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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Hilary does need to correct the trade answer a bit though. She can't say she never said it was the gold standard. I know she is trying to thread the needle and not throw the current administration under the bus though.

But TPP is good. The country is dumb to realize it and Hillary knows it. How do you even begin to work that answer.


To be fair he did rehearse that line where he said "I'll produce tax returns if you produce your 30,000 deleted emails!", it was red meat for his supporters but Holt caught it immediately with "So is it negotiable?"

Holt did a very good job by the way. I know the OT was complaining that he wasn't doing anything, but from my watching of debates he did well. Follow ups on birther questions, taxes, iraq war. That's enough for me. To see a moderator actually transform into a doormat and get trampled upon, watch PBS' Jim Lehrer in the first Romney-Obama debate.

Yea, I thought he did a good job.

And if I am honest with myself I would argue that his questions actually favored Clinton as well. Personally, I think that is fine considering that that is what you get when you are a colossal fuck up of epic proportions.


Tonight was quite reasonably foreseeable. Trump being unseasoned and incompetent is something he's demonstrated since he began campaigning. Just took someone to connect bat to ball to send him scrambling.
To be fair he did rehearse that line where he said "I'll produce tax returns if you produce your 30,000 deleted emails!", it was red meat for his supporters but Holt caught it immediately with "So is it negotiable?"

Holt did a very good job by the way. I know the OT was complaining that he wasn't doing anything, but from my watching of debates he did well. Follow ups on birther questions, taxes, iraq war. That's enough for me. To see a moderator actually transform into a doormat and get trampled upon, watch PBS' Jim Lehrer in the first Romney-Obama debate.

I think that the line could have worked, but he's too bad of a politician to pull it off. I also agree with something that this MSNBC panel is saying. Hillary had fun tonight. The art of politics isn't something I get the sense she enjoys, but she really, really enjoyed it tonight. She also looked amazing. Whatever. No matter how gendered.

I think Holt did..fine. Not the greatest, but he's welcome to have another debate in a few years. He lost control of the crowd, but that was Trump's fans fault. So, that's the only real thing I can bitch about.


Like i said i was not worried. Hillarys is the perfect debate prepper

I was surprised how effectively she was able to speak over him when he was interrupting (and was louder, at that). She had obviously anticipated that (who hadn't, right?) and had practiced how to not get overrun.
Well she's being punished for lacking political courage at that point wouldn't you agree?
Pragmatism is more important in my opinion. It's better to win as a pragmatist than lose as an idealist. Courage can wait, especially when an orange gorilla is throwing feces at you. TPP is a cough medicene. Nay, it's vaccination against dumbassery. We cannot remain isolated when Asian countries are rapidly expanding their economic growth.


I was surprised how effectively she was able to speak over him when he was interrupting (and was louder, at that). She had obviously anticipated that (who hadn't, right?) and had practiced how to not get overrun.

The best offense is having a best defense. Trump wasn't used to having someone essentially ignore him. He lusts for attention and if he doesn't get it, he gets deflated.
Also. I think Trump did prepare for this. I think this is the best you get from Trump.



I can't believe people are forgetting what, IMO, was the worst line of the night from Trump, which was his admission to stiffing contractors by saying "Maybe they didn't do a good job?". That is straight poison to so many small business owners and shifted the frame from "Trump's looking out for the little guy" from Trump's campaign to "Trump just admitted to screwing over the little guy".

That's why I think he lost the entire debate including the first 20 min. You had the double shot of hitting him on his taxes (which was devastating) followed up immediately by hitting him on not paying workers. That was the most brutal one-two of the night as far as I'm concerned.


And do you know why these punches landed? Because Hillary and her team have been beating this for months. Everyone complaining about "Stop defining Trump, be more positive!" No. This is why that was done. She created the narrative about Trump, and he confirmed it for her live on stage.
This is the biggest reason why Clinton won and Trump lost. Both sides have defined each other over the past year, and only Trump tonight affirmed that negative definition of himself. Hell, Clinton's biggest stumble a couple of weeks ago was the whole health thing, and she knocked the stamina question out of the park and looked vibrant doing it, whereas people were laughing at Trump saying he has the temperament to be President. A real role reversal.


I notice you bring that up a lot. And, you know, I also notice the very nasty commercials that you do on me in so many different ways, which I don’t do on you. Maybe I’m trying to save the money.

But, frankly, I look — I look at that, and I say, isn’t that amazing? Because I settled that lawsuit with no admission of guilt, but that was a lawsuit brought against many real estate firms, and it’s just one of those things.

I’ll go one step further. In Palm Beach, Florida, tough community, a brilliant community, a wealthy community, probably the wealthiest community there is in the world, I opened a club, and really got great credit for it. No discrimination against African- Americans, against Muslims, against anybody. And it’s a tremendously successful club. And I’m so glad I did it. And I have been given great credit for what I did. And I’m very, very proud of it. And that’s the way I feel. That is the true way I feel.

So he didn't discriminate. See he is ok guys...
This is an underappreciated statistic that can sway last-minute undecideds. Since Clinton is glad to run under Obama it's to her advantage. In 2000 Gore made a point to run away from Bill's popularity for reasons unknown and he paid the price for it.

Obama at even +1 would be welcome and people here were pumped when that happened. Over +10 is bonkers. Low 40s disapprove is getting down to just partisan Republican territory. Since this has been an ongoing trend for months it's impossible to claim it's outliers anymore.


I can't believe people are forgetting what, IMO, was the worst line of the night from Drumpf, which was his admission to stiffing contractors by saying "Maybe they didn't do a good job?". That is straight poison to so many small business owners and shifted the frame from "Drumpf's looking out for the little guy" from Drumpf's campaign to "Drumpf just admitted to screwing over the little guy".

That's why I think he lost the entire debate including the first 20 min. You had the double shot of hitting him on his taxes (which was devastating) followed up immediately by hitting him on not paying workers. That was the most brutal one-two of the night as far as I'm concerned.

This was my take, and I'm a bloody game developer with a parental safety net. Guy shot himself in the foot multiple times, but this was the most jaw-dropping self-own.


Hiillary is such a champ. She's gonna be a good president. Unlikely to be as well liked as Obama since she lacks his high level charisma but I think she'll be more effective

She could be but I doubt she will be. People don't trust or like her and she's a scandal away from losing all legitimacy. And if There's one thing the clintons do, its get embroidered in scandals.


H. A. Goodman ‏@HAGOODMANAUTHOR 2m2 minutes ago

Clinton simply smiles and laughs, knowing that America defines "presidential" as not caring about wars, FBI probes, and prison lobby donors

She literally brought up private prisons being morally reprehensible.
This is an underappreciated statistic that can sway last-minute undecideds. Since Clinton is glad to run under Obama it's to her advantage. In 2000 Gore made a point to run away from Bill's popularity for reasons unknown and he paid the price for it.
Not really. Reasons were known. Bill Clinton was coming fresh off Monica Lewinsky scandal, and George W Bush was portraying himself as a compassionate conservative, values candidate.


Wait, remember when Hillary started talking about the vibrancy of black communities and Trump groaned in disgust?
I keep getting flashbacks to his RNC speech when he said "El....Gee....Bee....Tea-Q?" like the motherfucker was reading an eye chart. Dude can barely hide his contempt for minorities.
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