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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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I wasn't there, but I knocked Clinton + Trump off the #debates stage w/ my solutions! #OccupyTheDebates @MorSpicer


Jill is the Liberal version of Trump.

She uses many of the same right wing attacks on Clinton and she has unjustifiable or non-existent policies.
Wait, Trump said that blowing up Iranian military ships wouldn't start a war?

Didn't someone during the Cuban Missile Crisis assume we could bomb either Cuba or Russia and there'd be no retaliation?

This seems to be a really dangerous line of thinking.

EDIT: I remember reading some people say Trump wouldn't be the type to destabilize nations or start wars, and then he says that...


There was no punctuation in that answer.

We just don't understand his brilliant oratorical skill. He transcends the need for punctuation, sentences, paragraphs, and logical arguments. Like James Joyce in writing, he is crafting a new form that we simply have yet to fully understand or grasp.


No Scrubs
We just don't understand his brilliant oratorical skill. He transcends the need for punctuation, sentences, paragraphs, and logical arguments. Like James Joyce in writing, he is crafting a new form that we simply have yet to fully understand or grasp.

Hey, don't diss James Joyce. That man is brilliant. Go read Dubliners and tell me he's not amazing.
Man, I forgot about that one. There was just so much good shit in this debate, I swear man.

There was waaaaay too much to keep up with. He just rambles like a mad man.

He mentioned first use isn't something he'd do and 5 seconds later said it was on the table.

He talks about NATO as if we're a mafia boss. He said he has nothing to say to black people. He referred to Obama as "your president."

He took credit for evading taxes! He got in fights with Holt! He put ranch dressing on word salads!


No Scrubs
There was waaaaay too much to keep up with. He just rambles like a mad man.

He mentioned first use isn't something he'd do and 5 seconds later said it was on the table.

He talks about NATO as if we're a mafia boss. He said he has nothing to say to black people. He referred to Obama as "your president."

He took credit for evading taxes! He got in fights with Holt! He put ranch dressing on word salads!

I could spend the rest of my life dissecting that performance and find new bullshit on my deathbed. It was literally almost everything I wished for.
There's some pro-Trump pundit on NPR/BBC right now being the biggest douche on Earth. Trying to spin Donald Trump admitting to evading taxes as him intentionally highlighting the need to close those loopholes. Also criticizing the interviewer for interrupting him and calling him out on his shit.


The most mind blowing moment for me was when Lester asked about race relations and Donald started talking about Law and Order and stop and frisk, which has been proven to disproportionally target innocent minorities.
We just don't understand his brilliant oratorical skill. He transcends the need for punctuation, sentences, paragraphs, and logical arguments. Like James Joyce in writing, he is crafting a new form that we simply have yet to fully understand or grasp.
Trump is the political equivalent of Finnegan's Wake.
Hiillary is such a champ. She's gonna be a good president. Unlikely to be as well liked as Obama since she lacks his high level charisma but I think she'll be more effective


I know not everyone is a political junkie but man it's hard to fathom anyone still being "undecided" at this point.

The reaction to a debate is likely slower for people who aren't political junkies. They need a couple days to process and have the information disseminated to them as well.
This needs to be the start of a huge push. No more multiple day stretches off the campaign trail. I really hope Hilary seizes on this enough that even if she ties the other debates it doesn't matter.

I think we also have to take a second to look back at how awesome Clinton did tonight. Despite the fact that it was Trump, she had the fortitude to never look like she lost control of the situation. She quickly shut down the email conversation and it never came up again. She gave an awesome answer on the topic of race even as Trump fucking sighed. This lady has been through so much shit for the past 30 years and I'm glad she was able to use her experience to withstand that much ignorance.


This needs to be the start of a huge push. No more multiple day stretches off the campaign trail. I really hope Hilary seizes on this enough that even if she ties the other debates it doesn't matter.

She's literally going to be in key states everyday this week to coincide with early voting
Now that I've calmed down....here's my take.

Trump fucked up. Big league. There was nothing in there that was even remotely defensible for him. Like, literally nothing. He sounded like a winded rhino. He was guzzling water like Marco Rubio after a foam party bender. There was, literally, nothing to any of his answers. The nuclear talk was terrifying, and proved Hillary 100% right. Hillary's attack over his taxes was perfect. He walked right through that door. He was rude and unqualified. When the audience laughs at you when you say you have the temperament to be President, you've lost.

And do you know why these punches landed? Because Hillary and her team have been beating this for months. Everyone complaining about "Stop defining Trump, be more positive!" No. This is why that was done. She created the narrative about Trump, and he confirmed it for her live on stage.

He had no sound bites from this. He had nothing that the media will be talking about tomorrow, other than he was unqualified and generally fucked up.

This is far more damaging to him than Obama's performance in 2012. Obama was terrible, but he was already President. There were no questions on whether or not he could do the job....because he'd been doing it for 4 years. Trump managed to shit the bed in front of 100 million people. Obama could bounce back because he could remind people of why they loved him. Trump cannot, because no one loves him, and he just confirmed everything Hillary's team has been saying about him for months.
Now that I've calmed down....here's my take.

Trump fucked up. Big league. There was nothing in there that was even remotely defensible for him. Like, literally nothing. He sounded like a winded rhino. He was guzzling water like Marco Rubio after a foam party bender. There was, literally, nothing to any of his answers. The nuclear talk was terrifying, and proved Hillary 100% right. Hillary's attack over his taxes was perfect. He walked right through that door. He was rude and unqualified. When the audience laughs at you when you say you have the temperament to be President, you've lost.

