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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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It's why i get so disheartened when liberals down here in Texas say "my vote doesn't count anyway".

I like, "NOOOOO, you have no idea!"
What fields are you looking for? There is a lot more diversity in job types at city gov then you might think. From accounting to arts to IT.

Im about to get my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Technology. While there are some public jobs I could get, not as many as you would think for my field (and the pay would probably be a lot less since a B.S. in MET from my university yields an avg. starting pay of 56K)
Trumps going to hire a 4th campaign manager in like 6 months?

But yeah, he's totally going to run the country great. I mean, if he can't hire the right person for the job 3 times now, surely that will translate well.

I'm at the point where anyone who votes for Trump is in one of two categories. A bigot or an idiot. Often times both.
Do you guys think Trump is actually going to show up to the next debate?

It depends on where his poll numbers are. If he is still within striking distance, then yeah. That would mean that the disaster didn't hurt him too much and it's worth risking it.

If he really falls off then they have nothing to gain.


Conway is valuable to his campaign as she's the only one that can take the brunt force in interviews and spin daisies out of it.

Bannons only value seems to be coming up with clever *wink wink nudge nudge* ways of appeasing their baseists.


i just literally cannot picture Trump at a town hall debate. like, there's just no way the dude would look comfortable and composed getting up and sitting down and talking to "normals".


Trumps going to hire a 4th campaign manager in like 6 months?

But yeah, he's totally going to run the country great. I mean, if he can't hire the right person for the job 3 times now, surely that will translate well.

I'm at the point where anyone who votes for Trump is in one of two categories. A bigot or an idiot. Often times both.

Pretty much. If you vote for him you buy into his hateful shit or you somehow believe contrary to facts he's a great businessman that's going to automatically bring jobs back.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Ivanka is a normal human being.
No, please stop with this. She's not. A normal human being doesn't stand up and try to disguise Donald Trump's horrific campaign with make-believe policies that no one else on the campaign gives a shit about. Being "pretty" and "refined" doesn't entitle someone to being met 90% of the way. She is, and has always been, fully complicit in her father's disgusting businesses and politics.


Rep. Chris Collins, yet another Trump surrogate, on MSNBC: “The women that Bill Clinton was involved with saw the wrath of Hillary Clinton”

Trumps going to hire a 4th campaign manager in like 6 months?

But yeah, he's totally going to run the country great. I mean, if he can't hire the right person for the job 3 times now, surely that will translate well.

I'm at the point where anyone who votes for Trump is in one of two categories. A bigot or an idiot. Often times both.



Rep. Chris Collins, yet another Trump surrogate, on MSNBC: “The women that Bill Clinton was involved with saw the wrath of Hillary Clinton”


I'm going to quote Ian Fleming here.

Once is an accident.
Twice is coincidence.
Three times is an enemy action.


The third is a Fox News debate with Chris Wallace. I don't see him skipping that one but who knows.
Point, but it's also the foreign policy focused debate. If he gets egg on his face in the second debate about judgement and temperament like he did Monday night, he might not be too up for it happening a third time on the subject of national security and foreign policy.
Trump and his kids trying to punt the blame onto his campaign managers just makes me think of Todd's monologue in BoJack Horseman about why BoJack is such a shitty person.

"You can't keep doing this. You can't keep doing shitty things and then feeling bad about yourself like that makes it okay. You need to be better."

"You are all the things that are wrong with you. It's not the alcohol or the drugs or the shitty things that happened to you in your career or when you were a kid, it's you. Alright, it's you. Fuck man, what else is there to say?"

Except Trump doesn't feel bad.


So Nate Silver's latest article is this:

In which he based this article on TWO national polls that have thus far been released.


In which he says this:

And then people wonder why I say Silver doesn't actually understand statistics.


Come on Crab and Cybit. Defend this horseshit.

The article is literally an article saying two polls are nothing to write home about.

But so far, we’ve seen just two polls released that tested Clinton’s standing against Trump after the debate. They have pretty good news for Clinton, but I’d recommend some caution until we get more data.
Many traditional pollsters prefer their polls to be in the field for three or four days, and we won’t see any results from polls like those until Friday at the soonest.
Overall, there are some tentatively positive signs for Clinton — but not more than that, yet.

He goes on and on about why these and other recent polls aren't definitive indicators yet. Concern over the title is one thing, saying he doesnt understand statistics, by agreeing with you that two polls mean nothing, is another.
Yeah, maybe not Mayor right away, but come on... After a couple of years of a national Trump-detox, she can easily make a political career on her own.

