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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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This is a breakdown of support in Florida by likelihood to vote. I'm not really sure how you decide someone is 61% likely to vote.



Afghanistan born but was in the US long enough to get citizenship...

That's something the media needs to hammer on. But either way if Clinton and Obama act like the level headed people they are everything is fine.

Trump tends to overextend himself in these situations


This is literally his exact response to the Orlando shooting that caused him to lose support.

Why would he try it again? People don't like when others say "I told you so!" Especially not with something this serious.

Micheal flynn also said something just as bad as trump today.


I've taken for granted that Trump is too much of an idiot to properly capitalize on anything in this campaign.

Or anything in general looking at his failed businesses hey ohhh.

Seriously. It's like someone handed him the keys, told him to just simply start the car and drive in a straight line, yet somehow gets the car turned upside-down.


I think a lot of millennials realize their life isn't going to get better regardless of who wins in November. They either get four years of obstruction/nothing and triangulation or four years of disaster; do you want to slowly bleed to death or be blown up. It's not a particularly exciting choice if you boil it down to that. Throw in the dislike/distrust Clinton inspires and it becomes an even harder sell. I'm not sure what the strategy should be. Having Obama and Sanders doing rallies could help. I still expect October to be a big month of impressive GOTV movement though.
God, I'm late in responding to this but for those of my fellow millennials who think like this, they should get some perspective and realize how much worse some of us have it while we still have a modicum of hope a Clinton presidency would potentiality bring. It's so frustrating to see my FB timeline with these apathetic people complaining and then turning on the likes of Elizabeth Warren and even Bernie.

I've noticed these are the same people who praise Obama (and continue to do so) yet just can't stand Hillary, even as he endorsed her, for whatever reason! Good job buying into the Republican propaganda fellow youth. From reading the anecdotes and articles, it's absolutely stupid! Things will absolutely be much worse at and around them with Trump, yet because of their damn shortsightedness they don't see that.


This poll seems pretty worthless if they're just going to show both candidates in the low 30s.
The Google Surveys have been crazy weird all cycle. I think 37 is the highest I've seen either Clinton or Trump hit in their poll.

Their state polls have also shown things like Trump winning New Mexico and Clinton winning Kansas.
They also have McCrory up 3, so I'm not sure if I really buy it.

There's no way on the planet that McRory isn't running at least down five in the real world, so yeah these numbers don't look right.

HB2 is just killing the state GOP's ability to do any messaging. It's all defense all the time.
I hate thinking like this, but doesn't the fact no one got killed and the guy got caught quick go against "America is losing" rhetoric?

Again i feel bad for reducing this down to political chess

Assuming nothing else terrible happens, this could be considered a success of our terrorist response. I'm sure over the coming days and weeks we'll find out about a bunch of warning signs that were missed, but the actual response to the terrorist event has been a success. No deaths, quick capture, and it seems like a good coordination between various agencies and properly utilizing the public as well.

If you're looking at it through a political lens, I don't see either party benefiting significantly and it'll be mostly a push.
This guy seems like the worst terrorist to have ever existed.

Zero deaths, police found him passed out drunk at the bar near his house... I'm not sure this attempted attack moves the needle.


The Google Surveys have been crazy weird all cycle. I think 37 is the highest I've seen either Clinton or Trump hit in their poll.

Their state polls have also shown things like Trump winning New Mexico and Clinton winning Kansas.

Or trump ridiculously close in DC.
The argument she can put against Trump is:

1. In the minutes after the attack, his first response was to tell a large crowd in Colorado that a bomb just went of in NY. He did not know it was a bomb, that information was not known yet. He also caused panic in a crowd that had no reason to panic, as they are half way across the country from NY. And he also went on to rant about how he would prevent stuff like this, never once mentioning the victims or hoping there were no causalities.

2. His response today is, yet again, to ignore the victims, and rant about how this will just keep happening, and only he can stop it. And we also need to limit how much information magazines and papers put out on explosives. And a bunch of extremely scary dictator-esque rhetoric.


He also called Muslim refugees "cancer"

He's going full on dictator.

If she can argue from the left and stay completely reasonable she can hurt him in the debates. If Donald Trump talks about banning Muslims, she'll should that banning could increase tensions at home and make American Muslim citizens targets of hate crimes like what happened in 9/11 and explain on how the Muslim ban can hurt relations to allied countries whom are fighting ISIS( even though they may not be). Also press him on what countries are what countries she deem that should be banned, and if maintains Iran tell him that we already have sanctions on them still. At the explain what she can do to fight terrorism.

She should explain exactly why he ideas are so terrible it may seem like people should already know, but I think many do not fully understand it. Just one of ideas once fully realized as terrible, should immediately disqualify him. The hard part is getting that in a few moments.
Wait, he was drunk? What a shining, devout knight of Islamic caliphal army.

Local police sent out an active shooter alert just before 11:00 a.m. on Monday morning, adding that a suspicious package was found and a bomb squad was called to the scene. According to Linden police officials, Rahami was found by an officer after a report of a person sleeping in the hallway of a bar. The suspect then fired at the officer, who was saved by a bulletproof vest, and the police returned fire. Rahami sustained injuries in the shootout and was transported to a local hospital. Authorities had alerted residents that Rahami would be “armed and dangerous.” It is unclear whether other suspects are being sought in connection with the bombings.


Passed out drunk, sleeping in the hallway, lmao.
Thank god this guy was seemingly an idiot. To be perfectly honest though, you really will never be able to prevent these types of attacks. The response from law enforcement was pretty great though.


Trump's doing 9% worse with latino's than romney did on election day in 2012. That is bad. Hilary is doing near obama 2012 election day numbers with latino's right now. I wouldn't be surprised if hilary got above 80% of latino voters nationally in this election.
I'm glad most of my fellow latinos haven't forgotten what Trump has said.
Thank god this guy was seemingly an idiot. To be perfectly honest though, you really will never be able to prevent these types of attacks. The response from law enforcement was pretty great though.
Yup, pretty damn good response.
To be fair only idiots carry out such attacks. If they were any smarter they'd go "hey waitamin...!" San Bernardino attack is such an exception though and flies in the face of a typical profile. I will never understand it.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I can't tell if this is a TV ad (says she approves this message, one minute, but no text about how it's paid for by HFA), but this seems like a precursor to her speech today. Basically about income inequality:


EDIT: missed the paid for at the end, so yeah, this seems TV ready.

Eh, that was ok.

I would have much rather them interspersed a Trump quote about benefiting the rich/disaparaging the poor for each one of her positive quotes. Would have been much more effective.
Seems pretty in line with what we've been seeing all throughout this election from other Latino-specific pollsters.

It'd be nice if she could end up getting 80% of the Latino vote, would continue a good trendline for Democrats.

Eh, that was ok.

I would have much rather them interspersed a Trump quote about benefiting the rich/disaparaging the poor for each one of her positive quotes. Would have been much more effective.
So does she need to stop doing negative advertising or doesn't she?
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