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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Based on what I could find Obama rally is ways out of the way for me (Burke Airport) and during a time I've got to be somewhere else :/

Another time........
Do these kinds of women have kids? The very thought makes me want to vomit.

The real "story" today is that the evidence Donald and Pence talked about is going to be right from the alt-right kookarium, ramping up the conspiracy theory nutter drumbeat they've been on the last couple of days. It won't refute the individual allegations-instead it will go after the institutions that published those allegations. Expect the NYTimes one to be the biggest doozy.

Then Trump will hide behind these conspiracy theories and just tell people a sort of "I released evidence showing it's fake, why are you still bringing this up? Are you crazy?" kind of gaslighting.

Not sold on HRC doing a fundraiser in godless King county in the middle of a windstorm in October, but tech money is a hell of a drug. Hope there's some debate prep/strategy planning going on because her tempo has been great the last few weeks.


Unconfirmed Member
She's got problems with white Millennials, Ryan Lewis and Macklemore are like, the most relevant artists for some white Millennials. Especially the type that might've supported Bernie Sanders. Makes sense to me.
Hot take: Forget all the whining entitlement culture thinkpeices from boomers, this is the most searing indictment of millenials.



During an interview on WBNS-TV in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, news anchor Scott Light asked Pence about an 11-year-old girl, who visited the TV station during a tour and said Trump's rhetoric about women made her feel ashamed.

"When I hear those words and look in the mirror they make me feel bad about myself," the girl said, according to Light.

his answer

“Well I would say to any one of my kids and any children in this country that Donald Trump and I are committed to a safer and more prosperous future for their family. The weak and feckless foreign policy that Hillary Clinton promises to continue has literally caused wider areas of the world to spin apart," Pence said.

"The rise of terrorist threats that have inspired violence here at home, and we’ve seen an erosion of law and order in our streets. And we’ve seen opportunities and jobs evaporate and even leave Ohio and leave this country. I would say to any of our kids that if Donald Trump and I have the chance to serve in the White House that we're going to work everyday for a stronger, safer and more prosperous America," he continued."
I don't know that there's a good answer to Aleppo. I really, really don't. But, it's times like these where I'm not saddened that I'm a lot more hawkish than a lot of us here. These are kids who are dying, man.

Fuck. That Morning Joe segment got me.

I'm also probably more hawkish than most here. It's hard to see it when the world is so large, but right now, there are thousands of people (many of them children) that we have the power to help but won't because it's inconvenient to us. I don't really care what happens to the political climate in Syria when this is over, but dammit, it needs to be over.

I heard Pence on NPR claim their campaign has evidence they're going to release today which refutes the "slander" of Trumps accusers.

lol what the fuck could you possibly have in a he said she said scenario with one side bragging about doing something and the other side with multiple sources confirming he did it?

You don't announce evidence without showing it. If they had any real proof, they'd have released it immediately to every news organization they could.


I'm also probably more hawkish than most here. It's hard to see it when the world is so large, but right now, there are thousands of people (many of them children) that we have the power to help but won't because it's inconvenient to us. I don't really care what happens to the political climate in Syria when this is over, but dammit, it needs to be over.

You don't announce evidence without showing it. If they had any real proof, they'd have released it immediately to every news organization they could.

Not to mention I can't think of any possible piece of evidence that could prove he didn't commit any of the allegations made against him. It's not 1 event, it's multiple instances of alleged sexual assault over a span of many years. Backed up by his own words, no less.

There is basically nothing that can be brought forward that would refute every single claim. Nothing.
Do these kinds of women have kids? The very thought makes me want to vomit.


That reminds of a great question that one of my conservative friends posted a few days ago. (I've actually been pleasantly surprised at how many of them are now saying they won't vote or they'll vote for Johnson/Castle/McMuffin).

The question goes out to Trump supporting men, but it applies to women as well, who have daughters. If your daughter called you right now and told you that she just landed a job as Trump's assistant, what's your first reaction? What's that instant visceral feeling you get?