ANYWAY: This New Hampshire "rally" is turning into a prep for the second debate, town hall style, and she's awesome. Both Hill and Sanders are taking questions from a moderator and she's talking unscripted about many problems, and wow.

She's not making it past the NYC media.

She'll be slaughtered, I doubt she wants that.

The article is literally an article saying two polls are nothing to write home about.


He goes on and on about why these and other recent polls aren't definitive indicators yet. Concern over the title is one thing, saying he doesnt understand statistics, by agreeing with you that two polls mean nothing, is another.
But he still wrote the article. I think he understands statistics but is praying on others who don't with these nonsense articles.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Im in IBR. Also work at city government, and after 10 years the rest of my loan can be forgiven. I'll have to pay taxes on it, but in the end, it will save me a lot.

And rightly so. It took me 5 years after graduating to get a good enough job to even start paying it back. 7% interest. I added about 10k in debt to me loan just from that, so about 1/3rd of my school debt is from interest alone. I graduated when the recession was at its worst stage.

I'm in IBR as well, and we don't have to pay taxes on the remainder. That was removed in the last year or two.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
oh really? Since I will probably get forgiven over 40K that's a huge deal

Yep. I'm over 40K as well. It's fantastic.

As for Trump, hiring "debate coaches" is still not going to help him much at the Town Hall debate in 2 weeks. That's just about being who you are. I am struggling to figure out how he comes off good, especially when Hillary blasts his tax plan which has been destroyed by numerous organizations.
The article is literally an article saying two polls are nothing to write home about.


He goes on and on about why these and other recent polls aren't definitive indicators yet. Concern over the title is one thing, saying he doesnt understand statistics, by agreeing with you that two polls mean nothing, is another.

Did you read what I quoted from the article? Because you haven't addressed it.

His title is clickbait bullshit. And then in the article he tries to have it both ways. IT INDICATES A BOUNCE BUT IT'S TOO EARLY TO KNOW IF IT'S A BOUNCE!


No, please stop with this. She's not. A normal human being doesn't stand up and try to disguise Donald Trump's horrific campaign with make-believe policies that no one else on the campaign gives a shit about. Being "pretty" and "refined" doesn't entitle someone to being met 90% of the way. She is, and has always been, fully complicit in her father's disgusting businesses and politics.


This election had shown that the Trump "children" are the product of their father. They're out there openly campaigning for their dad and promoting his hate. They don't get to be shielded.

Except Tiffany. She doesn't seem to want much to do with any of this. Lol
Melania and I extend our deepest condolences to the family of Shimon Peres on the passing of their beloved father, grandfather and great-grandfather.
On the world stage, Shimon Peres was a visible and highly effective patriarch to another, much larger family - the people of Israel, whom he led as prime minister and president. Shimon Peres’ life always pointed toward peace. Bearing witness to more than his share of war and its human toll, Shimon Peres devoted his leadership skills to cultivating peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors. He was a consummate statesman, a distinguished patriot and a friend of peace-loving people everywhere.
With his hand outstretched in peace and friendship, Shimon Peres personified dignity and grace in a region of the world where both run far too short. May he rest in peace.
Donald J. Trump

wtf at that word choice


Nick Riccardi ‏@NickRiccardi 23m23 minutes ago Michigan, USA
Basically, polls have tightened in CO but the Clinton campaign's behavior indicates that they think the state is still secure. #copolitics

Nick Riccardi ‏@NickRiccardi 25m25 minutes ago Michigan, USA
With Trump coming to CO next week, the candidate, his vp + 2 kids will have all been in CO in 2 weeks. HRC/top surrogates not since August.

Tyler Sandberg
@NickRiccardi It's tighter than it ever should have been, but no, Trump doesn't have any real path to victory in CO.

Nick Riccardi ‏@NickRiccardi 20m20 minutes ago
Nick Riccardi Retweeted Tyler Sandberg
Smart CO R strategist (+ no fan of Trump)

Nick Riccardi ‏@NickRiccardi 13m13 minutes ago Michigan, USA
Or sooner (with mail-in ballots)

Nick Riccardi ‏@NickRiccardi 13m13 minutes ago Michigan, USA
1 more thing on CO: Clinton campaign's actions speak volumes but smart Ds in state worry it is too tight. Basically we'll find out in 6 wks.

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