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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Jeff Sessions' argument of "I didn't assault my black colleague when we had to stay in the same hotel room for work on a case" will never be topped as a "I'm not racist!" example.

Anyway, white working class people who vote for Trump are either dumb as shit (because Trump openly hates the working class based on his refusal to pay his employees and bragging about it in front of 80M+), bigoted, or super Christian.


Suburban Women Find Little to Like in Donald Trump’s Debate Performance

WEST CHESTER, Pa. — Donald J. Trump badly needed to make an impression on women like Nancy Groux in Monday’s presidential debate. She is an undecided Republican who hungers for change in Washington and thinks business experience would be an asset in the Oval Office.

In the light of Tuesday morning, it was clear that he had made an impression — but not a good one.

Waiting here for a dress shop to open, Ms. Groux, 60, said that she thought that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, had been “presidential” in the debate, but that Mr. Trump, the Republican nominee, had come across like a “bull in a china closet.”

“I truly want to like him,” she said. “I keep looking for something in him. But I can’t have my children grow up and look at him as someone to respect.”

The first of three scheduled presidential debates was the talk of suburban West Chester on Tuesday, and there was much to chew over between bites of pastry and sips of coffee on Church Street: Mr. Trump’s demeanor, loudly talking over Mrs. Clinton and hectoring her with interruptions; her smirks and grim stares as she looked at Mr. Trump; and Mrs. Clinton’s intense denunciation of Mr. Trump over his denigration of women, after he questioned her “stamina” in the debate’s final moments.

Ms. Groux, who works at a flower shop in West Chester, faulted Mr. Trump for refusing to release his taxes, and for what she called a shallowness on policy that suggested an unwillingness to consult experts.

“He doesn’t listen,” Ms. Groux said. “I’m afraid he would just make his own decisions and not listen to anyone else’s — and I don’t think that’s a way to have a country.”

This year, as in past elections, the key to carrying Pennsylvania is expected to be winning the trove of educated voters, especially women, in the counties surrounding Philadelphia. Here in Chester County, Mitt Romney defeated President Obama in 2012 by less than one percentage point; Mr. Obama won nearby Bucks County by a margin nearly as close.

“The faces he made — he rolled his eyes!” said Janet Melton, who bought a cake and doughnuts at Yori’s Bakery, where a blackboard on the sidewalk advertised “Pumpkin Everything.” “He doesn’t come across as being very professional to me.”

Ms. Melton, a registered Republican who manages a team of software engineers, said that if the election were today, Mrs. Clinton — whom she, too, called “so much more presidential” — would get her vote. That alone was a milestone, she added: “I come from a long line of Republican family members who will turn over in their graves.”

Kim Gray, a Trump supporter, said she cringed when Mrs. Clinton accused him of calling a former Miss Universe “Miss Piggy” because she gained weight and “Miss Housekeeping” because she was Latina.

“That is embarrassing,” Ms. Gray, an office manager, said as she parked outside the West Chester post office. “I have a daughter. I have a son who’d never speak like that.”

Ms. Gray said she still planned to vote for Mr. Trump, however, because of his business success and his support for law enforcement.

“He had a horrible night,” she acknowledged, dropping her voice and nearly blushing on Mr. Trump’s behalf.


The Autumn Wind


Kim Gray, a Trump supporter, said she cringed when Mrs. Clinton accused him of calling a former Miss Universe “Miss Piggy” because she gained weight and “Miss Housekeeping” because she was Latina.

“That is embarrassing,” Ms. Gray, an office manager, said as she parked outside the West Chester post office. “I have a daughter. I have a son who’d never speak like that.”

Ms. Gray said she still planned to vote for Mr. Trump, however, because of his business success and his support for law enforcement.

“He had a horrible night,” she acknowledged, dropping her voice and nearly blushing on Mr. Trump’s behalf.
This right here is the problem. These people literally don't care what he does. Nothing will change their mind.
It's not that tactical. If you're his staff, you hire an intern to prick Trump with a needle every time he says the word "foundation" so he's conditioned to avoid it.

