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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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So I'd say the big news out of these last polls is that Kasich has a good chance of losing Ohio.

Where is this poll with Bernie leading in New Jersey? Most recent poll I see has him getting crushed there, much like New York.
Over 200 million Republican superpac dollars spent on ads, less than 10 million of it spent going after the guy running away with the nomination.


Rubio absolutely must kill Trump or Cruz to survive, otherwise the establishment has no horse in the race. He definitely won't be taking out Trump, so Cruz is the logical choice. It's really his only move this late.


Attacking Cruz is safe on Rubio's part. Trump will be hitting him hard too.

If Trump is smart he will shift his focus to Rubio instead of Cruz though


Say Cruz does get knocked out. Where do his voters go?

The conventional wisdom is Rubio but I don't buy it. Trump burned a lot of bridges recently but in the far right circles I keep an eye on everyone was Trump/Cruz or Cruz/Trump until a month or so ago

Going nuclear on Cruz certainly isn't going to help Rubio win them over


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Cruz isn't going anywhere before Texas, and I argue that Cruz's voters are on the edge of being just as anti-establishment as Trump's.

Cruz isn't going anywhere anytime soon, no matter what Rubio does.
It's not about him leaving. It's getting his vote share from 20 to 10. Attacks can do that. I'd be surprised if yesterday didn't seriously damage Cruz.


Probably not a big deal, but Spike Lee just endorsed Sanders.

Also, it's hilarious that the Republicans are a week away from Trump running away with the whole thing and they still don't even have a strategy against him, much less something they've been implementing.

At this point in time a legion of monkeys armed with pamphlets about neoconservative philosophy would be capable of producing a more coherent strategy than the Republican leadership have.


In all seriousness, there was a period of a few months towards the end of last year when Trump had been leading the polls consistently long enough that the Republican establishment should have realised he was a genuine threat and started planning accordingly. The mass panic which is currently happening clearly demonstrates that they didn't bother planning for this situation, and are now desperately scrambling to fix a problem they have no strategy for dealing with.


Would you guys be ok with Kasich>Trump>Rubio in Ohio, seeing as this probably keeps Kasich in the race for longer?

Good luck with that


Not even native son Gov. John Kasich can stop the Donald Trump steamroller as Kasich falls behind the Republican front-runner 31 – 26 percent among Ohio likely Republican primary voters, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas is at 21 percent with Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida at 13 percent and Dr. Ben Carson at 5 percent.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton leads Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont 55 – 40 percent among Ohio likely Democratic primary voters, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uhpe-ack) University Poll finds.

(from today)

but yes, I would like to see Kasich stay in and siphon off Rubio's votes. Also, add this to the list of states the chosen one is doing terrible in


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Two I think? So much opportunity for trump to slip up and attack Ronald Reagan. DIABLOS AHHH ITS ALL COMING APART

The problem for Cruz, he keeps hitting Rubio on immigration but even in a state with such a conservative voters 53% said they should be able to apply for legal status. And Rubio won them handily.

The one's who want to deport them are in Trump's camp overwhelmingly.

Basically Cruz's campaign is inept at figuring out what to attack his competition on.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Say Cruz does get knocked out. Where do his voters go?

The conventional wisdom is Rubio but I don't buy it. Trump burned a lot of bridges recently but in the far right circles I keep an eye on everyone was Trump/Cruz or Cruz/Trump until a month or so ago

Going nuclear on Cruz certainly isn't going to help Rubio win them over

I posted the link several times in this thread.

Latest poll said Rubio gets 33% of Cruz voters, Trump gets 26%.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
If Ted had one single friend...like literally anyone...someone could come to his defense and say he's a nice guy. But everyone hates him.

We should put this in the ToS.



The problem for Cruz, he keeps hitting Rubio on immigration but even in a state with such a conservative voters 53% said they should be able to apply for legal status. And Rubio won them handily.

The one's who want to deport them are in Trump's camp overwhelmingly.

Basically Cruz's campaign is inept at figuring out what to attack his competition on.

Cruz is trying to move to the right of trump on immigration, it just isn't working -- because everyone knows there is no room to the right of trump on immigration. I don't think that SC voters are what you're after when railing against immigration though -- it's more of a southwest issue
So, I didn't really notice it until today but Rubio has a bit of a lisp. #stereotypes

Also I learned a new word thanks to Ted Cruz. Backpfeifengesicht.


