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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Suppose a country has a societal preference for male children. The probability of any child born being a male is 50%. Now suppose these factors make couples have children until they have one male offspring, i.e. no matter how many girls they have, they continue to have children until they have one male and stop. If you do not consider sex selective abortion and infanticide, over the long term, what will the proportion of males to females be in the country?
The proportion of females forms an arithmetic-geometric progression n/2^(n+1) which I'm too lazy to sum up :)

Sarah Kendzior
Then try this quote from Trump advisor Roger Stone for a little more "action" @Muurits


This is bad. This is very, very bad.
Huh, it's almost like when a major party goes out of its way to delegitimize the first black president's tenure in the Oval Office, that normalizes the act of delegitimization for that party's supporters in the future.

I mean, who could have seen this coming? Who, I ask, who?


The proportion of females forms an arithmetic-geometric progression n/2^(n+1) which I'm too lazy to sum up :)

let's see, if you raise the whole thing to the -n-1, it gets rid of the exponent in the denominator and you are left with 1/2 times the sum of 1/n^(n+1), whose value approaches zero as you sum it to infinity. Which means the ratio is..surprisingly 1/2?


Win or lose, Trump has created so much damage to American society that it's gonna take years, maybe even decades to recover from.

While he's certainly escalated the intensity of the rhetoric, the GOP itself, including the so called moderates, are entirely responsible for fostering and nurturing this mindset for decades. The dog whistles have continually gotten louder until the rabid masses no longer accept just hearing dog whistles and crave an open, unabashed racist.

Donald Trump is unequivocally the biggest threat to our country right now and that his party is not standing up to him in any capacity is utterly disgusting. The Dems need to fucking hammer this home.
Win or lose, Trump the obstructionist, Tea Party pandering Republican party has created so much damage to American society that it's gonna take years, maybe even decades to recover from.


I think its important to remember that, despite everything, Trump is only a symptom of that entire mess, not its cause. Which is why it's going to be interesting to see what happens to the GOP in the wake of the election.


I love how they are calling for violence, but trying to absolve themselves at the same time - because, rest assured, it won't be Trump or his cronies out there getting arrested or shot when they try to carry out what he says. They really have absolutely no respect for the mob of people they are pandering to.
David Clarke is utter filth.

Protests when black ppl get senselessly murdered by police = unacceptable!!11 NEED LAW AND ORDER!!

Riots cause if your preferred candidate doesn't win = AWESOME

Motherfucker. Why are so many sheriffs bigoted trash?


It'll be almost 50/50. It's only exact for an infinite series, but there's a limit to how many babies you can have.

Right, which makes the condition of "they continue to have children until they have one male and stop" not really possible in the real world.

I haven't tried to figure out if twins (and triplets, etc.) also screw with things.


An ninth accuser has come forward:

Donald Trump 'grabbed me and went for the lips', says ninth accuser


On 7 October, as the political world convulsed from the revelation that Trump had bragged about kissing and groping women without their consent, Cathy Heller, 63, was sitting in her New York home fielding incredulous emails from a friend.

“I keep thinking about how he treated you,” her friend wrote, hours after showing Heller the tape. “Obviously not an isolated incident.”

It was a story Heller had told many friends and family members over the years, but is only now telling in public. Some 20 years ago, she claims, when she met Donald Trump for the first and only time, he grabbed her, went for a kiss, and grew angry with her as she twisted away. “Oh, come on,” she alleges that he barked, before holding her firmly in place and planting his lips on hers.

It is exactly what Trump claimed, in the most recent presidential debate, that he did not do. And so Heller has added her voice to a chorus of women now accusing Trump of unwanted behavior. “He can’t claim we’re all liars,” Heller said.


These Trump supporters planning for election day fuckery are going to quickly realize America don't play DAT. They are an extreme minority who after the 8th will crawl back into their hate holes and go back to trolling Twitter. They are all talk.

They are actually considered the most dangerous group to America by the FBI and local law enforcement.
They are actually considered the most dangerous group to America by the FBI and local law enforcement.

Weird since some local law enforcement is completely on their side.

Every presidential election we get this rhetoric but this time, this time, I am truly afraid. Fuck Donald Trump, Stone, Bannon, Ailes, Conway, Trump's family, his enablers, his surrogates, Fox News and the GOP for allowing this to happen. You have created irreparable damage to the fabric of this country.


I like to think the department of homeland security and local law enforcement offices are taking these threats seriously and will be on extra high alert on November 8th.

Also let's not forget that polls have rules and trained monitoring staff regardless. People aren't allowed to just hang around and intimidate voters. But I'd be lying if that gave me any more than just a tiny bit more comfort.
The average person does not have it bad enough in their life to participate in political violence. Trump is riling these people up, but I very much doubt there will be any widespread violence once their bubble gets burst.
The average person does not have it bad enough in their life to participate in political violence. Trump is riling these people up, but I very much doubt there will be any widespread violence once their bubble gets burst.

Well considering these racist fucks are empowered enough to plot to kill refugees (some got arrested already), protest out side a Dem HQ with guns (fine open carry, but still), younger generations being racist shits (see the article of the Pakistani family where the kids were either beat up or had classmates attempt to force feed them non Halal food), etc. I mean they are riling up the base in areas where gun ownership is high and racial views are at the worst, with them already stating they are going to intimidate voters on election day. Saying nothing is going to happen is equivalent to Trump at the last debate saying hes never sexually harassed or assaulted a woman.


But how many Tim McVeighs is Donald Trump priming right now.

That's what worries me. After the election most red hats will slink back to their holes and seethe until the midterms, but all it takes is one loner or a small group to harm or kill a lot of people. I remember the militias dick waving in the 90s and most people scoffed until McVeigh came along.


Right, which makes the condition of "they continue to have children until they have one male and stop" not really possible in the real world.

I haven't tried to figure out if twins (and triplets, etc.) also screw with things.

It won't really. Each birth is independent of all others. Each baby or set of twins or triplets has a 50/50 chance to be male or female, regardless of what the family already has. Have babies until you get a boy then stop is similar to a Martingale strategy. It guarantees you a boy eventually but gets balanced out by a small number of parents having lots and lots and lots of girls. Half of families have one child only, which is a boy (+1 boy overall). But no families have two boys. Meanwhile 1/8 of families have two girls and one boy (+1 girl overall), then 1/16 of families have three girls and one boy (+2 girls overall), and so on. The girls get concentrated in a small number of families.

This is also true if families stop after either a boy or ten girls.


let's see, if you raise the whole thing to the -n-1, it gets rid of the exponent in the denominator and you are left with 1/2 times the sum of 1/n^(n+1), whose value approaches zero as you sum it to infinity. Which means the ratio is..surprisingly 1/2?
Sorry I meant the terms were n/(2^(n+1))

But wolfram alpha says it sums up to 1 so I probably got something minor wrong.
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