

Stronger yes. Just as Clinton made Obama stronger in 2008. Two way democratic primaries are much better for the eventual GE candidate than the 6 way slug fest on GOP side.

Also, unfortunately for Sanders, Obama to excited young folks. He pretty much got Dems the Senate and House too (something I sincerely doubt Bernie can do). But the young folks thought their work was over once Obama became President, they didn't show up in mid terms.

Go ahead and look through this thread and you'll see that the Bernie/Trump crowd on gaf is like... three people. It's the endless quoting of those people by everyone who's baffled at their preferences which makes their presence feel a lot more pronounced than it is.



Stronger yes. Just as Clinton made Obama stronger in 2008. Two way democratic primaries are much better for the eventual GE candidate than the 6 way slug fest on GOP side.

Also, unfortunately for Sanders, Obama to excited young folks. He pretty much got Dems the Senate and House too (something I sincerely doubt Bernie can do). But the young folks thought their work was over once Obama became President, they didn't show up in mid terms.

Democrats definitely need to learn to care about more than Presidential elections.

On the bright side, those young folks who voted for Obama in 2008 are 8 years older now.

Eventually the young folks become the old folks.
Lawmaking does not involve reading bills like a book. It's long because a lot of concessions have to be made to get all those countries on board.

I hope someone nice will go through it and summarize the important parts. The part about the role of ISPs sounds terrifying.


I hope someone nice will go through it and summarize the important parts. Section J sounds terrifying.
The following countries will reduce taxes on goods imported from each other:

New Zealand
United States


So Fox News has they'll be having a "voter summit" on Wednesday with the candidates, hosted by - who else? - Megyn Kelly.

Trump is skipping it. I wonder what his counter plan is.

And I love how FreeRepublic treats this "feud" between the two of them:

Ive also been snooping around FreeRepublic tonight. Seems like this wave of endorsements for Rubio has gone over precisely as we could've guessed, with the vast majority of forum-goers treating the endorsements as reasons to not support Rubio.
Goodwin Liu's diss of Alito when Alito was nominated was fucking great, damn.

Liu's criticism of Judge John Roberts and especially his statement during Samuel Alito's Supreme Court nomination "Judge Alito's record envisions an America where police may shoot and kill an unarmed boy to stop him from running away with a stolen purse; where federal agents may point guns at ordinary citizens during a raid, even after no sign of resistance, where a black man may be sentenced to death by an all-white jury for killing a white man, absent [an] analysis showing discrimination, is not the America we know. Nor is it the America we aspire to be"[26] was targeted by Senate Republicans as proof of his lack of judicial temperament and partisanship. Liu later apologized and said that his words were "unduly harsh".[27]

This thing is long. How the hell do they expect anyone to read the entire thing?

I imagine they will have dedicated legal experts on a per-section basis. Some of the sections in here are a real riot;

The protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights should
contribute to the promotion of technological innovation and to the transfer and
dissemination of technology, to the mutual advantage of producers and users of
technological knowledge and in a manner conducive to social and economic welfare,
and to a balance of rights and obligations.

Oh is it now? Could have fooled me considering how things have gone since Computers showed up...

Each Party shall be free to determine the appropriate method of implementing the provisions of this Chapter within its own legal system and practice.

Sooo theoretically couldn't they just not implement it?
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