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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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This debate was so insane that Trump outlined how he would end up starting a war with Russia (shoot Iranian sailors and thus start a war with Iran, then Russia gets dragged in due to being Iran's only friend) over rude gestures from Iranian sailors and no one cares.


As a Trump supporter I even thought Clinton mopped the floor with Trump. He came totally unprepared better luck next time.


. I wouldn't admit that in public. Not after tonight.


Professional Schmuck
The moment when his temperament gets brought up nearly broke my brain.

It's like his sole goal in this debate was to show he doens't have the right temperament, then he says "I have a much better temperament", the audience laughs in disbelief, Hillary can't keep a straight face.... My god, this debate...

he literally screams it!

Also yes, the audience laughing at him is why he'll wake up looking green tomorrow morning. Bullies don't mind being hated, so long as you take them seriously -- but clown them? Laugh at them? Tonight was only the beginning. Dude is going to implode.
Anderson Cooper is moderating the 2nd debate?

Oh please, I hope there is a disabled person that will ask him a question about what he said about the disabled reporter.

Come on Cooper. We all want to see Trump commit seppukku.


No Scrubs
Even the New York Post called his performance "incompetent"

Holy shit, that's how you know you fucked up. When the NYPost calls you incompetent, as a Republican, then you know you're a fucking dumbass.

Anderson Cooper is moderating the 2nd debate?

Oh please, I hope there is a disabled person that will ask him a question about what he said about the disabled reporter.

Come on Cooper. We all want to see Trump commit seppukku.

I believe in AC.
Anderson Cooper is moderating the 2nd debate?

Oh please, I hope there is a disabled person that will ask him a question about what he said about the disabled reporter.

Come on Cooper. We all want to see Trump commit seppukku.

Trump couldn't handle a moderator with no spine at all. Even showing up next time would be a ballsy move for Trump. He'll spend the whole time yelling at Cooper.

I swear, first words out of Cooper's mouth - Mr Trump, is your microphone working?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I think Trump for sure will be subdued in the Townhall debate. More riping for Hillary to needle him again.

Maybe if they drug him. He started off this one pretty low key but his patience can only allow him to go like 25 minutes. The only way he does better is if he gets nothing but the softest of balls for an hour while Hillary gets shelled with a bunch of where are the bodies type questions.


Oooh.. Obama Town Hall on CNN on Wednesday night.

I'm expecting that Obama will be able to work-in some good praise for Hillary throughout the program.
Maybe if they drug him. He started off this one pretty low key but his patience can only allow him to go like 25 minutes. The only way he does better is if he gets nothing but the softest of balls for an hour while Hillary gets shelled with a bunch of where are the bodies type questions.

Him getting into it with Holt was bad enough tonight, imagine him doing that with a random person asking a question
Some of the comments I am seeing on Facebook from my younger facebook folks...

I want to slap some people.
I am getting a lot of 'guh, one of these people is gonna be president...'

Now, I am quite sure these people will suck it up and vote for Hillary but it does take quite a bit to not lay into them.

I guess you could say I have a great temperament.


I can't imagine Trump doing well in the town hall format. Yes, there is a crowd, but having watched some of Trump's townhalls, he is terribly with the visual aspect of them. He sits down the entire time and just goes. So much of the townhalls at the presidential level is the visuals of the candidate moving around the stage and interacting with the crowd. Trump just straight up doesn't do this.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Romney clearly won the debate. He lied a lot but Obama's energy was really lackluster, like he didn't want to be there. Just let Romney run him over.

It was fair 4 years ago.

I can grudgingly accept that Romney "won", but the margin should not have been that high.

On the one hand that's pretty cool, but on the other it ultimately wasn't enough to get Romney elected. (Though clearly Bill was.)

That said, Romney was significantly down at the time, and in this case Clinton has been ahead. I can't take it as a guarantee, but I feel it's a pretty good sign.

I also imagine we're going to get a bunch of commercials using Trump's responses to these questions in the next few days.

I can grudgingly accept that Romney "won", but the margin should not have been that high.

I imagine a significant part of it was from demoralized Republicans seeing a ray of hope. Up to that point Romney had been hit hard from his "47%" comments, and even the Benghazi attack was a little muted due to how quickly he came out to blame it on Obama.
Hillary shouldn't go into hiding now like she did after a spectacular DNC showing. It's time to go all out and close this one, Send Biden to Iowa, Kaine to Colorado. Get Obama to stump for you in North Carolina. Send Warren/Biden to Ohio/PA. THIS IS IT. TIME TO CLOSE THE DEAL.
Yep, this showed that:
A. Clinton ain't the devil
B. Trump can't be elected no matter what.

I got the exact opposite. My Johnson/Stein friends are digging their heels in further, saying both candidates are awful and this is why we should abandon them both.

Literally, my Twitter feed is full of 30-somethings screaming about voting third parties because fuck the establishment.
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