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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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He just said "she wants to keep Obamacare and make it worse and it can't get any worse" What the fuck does that even mean? She want's to make it worse but will fail at making it worse?
If the headlines are what I think they'll be tomorrow (Trump refusing to concede), then I think the Clinton campaign might want to let the news breathe a bit before doing any drops..

That'll we be the big one and his adoration for Putin will be a big one too.

Saying he may refuse to concede hurts him in ever possible way. One, it's crazy talk and dangerous, an attack at the democracy at it's core. Second, the entire discussion made his lose sound like an inevitability and he made it much worse with his rigged whining. It's baffling and it will put the rest of the GOP in an awkward spot as well.


Why the hell do you just jump in with "Such a nasty woman"?


And "Your husband disagrees with you" isn't any better to independent women. This man is an absolute trainwreck.


Yup. Donald didn't appeal to ANY demographic with this performance even his hardcore base.

And she had virtually all the best lines. The hotels made of Chinese steel, the abortion question, the puppet commentary. Every question she answered with more substance (other than the pay to play answer, which he flubbed by filibustering her and interrupting).

Trump got mauled by any objective standard. One of Hillary's absolute best performances.

Yeah, what even was the play here? Just throwing Breitbart shit at the wall I suppose.

Trump projects his own weaknesses onto his opponents. Anything he says about his opponents is almost always uniquely true to him and not them. In this case, everyone knows how thin-skinned Trump is and how easy it is to get into his head. She did it in the first debate, in the second debate and 30 minutes or so into this debate she had him unhinged again.

She can get into HIS head easily, so naturally he projected and it translated into him genuinely believing he can easily get into her head. He has failed every time. But I wager that + Bannon just wanting to get at the Clintons for ages and being too giddy about the opportunity to control himself is what led to this play.


Unconfirmed Member
Clinton: "Haven't prepared a closing statement you say? Well Mr. Wallace..."



A big fail on Hillary's campaign has been the little emphasis on parental leave. It would convince a lot of conservatives, men and women, to vote for her.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Trump will be better for African Americans than Clinton could ever be in 10 lifetimes!


Oh hey Trump remembered people like me exist

Fuck off and drop dead Trump

Also, please remind us all how Clinton is more Obama - the SUPER POPULAR OBAMA


"If you want 4 more years of Obama, that's what you get when you vote for her."

I AM LEGIT DYING RIGHT NOW. People love Bams you dumb shit.
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