And do you know why these punches landed? Because Hillary and her team have been beating this for months. Everyone complaining about "Stop defining Trump, be more positive!" No. This is why that was done. She created the narrative about Trump, and he confirmed it for her live on stage.

He had no sound bites from this. He had nothing that the media will be talking about tomorrow, other than he was unqualified and generally fucked up.

This is far more damaging to him than Obama's performance in 2012. Obama was terrible, but he was already President. There were no questions on whether or not he could do the job....because he'd been doing it for 4 years. Trump managed to shit the bed in front of 100 million people. Obama could bounce back because he could remind people of why they loved him. Trump cannot, because no one loves him, and he just confirmed everything Hillary's team has been saying about him for months.

I agree that Clinton campaign have done a great job at defining Trump. The negative ads have worked helped by Trump himself.

Now it's time to switch to improving Hillary's numbers though, so we need more positive ads!


I know not everyone is a political junkie but man it's hard to fathom anyone still being "undecided" at this point.

I think when the news cycle starts airing debate clips, the Undecideds will start to shift to Hillary. Let's remember that it was 9pm til close to 11pm. People will read about this tomorrow in the papers, and listen to it on the way to work.

Trump's Stop-and-Frisk policy and tax evasion (avoidance? I can never remember which is which) will show people that he's as bad/worse than Clinton. And at least Clinton had a presidential manner - Trump really was the spoiled boy being told off and crying about it. Lord, blaming the mic? Like, the whole thing wasn't on Youtube, Twitter and Facebook.


No Scrubs
Just admit it. Youre a secret Trump supporter

Nah son, I just like good writers.

I agree that Clinton campaign have done a great job at defining Trump. The negative ads have worked helped by Trump himself.

Now it's time to switch to improving Hillary's numbers though, so we need more positive ads!

Which they seem to be doing. Honestly, they seem to be going off the Obama playbook this cycle: define the opponent over the summer, prop up the candidate in the fall.
I agree that Clinton campaign have done a great job at defining Trump. The negative ads have worked helped by Trump himself.

Now it's time to switch to improving Hillary's numbers though, so we need more positive ads!

And it's now easier to do that because you've proven to the public that your definition of Trump is correct. You've gotten 55% of Americans to agree that he's unqualified, now you can prove how your policies are better...because they've met you halfway.

Also, to anyone who ever says Hillary is not a good debater, that was a master class in how to bait your opponent. She can tighten up a few answers because she's wonky as hell, but that's not a big deal.

The read she gave Trump about studying to be ready and studying to be President was fucking perfect.


Hillary shouldn't go into hiding now like she did after a spectacular DNC showing. It's time to go all out and close this one, Send Biden to Iowa, Kaine to Colorado. Get Obama to stump for you in North Carolina. Send Warren/Biden to Ohio/PA. THIS IS IT. TIME TO CLOSE THE DEAL.

This week she's in North Carolina, Iowa, New Hampshire and Florida. Bill, Biden, Michelle and Sanders are also on the trail.
He had no sound bites from this. He had nothing that the media will be talking about tomorrow, other than he was unqualified and generally fucked up.
To be fair he did rehearse that line where he said "I'll produce tax returns if you produce your 30,000 deleted emails!", it was red meat for his supporters but Holt caught it immediately with "So is it negotiable?"

Holt did a very good job by the way. I know the OT was complaining that he wasn't doing anything, but from my watching of debates he did well. Follow ups on birther questions, taxes, iraq war. That's enough for me. To see a moderator actually transform into a doormat and get trampled upon, watch PBS' Jim Lehrer in the first Romney-Obama debate.


Standing at the lectern, interrupting and shouting, playing the invisible accordion with his open hands, filibustering, tossing his word salads — jobs and terrorism and Nafta and China and everything is terrible — Mr. Trump said a lot. But as the debate wore on, he struggled to contend with an opponent who was much more poised and prepared than any of the Republicans he faced in the primaries.


Trump: tossing word salads while playing his small accordion


Now that I've calmed down....here's my take.

Trump fucked up. Big league. There was nothing in there that was even remotely defensible for him. Like, literally nothing. He sounded like a winded rhino. He was guzzling water like Marco Rubio after a foam party bender. There was, literally, nothing to any of his answers. The nuclear talk was terrifying, and proved Hillary 100% right. Hillary's attack over his taxes was perfect. He walked right through that door. He was rude and unqualified. When the audience laughs at you when you say you have the temperament to be President, you've lost.

And do you know why these punches landed? Because Hillary and her team have been beating this for months. Everyone complaining about "Stop defining Trump, be more positive!" No. This is why that was done. She created the narrative about Trump, and he confirmed it for her live on stage.

He had no sound bites from this. He had nothing that the media will be talking about tomorrow, other than he was unqualified and generally fucked up.

This is far more damaging to him than Obama's performance in 2012. Obama was terrible, but he was already President. There were no questions on whether or not he could do the job....because he'd been doing it for 4 years. Trump managed to shit the bed in front of 100 million people. Obama could bounce back because he could remind people of why they loved him. Trump cannot, because no one loves him, and he just confirmed everything Hillary's team has been saying about him for months.

This election ended tonight.
Hilary does need to correct the trade answer a bit though. She can't say she never said it was the gold standard. I know she is trying to thread the needle and not throwing the current administration under the bus though.

Man I way too much adrenaline pumping to go to sleep
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