A friend is sending me screencaps of her mother-in-law's crazy Facebook comments. Stuff like implying Hillary is lying about not wanting to have taken on that rape case. But she also threw in some wild thing I swear I've never heard before, that Bill Clinton had a son with a prostitute. Where do people even find this shit? Back page of some grocery store tabloid?
A friend is sending me screencaps of her mother-in-law's crazy Facebook comments. Stuff like implying Hillary is lying about not wanting to have taken on that rape case. But she also threw in some wild thing I swear I've never heard before, that Bill Clinton had a son with a prostitute. Where do people even find this shit? Back page of some grocery store tabloid?
Maybe they are still used to the days of Ronald and Nancy Reagan laughing at their dying friend as he begs them to try and help him get an experimental procedure done to possibly save his life.Politico very shocked at Bill Clinton and John Kerry trying to get people at the FDA to give an experimental drug to their dying friend.
... What?
A friend is sending me screencaps of her mother-in-law's crazy Facebook comments. Stuff like implying Hillary is lying about not wanting to have taken on that rape case. But she also threw in some wild thing I swear I've never heard before, that Bill Clinton had a son with a prostitute. Where do people even find this shit? Back page of some grocery store tabloid?
Huh, don't know how I never came across that in the 90s amidst everything else.The Clinton's secret kid thing is old as dirt and just another 90s Clinton Scandal resurrected. It's insane how much stuff the Republican party kicked up in the 90s about them, and how they're trying to just redo it because it didn't work out how they wanted the first time.
dalskd;laksa;lkjda;sA friend is sending me screencaps of her mother-in-law's crazy Facebook comments. Stuff like implying Hillary is lying about not wanting to have taken on that rape case. But she also threw in some wild thing I swear I've never heard before, that Bill Clinton had a son with a prostitute. Where do people even find this shit? Back page of some grocery store tabloid?
How does a guy who is on his 3rd marriage and had admitted to cheating say "nobody respects women more than me" and think anyone believes him? It's comical, but he says it (and lots of other hyperbole) over and over.
He got laughed at at the debate when he said he was a gentleman!
The overall answer (ratio of two sums of sequences) does appear to be 1/2 though. That's a little counter intuitive.
Is anyone else's YouTube Recommended page ruined forever because of this election?
I was going to write up a complete proof based on the two sequences, but that's a pretty good explanation!Yes it is, maybe.But here's an intuitive explanation.
Imagine that instead of "birth", babies are produced by a baby dispenser, which will randomly dispense a boy or a girl according to the aforementioned uniform distribution. Now, every couple that asks the dispenser for a baby will keep pulling babies from the dispenser until they receive a male. When they get their boy, it's simply the next couple's turn to take babies out of the dispenser. Since the babies in the population are formed by an order preserving subset of the original random sequence, the distribution is preserved by the law of large numbers.
It won't really. Each birth is independent of all others. Each baby or set of twins or triplets has a 50/50 chance to be male or female, regardless of what the family already has. Have babies until you get a boy then stop is similar to a Martingale strategy. It guarantees you a boy eventually but gets balanced out by a small number of parents having lots and lots and lots of girls. Half of families have one child only, which is a boy (+1 boy overall). But no families have two boys. Meanwhile 1/8 of families have two girls and one boy (+1 girl overall), then 1/16 of families have three girls and one boy (+2 girls overall), and so on. The girls get concentrated in a small number of families.
This is also true if families stop after either a boy or ten girls.
Wait, it wasn't just Trump rambling?
Hillary should be drug tested before the debate is really an angle the Trump campaign is going to go with?
I mean they spent months hyping how they're going to end Hillary over the summer all for each release to be less interesting than the last.So I dont know if Wikileaks is blowing its load or saving the most damning emails a day before election, but so far it looks like they miscalculated in released batches of emails every few days. Over time, it's gone from zomg speeches! to duh, call me when you find something in it.
Wait, it wasn't just Trump rambling?
Hillary should be drug tested before the debate is really an angle the Trump campaign is going to go with?
There goes Trump sex scandals. The piranahs are going to be all over those speeches for weeks.
Are you serious?There goes Trump sex scandals. The piranahs are going to be all over those speeches for weeks.
There's nothing in them that's even borderline news worthyThere goes Trump sex scandals. The piranahs are going to be all over those speeches for weeks.
Is your friend a man or a woman? Either way, we need pics.My friend is going as sexy Bernie Sanders for Halloween.
Another victim is coming out right now on CNN... this is not going to go away.There goes Trump sex scandals. The piranahs are going to be all over those speeches for weeks.
True story, I had a nightmare this morning that the election was happening and this was the result:
I was lying in bed for a few minutes thinking "oh god I can't believe we barely won that, how did we fuck up" and then I realized I had no way to have known what the election was while in bed and that it wasn't November 8
Trump thinks Obama lost the popular vote in 2012?
No, Trump doesn't know how voting numbers come in. He tweeted those before the final counts were in and, at one point, Romney was leading the popular vote. But it was clear to everyone he was losing.
No, Trump doesn't know how voting numbers come in. He tweeted those before the final counts were in and, at one point, Romney was leading the popular vote. But it was clear to everyone he was losing.
I wouldn't want to give him a best picture oscar so no.I want a camera on that mans face all throughout election night. It would be the single greatest piece of footage ever shot on film.
Trump thinks Obama lost the popular vote in 2012?
Another accuser is coming forward on CNN?
If trump acts like this after he loses I'm very worried about the future of our democracy and the immediate danger this could cause
You must have the same crack dealer as Reince to even dream of PA flipping.
I don't know whether it should be the case, but in some countries like India it is already the case. Abortions are completely legal so sex determinations are banned.Follow up question: in countries with sex-ratio imbalances, should abortions for non-medical reasons be illegal if the couple has been told the gender of the child? i.e. should learning the gender of your child void your right to an abortion of convenience?
Some political violence occurring after Trump's loss is a fair concern after three Trump supporters were just arrested for planning a major terror attack against Muslim Americans.
The FBI is good at catching right-wing terrorist organizations before they do stuff and most of Trump's supporters are not physically fit at all so a major insurrection like the Taliban is unlikely, but I would expect some terror attacks in November and December from Nazis.
No lies detected about how terrible the Electoral College is, though.