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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Hillary could divert every attack he makes on her with shitty quotes he's said to remind the 65 million Americans that'll be watching. It's gonna be godly.


Why is Cruz still wasting his breath trying to cast himself as a political outsider? Trump owns that role. He's never gonna take that from him.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The record turnout numbers do worry me without how bad turnout typically is in the US. If Trump has a path to victory its energizing people on the order of 10%
The record turnout numbers do worry me without how bad turnout typically is in the US. If Trump has a path to victory its energizing people on the order of 20%

He mobilizes his enemies, too, though, and he deflates normal GOPers who just want immigration law enforced and for the budget to be balanced, not to see "rapist Mexicans" and "great deals" made the central platform of the party.


The spin Cruz uses is insane.

No one has ever won the nomination without winning one of the first three primaries, a direct shot at Rubio.

Guess he forgot to mention no Republican has ever lost after winning NH and SC.


This night just keeps getting better and better:


Politico-Mega-donors shy away from fight with Trump said:
As Donald Trump picks up momentum, the chances of a well-funded assault to block him from the Republican presidential nomination are dramatically dwindling, according to interviews with about a dozen donors and operatives who are appalled by the billionaire real estate showman's campaign.

The party’s elite donor class has mostly closed its checkbooks to groups dedicated to stopping Trump, while the outfits that have built massive reserves are increasingly deciding to forgo anti-Trump campaigns, despite widespread fears that he is making a mockery of conservatism and could undermine Republicans up and down the ballot.

The deepest-pocketed operation on the right, the network helmed by the billionaires Charles and David Koch, had seriously debated launching an aggressive assault on Trump, but sources familiar with the network's planning tell POLITICO that’s now highly unlikely. And the Karl Rove-conceived Crossroads outfits also are sitting out the party’s bitter primary, instead spending their cash attacking Democrats.

Republican operatives have told major donors it would require an eight-figure advertising campaign or campaigns to make any kind of dent in Trump’s surprisingly durable popularity. While many of the donors have privately voiced support for the cause, most have begged off writing big checks.

The reasons for their reluctance, according to interviews with donors and operatives, seem difficult to overcome at this stage of the race, particularly if Trump notches a few more primary and caucus victories.

The donors cite the lack of success of the few super PAC attacks that have already targeted Trump as evidence that such attacks have not ― and cannot ― halt his momentum. And they worry that, if they fund higher-profile attacks, they could come under attack from Trump, who this week fired a warning shot at one of the few major donors to the anti-Trump efforts, Marlene Ricketts, tweeting that her family “better be careful, they have a lot to hide!”

They've also concluded that big-money attacks could play right into Trump's hands, reinforcing his claims that he’s independent from donors and moneyed interests who he claims control his opponents. And, if the attacks do get traction, they could ultimately help Democrats in the increasingly more likely event they find themselves pitted against Trump in the general election.


You know Trump is the nominee because we've finally switched to Diablosing about how he could win the general by various pundits.

It's pretty amazing how fucking with Ben Carson's voters was the death of Ted Cruz's campaign. That was more damaging than robo-rubio longterm.


Nate making room on his bookshelf



And they worry that, if they fund higher-profile attacks, they could come under attack from Trump, who this week fired a warning shot at one of the few major donors to the anti-Trump efforts, Marlene Ricketts, tweeting that her family “better be careful, they have a lot to hide!”

Oh shit, he knows where the skeletons are buried!
Trump has almost 53% in Clark County (Las Vegas) and not even 20% of it is in.

Trump may win 50% or damn near close when it's all said and done.

If trump hits 50%, no fucking way the media talks up Rubio. Shit, not sure that matters. This was a demolition by Trump.
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