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PoliGAF 2016 |OT11| Well this is exciting

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Hey y'all.

I want to watch the debate with some friends live, problem is we won't be able to gather in one place until after it has begun. Which of the streaming sites will allow you to reverse the live footage to catch what we missed? I recall some sites allowing you to slide the player head back to whatever live footage had already elapsed.

Any help is appreciated.

This reads to me you're calling church-goers dumb. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but can we not say stuff like this in here?

Literally the less educated and white you are, the more likely you are to be conned by a racist xenophobe misogynistic nutjob. That there happens to be a high correlation between how the uneducated and highly religious vote is fact. If you want to infer from that how dumb they are, hey... ��

Chi actually has a point. This is only actually true for white voters. Minorities no matter how religious they are vote strongly democratic- and black protestants go to church a LOT.

If you look at the religious blocs that actually vote strongly republican, they fall into two groups- Evangelicals and Mormons.

Evangelicals are highly concentrated in the south and rural midwest-


The reasons for southern white voters voting against the democratic party go much, MUCH deeper than "how often they go to church" and I'm sure everyone here knows this. In 2008 Obama got 10% of the white vote in Louisiana, and 11% in Alabama. These arent people who just go to church so much they can't stop themselves from voting republican- these are racists whose social lives just happen to revolve around the church- mostly because there's nothing else to do in the middle of nowhere. The rural midwest isn't much better- The only minorities those people have ever seen come on their televisions via Fox News.

Mormons aren't much better, and the mormon church has a long and detailed history of being completely awful to black people and LGBT americans- the democratic party has long catered to the interests of both. Bigotry is simply baked into the culture.

Every OTHER religious group either breaks more or less evenly between R and D (Lutherans, catholics, episcopalians, nondenominational), or trends heavily democratic (jews, UCC, muslims, black protestants).


I think "being more religious makes you vote stupid" is the wrong takeaway from that article. There are CERTAIN religious denominations that are heavily republican- but those groups would be voting against the interests of minorities, LGBT groups, and the politicians that represent their interests regardless.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I don't know if there is a word in the dictionary that accurately describes Ted Cruz. Spineless is a disservice to the meaning of the word. Reading comments about his endorsement of Trump on conservative sites makes me wonder just how many pitiful people are out there like this. Republicans seemingly look at Democrats with contempt about everything and the the oath/pledge is a blood in/blood out initiation. Not a political faction but as a gang. Grown men and women, still clinging to guns and religion. I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.


I don't know if there is a word in the dictionary that accurately describes Ted Cruz. Spineless is a disservice to the meaning of the word. Reading comments about his endorsement of Trump on conservative sites makes me wonder just how many pitiful people are out there like this. Republicans seemingly look at Democrats with contempt about everything and the the oath/pledge is a blood in/blood out initiation. Not a political faction but as a gang. Grown men and women, still clinging to guns and religion. I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.

That's easy, he's a weasel.


in 2012 Republicans were ready to all but concede the Presidential race if Romney bombed, he didnt.

In 2016 Republicans are ready to all but not concede the Presidential race. If Trump does bomb will they?


Cruz take: the guy is a moron. Why do you endorse two days before the debate? There's a possibility Trump goes up in flames at the debate, you're under zero pressure to endorse before the debate, and you choose to attach your name to his wagon right now???

What a goober.


Diablos intensifying.

Nobody knows for certain who will win on Nov. 8 — but one man is pretty sure: Professor Allan Lichtman, who has correctly predicted every presidential election since 1984.

When we sat down in May, he explained how he comes to a decision. Lichtman's prediction isn't based on horse-race polls, shifting demographics or his own political opinions. Rather, he uses a system of true/false statements he calls the "Keys to the White House" to determine his predicted winner.

And this year, he says, Donald Trump is the favorite to win.



As people realize the choice is not Gary Johnson, the only choice is between Trump and Clinton, those Gary Johnson supporters may move away from Johnson and toward Clinton, particularly those millennials. And, you know, I've seen this movie before. My first vote was in 1968, when I was the equivalent of a millennial, and lots of my friends, very liberal, wouldn't vote for Hubert Humphrey because he was part of the Democratic establishment, and guess what? They elected Richard Nixon.



He does admit that the Dems don't have all the keys to lose yet, and admits that Trump has been the most difficult candidate to predict. I sure hope he's wrong.


Am I the only one who is too much of a wuss to watch the debates live?

I'm seriously considering it also. I won't be able to completely shut myself out of the world and pretend the debate isn't happening, only to come back and see who "won"; however, I might just watch all of your reactions and some on Twitter.

I'm going to start preparing for a possible Clinton loss, Trump win all weekend, just in case.


I'm watching it if nothing else listening to it. Mostly going to be reading reactions.

"Hillary going in for the kill"

"Don't let Trump get away with that"

"Here we go calling her crooked"


These are sentences that will be posted in the debate thread, and what I'll probably think internally:

"Of course the debate starts with an email question. FUCK"

"Hillary still doesn't have a good answer to the email question. FUCK"

"Lester why aren't you fact checking? FUCK"

"Trump isn't shitting himself. FUCK"

"Frank Luntz called the debate a tie. F U C K"
I'm watching it if nothing else listening to it. Mostly going to be reading reactions.

"Hillary going in for the kill"

"Don't let Trump get away with that"

"Here we go calling her crooked"

Dont forget "who the fuck thought Lester Holt was a good idea for moderator"

Edit: dammit kingkitty


These are sentences that will be posted in the debate thread, and what I'll probably think internally:

"Of course the debate starts with an email question. FUCK"

"Hillary still doesn't have a good answer to the email question. FUCK"

"Lester why aren't you fact checking? FUCK"

"Trump isn't shitting himself. FUCK"

"Frank Luntz called the debate a tie. F U C K"

Excellent drinking game.
These are sentences that will be posted in the debate thread, and what I'll probably think internally:

"Of course the debate starts with an email question. FUCK"

"Hillary still doesn't have a good answer to the email question. FUCK"

"Lester why aren't you fact checking? FUCK"

"Trump isn't shitting himself. FUCK"

"Frank Luntz called the debate a tie. F U C K"

hahahahaha YUP
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