I'd do this with several topics actually. You can't get him to prep for the full debate, so you just stake out some topics that he has to avoid at all costs.
Trump would just fire the intern. Then he would fire the staffers who cooked this up. There is no one who can tell him to his face he needs to change his game. He is paying them out the ass to be Yes Men. Trump qualifies everything in his world with either winners or losers. Any sort of changing tactic means losing.

In Trump's head he is a Winner. A huge Stamina Man. He has big muscles, and he doesn't tire or get sick. He has a big penis too. His health is astonishingly good. He is a mighty lumberjack. He won last night's debate, just look at the online polls. There was no sniffling, it was a mic problem.
Kim Gray, a Trump supporter, said she cringed when Mrs. Clinton accused him of calling a former Miss Universe “Miss Piggy” because she gained weight and “Miss Housekeeping” because she was Latina.

“That is embarrassing,” Ms. Gray, an office manager, said as she parked outside the West Chester post office. “I have a daughter. I have a son who’d never speak like that.”

Ms. Gray said she still planned to vote for Mr. Trump, however, because of his business success and his support for law enforcement.

"He's rude, hates women and my kids are better behaved but I REALLY want to establish white supremacy"


Yeah that "Where did you find this?" is an instant confirmation by Trump that it's true. He's more concerned about how Hillary found out or remembered. He doesn't even try to deny it like the other things. That really stood out at that the time.

Is this our "please proceed governor" line of 2016? That immediately popped in my head last night when he reacted that way. How he leaned in real aggressive to her as she continued until the reveal of her name and story. It was incredible.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I was saying for a while that there was no way Trump could do a good job in a GE debate, but he somehow managed to go below my expectations.

I've said this multiple times in the main debate thread but I'm still shocked he actually bragged about tax evasion right on stage.
There's a difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance.


Like Clinton hasn't shown any disrespect for law enforcement has she? I guess respecting law enforcement just means never question them or suggest they should listen to critics?


"He's rude, hates women and my kids are better behaved but I REALLY want to establish white supremacy"

It's funny. Her reasons for supporting him aren't really anything. All the candidates support policy and his business success? That has FUCK all to do with foreign policy or anything else really.

She just likes what he says. It's why some of these people are lost causes. Clinton needs to just keep doing what she's doing right now. Donald will hang himself again.
Thing I heard someone say about Trump and Clinton today IRL:
"I don't like either of them. Trump is a racist and Clinton is a feminist. They're both hateful people."
(apparently "feminist" means "hates men"... I thought the proper term for this was "misandrist" but the guy speaking was too stupid to be expected to know that)


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Also this.

So he is saying that he did do it but now he is not doing it...
I notice you bring that up a lot. And, you know, I also notice the very nasty commercials that you do on me in so many different ways, which I don’t do on you. Maybe I’m trying to save the money.

But, frankly, I look — I look at that, and I say, isn’t that amazing? Because I settled that lawsuit with no admission of guilt, but that was a lawsuit brought against many real estate firms, and it’s just one of those things.

I’ll go one step further. In Palm Beach, Florida, tough community, a brilliant community, a wealthy community, probably the wealthiest community there is in the world, I opened a club, and really got great credit for it. No discrimination against African- Americans, against Muslims, against anybody. And it’s a tremendously successful club. And I’m so glad I did it. And I have been given great credit for what I did. And I’m very, very proud of it. And that’s the way I feel. That is the true way I feel.
Discrimination against minorities? "It's just one of those things."

That whole section was truly something. Trump dug himself a number of holes last night.


The Autumn Wind
Like Clinton hasn't shown any disrespect for law enforcement has she? I guess respecting law enforcement just means never question them or suggest they should listen to critics?
That's pretty much the GOP stance, yes.
It's funny. Her reasons for supporting him aren't really anything. All the candidates support policy and his business success? That has FUCK all to do with foreign policy or anything else really.

