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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Trump is getting hammered now but overall this primary and election has given a pretty scary preview of how an unabashed authoritarian/fascist could win an election in modern America with the media playing along. In many ways the media is spinning in Balkanization territory but the unifying agenda of network/tv media is to stabilize national elections and push a "both sides" narrative; this ensures that no matter how extreme, both candidates will be normalized on equal grounds. Trump being such an entertaining figure complicates this even more: networks want increased ratings, and theoretically Trump increases ratings (although apparently network numbers are lower than they were during the Obama/Palin 08 media race). So they hire pro-Trump extremists to defend the indefensible while reeling in pro-Trump viewers.
Trump is going to try and sell himself as the comeback kid, so Hillary will need an answer for that.

Doesn't he have to at least look like he might be mounting a comeback first? Cause the polls today have been even better for Clinton. Even 538 have her back above a 70% chance in the polls only.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I think I've got it, all 3000 of the voters in the LAT/USC Daybreak poll are in Ohio.

The LA Times poll has horrible sampling. You can see it in their internals. It looks like their sample of African Americans is very small, so whenever one of the Trump voting African-Americans gets included you see something like a 10% spike in the African-American vote. They run a weighting algorithm to get their small sample of African-Americans adjusted to the national average. So just a couple African-Americans in their sample can push Trump up several points because they are disproportionately weighted. You don't see any of that volatility in their white sample. It also looks like their sample of young voters disproportionately favors Trump relative to other polls.


Doesn't he have to at least look like he might be mounting a comeback first? Cause the polls today have been even better for Clinton. Even 538 have her back above a 70% chance in the polls only.
I think he is referring to orange turd not going completely bankrupt but that can also easily be countered with the fact that he has now admitted to not paying any taxes.


Now he's criticizing the Presidential Debate Commission

"What a joke they are".

Donny, breaking down our democracy one institution at a time.
I think he is referring to orange turd not going completely bankrupt but that can also easily be countered with the fact that he has now admitted to not paying any taxes.

Ah okay. I though it was about trying to get a comeback kid narrative going in the media.


I still have to believe that Ohio can turn blue. I just have to or I'll freak out. I've lived in Ohio most of my whole life and I've never known what it's like to not be in a swing state. I would have rather it turned blue rather than red if it decided to settle on the freaking color.

Ugh. I'm so depressed.


I think this is more a phenomenon of Trump and a lot of uneducated sexist hate towards Hillary. If it was generic D vs generic R the D would be winning.

Don't be so sure. While Obama's popularity and the not-bad economy might give an edge to any generic D, a generic R would still have a very good chance to win the election.

A non-Hillary generic D against Trump might be doing "better", but well, a generic D like Tim Kaine? I don't know... For all her faults, HIllary is actually more liberal than the average Democrat too, and other Democrats might not garner enough enthusiasm from women, Latinos and other groups like HIllary or Sanders does. And Sanders would be doing better with young voters, but don't be so sure he would be doing better with Latinos, suburban Republicans or women against Trump, although Trump would certainly not have had such a big advantage with white men or the working class.

Overall, unless it was Obama, I'm not sure any Democrat would be faring much better against Trump or a generic Republican. Maybe Biden?
Don't be so sure. While Obama's popularity and the not-bad economy might give an edge to any generic D, a generic R would still have a very good chance to win the election.

A non-Hillary generic D against Trump might be doing "better", but well, a generic D like Tim Kaine? I don't know... For all her faults, HIllary is actually more liberal than the average Democrat too, and other Democrats might not garner enough enthusiasm from women, Latinos and other groups like HIllary or Sanders does. And Sanders would be doing better with young voters, but don't be so sure he would be doing better with Latinos, suburban Republicans or women against Trump, although Trump would certainly not have had such a big advantage with white men or the working class.

Overall, unless it was Obama, I'm not sure any Democrat would be faring much better against Trump or a generic Republican. Maybe Biden?

The problem with generic R more than generic D, is that it's a lot harder to pin down a generic R than a generic D. Are we talking a Reagan R? A conservative R? A tea party R?

Most people will presume that R is what they *think* the GOP is, and that's not a consistent look. Once you put someone in there, with actual positions, even if you the take most average republican, I think they'd poll worse than generic R would. I mean who is closest to it? Jeb? Cruz? Kasich?
Worked for Bernie at first

One of the things that made me come around to HRC in a big way was realizing nobody takes a punch in the face like Hillary Clinton. So many things that she has accomplished have been undermined by circumstance or idiocy.

