Not saying he is Hitler or that they think he's Hitler.
Just that he looks more similar to Hitler the less religion and more college you have.
He does draw many similarities to how Hitler gained power.
Not saying he is Hitler or that they think he's Hitler.
Just that he looks more similar to Hitler the less religion and more college you have.
What's disturbing to me are the Trump supporters who aren't bigoted at all (as far as I know) but are super friendly and unassuming. I can only assume it's for tax reasons or such. Even then, bad look and I don't have much respect for them. Just some thoughts I've been having.
Atheists going hard for a fairly devout Methodist; evangelicals wedding themselves to a godless amoralist.
Maybe the USC-LA poll is the only true unskewed poll out there and all of the others are wrong.
Why is Hillary trailing behind Obama 2012 so much in Ohio while doing a good bit better in Pennsylvania?
Yes, my view of my acquaintances and friends has changed drastically when I found out through talking. All I can I do I nod along especially in a work environment, aside from a few instances where I had to speak up! It is profoundly hurtful because Trump started off his campaign by dehumanizing immigrants, so there's that. Then there's the other racist stuff. I've tried to not have as a black and white view of things as I have been the last 24 hours but it's pretty difficult you know?You are describing my father.
I have been grappling very seriously with whether or not I still "love" my father in light of what I will gently refer to as his "politics."
We have never had the best relationship, but I am inclined to believe that I simply do not.
This election has been hard.
Gotta love how these Christians are drawn to Trump's hate.This is true, as an atheist I know that Clinton is the only true Christian of the two. Orange turd only regards himself and money as god while pretending to be a christian to fool idiots who probably realize they are being conned but don't care.
Weight is based on three things - Pollster Ratings (which were set middle of the year based on previous performance), sample size, and how recent the questions were asked (not the date the poll was released, but over what days they did the polling).
Seriously, the entire explanation of the model is there and has been for months. It's kind of funny watching folks bash the model and reveal that they never bothered to read the handy dandy primer put out that actually explains it in pretty significant detail.
There are five adjustments, listed here in the order in which the model applies them. (The trend line and house effects adjustments are generally the most important ones.)
Likely voter adjustment
Convention bounce adjustment (in only the polls-plus model)
Omitted third-party candidate adjustment
Trend line adjustment
House effects adjustment
I've read it and this is what he's getting at.
It says it adjusts polls based on FIVE things.
Now, you're right in terms of how they weigh the polls. They weight them on ratings, recency, and sample size.
But that poster was clearly being annoyed by the poll adjustments rather than the weights in the model.
Trend line adjustment
The model detects movement in the polls by making comparisons between different editions of the same poll. For example, if Clinton is at 46 percent in the Quinnipiac poll of Florida in August and was at 43 percent in the same poll in July, that suggests shes gained 3 percentage points. Likewise, if Trumps at 41 percent in the Rasmussen national poll this week and he was at 40 percent last week, that suggests hes gained 1 percentage point.
The model runs this calculation for Clinton, Trump and Johnson separately. Its possible for all candidates to gain (or lose) votes from undecided.
By making an apples-to-apples comparison, this method removes a lot of noise.
Next, the model takes these comparisons and draws a trend line from them using loess regression.
Polls are adjusted based on this regression. For instance, if Trump led in a North Carolina poll by 1 percentage point in June, but the trend line shows him having gained 3 percentage points nationally since then, the model will treat the poll as showing him up by 4 percentage points. This calculation varies slightly from state to state based on a states elasticity score. More about this later.
The question is how much smoothing to use in the trend line. Less smoothing = a more aggressive forecast.
Empirically, using more smoothing early in the race and less smoothing late in the race works best. In other words, the trend line starts out being quite conservative and becomes more aggressive as Election Day approaches.
Ok, so.
The election can basically have three outcomes:
- Hillary wins by a narrow margin
- Trump wins by a narrow margin
- Hillary wins in a landslide
Am I correct?
Did you have any coke or drugs on a similar level to it in the car? Hope you end up okay :/
The dumber you are the dumber you vote.
Or rather, the less educated you are about the world, the more likely you are to vote for people who actively skew the way the world works. Mr Preacherman has a lot of sway.
Ok, so.
The election can basically have three outcomes:
- Hillary wins by a narrow margin
- Trump wins by a narrow margin
- Hillary wins in a landslide
Am I correct?
269-269 tie, Johnson elected by House
I don't see why Obama vetoed when he knows it will be overrided.
I don't see why Obama vetoed when he knows it will be overrided.
This is true, as an atheist I know that Clinton is the only true Christian of the two. Orange turd only regards himself and money as god while pretending to be a christian to fool idiots who probably realize they are being conned but don't care.
There was nothing about poll adjustments in that statement.
Also, the "trend line adjustment" makes a ton of sense when you read the reasoning behind it
For example, if Clinton is at 46 percent in the Quinnipiac poll of Florida in August and was at 43 percent in the same poll in July, that suggests she’s gained 3 percentage points.
