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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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What happened over the weekend? I left you guys off late in the week when we were still talking his his hotel and media being angry.

Yea that's what I meant. The media already pounded Trump for that.

Some posters were talking about the media focusing on the terror incident. It's unfortunate but it's a given honestly.


Georgia was called at 8:28PM, Eastern in 2012.

Imagine our election night going on with no Georgia call until later.. so weird.

I'm honestly curious how the media will handle these new "swing-ish" states on election night and how patient they'll be with them.

And I'm ever more curious how much FRAUD Trump is gonna yell when he sees former red states go blue.


Ted Cruz like, "don't forget about meeeeeeeee." This wasn't a refugee, dummy.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is calling on Congress to crack down on accepting refugees after a series of weekend explosions on the East Coast, saying it's "past time to take off the blinders."

"Congress should act to prevent Americans who have travelled abroad for training from returning here, and to stop the flow of refugees from hotbeds of terrorism in the Middle East that President Obama is determined to bring to our country," Cruz, who has been a vocal critic of the Obama administration's terrorism policy, said in a statement on Monday.
I'm honestly curious how the media will handle these new "swing-ish" states on election night and how patient they'll be with them.

And I'm ever more curious how much FRAUD Trump is gonna yell when he sees former red states go blue.

They're probably just going to have to pay more for more exit polling, which they won't want to do.
Ted Cruz like, "don't forget about meeeeeeeee." This wasn't a refugee, dummy.

Really? The GOP is seriously going down this route? The man wasn't even from the same country as Syria, let alone that he wasn't a refugee...

The messaging against this is brainless for the Democrats. "Dudes, come on, he wasn't even Syrian, let alone a refugee..."


Really? The GOP is seriously going down this route? The man wasn't even from the same country as Syria, let alone that he wasn't a refugee...

The messaging against this is brainless for the Democrats. "Dudes, come on, he wasn't even Syrian, let alone a refugee..."

This guy literally came to America do to the Afganistán War Republicans supported.

Hillary and Obama touched on this a bit, and thank god Trump is being stupid as always and not taking advantage of this incident.


Ted Cruz like, "don't forget about meeeeeeeee." This wasn't a refugee, dummy.

Such disgusting trash that people like him and Trump would pin this on refugees of all people who had nothing to do with this. Where are your Christian principals (and human principals really) of loving thy neighbor and taking care of the poor and weak.
Oh god it's already 2pm soon. This cycle is doomed

The media isn't going to stop reporting real, actual news to cover fluff stuff from the campaigns.

The development of the bombings is actual news that actually should be reported instead of "HE SAID WHAT? SHE SAID WHAT?" or whatever they usually do during the day when nobody but people stuck getting their oil changed or waiting for the dentist watch.


I don't even know why I bother checking 538 anymore. Today alone a close GEORGIA poll dropped Clinton's chances in their model and for some reason they decided to throw some polls from FEBRUARY (including one with Trump winning in PA) into their model because why not, right?


aka andydumi
One bomb went off in New Jersey, one went off in Manhattan, and another was found and disarmed nearby.

Nobody was seriously injured and the suspect is in custody.
Oh I saw all that.
Yea that's what I meant. The media already pounded Trump for that.

Some posters were talking about the media focusing on the terror incident. It's unfortunate but it's a given honestly.

Thanks. I thought he did something else "bad" between Friday and Monday which will get overshadowed. Something to do with the Hispanic vote based on headlines.


Oh god it's already 2pm soon. This cycle is doomed

It wasn't the focus on the millennials speech that we wanted, but honestly, Clinton did good in that press conference and better than Trump, so she isn't out of the news cycle because of it either.

She's getting much better headlines than Trump from this.

And, besides, the speech was great and her live feed on Facebook was awesome, how the campaign now manages to project facts live side-by-side as Hillary speaks.


Really? The GOP is seriously going down this route? The man wasn't even from the same country as Syria, let alone that he wasn't a refugee...

The messaging against this is brainless for the Democrats. "Dudes, come on, he wasn't even Syrian, let alone a refugee..."

Anti-muslim rhetoric is really the keystone for the modern Republican party and what came out of the Tea Party. Check out the archives of, say, LGF or Jihad Watch from 2004 or 2005 and all the pieces are there.


Monmouth's polling director is hinting at a possible shift in polling..

Ted Cruz like, "don't forget about meeeeeeeee." This wasn't a refugee, dummy.

"Congress should act to prevent Americans who have travelled abroad for training from returning here, and to stop the flow of refugees from hotbeds of terrorism in the Middle East that President Obama is determined to bring to our country," Cruz, who has been a vocal critic of the Obama administration's terrorism policy, said in a statement on Monday.
This is accusing the president of intentionally trying to bring terrorists into the country. These people are scum


I'm kind of at the point where I just want Clinton to win even if it's with the 272 map. Of course I'd love a blowout and a senate majority, but Trump losing alone would be a massive triumph.