What will happen to Sanders if he runs for GE:


Pretty much this. Again, rather like Sanders, Corbyn's popularity nationally was actually not too bad until he got close to becoming leader.

EDIT: For example, from a poll roughly a month before he became leader: "Some 32% of people in the Survation study said they would be more likely to vote Labour at the election if Mr Corbyn ran the party, ahead of Mr Burnham on 25%, Ms Kendall on 22% and Ms Cooper on 20%."


Cruz is trying to move to the right of trump on immigration, it just isn't working -- because everyone knows there is no room to the right of trump on immigration. I don't think that SC voters are what you're after when railing against immigration though -- it's more of a southwest issue

Well, as of yesterday. Yesterday Cruz said that not only will he kick out all of the immigrants, he will never allow them to enter the country again lol.

User 406

Ohio Quinnipiac: Feb 16-20

Trump 31%
Kasich 26

Cruz 21
Rubio 13
Carson 5


So Fox News has they'll be having a "voter summit" on Wednesday with the candidates, hosted by - who else? - Megyn Kelly.

Trump is skipping it. I wonder what his counter plan is.

And I love how FreeRepublic treats this "feud" between the two of them:

Yeah, so, I had some free time this morning...


I so, SO want Donald Trump to have a 1-on-1 debate scheduled that Megyn is moderating. Preferably one in the primary, and then one in the general. Wanna see Annoying Orange get squeezed. :d
So, John King played on his magic wall yesterday on CNN about thr GOP race. Basically he said if Trump even wins half of ST states and loses FL and OH, it will still be too late for anyone to stop him. He said the only way to stop Trump is for Cruz or Rubio to consistently start winning. The RNC made the candidate selection a front-loaded and a short affair after the never ending 2012 primary in the hopes of making Jeb the nominee in 2 months, also making FL a WTA state. It's now working to Trump's favor.
Texas Tribune (Feb12-19) poll:

Clinton 55%
Sanders 44%


Cruz 37%
Trump 29%
Rubio 15%
.... is a mess - 6%
Kasich 5%
Carson 4%

Ohio Quinnipiac: Feb 16-20

Clinton 55%
Sanders 40%

Trump 31%
Kasich 26
Cruz 21
Rubio 13
Carson 5

I Bolded the media peddled establishment savior.... not winning any of the big ones

I hate the media so much trying to make us believe that Rubio is something
apparently obama is going to announce plans to close gitmo in 90 minutes or so. I'm sure that is gonna work out

Obama's farewell tour is going to be fun to watch this year, as he does everything he wants and the GOP sits by crying. I've always believed he would do something on marijuana/drug war/prison sentences for non-violent use.


I don't get your point, because Labor didn't have a chance prior to Corbyn's rise.
If Democrats were in a similar position perhaps you might have some sort of point.

The point is as soon as Corbyn became leader and the media focused on him his favourability cratered.


OK, wow, I didn't realize you could give the Republicans Florida, Pennsylvania and Colorado from the 2012 map and they would STILL lose.


I Bolded the media peddled establishment savior.... not winning any of the big ones

I hate the media so much trying to make us believe that Rubio is something

Doesn't Texas have a 20% threshold? So if that holds up, he gets nothing.

I don't want to read too much into it, because the calendar does give Rubio a little time, but the math is looking pretty bad for him. Not Cruz bad, but still.

Nevermnd, Texas is fully proportional with no minimum threshold. Either way, I look forward to seeing Rubio second and third place his way to the nomination.
Is this guy reputable?


In an interview from Davos with Bloomberg TV on January 20, Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue, a top lobbyist for the pro-corporate-power Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP] agreement, assured viewers that if Hillary Clinton wins the Presidential election, Clinton will support the TPP, even though she opposes it now.

The Chamber president said he expected Hillary Clinton would ultimately support the TPP if she becomes the Democratic nominee for president and is elected. He argued that she has publicly opposed the deal chiefly because her main challenger, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), has also done so. "If she were to get nominated, if she were to be elected, I have a hunch that what runs in the family is you get a little practical if you ever get the job," he said.


Obama's farewell tour is going to be fun to watch this year, as he does everything he wants and the GOP sits by crying. I've always believed he would do something on marijuana/drug war/prison sentences for non-violent use.

Surprised he hasn't just rescheduled marijuana to a lower tier.
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