It sure as shit won't be "Oh I'm so happy for you!" It'll be "Hey honey, that's great, but make sure you be careful" with an unstated (or maybe stated) "And don't be alone in a room with him." If you wouldn't be happy to hear that any woman you know would be close to Trump, how the fuck can you vote for him?

Like I said before, I'm really shocked at how many people have soured on Trump.
12-year-old Trump supporter? Reminds me of Georgie from Shin Chan..


Early ballots and voter-registration numbers show Democrats surging in Florida
What I find encouraging about this is that in 2012, Romney was actually consistently ahead of Obama in the polls leading up to election day down there. At this point (at least according to RCL) Romney had a two-point advantage, but by the time the election rolled around Obama squeaked out a win, likely due to his GOTV efforts.

So this year, not only is Hillary consistently ahead, but their groundwork is doing much better, if only because Trump's is so much worse.

I'm probably going to worry right until the polls close, but this is good news.
I'd like to point out that despite newspapers "dying", this election would look very different if it wasn't for the Grey Lady and Bezos News Prime.

Like I said before, I'm really shocked at how many people have soured on Trump.

I think some of them have rightly been revolted by his behavior, but I'd also bet there is a non-insignificant amount of them that hate rooting for a guy they know is going to lose. It's like turning off the TV at halftime and taking a nap when you're team is getting beat by 40 points.

Then Greenwald launched a question that might be even more pertinent, given that we are now talking about hacked private emails. He said that journalists have to ask themselves: “Is this person powerful enough to justify the invasion of privacy from publishing and is the material enough in the public interest?” That prompted a very significant question from Hayes: “Does John Podesta have a right to privacy?” Greenwald responded by saying that he had a lesser right to privacy than the average person on the street due to the fact that he is powerful.

Greenwald doesn't care about privacy.
She could win Florida and North Carolina before the 8th...

Literally the first thing I'm doing on the 20th is voting early, which is also the same day early voting starts. I'm going to do my part and assure that Trump, McCrory, and Burr lose this November, and break the GOP stronghold in the Assembly. Hopefully my peers do the same.

This kind of justification is what I hear about paparazzi in regards to celebrity privacy and I don't really buy it there either. If you can't get this dude's emails through the FOIA then maybe it's not really fair to publish them. Like, the logic here we're seeing feels like the same logic that was used when iCloud got hacked and a bunch of celebrities had naked photos leaked.

"They shouldn't have taken those pictures in the first place! There was always a risk it could get out!"
(He shouldn't have written that stuff in emails in the first place, there was always a risk it could get out)

No one should have to live their life with an assumption that their personal correspondence or private information could be leaked to the public at large at any given time.


So if I understand this mornings event correctly Trump is now going to allege that a Mexican billionaire is behind this global conspiracy against him, and that is proof that these woman are lying? Did I hear that right on MSNBC or am I mistaken because that sounds like Banon. It also sound like a horrendous strategy to win an election. I don't get this strategy by Banon/Trump at all. They do know that this won't depress dems right? And it's quite possibly going to have the exact opposite effect they want. They have really bought into their own hype.

Edit: Damn Obama is such a pro. Has to burn these guys hearing him start a Hilary chant lol


So if I understand this mornings event correctly Trump is now going to allege that a Mexican billionaire is behind this global conspiracy against him, and that is proof that these woman are lying? Did I hear that right on MSNBC or am I mistaken because that sounds like Banon. It also sound like a horrendous strategy to win an election. I don't get this strategy by Banon/Trump at all. They do know that this won't depress dems right? And it's quite possibly going to have the exact opposite effect they want. They have really bought into their own hype.

Bannon is probably looking ahead to post-election media plans. Trump probably believes his own shit.


Obama to protester:

go to your own rally. if you're so confident about your guy, go knock on doors for him. i'm confident in my guy, that's why i'm here.


That's how he wins, isn't it? He's going to have people do armed protests near voting locations to scare people away from voting on election day.

He has already told his supporters to go and watch voting locations to watch for fraud, etc. To his supporters that means showing up locked-and-loaded, apparently.
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