|OT14| Clickbait Nate Trendz Towards Horserace
OT14 I'll be dating PoliGaf in ten years
I follow the early voting tallies here: http://www.electproject.org/early_2016
His twitter feed has a lot of good snap analysis as the data comes in.
It's updated several times a day.
But...how...this needs to be explained.
I'm not religious but I wonder if Pence thinks his God is punishing him for running around the country supporting such a vile human being.
Not joking. I bet he's feeling things he's never felt before.
I'll be honest. I'm not a fan of calling your own kid "weird" on Twitter.
I'm not religious but I wonder if Pence thinks his God is punishing him for running around the country supporting such a vile human being.
Not joking. I bet he's feeling things he's never felt before.
Well... okay, yeah, good point.White jury who agrees with the militia? idk
He tried to jail a woman for having a miscarriage
He is a terrible person and not really any better than Trump. He probably thinks he's doing the right thing
Emily Maitlis is a BBC news presenter on Newsnight, the most highbrow of the UK TV news programmes.
It is half-term. She has a 12-year-old son. And it would appear that her son has paid attention to Mum's job.
So first off I said since 2008. Maybe you missed that part.
I'm also talking about margin, not number of votes because the total number of votes varies between election cycle. Obama won Pennsylvania by 10.32% in 2008 and won the country by 7.27%, a +3.05% difference. In 2012 he won it by 5.39%, while winning the country as a whole by 3.86%, a +1.53% difference. This year it looks like Hillary is going to win about the same as she does nationally. It's a slight but noticeable decrease.
I'm not religious but I wonder if Pence thinks his God is punishing him for running around the country supporting such a vile human being.
Not joking. I bet he's feeling things he's never felt before.
Well that's insulting. No need to to discuss this further.Didn't miss it, it's just nonsense.
2008 was a record breaking year in terms of turnout. We had one presidential election since then. EVERWHERE had lower margins. You want to establish a trend, you'll need more elections than just the ones you were old enough to remember.
This is a bizarre comparison to try to make. It ignores demographics.
Pennsylvania is whiter than the country is on average, so in a year where he loses white voters by larger margins than minorities (which is exactly what happened in 2012) that effect is going to be magnified.
Again, you need more than just 2012 to try to make the point you're making.
I'm worried about those NH numbers.
Time for OT 14. Who is doing it? OT 14 will likely lead us into election with OT 15.
Similarly, when asked about Hillary Clintons plans to increase refugees, 63 percent said they disapproved of what shes planning to do when asked this question: Hillary Clintons supporters at the Refugee Council want to increase the number of refugees coming into the United States in 2017 even more, to 200,000, and Hillary wants to increase the number of Syrian refugees in that total from 10,000 in 2016 to 65,000 in 2017. Do you approve or disapprove of this increase? Only 26 percent approved of Hillary Clintons refugee plans, while 11 percent were unsure.
On trade policy, a plurality agreed with Donald Trump on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Respondents were asked: Do you agree or disagree with Donald Trump, who said that NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, is the worst trade deal in modern American history, and that TPP, the Trans Pacific Partnership, is almost as bad? In response, 47 percent said they agreed with Trump and 28 percent disagreedwhile 25 percent didnt know.
There are reports that the Clinton Foundation started by Bill and Hillary Clinton accepted substantial donations from foreign governments and other individual donors while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. How likely do you think it is that Bill and Hillary Clinton were selling influence to foreign governments and other individual donors?
Respondents were asked whether they agree, somewhat or strongly, or disagree, somewhat or strongly, with this statement: If Hillary Clinton wins, the political elite and special interests win. In response, 46 percent said they strongly agreed and 11 percent somewhat agreed for a solid majority of 58 percent in total agreeing that if Hillary Clinton wins the election the special interests and political elites win the election. Only 23 percent strongly disagreed and 13 percent somewhat disagreedfor a total of 35 percent in disagreementwhile 7 percent didnt know.
Respondents were also asked whether they agree, somewhat or strongly, or disagree, somewhat or strongly, with this statement: If Donald Trump wins, the political elite and special interests lose. In response, 36 percent said they strongly agreed and 15 percent said they somewhat agreed for a total of 51 percent in agreement. Only 25 percent strongly disagreed and 13 percent somewhat disagreed for a total of 39 percent of disagreement, while 10 percent didnt know.
A vast majority61 percentalso said they believe this election is their last chance to change direction as a country. Respondents were asked if they agreed or disagreed with this statement: For years, the political elites have governed America for their own benefit and to the detriment of the American people. This election is the best chance in our lives to take back our government and change course. In response, 43 percent said they strongly agreed, 17 percent somewhat agreed, 14 percent somewhat disagreed, 20 percent strongly disagreed and 6 percent didnt know. That means 61 percent in total agreed, while 33 percent in total disagreed.
Another Arizona poll with the queen ahead.
Clinton 48
Trump 46
Saguaro Strategies (No idea who they are)
Sheesh, already? You guys... nothing's even really happening with the election compared to previous weeks...
Oh no
this is from 8 months ago...
Oh, you're right. Saw it linked and didn't check the date. /r/the_donald is constantly digging up old material to rally the troops.
ow the edge
Meanwhile: Malik Obama will be giving an AMA on the_donald on Halloween lololol