Everyone knows you need 268 EV to win...
On November 28th
Everyone knows you need 268 EV to win...
Curt Shilling's defense of Trump basically boils down to: What? Doesn't everyone find their children's pre-teen friends attractive?
Here are the images from that campaign's site:
Thanks for the sock Shilling, now spend the rest of your money donating to Trump.
BTW your game sucked too
oh shit tide's turning
I never understood the internet championing Ken Bone. He looked like a pedophile.
oh shit tide's turning
Don't know, but they're quite busy.12 year old? What does his parents do?
And that's Bild, a tabloidish newspaper.
Ivanka Trump is apparently back on campaign trail. You guys think this could have any positive impact for Trump? God I hope not.
Nothing is going to have a "positive" impact for Trump
It Is Over.
Senate Polls Meandering Towards Presidential Race (Wang)
He also brings back 2012's graphs, to show how very similar the cycles are.
This is my hopium for the morning.
I heard Pence on NPR claim their campaign has evidence they're going to release today which refutes the "slander" of Trumps accusers.
lol what the fuck could you possibly have in a he said she said scenario with one side bragging about doing something and the other side with multiple sources confirming he did it?
Ivanka Trump is apparently back on campaign trail. You guys think this could have any positive impact for Trump? God I hope not.
I'd be willing to be this is what it's gonna be: Emails or statements or pictures of these women praising Trump.
Their argument will be, "How can they say such nice things if I sexually assaulted them?" and the base will eat it up because they have no idea how often women have to deal with this shit and have to swallow it and pretend nothing happened.
I heard Pence on NPR claim their campaign has evidence they're going to release today which refutes the "slander" of Trumps accusers.
lol what the fuck could you possibly have in a he said she said scenario with one side bragging about doing something and the other side with multiple sources confirming he did it?
Apparently Clinton will be in Seattle doing a fundraiser today with Ryan Lewis and Macklemore, who I didn't realize were relevant.
I have tried to abstain from writing anything amidst this terrifying political brawl that relates to my past employer, but when I recently saw a commercial with Ivanka and her father and their "maternity leave" policy I felt like I was going to be ill. When I first interviewed with Ivanka I was 2 months pregnant, she called to offer me a job, which I was at the time very excited about, and when I asked about maternity leave she said she would have to think about it, that at Trump they don't offer maternity leave and that she went back to work just a week after having her first child. I somehow was dumb enough to accept the job after agreeing upon having the discussion further down the road about how we would handle the time after my baby was born. Our team--the ones who created #WomenWhoWork and the ones who the hashtag really stood for--fought long and hard to get her to finally agree to 8 weeks paid maternity leave.
I'm not writing this because I think Ivanka is a bad person. I can see how it might be possible to go back to work after having a baby when you have a lot of help at home, I think she suffered by not staying home longer with her kids when she could have. I am however saying that if you truly support parenting and children then you actually have to support it fully... and that also means supporting maternity leave for adopted children and paternity leave as well. How can she claim that their maternity policy is a comprehensive solution for our country?
The company and the #WomenWhoWork platform we created was meant to inspire and encourage women to work at all aspects of their lives and live the lives they wanted to live, but before our eyes she took the platform and made it all about herself... and now it's being dragged along side of this man who could potentially be the face of our country. A man who puts down women and makes lewd comments, a man who is an outspoken rascist, a man with no real vision for our future just scare tactics and threats. I'm not only saddened by the state of our nation, but mostly by the fact that our kids foundational years in school, where they learn about our nation's history, could be under the leadership of this man.
Regarding #WomenWhoWork, I am still proud of the work that we did and the message we created. It is not about Ivanka, it is about all the women we know working hard everyday to live the life they want. Whether they are stay at home moms, business executives, teachers, entrepreneurs or students deciding on what their futures hold, know that #WomenWhoWork is about these women--all of you.
We, as women, need to rise and have a voice against this man and all that he stands for.
Yeah it's just gonna be Trump +5. ZzzzMonmouth'a poll today is Indiana. When they were doing their tour of red states, I thought they would do Arizona and Georgia 😕
Curt Shilling's defense of Trump basically boils down to
There's this 12 year old kid I help babysit on occasion that reads The Economist religiously, and he's not going to be happy about this coverhe supports Trump.
Imagine what it's like sitting there wondering if you should talk to an Asian kid about being racist against Muslims
Trump coming back for some rallies in Colorado.
I want him to give up here.
I heard Pence on NPR claim their campaign has evidence they're going to release today which refutes the "slander" of Trumps accusers.
lol what the fuck could you possibly have in a he said she said scenario with one side bragging about doing something and the other side with multiple sources confirming he did it?
Awwww yeah son.
Does anyone else get the feeling we'll be seeing more tax returns prior to the debate?
Apparently Clinton will be in Seattle doing a fundraiser today with Ryan Lewis and Macklemore, who I didn't realize were relevant.
MIAMI Approximately 311,000 Floridians cast absentee ballots by Friday morning in the nations biggest battleground state, and the numbers are increasingly moving in favor of Democrats and their White House nominee, Hillary Clinton.
Compared to the day before and this point four years ago, Democrats are catching up to Republicans in the number of voted absentee ballots a part of the election that the Florida GOP used to own. But now, Republicans are ahead of Democrats by just 1.9 percentage points (about 42-40 percent), compared with a 3 percent advantage held Thursday by the GOP and a 3.9-point Republican advantage at this point relative to Election Day in 2012, state elections data shows.
At the same time, the Florida Democratic Party is blowing away the Republican Party of Florida in submitting new voter-registration forms. Democrats have submitted 503,000 and Republicans fewer than 60,000 of the 2 million registration forms collected this year by about 700 third-party groups, according to the 2016 data posted online by the state Division of Elections.
Just two months ago, RNC spokesman Sean Spicer was claiming the opposite about the GOPs strength when he wrote a memo that accused Democrats of sleight of hand in boasting about their superior number of field offices.
The Clinton camp knows that the Trump campaign and the RNCs combined efforts are outpacing their field organization, and their touting how many offices they have cannot cover up the fact they lag behind our effort in organizers, volunteers, and voter registration in key states, Spicer wrote.
Longtime Florida Republican consultant Rick Wilson a leading critic of Trump within the party scoffed at Spicers memo in light of the voter-registration and absentee-ballot numbers.
Theyre lying sacks of shit, Wilson said. There is no real Republican ground game in Florida. There wasnt then when he wrote this memo. And there really isnt now.