I'm kind of at the point where I just want Clinton to win even if it's with the 272 map. Of course I'd love a blowout and a senate majority, but Trump losing alone would be a massive triumph.
I get paranoid at scenarios where it's within a state or two. I want a cushion.. some insurance for Republican fuckery. 290 or above would be comfy.
Anti-muslim rhetoric is really the keystone for the modern Republican party and what came out of the Tea Party. Check out the archives of, say, LGF or Jihad Watch from 2004 or 2005 and all the pieces are there.

They really dropped the ball with Muslims. This was a demographic that was actually voting consistently for the GOP and they went and destroyed that voting bloc.

Back in the early 2000s when the anti-Islam rhetoric was hitting its stride someone in the GOP should have said "Wait, hold on, Muslims vote for us, maybe we should dial this back, a bit"
Poor Sabato.

Not really, so dumb of them to make such drastic switches.
Jumping to make Iowa, Ohio and Maine-2 is just pants-shittingly, bed-wettingly stupid. Looking at Pollster's averages Clinton is barely ahead in Ohio and Trump is barely ahead in Iowa unless he's privy to insider info suggesting those have firmed up for Trump.


My reaction, too.

The idea that last week was "bad" is cute. Last week could've been much, much worse. Forget about wetting the bed; PoliGAF would've needed a Foley cath installed.

Well. A poll with Clinton tied or ahead in Ohio would be nice. I don't like those recent +3, +4, +5 Trump polls (Monmouth hasn't polled there in a month though)
I have problems with this Elon poll, but the questioners rating the Southern Accent of the respondents is amazing/fascinating.


Burr and Ross:



This is accusing the president of intentionally trying to bring terrorists into the country. These people are scum

The Trump ads running online have been making this explicit. "Refugees... are flooding the country..." /cut to a newspaper clipping of the US allowing 6,000 Syrians to settle in America.


Well. A poll with Clinton tied or ahead in Ohio would be nice. I don't like those recent +3, +4, +5 Trump polls (Monmouth hasn't polled there in a month though)
Absolutely. They make me smirk like a gymnast.

The main thing I'm hoping for this week is evidence that last week was Trump's ceiling. I hope we see more signs soon.


aka andydumi
Are there any bets on what word Hillary will use to try and get under Trump's skin at the debates? What one single word can she try to repeat to get his to fly off the handle?

My bet is on "phony" as it's much worse than fraud and can be applied to so many more things about him. It's also more insidious to me and not something that has really been used.
I have problems with this Elon poll, but the questioners rating the Southern Accent of the respondents is amazing/fascinating.


Burr and Ross:


I hesitate to say the accent represents anything. A lot of the times it goes politics -> accent.

I knew people who adopted accents after turning conservative as a social marker. Also are the accents identified by the pollster or self identified?
This gets to the heart about why Ross is doing so much better than Murphy/Strickland:


That Ross is proving a competitive candidate is not a surprise to state Rep. Pricey Harrison, a liberal Greensboro Democrat who served with Ross in the state legislature for 10 years. She calls Ross a “pragmatic progressive” who is “very likable and very smart” and “a heck of a fundraiser and a fighter.” But despite Ross’ qualities, Harrison conceded, “I don’t think anybody expected it to be this close.”

Why it is starts with Ross. She’s a strong campaigner who has criss-crossed the state for months, often going into smaller towns where she says “Burr hasn’t been seen for years.” It also has to do with the rising frustration of North Carolina voters. Ross says “the state is on fire” with anger at the do-nothing Congress and the hard-right agenda of the state legislature. People are eager to be heard, she says, “and I’m a good listener.”

But a third factor has to do with Burr. He has a surprisingly low profile despite his long tenure in Congress. A poll by Raleigh-based Public Policy Polling found that 33 percent of voters are have no opinion on Burr’s job performance.

Tom Jensen, director of Public Policy Polling, said Burr’s lack of visibility leaves him “more susceptible to what kind of year it is.” Burr’s previous runs came in good years for Republicans: 2004 with President George W. Bush seeking a second term, and 2010 with North Carolina voters blaming President Obama for the state’s high unemployment rate and with most opposing his Affordable Care Act.

This is not a good year for Republicans with Trump’s erratic and divisive campaign and with Republican Gov. Pat McCrory up for re-election amid an uproar over his dogged support for House Bill 2.


Are there any bets on what word Hillary will use to try and get under Trump's skin at the debates? What one single word can she try to repeat to get his to fly off the handle?

My bet is on "phony" as it's much worse than fraud and can be applied to so many more things about him. It's also more insidious to me and not something that has really been used.

maybe like weak or small. gotta go after his insecurities with enormity in all things Trump.
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