OCT 1, 2012 AT 10:51 PM
New Polls Raise Chance of Electoral College Tie
ByNate Silver
Ok, so.
The election can basically have three outcomes:
- Hillary wins by a narrow margin
- Trump wins by a narrow margin
- Hillary wins in a landslide
Am I correct?
I think a lot of people in this thread are missing the fact that Nate Silver doesn't want to get full bodied like he did back during the primaries. He's treating trump like the dangerous orange gorilla-weilding-a-hand-grenade he is.
There's a fourth outcome which is hilary wins by a considerable margin but not a landslide.
He needs to drop the pundit shit and stick to the numbers
A House Judiciary Committee hearing on abortion Friday morning took a bizarre turn when, while discussing women of color who have abortions, Republican Congress members brought up the subjects of slavery, black genocide, and a litter of puppies.
And the response from Kierra Johnson, executive director of URGE (Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equity), a black woman and the panels only pro-choice witness, made clear how offensive many women of color might find those remarks to be.
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) first asked Genevieve Plaster, a witness from the anti-abortion Charlotte Lozier Institute, to confirm that a disproportionate percentage of abortions in the United States have been performed on black women (or committed on black babies, as King put it). King asked why the black community doesnt consider that genocide. Plaster said that some black pro-life organizations do.
Then King turned to Johnson and asked, without preamble: If one were to be there at the delivery of a litter of puppies, and as a puppy was partially delivered, took a device and either crushed the skull or sucked the brains out of that baby puppy, would you be committing a crime in most states?
Later, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) invoked the Supreme Courts Dred Scott decision to suggest as many Republicans and conservatives often do that abortion is like slavery because women treat fetuses like property.
Johnsons response to that idea, which again sparked applause from the room, was: Its interesting that were bringing up slavery in this space. When you own somebodys decision-making, you own them.
Hillary Clinton's appearance on Between Two Ferns With Zach Galifianakis is a bona fide hit.
The video, in which Clinton withstands a series of awkward and often insulting questions from Galifianakis' wacky talk show host, broke Funny or Die records after it appeared online on Sept. 22. The video was viewed more than 30 million times in its first 24 hours, the highest first-day viewership in Funny or Die history.
NBC/SurveyMonkey decided to #AskTheGays
In 2012, Obama won 76% of the LGB vote, Romney 26%.
Why is it always King and Gohmert
The dumber you are the dumber you vote.
Or rather, the less educated you are about the world, the more likely you are to vote for people who actively skew the way the world works. Mr Preacherman has a lot of sway.
More on Between Two Ferns:
This reads to me you're calling church-goers dumb. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but can we not say stuff like this in here?
I wonder if this will affect campaign strategy going forward. Hillary and Co couldn't have expected suck widespread positive reception
LMAO I'm just now reading the youtube comments on Hill's Between Two Ferns, and they're all like "This is amazing she looks so awful!! OMG She's so pissed this is a disaster!!! I bet Zach "commits suicide" next week after tanking Hillary even further!!"
How are they this stupid.
That also probably goes a way in explaining it being mostly upvoted as opposed to other Hillary videos lololol
I'm cautiously optimistic... I noticed a stark change in a lot of my pro-Bernie friend's post after this.
It's like, they truly thought Hillary was a reptilian robot.
I know he didn't mention it but that's what he was thinking about.
And while you're right that a trend line adjustment may make sense, there's two problems with the way Silver does it.
1. Through a Loess Regression, which is waaaay too aggressive for what he's doing.
2. He does the trend line among the same pollster, not among all the pollsters combined. This is BAD MATH. Like, comically bad math. The kind your econometrics professor would fail you for doing. You, cannot set up your trend line data this way. This is why his model is being so wacky.
This is why I keep saying he doesn't "understand" statistics. He's making a simple but fatal mistake in the setup of the model because he know how to use math but not how to apply it, here.
edit: I'd also like to state his reasoning demonstrate really bad fucking math.
The white vote, explained.
If you are don't have a college degree and are super religious, Trump is your god-king:
If you have a college degree and you never attend church, Trump looks more Hitler-like.
I wonder how long before Trump tweets about this.LMAO I'm just now reading the youtube comments on Hill's Between Two Ferns, and they're all like "This is amazing she looks so awful!! OMG She's so pissed this is a disaster!!! I bet Zach "commits suicide" next week after tanking Hillary even further!!"
How are they this stupid.
That also probably goes a way in explaining it being mostly upvoted as opposed to other Hillary videos lololol
I wonder how long before Trump tweets about this.
What we're seeing is a lot of people realizing, "Oh shit, Hillary Clinton is a real person! With like, emotion and a sense of humor and stuff."
LMAO I'm just now reading the youtube comments on Hill's Between Two Ferns, and they're all like "This is amazing she looks so awful!! OMG She's so pissed this is a disaster!!! I bet Zach "commits suicide" next week after tanking Hillary even further!!"
How are they this stupid.
That also probably goes a way in explaining it being mostly upvoted as opposed to other Hillary videos lololol