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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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The naughtiest-looking equipment at work



No Scrubs
Technically, lede is okay when you're talking about a lead paragraph. The original headline was "Clinton Mocks Sanders Supporters in leaked fundraising recording."

I've always seen it used as lede myself, when referring it the lede in a newsstory at least. Outside of that context I can't say I've seen it used.
I've always seen it used as lede myself, when referring it the lede in a newsstory at least. Outside of that context I can't say I've seen it used.
Same. I had a journalism professor in college who was a total shit head about it. If it wasn't written as lede, he'd take off points.


No Scrubs
Same. I had a journalism professor in college who was a total shit head about it. If it wasn't written as lede, he'd take off points.

There's always one of those isn't there? For me it was a 1800's American Lit class. Going to that class was bull, nothing we ever talked about there was on the tests.


CNN had another great Trump Supporter on: calling Miss Universe a pornstar, making excuses for Trump, blaming Hillary for everything, complaining about how people treated Melania for posing nude yet doesn't connect it to her shaming Miss Universe.

edit: removed "deplorable" as a description.


Waitaminute...did I hear this dude on CNN correctly?

Did Trump really claim that infidelity has not been a problem in his marriage?
Speaking of lies, dang lies, and statistics, the Keeping it 1600 podcast from yesterday has Henry Enten from 538 on to discuss polling and models. You also get Pfeiffer's first comments on the debate, since he wasn't on the Monday night post-debate wrap up.


Good thing they changed it. When you only say "Clinton says Sanders supporters live in their parents basements" it makes it sound bad but in context there's nothing wrong with what she said and it's true.

I'm a former Bernie bro living in my parents basement.



At an intimate fundraiser Wednesday for Rep. Joseph J. Heck (R-Nev.), who is running for the Senate, McConnell asked the group of about a dozen supporters how many of them think Trump can win. About half of the attendees raised their hands. But when McConnell then asked how many thought Trump would win, no hands went up, and the room fell silent, according to a person familiar with the scene who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a closed event.

They know.

Trump's Bad Week is a Nightmare for the GOP (WAPO)


And the Deputy Comms Director for Bernie, Mike Casca, tweeted at Politico about that headline:
ugh. this is incredibly misleading, @politico. she's clearly saying she gets why bernie's supporters are frustrated:


One thing I like about this anonymous quote:
When you deep-down know you aren't winning, you're not going to go all-out. To some extent, it's self-fulfilling.

I really hope this costs them downballot. I want Senate seats. Having to fill a SCOTUS seat (or two)
(or three)
before the Virginia special election potentially flips Senate control would be awk-ward.

(I think Garland gets his vote in the lame duck)


I don't see anything trending so maybe people actually read what was said and didn't just loss their minds. Still the night is young as they say.
The thing that surprises me the most is that Hillary knows what a barista is. I just assumed Huma made all of her coffee. Well, you know, when she was healthy enough to drink liquids.


You can tell Hillary knows she's going to win. Her team is probably in disbelief that the debate tactics worked as well as they did.

I heard some analysis that pointed out that it was only after Hillary mentioned Trump's father in the debate that he began to unravel. I remember reading that the Art of the Deal author had been consulted for debate prep, and he has often talked about how important Trump's father was to him. It was a calculated strategy to get him to blow his stack and it worked.


I kinda hope Hillary get to nominate someone and the senate nukes the filibuster, but I think he gets nominated in the lame duck too.

I just hope the Dems make the GOP pay for this shit. They've claimed all year that the next president gets to choose the next nominee. If they reneg, hit they hard in the media.


I feel so bad for this poor black Trump supporter on CNN right now. Paris, I think his name is..

The look on his face, you can tell he knows he's defending a unrepentant racist, woman-hating pig of a man.

Damn, the paycheck must be strong.
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