@superdeluxe: Ted Cruz is endorsing Trump, a decision which he will announce in a coded letter sent to The San Francisco Examiner
Yes more Berger Cruz vids pls
@superdeluxe: Ted Cruz is endorsing Trump, a decision which he will announce in a coded letter sent to The San Francisco Examiner
is an anagram for
Cruz made a calculation around the convention that looked smart then. He's doong the same thing now.
No.Can we stop the 2020 talk? We got enough on our hands with 2016.
I mean, Kentucky is one of Trump's (likely) strongest states and Gray is gay and Rand Paul is a hugely well known figure who appeals to Never Trumpers with his hatred of the poor and to Trumpers with being absolutely unhinged.
It just seems like a huge mismatch, but I hope Gray does well.
I'm not sorry, fellow idiotic millennials.Freakin' millennials
Can we stop the 2020 talk? We got enough on our hands with 2016.
Cruz's calculation is that it's safe to back Trump in case he wins because nobody in the party is going to give a fuck about who supported Trump in 2020 if he loses, and he's probably right.
TIL Taft didn't actually get stuck in a bathtub. I distinctly recall reading some "Facts about the Presidents" book in 2nd grade that ingrained that into my head as a true thing that happened.I've just realized that the whole "William Taft got stuck in a bathtub" story was, for many years, taken as a literal account of an actual event.
I've always known that William Taft was our heaviest president and that he had an extra large tub moved into the White House. I always thought the "Taft was so big he got stuck in a bath tub!" was a facetious remark referencing the fact that he needed a huge bathtub to accommodate him.
I didn't think anybody actually believe he literally, physically, entered a bathtub he could not get out of.
Now I sort of understand why Benji was calling me out for perpetuating "myths" when I referenced Taft's bathtub.
Cruz's calculation is that it's safe to back Trump in case he wins because nobody in the party is going to give a fuck about who supported Trump in 2020 if he loses, and he's probably right.
USC finally updated
Trump almost lost another point.
USC finally updated
Trump almost lost another point.
Hillary is going to be in Charlotte on Sunday, according to CNN.
I think Ted Cruz is continuing to prove himself to be a horrible politician. This is a man who multiple times let Harry Reid screw over the GOP because he didn't understand the rules.
This is a man who made an awful decision at the RNC unlike Kasich.
Ted Cruz is not as smart as people think he is. Him and Rubio set their political futures on fire this year and I, for one, am glad to see it happen.
The lead did drop to 1, fwiw.
I said a couple weeks ago that Hillary's lead is likely in the 4-6 (or maybe I said 4-8) range and I think that's still true.
USC finally updated
Trump almost lost another point.
I think Ted Cruz is continuing to prove himself to be a horrible politician. This is a man who multiple times let Harry Reid screw over the GOP because he didn't understand the rules.
This is a man who made an awful decision at the RNC unlike Kasich.
Ted Cruz is not as smart as people think he is. Him and Rubio set their political futures on fire this year and I, for one, am glad to see it happen.
The lead did drop to 1, fwiw.
I said a couple weeks ago that Hillary's lead is likely in the 4-6 (or maybe I said 4-8) range and I think that's still true.
TIL Taft didn't actually get stuck in a bathtub. I distinctly recall reading some "Facts about the Presidents" book in 2nd grade that ingrained that into my head as a true thing that happened.
Those GQRR polls are optimistic, no?
Atheists are such a strong Democratic voting block:
They're Hillary's best voting group even though Hillary is clearly more religious than Trump, yassss.
Um whatNo, they have Burr+16.
They might just be bad.
The USC poll looks like a giant mess. The 2012 RAND survey was so much more consistent.
The swings in the vote make no sense. It seems like a huge amount of voters are non-commital but we know that's not true.
USC-LA Times sample is funky.
The white vote, explained.
If you are don't have a college degree and are super religious, Trump is your god-king:
If you have a college degree and you never attend church, Trump looks more Hitler-like.
It's because they organize them by weight, and how they weigh them depends on their current TREND-LINES narrative and other stuff that makes absolutely no sense. It's obnoxious.
Remember that time where Nate told everyone to wait a week before panicking?
Alexandra Petri ‏@petridishes 17 minutes ago
Ted Cruz and His Conscience Amicably Part Ways
please respect their privacy at this time
aaand got pulled over on my way to Vermont. I am dumb GAF
I am dumb
If you have a college degree and you never attend church, Trump looks more Hitler-like.
The white vote, explained.
If you are don't have a college degree and are super religious, Trump is your god-king:
If you have a college degree and you never attend church, Trump looks more Hitler-like.
The white vote, explained.
If you are don't have a college degree and are super religious, Trump is your god-king:
If you have a college degree and you never attend church, Trump looks more Hitler-like.
You can't put me into a bubble.
Hallie Jackson ‏@HallieJackson 34m34 minutes ago New York, USA
Cruz's former comms guy, @rickwtyler, to me just now: "It's mourning in America for conservatives. We lost our leader today."
https://twitter.com/DanSlott/status/779415700288991233@DanSlott: @tedcruz you just endorsed a guy
who made fun of your wife's looks
And who said your father
You suck.
MeCollege degree, no church... ah ha.
aaand got pulled over on my way to Vermont. I am dumb GAF
I am dumb
Truly interesting how life works out.Atheists going hard for a fairly devout Methodist; evangelicals wedding themselves to a godless amoralist.