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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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About Hugh Hewitt still trying to make the Basement nothingburger a thing.

"Trump paid no taxes."

"But, but unfair media Hillary said basement!"
Multiple midwest states are trending in favorable ground for republicans, but I don't think that alone explains Ohio. It's a state that has to deal with a rather weak state democrat party, and we have to deal with the reality that Kasich is popular and has "turned the state around." I'm amazed democrats thought nominating Strickland for senate was a good idea, given how easy it is to attack him based on his record. It would be like nominating Jennifer Granholm for senate in Michigan.

The other issue is voter excitement and turnout. If Obama was running this year he wins Ohio again. Whereas I don't see Clinton having the turnout required to win the state.

Michigan will remain blue this year and in 2020, but after that I expect it to be a swing state. Black people continue to leave Detroit, opting for suburbs or re-migrating down south. Gentrification is in full effect there. Once you weak Detroit/Wanye County's standing as a democrat machine power base you tip the state closer to republican control.
Presidentially this us balanced out by VA, NC, GA, FL and AZ becoming more blue


October surprise!!!!

Sources said the arrangement with former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills and ex-campaign staffer Heather Samuelson also limited the search to no later than Jan. 31, 2015. This meant investigators could not review documents for the period after the email server became public -- in turn preventing the bureau from discovering if there was any evidence of obstruction of justice, sources said.

The Republican-led House Judiciary Committee fired off a letter Monday to Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking why the DOJ and FBI agreed to the restrictive terms, including that the FBI would destroy the laptops after finishing the search.

“Like many things about this case, these new materials raise more questions than answers,” Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., wrote in the letter obtained by Fox News.

“Doesn’t the willingness of Ms. Mills and Ms. Samuelson to have their laptops destroyed by the FBI contradict their claim that the laptops could have been withheld because they contained non-relevant, privileged information? If so, doesn’t that undermine the claim that the side agreements were necessary?” Goodlatte asks.


All of these fresh new stories and Fox chooses to harp on the long rotted and decayed carcus of Hillary's e-mails.

Awright, mawma.
The concern is are they trending at the same rate, or are the blue states trending red faster than the red states trending blue.

Virginia is no longer a swing state.
Same with CO.

That is huge.

Unfortunately beyond that, Ohio is going red faster than NC/FL is going blue. I am talking about normal Republicans running for things level.
"Florida-ing" Ohio is just as distasteful as the prejudicial stuff Trump does. (As is "Florida-ing" Florida, BTW.) I really don't understand how progressives can square that attitude with their supposedly forward thinking politics.

Not everyone from Ohio is a Trump supporter. Like, literally. Even the worst poll tells you that.


I need this to be a high single digit race and for Hillary's ground game to outperform the poll average by 3%. I want the Senate and House. Democrats need some legislative accomplishments to run on in 2020. The young people in this country don't understand the nuances of what's possible in divided government.
Haha Trump isn't even denying the tax thing. He's really going with the I haven't paid taxes so I can fix the tax systen

Edit: holy shit he just admitted it


My dad is texting me a whirlwind of fire at Trump about the PTSD statements.
He's the most level headed dude I know, and he's legit enraged.

Background: He's an Army vet who has worked with active duty and retirees with mental health issues in recent years.

As someone who has experienced depression (not army or PTSD related though), it made me very mad. That attitude is exactly why many people with depression are afraid to get help.


I really liked this article, and think it is a good counter to the whole argument that Clinton is a career politician who will say anything to get elected.

I think it also hits home why people don't find her inspiring and criticize her for lacking a powerful overarching message as to why she deserves to be President. She believes that sort of rhetoric is just a bunch of over-promises that politicians can't keep. Her vision is one of small improvement and small change, which some or many people don't find as an inspiring vision as to why Clinton wants to and should be President.

She's the same pragmatist behind closed doors, which is refreshing to see. Just an old humanist who wants to help people in realistic ways.
I wonder how many people actually buy the 'I work for you, not for Trump' line. Has there been polling around that? I have a bridge in NJ to sell to those people


Seriously, this "The 1990's was worse than the Great Recession" is the purest test of what kind of bizarro world Trump is building for his supporters. And a test for the media.

Do we just let him build his own reality and get away with it?


Seriously, this "The 1990's was worse than the Great Recession" is the purest test of what kind of bizarro world Trump is building for his supporters. And a test for the media.

Do we just let him build his own reality and get away with it?
It's déjà vu from 2012.
- GOP builds alternative reality
- reality caves-in on Election Night
- GOP base's psychoses continue to accumulate
- GOP base continues to pick leaders who cater to those psychoses


Trump can only win if people believe his alternative reality in which only he can save the world, very much like Russia, North Korea and other authoritarian states invent their own realities where their strong men can hold on to power.

Obviously, each country, region and culture has a different perspective of things, but Trump is doing everything he can to warp the truth enough. His supporters are literally being fed a different set of facts.

And this will outlast Trump, unless the rest of the sane world unites and does something about it.


Trump can only win if people believe his alternative reality in which only he can save the world, very much like Russia, North Korea and other authoritarian states invent their own realities where their strong men can hold on to power.

Obviously, each country, region and culture has a different perspective of things, but Trump is doing everything he can to warp the truth enough. His supporters are literally being fed a different set of facts.

And this will outlast Trump, unless the rest of the sane world unites and does something about it.

Trump supporters have been lied to for much longer than they were supporting him. He is just those lies come to life as opposed to what the bubble has been saying for the past 10 years.

Unfortunately, a lot of them are too stupid to realize they are being duped.


Just from my personal experiences, I think Ohio is close, but not decided. There haven't been many(maybe one?) polls here since the debates. The demographics of the state make it harder to swing blue in this election, but I think the tax returns leak and more news on how Trump crushes the small business worker will ruin him.

Right now I think Ohio has many blue collar workers who have been stuck in some serious wage stagnation while others have started to move past them. They don't care about the economy or unemployment numbers, they just see that they have no way to make more money. So they want change at any cost.

The way to get through to them is for them to understand what the cost is for change. To make them understand that Trump truly is a terrible choice for what they hope to have. Most of the nation finally understand that after the debates... Ohio seems to be dragging it's feet, when it comes to following the election news. Most Ohio polls seem to catch up to FL and other states days or weeks later.

So let's give it some more time before you cut out the heart of America.
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