She just likes what he says. It's why some of these people are lost causes. Clinton needs to just keep doing what she's doing right now. Donald will hang himself again.
Yep. Hillary will go nowhere if she tries to chase these moron supporters who are enabling bigotry. She just needs to renew her base and bring them back to the enthusiasm level of post-DNC. Polls showed she could get there.



I was talking to my older sister today (she's a longtime Republican) and she was really disgusted by him last night. Granted, she's been turned off by him for a while, but she feels he sunk to a new low last night and didn't think that was possible. The other Republicans I know seem to be in mourning. I wish I didn't live in such a solid red state though, but I'll take it.

Looking forward to watching Frontline tonight. It's going to be a look at both Hillary and Trump's lives. Should be good.
I was saying for a while that there was no way Trump could do a good job in a GE debate, but he somehow managed to go below my expectations.

I've said this multiple times in the main debate thread but I'm still shocked he actually bragged about tax evasion right on stage.

Or saying "that's business" right as Hillary drops the "lost nine million American jobs" bomb? That was a spectacular failure for Trump.

Trump's campaign is now trying to push a story that Alicia Machado was an accomplice to murder in 1996.

Because she killed his chances of being President?
These MSNBC segments with {adjective redacted} undecided voters make me angrier than anything else on political TV. How do these folks function?

Here, let me take you into the mind of the typical undecided voter in 2016:

"Boy, I sure want to vote for the candidate who isn't a pants-suit wearing shrill harpy because he's got the right ideas about those damn blacks and Mexicans, but I don't think it's socially acceptable to admit it to a pollster yet. Maybe I should keep holding out until it is."

Then they go in the booth where no one can see them and vote for that dickhead Trump any fuckin' way.
Yeah that "Where did you find this?" is an instant confirmation by Trump that it's true. He's more concerned about how Hillary found out or remembered. He doesn't even try to deny it like the other things. That really stood out at that the time.
This is the benefit of all the oppo research they've done. He never saw it coming and he got caught completely flat-footed.

The best part is the next morning he went on Fox & Friends and recreated the entire episode. It's amazing.
It's broken on two fronts in this case.

How is the assertion that good in business will translate to good in public life? Trump isn't even a good businessman by any definition.

He's a tremendous businessman. The best deals. Who else do you know who can get people to work for them and never have to pay?


"Almost every single poll had us winning the debate"

What Donald?

"Is there any place more fun or safer to be than a Trump rally?"

Safer is such a weird word.


"Almost every single poll had us winning the debate"

What Donald?

Trying to rewrite history with online polls.


Such a great honor. Final debate polls are in - and the MOVEMENT wins!
#AmericaFirst #MAGA #ImWithYou
I hate the idea that business acumen will translate into a good POTUS.
Or really any good sort of role in politics. Whenever I think of a businessman running a government, I think of Craig Benson, who was New Hampshire's worst governor and got voted out after a single 2-year term. He had the same attitude and style as Trump and was horrible.


CARY, N.C. — Donald Trump so captured Ron Townley’s attention as “an outsider ready to tear down the system,” just the one who might break the Washington logjam, the doer to build new airports and highways, that he was considering voting for him.

But Trump’s response Monday night when Hillary Clinton accused him of not paying a cent of federal tax left Townley appalled.

“That makes me smart,” Trump said, unapologetic and smiling, during the presidential debate, held in Hempstead, N.Y.

That comment caused a gasp in the hotel conference room where Townley and five other undecided voters in this ­battleground state were watching the debate.

“That’s offensive. I pay taxes,” said Townley, 52, a program ­director for a local council of governments.

“Another person would be in jail for that,” said Jamilla Hawkins, 33, who was sitting beside him in the Crescent conference room at the Embassy Suites in this city of 150,000 near Raleigh.


Interesting reactions from a small undecided 'focus group' in NC


In an exercise to remove the stigma I feel when discussing Donald Trump, I inadvertently turned my musings of the demonic Hair Mouse into a full-fledged short story.

I feel alive. I have taken his power away by imagining him a puppet of a horrible rodent. The elephant fears the mouse, indeed.

Your writing's hilarious! Would read.
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