Her childhood dreams were undermined when NASA told her girls couldn't be astronauts. Her tenure as First Lady was undermined by her husband's infidelities. You could even say her first bid at the presidency was undermined when an inexperienced up-and-comer won the nomination over her. And now, it feels like the very existence of Jill Stein is to undermine what should have been Hillary's historic title as the first female candidate of an American political party.

It's not new for political opponents to try to invalidate their rivals, but HRC is a special enough case. I am tired of people spinning all of Clinton's incredible achievements as actual failures, but I have especially had enough of Jill Stein.


The problem with generic R more than generic D, is that it's a lot harder to pin down a generic R than a generic D. Are we talking a Reagan R? A conservative R? A tea party R?

Most people will presume that R is what they *think* the GOP is, and that's not a consistent look. Once you put someone in there, with actual positions, even if you the take most average republican, I think they'd poll worse than generic R would. I mean who is closest to it? Jeb? Cruz? Kasich?

That's also true. But again, it just proves that all those hypothetical "Sanders would be doing much better" rants aren't really well thought out.

Sanders, for example, would be much easily rattled in debates against Trump than Hillary, and he wouldn't be able to use Trump's temperament against him like HIllary does.

It would definitely be a different race, that's for sure. Sanders wouldn't be winning NC and Florida or even Virginia that easily, although he most certainly would be doing better against Trump in Iowa, Ohio, Maine and Nevada, or even Indiana.

Sanders vs Trump:

Sanders might win Florida just because of minorities hating Trump, but Cubans and older Republicans might not go to Sanders by the same numbers they're going for Hillary.

Hillary won New Mexico, would this mean Sanders would be losing New Mexico to Johnson? unlikely, but I have that doubt.
Looking over these voter registration states in Nevada, September 16:

Total: 1,386,550
Democrat: 548,577 (39.5%)
GOP: 471,110 (33.9%)
No Party: 279,364 (20.1%)
American Independent: 60,281 (4.3%)
Libertarian: 12,084 (.8%)
Other: 15,134 (1.1%)

Let's look at September 15:

Total: 1,219,739
Democrat: 478,738 (39.2%)
GOP: 422,777 (34.6%)
No Party: 240,418 (19.7%)
American Independent: 57,540 (4.7%)
Libertarian: 10,183 (.8%)
Other: 10,083 (.8%)

Y2Y Gains:

Total: 166,811
Democrat: 69,839 (+.3%)
GOP: 48,333 (-.7%)
No Party: 38,946 (+.4%)
American Independent: 2,741 (-.4%)
Libertarian: 1,901 (-)
Other: 5,051 (+.3%)


I still have to believe that Ohio can turn blue. I just have to or I'll freak out. I've lived in Ohio most of my whole life and I've never known what it's like to not be in a swing state. I would have rather it turned blue rather than red if it decided to settle on the freaking color.

Ugh. I'm so depressed.

Phonebank a bit! Or some other type of volunteering.

I think GotV will help us in Ohio a bit, but it looks bad right now.
More good registration news:

Colorado registration (active) as of this afternoon:
D 998,845
R 992,944
Ds now boast registration edge in CO.
UNA 1,080,438

I believe this is the first Democratic active voter registration advantage in Colorado in decades


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Most people will presume that R is what they *think* the GOP is, and that's not a consistent look. Once you put someone in there, with actual positions, even if you the take most average republican, I think they'd poll worse than generic R would. I mean who is closest to it? Jeb? Cruz? Kasich?

Marco Rubio is a generic R. Everybody else has some form of uniqueness or baggage except for Kasich, who would probably outperform a generic R.
Starting to get early vote-in-person numbers from Iowa:

Today's new Iowa early vote totals:

D: 15,481
R: 6,990
NP: 4,440

Requested absentee:
D: 89,250
R: 43,768
NP: 37,463

I don't know how much the Dems vote early in-person in 2012.

Goddammit it's sad as hell how many people got tricked by this name. There's no way more than like 5 people actually meant to pick that party

It's always funny to me.

Ah ha:

Of note: GOP's totals versus 2012 have started to decline. Now at 87% of 2012, Dems at 62%. Dems still behind,but increasing their % over 12


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Kasich probably will have issues with women voters.

As would a generic R. Kasich's position on abortion is not far removed from the standard Republican position. Kasich probably has a much better image than a generic R in other areas, like honesty and character. That makes him more appealing to independents.

