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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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I get the Ohio hate and I feel embarrassment and disappointment as a resident. We were roughly in the same range, i.e. Hillary leading by a little, as Florida and other states before the deplorables/fainting episodes. Now she has fared much worse here than other states since then, with no recovery. It's head scratching. You mean that NC is bluer than Ohio? In my defense, I live in the bluest part of the state (Northeast). Unfortunately, you have the Cincinnati area, rural areas, and most of southern Ohio as the reddest parts, so maybe we can donate them to Kentucky. I certainly wouldn't mind. Also, we doubtfully will decide the election, so that's good.


Trump doing two rallies in Colorado today. I love that new poll, but I want to see him give it up here. He's been visiting too often.

Am kind of interested to see how his Pueblo Rally went today. That's a big Hispanic community.

What else is he up to this week? Is there any indication that he's doing more prep work for the debate this time?

Nope. Had some Subway this weekend with Christie going over strategy. Is said to have a little more time carved out later this week. But by all accounts, no real debate prep. Just more informal talks with advisers.
Reading some of these EC predictions, what's the deal with the NE & ME districts? Has there been any polling to show they will swing one way or another this year?

Btw, I think Hillary will get 323 to Donald's 215.

Obama 2012 - Iowa - Ohio + NC

There's been polls to suggest ME-2 will go big for Trump, not that it matters much.
My dad is texting me a whirlwind of fire at Trump about the PTSD statements.
He's the most level headed dude I know, and he's legit enraged.

Background: He's an Army vet who has worked with active duty and retirees with mental health issues in recent years.


My dad is texting me a whirlwind of fire at Trump about the PTSD statements.
He's the most level headed dude I know, and he's legit enraged.

Background: He's an Army vet who has worked with active duty and retirees with mental health issues in recent years.

What Trump said was stupid as all fuck.


Kills Photobucket
Nope. Had some Subway this weekend with Christie going over strategy. Is said to have a little more time carved out later this week. But by all accounts, no real debate prep. Just more informal talks with advisers.

My guess is that he brings up emails in every response. Any criticism is deflected as "why don't you ask her about her emails?"


Are the PTSD comments worthy of their own thread?

(full disclosure: I may be biased because it pisses me right the hell off)


What’s most interesting about the leaked audio of Hillary Clinton assessing the Bernie Sanders movement from February isn’t what she says about Bernie Sanders or his supporters. It’s what she says about herself.

Clinton does not — contrary to Politico’s initial, and quickly deleted, headline — mock Sanders’s supporters or Sanders himself. And before a room of wealthy donors, she doesn’t attack Sanders from the right — she doesn’t argue that she’s the only candidate who will save capitalism, or that a Denmark-style welfare state will crush America’s entrepreneurial grit.

Instead, she offers a theory for why she struggles so much to inspire young voters.

“It is difficult when you’re running to be president, and you understand how hard the job is,” she says in the audio. “I don’t want to overpromise. I don’t want to tell people things that I know we cannot do.”

This, more than anything else, is her critique of Sanders, and her explanation of his success. “There’s just a deep desire to believe that we can have free college, free health care, that what we’ve done hasn’t gone far enough, and that we just need to, you know, go as far as, you know, Scandinavia, whatever that means, and half the people don’t know what that means, but it’s something that they deeply feel.”

It’s easy to miss what’s new in that comment. Until the last clause, this tracks with Clinton’s public criticism of Sanders almost exactly. She frequently argued that his policies lacked crucial details, that the numbers didn’t add up, that the big dreams were unmoored from clear plans. It’s only in these comments that Clinton admits she understands the real source of the appeal.

People feel “that what we’ve done hasn’t gone far enough,” and even if they’re not sure where a Sanders or a Trump will take the country, they know their vision is to go further, faster, than Clinton is promising, and that matches their sense of what the moment requires.


I really liked this article, and think it is a good counter to the whole argument that Clinton is a career politician who will say anything to get elected.

I think it also hits home why people don't find her inspiring and criticize her for lacking a powerful overarching message as to why she deserves to be President. She believes that sort of rhetoric is just a bunch of over-promises that politicians can't keep. Her vision is one of small improvement and small change, which some or many people don't find as an inspiring vision as to why Clinton wants to and should be President.
Great numbers but it's a shame Ohio is either lost or going to be a nailbiter. It's a good thing Virginia and NC have been changing otherwise we would be screwed.

But then I also forget how close Florida was so seeing it be a nice lead is great. Im standing by that state being a 4-5 point win.
“While we remain very concerned about the political motives behind A.G. Schneiderman’s investigation, the Trump Foundation nevertheless intends to cooperate fully with the investigation,” Hope Hicks, Mr. Trump’s spokeswoman, said in a statement on Monday. “Because this is an ongoing legal matter, the Trump Foundation will not comment further at this time.”
Politicizing the AG decision is the only move left to play.
Great numbers but it's a shame Ohio is either lost or going to be a nailbiter. It's a good thing Virginia and NC have been changing otherwise we would be screwed.

I honestly expected this. The Midwest Rust Belt is probably trending red over the long term save for Illinois and Minnesota as the Democrats open up new waters in the New South and the Southwest. It's a fair trade and honestly I'd rather be in the Democrats shoe than the other way around. Seems like the urban-rural divide is going to be a coastal-interior divide for the states in the coming cycles.
My dad is texting me a whirlwind of fire at Trump about the PTSD statements.
He's the most level headed dude I know, and he's legit enraged.

Background: He's an Army vet who has worked with active duty and retirees with mental health issues in recent years.

In college, I had to read a collection of short stories about vets with PTSD called Redeployment by Phil Klay. The stories were fictionalized, but it was apparently very well received by vets for how it portrays war trauma, anxiety, and PTSD both abroad and when troops come home. It cemented in me how seriously soldiers take trauma and how sobering of an issue it is. I feel the lack of proper services available to returning vets in regards to their mental health is one of our greatest failings as a country. It takes a lot of conditioning to make a civilian into a soldier, but the government expects them to break that on their own.

I think that the mental health of soldiers is something even the most staunch conservative veterans would be most disgusted to see knocked by Donald. I await to see how this comment affects his military support. I honestly don't know what to expect.

tfw Ann Selzer calls you to tell you you're up by 2
LeBron James'op-ed wqs phenomenal. Well written, to the point, and hit all the issues.

Yup. His words were definitely more nuanced and pragmatic....and ultimately more productive to the greater cause compared to the lazy herp derp "both sides are evil" BS by you know who
Multiple midwest states are trending in favorable ground for republicans, but I don't think that alone explains Ohio. It's a state that has to deal with a rather weak state democrat party, and we have to deal with the reality that Kasich is popular and has "turned the state around." I'm amazed democrats thought nominating Strickland for senate was a good idea, given how easy it is to attack him based on his record. It would be like nominating Jennifer Granholm for senate in Michigan.

The other issue is voter excitement and turnout. If Obama was running this year he wins Ohio again. Whereas I don't see Clinton having the turnout required to win the state.

Michigan will remain blue this year and in 2020, but after that I expect it to be a swing state. Black people continue to leave Detroit, opting for suburbs or re-migrating down south. Gentrification is in full effect there. Once you weak Detroit/Wanye County's standing as a democrat machine power base you tip the state closer to republican control.
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