Marco Rubio is conservative as all hell, he is not a standard Republican.

What matters in terms of electability is perception. Not reality. On the outside, he straddles the establishment and tea party lanes. That makes him typical/generic.
As would a generic R. Kasich's position on abortion is not far removed from the standaed Republican position. Kasich probably has a much better image than a generic R in other areas, like honesty and character. That makes him more appealing to independents.

Honesty and character until the tape of him yanking a tape recorder out of a reporter's hand goes viral.

He wasn't clean. Not at all. He only seemed that way because nobody paid any attention to him.
And now, it feels like the very existence of Jill Stein is to undermine what should have been Hillary's historic title as the first female candidate of an American political party.
She was never this.

There have been 3rd party female candidates this decade, and there was even one before women had the right to vote.

There's a reason it's had a qualification in the media of "First Major Party Female candidate."

Because Hillary is the first to have a viable shot at the presidency.
Colorado registration (active) as of this afternoon:
D 998,845
R 992,944
Ds now boast registration edge in CO.
UNA 1,080,438

@DecisionDeskHQ 3m3 minutes ago
CO Reg edge by party /Final result
2004 R+177,408 /Bush+ 99,531
2008 R+11,704 /Obama +215,004
2012 R+40,744 /Obama +137,859
2016 D+5,901 / ?

First time Democrats have had a registration edge in CO


More good registration news:

Can someone explain to me the Colorado demographic shifts? Where are all these new liberals coming from? Is it just generational, or is something attracting people from out of state?

I know that Virginia basically got invaded by Maryland and is now South Maryland.


"Florida-ing" Ohio is just as distasteful as the prejudicial stuff Trump does. (As is "Florida-ing" Florida, BTW.) I really don't understand how progressives can square that attitude with their supposedly forward thinking politics.

Not everyone from Ohio is a Trump supporter. Like, literally. Even the worst poll tells you that.

As a Floridian, I get what you're saying, but this is not a "both sides" argument as calling a state something -- aka not something actually human -- is not comparable to saying black people smell etc. I don't think.

THAT SAID, yes I do agree discussing why Ohio is doing XYZ is better than saying booooo that state for being "dumb" or whatever.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Honesty and character until the tape of him yanking a tape recorder out of a reporter's hand goes viral.

He wasn't clean. Not at all. He only seemed that way because nobody paid any attention to him.

I never said he was clean. He looks cleaner than a generic Republican. You guys are moving the goal posts. My point was that he outperforms a generic Republican. You guys seem to believe that a generic Republican is an ideal image of a Republican. Not a realistic one.


Can someone explain to me the Colorado demographic shifts? Where are all these new liberals coming from? Is it just generational, or is something attracting people from out of state?

I know that Virginia basically got invaded by Maryland and is now South Maryland.

Pot? Let's go with pot.
She was never this.

There have been 3rd party female candidates this decade, and there was even one before women had the right to vote.

There's a reason it's had a qualification in the media of "First Major Party Female candidate."

Because Hillary is the first to have a viable shot at the presidency.

It's true and you're right. What I meant to stress was the "major party" thing, because Clinton should have this spotlight right now, but Stein seems to commit her existence to discredit Clinton's presence on the 2016 ballot by being there too and having nothing positive to say about her.

I admit it was an emotional post and I should have worded it better. I hope my overall point is still clear.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Her childhood dreams were undermined when NASA told her girls couldn't be astronauts. Her tenure as First Lady was undermined by her husband's infidelities. You could even say her first bid at the presidency was undermined when an inexperienced up-and-comer won the nomination over her. And now, it feels like the very existence of Jill Stein is to undermine what should have been Hillary's historic title as the first female candidate of an American political party.

Third, after Victoria Woodhull in 1872 and Belva Lockwood in 1884 and 1888, both for the Equal Rights Party. If you're counting Stein you have to count those two as well.

Oops forgot the more recent ones.


I never said he was clean. He looks cleaner than a generic Republican. You guys are moving the goal posts. My point was that he outperforms a generic Republican. You guys seem to believe that a generic Republican is an ideal image of a Republican. Not a realistic one.

You're sort of moving the goal posts though aren't you? You're pointing out generic Republicans, and then people are saying well they're only generic until you know them. A "generic" Republican like a "generic" any politician isn't really a thing that exists in the actual environment. People have flaws, voting records, strengths and so on that will be pointed out to the general public at that point.
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